Problem Resolved | I'm Back 🤞

in #steem5 years ago


Hey Steemians,

It started a few months ago when spaminator hit the first downvote on my post. I just neglect it for that time then again next day spamintor downvoted my another post, and this happened regularly. Then I go to the spaminator steemit page and ask why they are downvoting my post but they didn't reply to me at all. Then I ask them every day and they didn't reply.

I felt frustrated for every day seeing those downvotes, then I finally decided to leave steemit, but... but... when I post that "I'm leaving" lots of steemians are commented on my post that don't leave steemit. Then I finally decided I can't give up like this, then I again go to their post, discord channel, steem chat: help, general. steemit abuse and spaminator etc.

Finally, I got lots of reply from the spaminator that they removed me from the blacklist and not only me, but they also removed everyone's from the blacklist who reply on their post and they told us what we did wrong.

My only mistake is to use automation and clever bot and I feel guilty. I will never do this again.

FireShot Capture 023 - Spam, Comment and Post Farming Report - January 7, 2019 — Steemit_ -

Special Thanks for motivating me

@mes @kawaiicrush @roshan24x7 @dmilliz @chekohler @keysa @rokhani

@kramgelo @kabir88 @apsu @neohope97 @cryptoweekly @zakis317

@cryptoweekly @tinyhousecryptos @wellnesschange @thesoian @pwaully

@madhusmart @muhenda11 @kreesher @uday20 @inertia @smidge-tv



Please provide me the continent link so maybe they can remove me also in the blacklist

Posted using Partiko Android

First, write your issues to their post comment, then go to steem chat > help/steemit abuse and spaminator chat page

Hope your problem will be solve @michealclauri

Nice! A little explanation can go a long way!
I had a similar issue with another user downvoting my posts without giving a reason. I was upset at first, as I was proud of my purity (in almost two years on Steem, I never got a downvote... except for these on a few occasions). I'm not going to mention any names, you can check out my posts from the last weeks if you're curious.
However, this user seems to be running very low on power, as their downvote affected me by 0.00 steem. So I stopped worrying about it. Eventually they stopped after a handful downvotes, and I'm putting it all behind me.
Good thing that you managed to clear things up with spaminator. It would really suck if users were forced to leave Steem, because of this kind of destructive behavior.

Yup, Your explanation is better than mine 😎

Thanks for commenting 😉

Glad you got it all sorted! =D

Thank you 🤗

Are your issues also resolved?

Yup mine is resolved too! My issue involved trying to make an equivalent of a "sticky" or "pinned" comment on my DTube videos by upvoting them.

Hi @whatsontrend,
Piotr informed about your issues with @spaminator.
They are all bots, flagging ones. They normally do a nice work making spammers almost invisible. However sometimes their programming fails and here comes the Blood.
You did It right trying to contact them so they ( bot owners) get aware of the issue.
As a coder myself I know how difficult It is that things don't get messed up by your code bugs or inaccuracy. Nevertheless human supervision must be present by this reason.
Hope they are more active debugging their bots and taking their time to compensate damages as soon as possible.
I'm glad to see you've overcomed this situation on good mood. It's not easy sometimes
Keep on doing what you love to do....
It was nice to meet you.
My best wishes

Dear @deathcross

Great comment buddy. The biggest problem with all steemit cleaners and downvoting bots is the fact, that there is almost no way you anyone could contact them.

And once you (for any reason) will end up on their radar, they will pursue after you no matter what. So it's enough to make one mistake to be punished by them over and over again.

I personally would rather have some extra spammers (which I can easily mute) instead of having some "police" (or perhaps we shall call it "warlords") making their own rules and sometimes targeting genuine and valuable users.

As a coder myself I know how difficult It is that things don't get messed up by your code bugs or inaccuracy.

Are you a coder? What language? Do you code something related to blockchain? (just curious).


Yeah we didn’t call the “police” at all but they raised as of it. As a decentralised network we cannot stop this. Maybe the new centralized-decentralised platform would sort this as it would be useless while the centralised part will deal with spam.
If they blacklist you, then you must get in touch. The way I used was @patrice via discord.
About my coding skills it broadens from web development to desktop stuff in many languages. I have not professional level as I never made it my work. I sometimes make some blockchain coding tests but It’s very rare as I got not enough free time.
Nowadays I’m more focused on developing myself with music and here I am with piano,drums and music software in a learning curve still on high gradient. My professional and familiar environment prevents me from going faster either way coding or music.
Hopes this feeds your curiosity 😂

Dear @drakernoise

I had a chance to read your comment just now (somehow I didn't notice it before) and I would like to thank you for your effort and taking the time to keep in touch with me.

Nowadays I’m more focused on developing myself with music and here I am with piano,drums

Wow. That's very unique set of interest :)

Hopes this feeds your curiosity

It surely did :)


Dear @whatsontrend

I'm so glad to learn that somehow you managed to fix this problem. Great to still have you around :)


I can't leave this platform, because I have amazing people like you 🤗

Am I blushing?
DAMN! Indeed I am.

Stop it @whatsontrend :)

Good to see you back happy. Steemit is not a bad place as it was presented by many in your good bye post....just you need to show respect and be yourself.....enjoy your new begining.👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much 😊

Steem on👍

Posted using Partiko Android

glad to see its all sorted and you've decided to stay with us. Never quit, there's always another way!

Yes, Thank you 😊

The community love your contribution.

Thank you 😊

Thank you 😊

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