Why I believe every blogger/content creator should own at least 1,000 STEEM. steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Why I believe every blogger/content creator should own at least 1,000 STEEM.

Attention is the end game, that is where the ball is going.
Right now people give their attention away for free. Ten years from now there will be people who make a living off just their attention alone. Twenty years from now there will be a sort of UBI (universal basic income) in place; each human's attention gives them so much $$ each month. No matter how you slice the cake, humans have value innately, and always will; your voice and choice are highly sought after!

The internet makes attention, at scale, much more abundant. Whereas pre-net, businesses resorted to billboards and the nightly TV ads to spread their message. Now every human across the planet can look down in the palm of their hand and see the exact same thing. This is something that has never been possible and we are seeing the ramifications of it as we speak. The attention economy is booming and early pioneers are paving the way for a Pay To View society.

Vessels, such as Steem & blockchain, in general, are what will give attention drastically more value. Humans have never had the ability to own their own data, cryptographically secured on a blockchain immune to hacker attack (the chain, not your keys, hide that shit!). Once people wisen up to how much their attention is really worth, and that Facebook is, in fact, the most expensive bill they pay each month threw sheer wasted attention freely given like a running water hose.

You see, the game is clear, we are playing Jenga, the blocks are super wobbly and it's Facebooks turn.


Facebook can't afford to pay users for their attention without taking a massive hit to the bottom line (no centralized company can). Steem however, this magical blockchain can; and it can do so not only for free but at a profit!

It is my belief the Steem blockchain will be highly sought after digital real-estate. Right now early movers have a huge advantage to gain a following and earn some Steem at what could be very cheap prices. Having even just a little influence on this network, at these prices, is not an impossible feat. At the current cap there can only be 300,000 accounts that hodl 1,000 Steem, and that's if all the whales sold. "The sun doesn't shine forever, but as long as it's here we might as well shine together." - Victory feat, Diddy.

The attention economy is going to come swiftly, make sure you're not getting ripped off for yours. Cheers.


When I joined Steem platform, I was skeptical because I never heard about it before so I do not have a baseline or at least a first hand word from my network. I paid an e-booklet $.$$ to know about Steemit and another $$ to get my account created so I did not want to spend more until I get comfortable growing my account organically. I waited to reach 500 SP (becoming a minnow) then that opened my other options and started buying Steem. This could be the same reason for new Steemians but with enough info about how the overall platform works, which you presented a sample, maybe we will feel more comfortable.

With the continuous rise of crypto system, I agree that people should invest even a small amount to keep up. Maybe others are still skeptical because even with its low price today, 1K Steem will already cost more than 10K in our fiat currency (for a sample). I just hope that people will invest with what they can afford.

You can invest just by blogging here. This is what makes steem unique and available to all. Many of the dapps are giving out free accounts and even delegating sp to get new people started.

It is not easy, but anyone can grow here with consistent effort and no investment other than time and creativity. Those of us who stick it out and keep trying will be in as good a shape as those that do invest actual money.

We might even be better off since we have to learn so many tricks and tips to survive here. I know of quite a few accounts that bought in and then do not do well since they do not have to make such efforts.

Confirming this. By blogging, streaming, and interacting on the blockchain, I made it to minnow in a year. It's definitely doable!

Oh dear, I became a minnow in less than 6 months (163 days) without buying a Steem from my pocket but from my SBD earnings too. I too am a living witness that growing by just blogging here is indeed possible!

You also joined about 6 months before I did, and right before the huge hype.

Hi there @fitinfun! Your elaboration is exactly what I meant when I kept an organic growth (not buying any Steem) until I became a minnow so thanks for elaborating. 😊

I could have kept growing organically too if I wanted so. My reply was not to discount those who want it this way and it is not to compare who has become more successful or not in terms of the strategy they used. Of course, everyone has a choice. 😊

And rich people do not understand that some of us DO NOT HAVE MONEY lol. I and many others regularly take money OUT of steem to live on right now. Rich people are too rich to see that this "small amount" can actually serve a purpose beyond holding in and gazing upon your sp :)

And that is also what I mean with my "even with its low price today, 1K Steem will already cost more than 10K in our fiat currency (for a sample)" that not everyone can afford it just as easy as Dan is saying so I ended up with "people will invest with what they can afford." 😊

Love this message! So many people don’t really get the idea of the attention economy.

