Looks in the mirror to stay or go

in #steem6 years ago


Someone said the other day in a post that they have noticed a lot more personal articles in their feed of late. This is an interesting phenomenon of sorts around these times and is likely a byproduct of low price as people tend to become more reflective when they are struggling and they start to evaluate their behaviours.

When prices are high and someone is earning well, they generally are more concerned with the future and what is possible in it given their resources. Prices drop and they have to face the reality of their circumstances. It really is at times like these that you will witness who is actually interested in contributing content and who is here for price alone. You will also see who feels they have options or not as some increase their posting frequency to try and make up for it. Some increase frequency because they realise there is relatively more Steem up for grabs as there are less posts on average.

I used to think it pretty silly to be so attached to price and it would annoy me when the increases came that so many would come back with some excuse of being away and "it wasn't about the low prices." Of course it wasn't.

Now I take a more to each their own approach but, I am unlikely to support them in the future, especially if they have made claims about being for the communities. If one isn't able to add something of value when price is down and people ate struggling, what makes their content valuable to the communities when price is up? It is easy to be a ray of sunshine when the sun is already shining, much harder when the storms are settling in for a long stay.

But as said, to each their own and all of our actions have some kind or reaction to follow, a consequence of movement. Those that are consistent in their behaviour generally get consistent results and at times like these, those who keep posting useful, relevant, valuable, quality, interesting content should be rewarded. Of course, price is low so they don't get rewarded in dollar value but for those here long term, that doesn't matter as they prefer Steem.

There is already 53 million Steem sitting on the exchanges waiting for buyers, that is 20% of the total supply. That is enough for now. Instead of putting more on the exchanges, some people looking long might consider more heavily supporting those who are contributing to a better platform in some way and, powering up their earnings instead of making even more market liquidity.

Of course, this is not advice or even a recommendation but at these prices we have a chance to not only improve distribution, but also increase the value of active and healthy users. This would mean that when the price increases again, there are more experienced and thoughtful distributors of the pool who do consider what has some value or not. The more people there are, the wider the content type and scope can get supported. I have heard that quite a few from the engagement league are buying powering up, that is a good sign for the future.

What is valuable, what is quality content? That is subjective, but for the most part, relatively easy to see and if combined with track record, users are easy to track. I wonder when there will be a tool that can plot and visualize account posting behaviour against price. It would be interesting to note the accounts who appear and disappear with the ebb and flow of the price tides. All the data is available and it would give a hint at track record activity.

I actually like reading the personal posts at these times as it gives a view of various lives. I am all for self-reflection and adjustment of actions and for those who don't find posting worth it at the moment, that is okay as it gives those interested in gathering Steem a little more visibility and opportunity to engage and grow their stake, create a network for the future.

I have said before that I liked these times and that is still true. The community I have around me, those who are close are the ones who contributed through thick and thin into something they believe has a future. They are still here, they see the platform in Steem, not dollars.

Just a few thoughts for those who are here still and those on their way out. At some point, all of our actions see returns of some kind, some will be rewarded, some carry a penalty, but each of us will live our own experience.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


On my feed - there is nobody contributing more than you.

Even with crap payouts you are still going hard out.

It is enjoyable isn't it? Well, I enjoy it :D

I notice that too. Taraz keeps punching ´em out like, who can keep up lol?

Tarazkp = best blogger on Steemit. When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

I don't know about that but, I am probably among the ones who enjoys writing as much as I do :)

Now that you mention it, there have been a lot of personal posts. Including on my own blog :))) I don't know if it's about the prices, though, could very well be. Could be a state of mind, at least for me.

especially if they have made claims about being for the communities.

Well, that's the trouble, isn't it? I haven't really seen any users going 'I'm just here for the cash. Seriously, if we hit $1000 tomorrow, I'd just bolt*. No one says that, do they? Everyone claims to be all for the community...
But yeah, this is an excellent time to see who actually means that or whos' just repeating some meaningless phrase (to them, of course).

It's all about what you believe, man. The way I see it, and I have been writing just as normal throughout this market, is it's about investing in the future. Not just money-wise, but community wise. What reader base can I expect to find if I go on hiatus while the prices are down? I'm here, I went through the red with all the other Steemians. Besides, where would I go? For me as a writer, this is pretty much an amazing place. And even if Steem is at just 40 cents...well, that's 40 cents more than what I'm getting paid anywhere else, so...that pretty much settles it.

And while I get it - I mean, while I'm not rich by any means, I get more support than other users and it makes sense not to post when you get 20 cents on a post anyway....but at the same time, if I only see you, the user who makes 20 cents, every six months, what incentive do I have to support you? It's a two-edge sword...

What reader base can I expect to find if I go on hiatus while the prices are down? I

Wise girl ;)

Besides, where would I go? For me as a writer, this is pretty much an amazing place.

Freedom and feedback, network and a litle bit of income that either helps a touch now or becomes a nest egg later.

but at the same time, if I only see you, the user who makes 20 cents, every six months, what incentive do I have to support you?

