Steem RPC Node List Review

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

It has been about eight months since I last reviewed the list of active Steem RPC nodes. Since then, there have been quite a few updates - new nodes being added and existing nodes being deprecated. It is time to review the list of nodes again to get an accurate and up to date list.

I compiled RPC node list data from five sources:
(1) (community maintained)
(2) Full API Node Update posts (@holger80)
(3) (@jamzed)
(4) (@followbtcnews)
(5) Steem Developer Portal (@steemit)

Based on the list compiled from those five lists, I ran a brief test of each node. Below are the results.

Nodes that appear active:


Nodes that appear deprecated:


Calls to Action:

If you are a node operator, please review the above list!

  • If the status of your node is accurate, you can either ignore (take no action) or let me know that the status is correct in the comments below.
  • If the status of your node is wrong, then please let me know.
  • If you are running a RPC node that is not in this list, please let me know so I can add it.

Also, if anyone maintains an active list of RPC nodes (similar to the five above) or knows of any active RPC nodes not in the list - please let me know so I can add them to my list as well.

Next Steps

After everyone has been given an opportunity to review the list, I'll update the wiki page and submit a pull request to update the Steem Developer Portal. I'll also provide the list to @holger80, @jamzed, and @followbtcnews so they can update their sources.


I don't know so much about this, but would it be better if every top witness had a RPC-nodes or do we already have enough?

Posted using Partiko Android

More RPC nodes would be better. Once the MIRA release is done, it will be cheaper so more people may start hosting nodes.

Hey @timcliff. In corporate companies where Symantec proxy filter is used, and is blocked. Is there a way I can change the RPC nodes for my account alone and continue to use the Blockchain with other dapp interfaces?

Posted using Partiko Android

Kind of, but it is complicated. It basically depends on which DApp you are using, and whether that particular DApp allows you to select a node. AFAIK, most DApps do not allow users to select that, so you are stuck with whatever node they choose. Depending on your technical capability though, you can often run a local instance of their DApp (if it is open source) and then edit your instance to point to whatever node you want.

Okay thanks. I remember seeing an option to change the RPC node in one of the DApps in the UI itself. I think it is Steem peak. Let me explore and see.

Posted using Partiko Android

DTube possibly

Thank you Tim for your effort ;-) will update the list accordingly.

Welcome :) Sounds good - if you want, I can let you know in about a week after I complete my review so you have the "final final" list.

What about

Thanks! Added.

You're welcome & appreciated!

I talked to @good-karma (the owner of eSteem) and he said that he had left it off the list of public nodes on purpose. The node is intended for the load of their eSteem users.

Thanks for the response

Looking forward to MIRA meaning that more nodes can go active. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice Tim! Thank you.

I'm currently syncing a MIRA based node to start testing with. Once I've looked at the performance I might decide to publicise it or just use it to power my hivemind node. Does anyone know the cheapest way to run a node or is that still to be determined?

Hi @timcliff, thank you for the update.

Could you also clarify which node is using hivemind? or is there any way to check whether a node is actually using hivemind?

For instance, afaik, Busy is using, which returns a different output (e.g., alphabetical order of follower/following list) from hivemind version (e.g.,

It would be a good thing to track. Unfortunately I don't have the data off hand.

Thanks Tim.

Can you provide evidence of where the nodes are geographically located and which server providers they use?


I don’t have that data. It would be up to individual node operators to provide info about their nodes.

Oh, well.

So, I invite @steemit, @gtg, yourself, @ausbitbank, @followbtcnews, @privex, @themarkymark, @anyx to provide where their nodes are located geographically and which server providers they are using.

Thank you all very much!

My RPC is currently located in Germany, but it is subject to change. I don't share my hosting provider info for any of my nodes.

Thanks mate.
Isn't the hosting provider name a public data?

Posted using Partiko Android

Very helpful, Thank you.

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