Against your own defense - Dust Sweeper

in #steem6 years ago
A little while ago my friend @eonwarped told me that I should give this service a try. I mean, I kind of knew about it, but I thought setting it up would take some work and because I had my head in ten thousand different places, I kept on procrastinating.

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It took @eonwarped three seconds, and I do mean this literally to set this up for me, and it's been working since. I have to be completely honest with you, I'm wondering how many little STEEMIES I've been leaving on the table just because I would default to "Oh yes... i'll read about that later and set it up"

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then this post is going to be a tiny blessing in your life, because this may also mean that you don't know much about dustvotes and the tokens that you are NOT really collecting. Yes, I had to put caps on that one, but I did it because I care.

The uglies

If you have posts or comments with less than 0.025 STU on them, they are effectively 0. In other words, when the 7 days go by, the STEEM blockchain fakenewses the payout into 0 monies for you. Isn't that just awesome?

Now, if you are wondering why would they do that, the answer is really simple. They thought this would kill spam. Has it? Of course not, but it was in theory a good idea.... maybe... Ok, maybe not, but that was what they were thinking.

So, all these new accounts upvoting each other with tiny dustvotes were basically trying to dry off with a hand towel as it was raining. never gonna happen.

But... the Sweeper is the way

What the sweeper can do for you is it can upvote those comments that are under the threshold and make sure they don't get fakenewsd by the blockchain. It's really that simple and that ninja.

The algorithm is designed to wait for the payouts to get close to expiration, and when it deems it's probably not going to get anymore upvotes, it saves the day with 0.03. A tiny upvote FTW.

Now, some might say - "pffff.... that's nothing... who cares???" - And to those, to those negative nancies I say - "It's obvious you've never had a piggy bank... I got three of them" - It adds up, it always does, it always will.

Call him... he's a good dude

Just send 1 Steem to the @dustsweeper and let it do it's thing. Specially if you comment a lot, you ought to be loving that little service with all your crypto heart, and I'm serious...

Don't work so hard against your own defense...

• All those broken cell phones..
• Shhh... don't tell em
• On it's way to Colorado - Meno is now crazy series
• Crazy vlog Im giving away my stuff
• Just pay for the shipping and its yours


I've been procrastinating setting it up too, enough is enough! Thanks @meno, and @dustsweeper. What a fantastic tool. Ever since I found out about that dust threshold I have made a point to give upvotes to comments I see under 3 cents. It's time to go next level.

Resteeming for other procrastinators hehehe, I have a few self proclaimed procrastinators on my list...

yaaay!!! welcome to the sweepsistance <3

Yay Lyndsay! It's a n awesome super easy to use service! ❤✌✨

@dustsweeper is a great product/service for the ENTIRE steem community. I've been using it from it's inception and would never go without it. I even wrote a promo for it back in the early days myself I loved it so much!

Es genial este servicio, lo que aun desconozco es si funcional, o seria funcional para usuarios pequeños con poco poder de voto, como yo.
Vy a investigar mas respecto al tema, gracias por tu ayuda, amigo @meno


I've been using the service for a few months already and I love it! Thank you for sharing and spreading awareness!

is it 1 SBD flat fee or do I got to pay him ongoing on a monthly basis ?

when it gets low, it lets you know... do it bro dood. you comment a lot.. why da hell not.

so send him 1 SBD and it's done..or is there anything else ?

you are good to go!! now just sacrifice a goat and you are done...

its simple.

If I can make biryani afterwards sure

I used it briefly when it first started. What I found quickly was several in my circle began using it to subsidize their votes on my page. An example of this would be they were normally giving me a 70% vote worth .03 to giving me a 15% vote worth .01. I wrote about it a couple of months ago.

I have to admit for my personality it just hit me wrong that those who would engage with me on my post would consider the idea I should subsidize their lack of voting power (help them spread a bunch of dust votes around). On principle, it sickens my spirit to think another would think it right to do this, this flies in the very idea of upvoting/rewarding content you find worthy. I honestly think it tarnishes the entire purpose that the program was set up for. But people gonna people I guess.

fair enough... i just don't overthink these things... i overthink others, but not this. So maybe some people decided to vote me smaller, i just would not care.. even now.. lets say its true... i don't care..

Im making friends, the rest is noise.


so for one STEEM you get a minimum upvote on all comments forever?

they let you know when your balance runs low... but it lasted me a month and i comment a lot... so!

its pretty ninja

I’ve been using dustsweeper for the last month and even sponsored a friend! Such a great service and now I can rest assured I never leave steem I’ve earned behind! Great for everyone esp ting accounts where every bit helps

Posted using Partiko iOS

I've been using it for a month too... I'm thinking about setting up a few regular readers of this blog with it... i just might start this week.

I have been digging @dustsweeper ever since @bashadow introduced me. It made me rethink how I vote, too. Before I was always trying to make sure that my votes didn't end up as dust, so I wouldn't vote on a comment after I ran low on voting power. Now I will give a micro-vote to every reply to me when I read it. If the comment author is using @dustsweeper then the vote comment will pay out for them.

I like the idea of using micro-votes just to acknowledge that I read a comment without burning up voting power or wasting it in the form of dust votes.

In the end, it doesn't really cost you anything. All of the SBD you send will come back as upvotes plus a little extra.

that is quite clever... I like that a lot

Microvote for you.

It is a subtle acknowledgement. Not like a hug or even a wave. It is more like a nod or a tip of the hat. On the back roads around here, two drivers will acknowledge each other as they pass by lifting one finger off the steering wheel.

A microvote is kind of like that.

!pancake for everyone!!!!

I’ve been using it for a while and I strongly recommend it ! Especially for minnows it’s a blessing

DAN!! just saw you in discord, come back!

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