My run stats - 4th Jun - 7 km [#runningproject & #runforsteem]

in #steemactivities6 years ago

[English] (polski opis poniżej)

It was a hard day, from very early in the morning, from 8 o'clock on fast walk with my wife in Bois d'Havre, then we did a trip to Brussels for usual doctor visit, so this exhausted me that when I came back I ate and I had to take a nap. But only for half an hour, because it is a pity of the evening, to wake up and spur to action, I went for an evening jog. At first I planed to run to Bois d'Havre and do loop there, but when I reached the forest I decided to run in a different way, through a housing estate, to the main road and then back to city and my home. I assumed that such a loop would be about 6 km, but it went a kilometer more, which makes me happy.

The route is quite nice, at the beginning slightly uphill, in the middle is slightly uphill again, but gentle and ending either downhill or flat. The race was supposed to be calm, and it was so, all the time I tried to keep the same rhythm of the run, the differences in individual laps are not big and result rather from the terrain.





Ciężki dzień, od rana bardzo aktywnie, od godziny 8 na szybkim spacerze z żoną w Bois d'Havre, później wyjazd do Brukseli do lekarza, tak mnie to wykończyło, że gdy po powrocie zjadłem to musiałem się zdrzemnąć. Ale tylko na pół godziny, bo szkoda wieczoru, żeby się rozbudzić i pobudzić do działania wybrałem się na wieczorny jogging. W pierwszej chwili miałem pobiec do Bois d'Havre i tam zrobić pętlę, ale gdy dobiegłem do lasu postanowiłem pobiec inaczej, nową trasą przez osiedle do głównej drogi i powrót tą drogą w stronę miasta do domu. Zakładałem, że taka pętla będzie miała około 6 km, ale wyszło kilometr więcej, z czego się cieszę.

Trasa dość fajna, na początek lekko pod górę, mniej więcej w połowie jeszcze jeden podbieg, ale delikatny, a końcówka albo z górki, albo płaska. Bieg miał być spokojny, i taki był, przez cały czas starałem się trzymać ten sam rytm biegu, różnice w poszczególnych międzyczasach są nie wielkie i wynikają raczej z ukształtowania terenu.

Map & lap stats

Pace & Elevation graph

Pace Analysis

If you want see my run on STRAVA and 3D video from RELIVE here you go!

Link to more information about project

For more information about the @runningproject please read ''The Steem Running Project: Introductory Post'' and also The Steem Running Project 8th Status Report: Upvotes Forever in all posts of our Approved runners!.

Check the #runforsteem challenge started by @jumowa

Link the challenge

Check the #run100kkm challenge started by @rolsonpatison

Link the challenge


The day has only 23 hours and not 24, do you know why? Because one hour is booked always for running.
@runningproject quote

Resteemed by @runningproject

Lovel comment and image ... made my day.

Greenery images are showing that some evolution is going on ... good click. I am struggling to adopt running as habbit or hobby, any suggestions.

My suggestion is just start. On beginning you may start with mix jogging and walking, when you body adopt to running you could increase time of jogging and decrease walking till you be able to run at last 5 km.

The most important is to give your body time to rest so run every second day, listen to your body, if you feel that during jogging more steps will hurt you just stop and start walking, when you rest enough start jogging again.

Thanks for the suggestion, I love hiking and I play badminton. I believe the problem is my city i.e. I dont have a beautiful natural place to hike and enjoy the scenary that is why I am more into badminton.

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