People come back expecting that their support is still there but, people move on.

Thank you :)

that either helps a touch now or becomes a nest egg later.

Precisely. I mean the money is great, I won't lie. Well, the potential money, but what's also super-exciting for me is the feedback. To actually have people react to my writing is an enormous encouragement.

people move on

Yes. Many times, I've come across an interesting new user and supported them as much as I could and then they disappeared, coming back some 3 months later and by then, I don't really want to support them anymore....I mean, dude I tried, but what can I say? You left...:/

Some might have legit reasons but the sheer volume of leaver/returners means they can't all be. that is their choice and life though and they must live with the ramifications of action.

Exactly. As long as I'm here, I don't see a point in worrying about others. You don't want to stay, that's fine. It means you would've been a poor addition to the community anyway, because obviously you don't think too highly of it.

I only count my account by Steem as the dollar amount fluctuates too much anyway. We are here to get Steem and not dollars. It's true people get personal when they start to reflect. I get personal when I am lost for a post which is a slight difference.

I get personal when I am lost for a post which is a slight difference.

I like the personal posts people make as long as they aren't all negative. I like to get a rounded view of the world.

They are still here, they see the platform in Steem, not dollars.

Great line.

Thanks, I just read your post, I will come and comment soon. Hope you are doing well mate.

I haven’t noticed the change but interesting theory!

I like reading personal posts from those I follow regularly. Adds depth.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It happens and you will find people announcing rests from steem at these times as they recognise it isn't fulfilling their needs. For many though (me) there are needs met despite price so up or down, there is more to it than the payout.

I can say then. What you give is what you receive?
Only if you keep on good footing, I sometimes make my own reflections, but what you say quality publications can be subjective, but it is from each person as he reads it or as he interprets it.

As I always say if I can resist a communist government, I can also resist to continue even if prices fall, it is a matter of thinking positively but also doing things well.

The giving and receiving is an interesting thing here I think as most people look only from a monetary perspective. For those who are here only for the money though, they are in a job and that is not fun when there is a feeling of being underpaid. Others though get much more value than Steem alone.

I think that in my case and I am very sincere, due to the situation in my country, I went for the money, if I accept it, it was because of that. However after esoty inside I realized that when I do the things that I like despite not being well paid because I do it no matter since I liked to be here. because. I do not say that it is not important because it is, but nevertheless, as I am now helping others in my community, what I do I do with pleasure

I have started to open up a bit as well to reflect in an effort to seek more engagement which is tough given the variety of interests we see here on the ecosystem. Many continue to focus on price but the fact that many are sharing their commitment to powering up is great and encouraging. I have seen a lot of people fizzle out over the last 2-3 months despite having seen them very involved in the past. I think I have to reconsider those accounts I follow and reduce the number given that I want to focus those adding value and not taking.

I think I have to reconsider those accounts I follow and reduce the number given that I want to focus those adding value and not taking.

It is hard to unfollow here I think but at times, necessary. The people fizzling out are often the ones who aren't overly connected into the communities or, rely on the income. What people forget here is anyone can build a community around them.

Wise words my friend. Since I entered the platform earlier this year, it’s been a slow and steady decline. More than half the folks that I interacted with the first few months are no longer active. Silent blogs for months now. I expect some of them will be back eventually when and if the tides turn but to be honest, I’m not super thrilled about throwing support to those that are fair weather fans and abandoned the platform when all hands on deck were needed.

I’m just going to continue to try to carve out a corner of this world here and make friends. Im going to throw my measly support to those likeminded individuals that care about growing and bettering the system as a whole. The warriors I see making a difference now and toughing it through the darkness...you know who you all are. You are all inspiring. Your passion...It’s infectious and will be the real reason that we will see success here. The bonds we share and the bridges we build will allow us to write the next chapters together. Im super excited to be a part of that with you guys. Brighter days lie ahead and I couldn’t be more proud...

I expect some of them will be back eventually when and if the tides turn but to be honest, I’m not super thrilled about throwing support to those that are fair weather fans and abandoned the platform when all hands on deck were needed.

"I've been busy with... but now I am back..."
Okay, sure.

I’m just going to continue to try to carve out a corner of this world here and make friends. I'm going to throw my measly support to those like-minded individuals that care about growing and bettering the system as a whole.

This is how I see it. Those who come in after will benefit and have a better experience because of those who were here working when things were difficult.

Im super excited to be a part of that with you guys. Brighter days lie ahead and I couldn’t be more proud...

Yep, it can change very fast also and when the runs come, people's attitudes shift rapidly to the positive. People are so affected by their emotions.

You are right about when the runs come. As soon as this all turns around...whenever that is. Folks will quickly forget the dark days existed and FOMO will take over again.

I have definitely become more personal and reflective in my posts as of late. It is interesting that this is actually a platform wide phenomena. I got super freaked out when the price started to drop in a cascading fashion, but then I just started buying like mad!

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