New Rules - Effective Immediately

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Don't worry I don't have the Authority to make the rules.

New Rules:

1. Stop whining/complaining/attacking other users.  

Each user can use their own stake for whatever they like even if it is to upvote themselves.  You on the other hand can use your flag to counteract what they are doing.  Just flag it and move on.

2. Be nice to new users.  You don't have to upvote them, but be friendly or answer a question.

Maybe if we came off as a friendlier community, it would seem more inviting to new users.

3.  Stop calling everything a Scam (or worse yet Reward Pool Rape)  

Someone out earning you or coming up with an interesting idea to earn Steem is likely not a scam.  There is no such thing as Reward Pool Rape, the blockchain gives consent.  Again, if you don't like it flag it.

4.  Buy some damn steem the price is low.

Need some attention or want to buy a vote?  Buy some Steem!

5.  If you do buy a vote at least try to make a nice post.  

6.  Stop expecting to get Whale and Dolphin Votes.

If you do get one celebrate success and enjoy, but whales and dolphins are vastly outnumbered and they can't support all the minnows and redfish.  Build a network of 20-30 accounts and support each other.  Some will quit, some will grow they will still be your friends when you are dolphins.

7. Remember what your content was worth prior to Steem and remember more and more content is getting demonetized everywhere.

Nearly all forms of content is highly overpaid here in comparison to other places that pay for content.

8.  There is no crying in Crypto, if this isn't going well...  ask someone who is doing well for advice, help and feedback!

These are now the rules of Steem.  Go forth and post!

(I don't have the authority to make rules and neither does anyone else)




I could not agree more! I've had some interesting conversations recently that included the H word. More than one person called his enterprise Immoral. I honestly can't say that it is. It may not be community oriented. It may be self absorbed or even greedy.

I literally can't understand how the term 'reward pool rape' or ANY other term you PREFER to convey the same OR similar concept can be applied to RR upvoting H 10X a day. I would welcome a genuine explanation of how it is immoral for someone to be in a monogamous upvoting relationship. Isn't that their business?

The idea that it is a moral issue to build the community is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. And like you I've heard it often. I flag him once in a while.. But it is his stake. I think he's an ass, but it certainly isn't a moral issue.

Atleast I did it yesterday!
Buy some damn steem the price is low.

Great rules I think we all should follow these rules to build a happy heaven on STEEMIT!


Congratulations! Good job!

Buy some damn steem the price is low!!!!

I officially endorse these rules. I have no authority to endorse a damn thing, any more than you have to make rules. But they are still good rules.

"OMG! The price, the price...."

Yeah well. Is the Steem block chain still super fast and free? Is is working? Is it running at barely 1% of capacity? Then I guess things must be valid, still... and if the price is low, that looks like an invitation to buy some Steem, if you have a bit of spare cash lying around. Odds are you'll end up with a better return than if you had it sitting in a savings account...

Buy STEEM now, i soo agree with it, i actually made a post about it too! I think big people are dumping STEEM on the market to push the price down to give new steemians that came after the 20k btc bubble a new buy opportunity! Look at it as a second ICO! this actually increases decentralization on the blockchain! I haven't bought any but i might do it next month since i want to make this my hobby!

If the price goes low and others buy in that is distribution! I agree.

Well I think I can do all...except No 6. Am still hoping for them

If the price goes lower I'll buy up some Steem power

Hoping is different from expecting. Hoping is natural. Expecting leads to bitterness. Take it from me.

What he said! ^

This should be called " How to Steem 101" 😀

I also think keeping managable goals is important. If one expects too much, he or she will always be upset with what he or she gets. I actually just wrote about that, speaking of.

"Remember what your content was worth prior to Steem and remember more and more content is getting demonetized everywhere." I think this is the big one. When we look at others who are doing very well it is easy to start feeling down but if we were on facebook we wouldn't be making anything at all.

Nice reference in number 8. I just happened to be watching a Tom Hanks movie as I'm writing this lol.

Manageable goals is a great point! You will not be a crypto millionaire after your 5th post. However over the course of a year you could earn a few thousand and wait for the price to rise!

Haha that is what I am hoping for but my big goals at the moment are to get to 1000 followers and 500 SP. I am pretty near to the follower count but I am a ways off on the SP still. I have like 148 which isn't too shabby for a young account but I still have a long road ahead.

Is this in relation to the onset of the great war again? Agree with you, and i also said it to someone else, someone with 1 million sp upvoting himself or herself constantly is the same as new user upvoting himself or herself constantly, so don't think there is any scam. The rules permit so called RWP, kind of similar to tax planning. Either disagree and flag or disagree and ignore. I learnt it the hard way but i eventually did.

Not in relation to any one situation. Just the general complaining, it isn't "fair". But the great war goes on and is also relevant.

Many of us have taken some hard lessons!

  1. Buy some damn steem the price is low.

I keep shouting about it the whole damn day. At least what everyone can afford...Even 50$ steem might make a huge difference in the future.

Actually I like your rules. And in fact they shouldn't be is just common sense

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