Building the narrative of Steem

in #steem5 years ago

I think that one of the things that many struggle with when explaining Steem to those who are not on Steem is that they are unable to really explain what it is, something that even we on Steem struggle to come to terms with.

For me, when I need to understand a concept, no matter how complex it may be I break it down into small pieces and stories that help me visualize what is going on. This requires hitting 4 distinct points and tend to flow in this order:

  • Why
  • What
  • How
  • What if

Why are the reasons this is important, What are the details of this thing, How are the processes involved and What if are the future potential applications of whatever I am considering at this time. I use these 4 points when training, I use them when emailing, I use them when I need to get my point across and have some call to action.

Answering the questions of Steem through this framework provides a good basis for anyone to understand concepts, but adding narrative drives points home.

But, for every person the stories that engage them might change depending on their background. It is because of this that it is useful to have a deep pool of arguments why, and of course at least some basics of what, how and some examples of future potentials for the what if.

I personally am a what if type who likes to take the information I gather and imagine where it could lead or other applications for it. In regard to Steem, I spend a lot of thought on ways it could improve the current digital lives we lead and support a more equitable society. I think long though and not everyone wants to push their investment mindset out to that length. Because of this, I also try to fill short term variables with some more compelling points to hold attention while "waiting" for the future.

Many people only talk about the potential to earn through Steem, but I think the possibility to own is much more important as it provides basis for future earning, owning and allocation of personal resources - including increasing mobility. One can move country without it costing ownership or earning through content creation or curation. That is pretty cool.

But again, we live in a world of consumption and for many, the story needs to satisfy their immediate wants. This is a challenge because prices are so low that very few can use earnings to buy anything much, but to do so is going to cost them a lot of their future.

A 50 dollar meal which is common in Finland, is about 300 Steem, a massive amount. But that same 300 in 5 years from now might buy 60 or 100 similar meals or, be usable through a vote to decrease the direct price of the meal without selling a Steem at all. Wouldn't it be interesting to be able to vote for discounts on daily products? Who knows what an SMT might do for loyalty point systems.

I think that when it comes to introducing Steem to the people around our lives, the challenge is that while we might have a good understanding of why, what, how and what if, we don't necessarily do a good job of explaining them to an audience with no background information other than, "I have heard of Bitcoin".

I know that the most successful conversations I have had for introducing Steem is through first discovering what is important to the audience and then finding stories that they can imagine. But the real benefits come by guiding them into creating their own stories to anchor concepts to their own world. Through this, they opt-in to thinking about it in a way that is important to them.

Presenting Steem is not difficult as there are many advantages to early participation, but the longterm view is hard to get buy-in for because it seems so far away. There were many who said they wouldn't have or need a smartphone too - and the Internet, and a digital camera, and a computer..

The world is littered with people who have said "I will never" in regards to technology who later did. The reason is that while they couldn't find a use case at the time, as the tech evolved the developers created more and more inclusive uses that appealed to an increasing number to bring them into the fold.

This is going to be the same for blockchain and crypto - and Steem. While people judge Steem on what is available today and turn away, they are selling short how technology evolves over time to integrate into our lives in numerous ways. They say not to judge a book by its cover and when applied to technology, the cover is the early stages of development, where we are now in the lifecycle of Steem and blockchain. It is going to evolve.

This evolution is going to come through stories that reimagine the world and ask questions of why it has to be this way, *what *is the problem, how can it change and what if we did it.

The stories we create become the understanding we act upon.

[a Steem original ]



Good general points. How have you used them to bring people on board in the past? I know you’ve done that over a dozen times.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It is a slow process for the most part to do it successfully at this stage. The 4 points get cycled through with many minor areas, not Steem as a whole as it is too large and complex.

In general conversation, most people will talk about something relatable and I use that as the basis for the story and then intertwine the 4 points enough that they end up creating their own what if at the end. It is the same process for any teaching where those that learn it the best are those who teach it to themselves.

I’ll try to practice that. :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Practice helps a lot, but most wait until game day :)

That photo...The smallsteps swagger 🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

It's the arm swing :)

She's a cracker, that's for sure. I'm looking forward to my smallsteps hugs next July. Hey, can we do a video Saturday? We fly to NZ Sunday AM and won't be able to for a couple of weeks whilst away.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep we can. Just call because I get in at about 1am Saturday morning from a work trip.

Oh yeah, forgot about that. Maybe 8pm Saturday my time. We’ll work it out later though I guess.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep. Just be proactive this week because I am in for a smashing :D

I wish I felt confident explaining it. I had a short career stint in network marketing and discovered how quickly people assess you and your message, and come to conclusions about what your angle is, and what you’re after. Even if what you are after is I tricking people near things that will benefit them. It’s a conundrum!

Most people have some experience with network marketing or Multi level marketing and, it generally isn't good. Many people who get into it don't believe in what they are selling, they do it for the money and it shows. Most aren't natural or trained sales people either and the approach can be poor.

This means that people become very wary and judgemental of any sales spiel delivered unsolicited.

Since people care quick earn, if Steem price hadn't gone down through a year, there would have been a real valu-wise to explain Steem and Steemit to others.

Posted using Partiko Android

But it wouldn't last, because prices always go down from highs. The amount of people who complained when SBD dropped from 20 dollars was incredible as they had no idea it was meant to be stable at 1. Selling anything on price alone is going to result in failure.

I like this approach. In the field I work in, charities, many people understand the benefit of owning a physical asset - a building - and how that can help to secure their sustainability. I talk about owning digital assets, digital property, that can have similar potential.

I talk about owning digital assets, digital property, that can have similar potential.

Recently, I used this to onboard someone who at first didn't realise that crypto is actually "physical" in many respects.

It also seems to help with taking a more long-term view - people seem to be used to that with property.

That is a very good point.
One of the problems with introducing the earnings side as a standalone is that for many, the earnings here aren't significant to hold attention, there has to be more. Building the views that anchor long-term is the way to go as it tempers expectations.

I've just listened to this radio programme in the TED talks series. The message from the speaker is described as "profound, exciting and unsettling". I'm not sure about that, but much of the conversation resonated with ideas that you talk about.

I think that once blockchain is embedded in most things we do, the need to answer the questions altogether go away and make it easier just to streamline most processes but with the efficiencies and benefits of the technology.

Posted using Partiko iOS

As I was saying the other day during the meetup, the blockchain revolution isn't going to be fireworks, it is going to be boring as hell.

Yesterday I found out that my favorite blogger Austin Kleon, who is also a bestselling author of Steal Like an Artis and other books, has received the 1st copyright strike on Tumblr and backed up his blog:

So I jumped in and invited him to join Steem, because here we own our content and nobody can take away it from us. I also said he could create a Steem account for his son and use it to post his art and diary. I didn't mention a thing about the potential to earn on Steem because it's all that is - a potential, not a promise. But ownership is real, especially in a world where you can get your content taken away from you by the corporations or hackers overnight.

The world is littered with people who have said "I will never" in regards to technology who later did. The reason is that while they couldn't find a use case at the time, as the tech evolved the developers created more and more inclusive uses that appealed to an increasing number to bring them into the fold.

Yep! that certainly is and always has been the case with technology. The hard thing is actually find the balance between cover your imminent present needs to fulfill your immediate reality with what technology provides at a given time, against having the proper clairvoyance that at the end you won't be able to escape of the inescapable. :)

The inevitability of life is always that it will end, it is how we reach that end that matters and to what end we lead those who will live on.

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