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RE: Happy to talk to community

in #steem4 years ago

The fact that you say "steemit witnesses" shows how uninformed you are.

Steemit is not a blockchain.

It has no witnesses.


The point is that cooler heads need to prevail here. Anyone writing on Steem, wants Steem to thrive. I for one hope the finger pointing can stop (from both sides) and we can figure this out.

LMAO, the fact that you are calling me out on a typo shows me how pathetic and bias you are!! Wanna lay out any real facts to this comment or just be a fucking prick?

Funny that was the only thing you read. A typo.
I see bias all over this chain, and if people are not ready to reach an agreement to make things work, we're all fucked.

@moderndayhippie is right. Witnesses have always been centralized on here. back then, it didn't matter how many people voted. Some of the best witnesses were never at the top. Just a group of friends voted in by 2 people freedom/pumpkin.

It's an outcry now because Sun is doing the same thing.

I'm in no way justifying what he did, but have we all completely lost our minds on here? When has retaliating hostility with hostility ever worked?

Hi @lukestokes

That is simply game of words. i cant remember how often did I make mistake saying steemit instead of steem and the other way around.

one doesnt exist without the other.

And also @moderndayhippie had a good point. Soft fork was first low blow and shouldn't ever happened.

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