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RE: Happy to talk to community

in #steem5 years ago

LoL, hostile take over? sure, after a hostile freezing of assets.. How can you justify one and not the other?? Oh, thats right, cuz your bias! Stop circle jerking your witness friends and grow up.. Steemit witnesses pre-emptively striked first, they lost pathetically.. now your making demands when you have nothing! LoL...


The fact that you say "steemit witnesses" shows how uninformed you are.

Steemit is not a blockchain.

It has no witnesses.

The point is that cooler heads need to prevail here. Anyone writing on Steem, wants Steem to thrive. I for one hope the finger pointing can stop (from both sides) and we can figure this out.

LMAO, the fact that you are calling me out on a typo shows me how pathetic and bias you are!! Wanna lay out any real facts to this comment or just be a fucking prick?

Funny that was the only thing you read. A typo.
I see bias all over this chain, and if people are not ready to reach an agreement to make things work, we're all fucked.

@moderndayhippie is right. Witnesses have always been centralized on here. back then, it didn't matter how many people voted. Some of the best witnesses were never at the top. Just a group of friends voted in by 2 people freedom/pumpkin.

It's an outcry now because Sun is doing the same thing.

I'm in no way justifying what he did, but have we all completely lost our minds on here? When has retaliating hostility with hostility ever worked?

Hi @lukestokes

That is simply game of words. i cant remember how often did I make mistake saying steemit instead of steem and the other way around.

one doesnt exist without the other.

And also @moderndayhippie had a good point. Soft fork was first low blow and shouldn't ever happened.

We pre-emptively acted to prevent something like this, then it happened, point proven. His plan was to dump and exit, or haven't you heard?

Oh, I must of missed that memo... So you know for a fact what his plan was? You have insider information? Can you please reference this material and tell me where you got it from?

Oh yeah, and great job on stopping him from doing exactly this! ;)

So you're telling me that because the witnesses made a malicious pre-emptive strike on speculation, period. Then Sun retaliated, period. We don't know if one wouldve happened without the other.. So how does that make you "right" on knowing his actions for Steemit? DO YOU REALIZE HOW STUPID YOU SOUND? LoL..

I have watched every podcast, read every tweet and kept close watch on all of this... Just cuz your bias doesn't mean your right ;)

god you are thick. freezing that money was the only proper play. he was testing out his coup on tron right after he bought steemit. freezing the accounts wasnt an attack and everything would be fine right now if he talked to the witnesses before centalizing the chain.

you done got fooled by the biggest scammer in the space. in ten years youll feel like a fool for defending him. every decentralized community will banish people like justin sun in the future. cutthroat capitalism has no place here.

Dear @edicted

god you are thick. freezing that money was the only proper play.

I respect you, but are you saying that since witnesses and group of people around them assumed that this solution is the only solution - then those who disagree need to be insulted?

I voted on witnesses, but I have no trust that they will change. It's so sad and obvious that they do not care and never did about "small users" and communities on steem blockchain. And it's sad to see that anyone who disagree is considered and threated as an enemy.

every decentralized community will banish people like justin sun in the future. cutthroat capitalism has no place here.

and yet, we do not have decentralized community. It's just group of powerful people who are part of one party, which is absolutely rulling this blockchain. And whoever oppose them -is being destroyed or silenced. Sad but true.

Yours, Piotr

Hey @crypto.piotr, here is a little bit of BEER from @moderndayhippie for you. Enjoy it!

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Bro, thank you for explaining that! I am so tired of trying to explain my shit to bias steemians.

I honestly hate the witnesses just as much as i hate the tron buyout. However, instead of being bias I just try to look at it from each side and then make a decision. No one seems to remember how the bidbots (the witnesses owned) nearly destroying steemit/steem before the fork. They definitely don't have our best interest at heart.

Thanks again for your support. You deserve a !BEER ;) Take care friend.

that's actually something we can agree on. I've stated multiple times any witness who developed a bidbot is a leech.

The problem with hating on the current witnesses is that there aren't really any other devs that are bringing a ton of value and deserve those spots more.

I shouldn't be insulting, I'm just mad AF that so many misinformed people are spreading their misinformation and coming to completely bogus conclusions. No one cared that much about this situation until the exchanges attacked us. Once the exchanges attacked us everybody cared. Most of the people lambasting the witnesses started at the attack and worked there way backwards looking for someone to blame. They completely ignore the events that led up to 0.22.2, which is absolutely absurd.

Steem is a gold mine. There is a ton of money to be made here, for everyone. The witnesses aren't stopping anyone from making money. It's just that the gold is laced in solid rock and extracting it takes a lot of work and development. Once this place has more development you'll see how many jobs it spawns for the community.

I'm Thick? LMAO, i don't even know what that means, but it sounds as stupid as your reasoning... Hahahaha..

I didn't get fooled by anyone.. I hate both sides equally and just want witnesses that really care about the community, not just getting rich off of scamming everyone else on steemit/steem blockchain.

I mean seriously bro, how can you not see how the top 20 witnesses have been fucking everyone on this platform for years?? (think bidbots, ect) How could you miss this?? Apparently you are the only getting fooled here.. LoLz...

You're really not mad at me, it's called transference, its ok bro, I still love ya ;) Why don't you put your aggression towards something that matters, not towards other steemians?? Just a thought.. I wish you the best. Take care..

