Steem Magic happening in @camilla 's post!

in #steemart8 years ago (edited)

(placing this image here so it doesn't use @camilla 's as the thumbnail, hopefully)

@camilla had posted this beautiful art-piece that had taken her 13 hours to make! I wish I could use colors the same way she does, absolutely gorgeus.

and then comments broke out and I mentioned that it was a real coincidence that I had created @pokemon just cause steemit and the bloggers and artists here inspired me to create something myself!
Drawing is something I haven't done in so long but I remember how I loved to draw when I was younger, and it felt really great to draw again even though my hands were a lot more shaky now. :P

While we were commenting I happened to find one of the last drawings I did and I went to look for it and found it in an old folder with some old school papers, lo and behold: The Season 3 Vengeful Gladiator Tauren Warrior! (my own character :P drawn with a pencil)

Just wanted to share this cool experience and feeling that we shared, thanks to steemit and @camilla 's post, here is a link to it:

And a link to the @pokemon one:


Thia art is very inspirational, keep doing what you do :).

You are very talented. Would love to see more of your work!

Awsome! I love this. I feel like Steemit is awakening our inner art beasts. It was really fun connecting with another artist in the comments. I spent 13 hours not 17, but thats just details :D We can finally find the motivation and courage to work at our fullest potential!

Oh, haha my bad I remembered wrong, will edit. :)

and yeah it was really fun! haha, I'm so gonna try and get to some more drawing tomorrow! :)

I was looking at your cute pokemon and I would love to color it! Maybe you could make a pokemon coloring book? Your really good at precision and clean drawing, and I think it might get popular now, with the pokemon game happening. Just a crazy idea :)

Thanks for the suggestion! I might take you up on that and post an introduction tomorrow or so :) Today the weather wasn't great so I'll go out tomorrow instead and take some pics of the archipelago here. Its really beautiful in the summers!
I don't really have that much of an interesting life so I think many readers will get bored. :P

I love reality, no matter how boring, just keep it real and it will be the best post ever :D Looking forward to it. What is boring and normal to you might be really exotic and interesting to others.

Haha the idea isn't as crazy as how popular that game is right now! I didn't even know there were so many people living here on our island when I go out lately. :D

A colorbook sounds awesome! I would love to do that, and maybe collaborate and put them all in unique and relevant way, like a water pokemon would be on the ocean and you would help me to fill in the background. :D Haha!

haha that would be so cool!!!! Im almost tempted to try this project for real :D. Yeah everyone is playing it here to! what island are you living on?

I live on an island in the south-western part of Finland where we speak mostly swedish. :)

så du kan tala svenska! vad kul! haha Jag er inte så god på svensk, forstår du norsk?

sounds really interesting to live on an island, maybe make a post about it ? :D

Ja, talar svenska bättre än finska, hehe :P förstår norska kanske i skrivet form men har svårt att höra det :P men norska är mycket lättare att förstå än danska i alla fall. ^^

Har faktist en bekant som brukar bo/vara i Norge ganska ofta, hon tycker jätte mycket om Norge :)

vad kul! jag kan inte så mycke svenska tyver :D Men jag forstår det ganska godt. Min familj tilbrakte mange sommrar i Sverige når jag var yngre. It is good that Finnish people can speak Sweedish, Finnish is really something different from the other northern languages.

Haha yeah I might do that one day, haven't gotten around to introduce myself yet even. Trying to take it all in and see if I can help out the steemit team and community with my experience as a long-time redditor :) As you can imagine, compared to those other social platforms, this is like heaven. Never have my ~100k karma points felt more useless than now hehe, but I learned a lot and had fun at least. Money comes and goes. :)

so you ditched Reddit for Steem? thats awsome ::D You are already a familiar name so if you post something from your life to make people get to know you better I think you will get a lot of votes :) You definitly have my vote.

Upvote from me, and I agree about the colors in @camilla 's post, absolutely gorgeous :) I'm doing fan art my self, but hasn't gotten much feedback on it here. Not sure if it's the right platform for it, or if I'm maybe presenting my drawings in the wrong way?


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