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RE: Why I believe every blogger/content creator should own at least 1,000 STEEM.

in #steem5 years ago

I am in full agreement with you that facebook's days are numbered. I also think many of the other FANGs are in their cyclical late stages. What eventually replaces it is indeed going to be a massive winner, and that is what has kept my attention for the 15 months that's I've stumbled onto this site.

I think there are some issues with Steemit with the way that the deck is stacked (ie too many whales that don't actually understand what you have shown in such a short time, a strong community = stronger Steem price).

What I like about you is that you engage yourself and that is a breath of fresh air. If you engage, then you listen. And then we have hope.

So yes I agree completely that this could be and opportunity of a lifetime, and I personally keep my eyes open to see if Steemit can be the needle in the haystack.

Something will replace facebook, there is no doubt in my mind. Now the question is for Steem holders is "can we capture that opportunity?"

Thanks again for being here, your presence is noticed for sure!

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