If we actually had real programmers bringing real value to the network they'd be upvoted to the top witness spot immediately. We don't have that yet. Get over it.

I agree bro.. IF we had REAL programmers.. Seriously, we are on the same side you just dont realize it.. i have no issues with u.. i hate the shitty fake ass witnesses that have done nothing but rape this beautiful platform and i think their recent actions prove that they are self serving assholes.

i think steem could be the most powerful blockchain around but everyone is more concerned with raping the community to enrich themselves.. thats why im mad.. i fucking hate this whole tron thing, i really do.. i just like seeing the witnesses who fucked us for so long get a taste of their own medicine.. maybe that makes me a fucking prick, but i guess im ok with that cuz im tired of getting fucked by the same people who are suppose to be "on our side".......

The witnesses are not a problem.
Any developer can create value here.

I don't know what you think the witnesses did wrong,
but the soft fork to lock Justin Sun's stake was the best move possible.

You think the witnesses caused this mess; they didn't.

Well, then I guess we will have to agree to disagree.. Take care.

Acted for yourselves to protect your witness positions, without telling the community about it.

With the way that witnesses/steemit inc meeting went, I don't think he had any motive to vote in witnesses. He did it because he wanted to protect his stake. That fact is as clear as day.

Also, some of you have zero negotiating skill and have no business being in such a meeting.

Sun wasn't going to dump steem. He's a businessman, he'd want his steem to be profitable and he'd sell them for profits.

Acted for yourselves to protect your witness positions, without telling the community about it.

Is this why 95% of the witnesses adopted the soft fork 0.22.2, why the biggest takeholders endorsed it, and why the community has been rallying to vote for us to restore governance?

Sun wasn't going to dump steem.

He literally said he wanted to make money and exit, that's a pump and dump if you don't know how to read between the lines.

You do know how to select words to make someone else look bad...
Steemit inc basically highlighted things they'd like to do for the community, yet everyone conveniently left that out.

As far as I'm concerned, when he said he was here to make a profit and then leave, he wasn't talking about dumping at all. That was his poor English getting in the way.

You chose to ignore everything else he said, and settled for the ones that sat well with you.

and why the community has been rallying to vote for us to restore governance?

As far as we're concerned, the community is rallying to support you because we don't support what Justin did by taking over the chain. Which should have never happened if you knee-jerkers didn't freeze his stake for your selfish reason in the first place.

I think your approach is harsh and cold, but I agree with the general premise you are asserting.

In a nut shell, Sun bought steemit inc, and yes that did include the ninja stake. Like it or lump it, thats his, and however ned operated, or whatever hand shake deal he had is not applicable to Sun.

If we wanted that stake to be unable to vote, we should have codified that into reality, not trusted the key holder.

In the end, I hope the witnesses see that Sun wants this to succeed too. Help him, help Steem.

My response is pretty shitty, you're right there!! I hate being this way but I have been nothing but berated for the last week so I have lost all of my "niceness".. Sorry friend.. I'm just beat down at this point..

It wasn't a hostile freezing of assets. It was a pre-emptive enforcing of previously arranged agreements with Steemit, when Justin bought Steemit, he was bound by the agreements of Steemit.

OMG, you are so brilliant! How could I ever fight this dumb ass remark?? LoLz..

Please send me these references that everyone keeps quoting about, cuz I can't find them! There were some "promises" by @ned, that is in no way, shape, or form of a binding contract! But you are a lawyer that knows so much right? So please please please tell me all about this "promise" law, cuz apparently I missed that while I was in law school!.. So I would love to hear your expertise on this situation.. Lmao.. Until then, FUCK OFF!

Sarcasm followed by hostile and foul language, no point in trying to respond reasonably with someone who clearly just wants to be "right" and has no interest in an actual discussion. There is zero need to be so rude, have a great day!

I find it convenient that you want to back out of this conversation because you have no real proof of @neds promises or this "promise law" you brought up. Blame it on me for being rude or whatever you helps you sleep at night, I really don't care.

To set the record straight I honestly don't give a fuck about being "right" or "wrong", I don't know you and your opinion means absolutely nothing to me. But you can tell yourself whatever makes you happy..

I just want people to actually use their brains and see what is really going on here.. we have two terrible factions fighting over steem/steemit and the top witnesses (who have raped us for years and got us into this mess with a pre-emptive strike) now want us to join "their side"... I choose to not support either side, they are both wrong, it's really that simple.. You can agree or disagree, I don't care. After this, there are no winners here.

Write back, don't write back, whatever suits you is fine.. Take care.

You started with sarcasm, mocking and ended with telling me to "f#ck off", why would I take anything you say seriously?

I actually agree with you @moderndayhippie, that soft fork was nothing more than provocation (first low blow within this conflict).

Thanks @crypto.piotr, It's nice to know other steemians can see things for what they are.. I have been getting downvoted relentlessly since I started speaking out against the witnesses/whales.. It honestly is so bad that I am going to power down and cash out because I can't be on a platform that lies so bad about being "decentralized" while obviously being a totalian regime. It's basically go with the status quo or be destroyed by them.. LoL.. Not quite the "decentralization" I was looking for.. It's really sad considering I have been on this platform for over 2.5 years.. But at least I can see things for how they really are now :/ Take care my friend. I wish you the best of luck!

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