I love using the example of how Facebook is a 70 billion company - and then asking them the last time Facebook paid them. That seems to click with people I talk to because they suddenly realize their time spent posting is actually creating value.

The Class Action against Facebook & Google over the Crypto Ad Ban is about to take a big swipe at those vulnerable Jenga blocks!
Sign up now to ensure you get a piece of the action when tower falls!

I did a quick sign up because verified is so many details. Can I come back later and verify my wallet addresses?

I'm not even sure how jaxx works, since they give me a new address every transaction...

Yes, there will be a mechanism to verify crypto holdings when it becomes necessary.
I'm hoping to have some automated process because you are correct that people have a lot of crypto addresses and many wallets create a new address for each transaction.

Thank you! I did get the first email now. I have several addresses that qualify, it might be more than 10 but it will be a bit of work to check each one, how much it had, when, and what the value was at that time.

That being said, I really like this idea, and will keep an eye on it, please feel free to reach out (either here or by email) if there is something I can do to help!

Here is an example. I just sent two LTC from one wallet, and the wallet sent everything else to another address. I think this is a security feature, but it makes it really hard to 'prove' anything.

I totally agree! When I first came on the steem blockchain almost 2 years ago, I got 2000 Steem right away. I was committed! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

Mannn, you had to put Diddy’s Victory lyrics on here also! Boom! Bring me memories from college when I was bumpin’ this in the dorms! 😂

Posted using Partiko iOS


Posted using Partiko iOS

I had to dig up this picture from 2 decades ago... Diddy Poster HAHA


hahaha ded

Facebook can't afford to pay users for their attention without taking a massive hit to the bottom line (no centralized company can). Steem however, this magical blockchain can; and it can do so not only for free but at a profit!

You hit the nail on the head here! When people realize the value of their #attention, they will come.. to #STEEM!!! I completely agree with the sentiment of getting rewarded in some way for one's attention, as I just mentioned in a comment on your previous post.

At the current cap there can only be 300,000 accounts that hodl 1,000 Steem, and that's if all the whales sold.

This #stat blew my mind!!! Wow. It really is the time to #accumulate.

Thanks, @theycallmedan!!!

Working on it, I just crossed 900 SP recently! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... :)

I know you can!

You'll be there in no time! Just keep swimming. :D

Posted using Partiko Android

couldn't agree with you more on this. i do think it would be less then 10 years before the masses starts to realize this. within the span of 5 years you would see a huge adoption

Definitely this is imperative and I'm happy that I own over 1k steem and even more, the truth about this post is glaring, a time will come where this place (steem) will be sought out like oxygen and this current time we found ourselves is the best time to either buy it or earn it, no matter how, I think the future of steem is brighter than the sun and people don't just realise it yet.

There is nothing like socializing and getting paid for it. Facebook has really dealt with our attention. I guess this is the time users centralize their attention in a decentralized way...😊

Posted using Partiko Android

I am in full agreement with you that facebook's days are numbered. I also think many of the other FANGs are in their cyclical late stages. What eventually replaces it is indeed going to be a massive winner, and that is what has kept my attention for the 15 months that's I've stumbled onto this site.

I think there are some issues with Steemit with the way that the deck is stacked (ie too many whales that don't actually understand what you have shown in such a short time, a strong community = stronger Steem price).

What I like about you is that you engage yourself and that is a breath of fresh air. If you engage, then you listen. And then we have hope.

So yes I agree completely that this could be and opportunity of a lifetime, and I personally keep my eyes open to see if Steemit can be the needle in the haystack.

Something will replace facebook, there is no doubt in my mind. Now the question is for Steem holders is "can we capture that opportunity?"

Thanks again for being here, your presence is noticed for sure!

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