WakeUpSteemit!#1 - How I ended up on Steemit & how to convince your non-crypto friends they should too (with a great Trailer)

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemians !

In the past 15 days (while waiting to be accepted), I have been talking to all my friends (especially small bloggers, online trainers and youtubeurs) about this platform.

Unfortunately, Steemit is something complicated to explain (nobody believe me when I says that they can create content on this platform and get paid by the blockchain for that ... !).

By the block..what?!

So, this morning, I saw this video, this TRAILER for the Steemit Platform ... With less than 2000 views on Youtube. By the way, it's a Bitfilm Production (source : Youtube).

How this is possible that there is not more than 2000 views ?!

Everybody who create content (and believe me there are A LOT out there!) can be interested to publish it here... and make money (because you know... money).

This trailer talks to the person like me. The not aware of the crypto-currency world person...

From my side, I have a blog with more than 100 articles written in 1 year along with a (quite small) youtube channel and I have never ever receive even a cent for that. I am still doing it because it has an impact on people 's live (my reward for that job are the messages I get to tell me that my blog help them and all the gratitude they send me) and I am still passionate about it... But you know : gratitude doesn't feed you.

I also do remember how hard it has been for me to come here.
The day my husband told me to registrer on the platform... It was like this :

" Hey babe* look what I found and registered today : the Steemit platform ! You post great articles and people will vote for it. You should registered too and share you advices and stories about how you try to declutter all our home because of your dream to live your life with a small bag on your shoulder to travel and to spare aaaaalllll our money 💰 to retire at 35 to travel and never come back again. And they need French speaking people! Go head!"

* Nhaaa in fact, he doesn't call me babe.

Nhaaaa why would I do that ?! Why whould I register on yet another social network...

I have already a blog were I wrote every week. I have already a Facebook Page. I even have a Private Facebook group (+1000 persons talkiiing about money and minimalism all day long). I am on Twitter, Instagram and even Pinterest... Oh, I had almost forget, I also have a youtube Channel – let’s be crazy ! – 170 subscribers, Oh yeah… hum. ).

And by the way : this is something (for me, a girl not aware at all of the world of crypto-currency) that sounds like a scam (pleeeeaase don't blame me to have had this kind of thoughts... but really, have you tried explaining this to your parents without them asking "what's the catch?" ? ;-)!). And if I had this thought, my guess is that a lot of people non aware of the blockchain like me, should or will have this thought too. Hopefully, I had my husband to convince and reassure me.

Sometimes later.

« Hey babe, can I show you something ? »

Capture d’écran 2017-06-05 à 14.42.49.png

OMG ! They may/will PAY YOU FOR THAT !!!! ???
WHAAAAAAAAaaattt !!! ?? You are telling me that you may earn money (No monopoly money! Real one!) by posting interesting things .

I know you have upvoted him because of it's very nice handmade t-shirt, you geeks!).

Then I registred and I had to wait 12 days (and contact Steemit from different way who turned me crazy). I would really stop and continued my life out there but I believe that I can bring something to the platform and I really really want to give it a try. I feel this could be different : No censorship, no ads, a welcoming community and ... money :-D

And here I am.

And it's only the beginning... I want to write in french and I see how hard it is to gather the french speaking community. But this seems somewhat difficult: everyone here seems to write in english (as I do, by the way ;-)) to get more visibility.

So, now. What's next ?

  • If we want more and more (and more) non-initiated people on Steemit, let's spread this trailer (see above) everywhere in social media network. Let's start with our friends. We want our friends and family to be here, no ?

  • concerning the non-english speaking community :
    --> let's start to speak / write in our language to attract those communities.
    --> let's use only ONE and only one tag for all the articles written in that language. For french, it seems that the tag #fr is the one in use. I didn't know when I arrived so I posted with belgium, france and french ... this is too complicated !
    --> Why not create a bot that welcome users in french (for instance) when tags introduceyourself and fr are present ? It could give additional link to the FAQ (in french) and a curated list of topics containing posts in french ?
    --> let's create this kind of video clip together but in other languages!

Who is in ? It's shouldn't be too complicate (look all the beautiful things we can make with a smartphone today!). I am in Brussels if anyone wants to join me for the french one... ^_^ . Let's make the french community grow !

Any others ideas ?

Ps: About the Steemit Trailer : share it to (ALL) your friends (especially the one's with big community and the ones who have great content to share and who need to get known!) ;-) & don't forget the french community.


Hi @malik.roxane - great post! Your addition to the French language group on Steemit would add a lot of value. Expanding the community to more non-English speaking communities is a priority for the community.

The translations are definitely something that need to be worked on.

Thank you !
I am really working on the french community since two days (two days only on the platform but already 15 days talking to everyone I met to make them join the platform!).
If you have any french contact on the platform, don't hesitate to give me their name! So I can contact them to discuss about a strategy :-)

Si tu souhaites parler avec le peu de francophones actifs, la plupart sont sur steemit.chat -> channel #fr

Merci! Je vais aller découvrir ça.... (je n'ai pour le moment aucune idée d'où peut bien être ce tchat ;-))

Dans le menu en haut a droite de steem it -> SteemIt Chat

I do not know of any, but if I come across people I will let you know.

Thank you @timcliff ! But after spending 24hours on Steemit I have found already great french people :-) But anyway, keep in touch ! Your articles are really great! Just saw the one about " You should join Steemit. Here is why. " :-) Kind of similar :-)

@timcliff, I have done everything I can do to support the french community (see @roxane & www.comprendre-steem.fr). I have no more energy. Is there any french whale for want to support my work ?

Sorry, I do not know of any. You could try writing a post and see if anyone responds. You could also talk to @clayop about what he had with the Korean community as far as recruiting people in the community as investors and growing the community's stake to form their own whales.

Alright !

Awesome post, love it! And I like all your ideas here. I'm already thinking about how and where to post this video. Et je parle francais aussi! But I'm more fluent in English as it's my first language :)

Hello Natasha ! :-)
Thank you so much for your message ;)) !
I've found the video here on Steemit and I 've loved it directly ! It really talks to me ;-)
Si tu veux pratiquer le FR, n'hésite pas à lire mes posts :-)
A très bientôt!
Roxane !

Thank you @mailk.roxane! I had totally forgotten about this video but it may just have been the one that brought me here, too.

It's great to see how passionate you are in getting others onto this platform. As am I! I've written a couple of articles on that. Once you understood it, you're like "why isn't everyone on steem??" :)

I'm following you (though I don't speak french :)) so we can join forces. You wrote a great article here that is worth sharing in the outside world!

Best of luck from Berlin to Brussels!

Ohhh Thank you so much for your adorables words !!!
And don't worry I will also write in english ;-) Next post this morning will be ;-) Have a look in few hours !).
AIso, I see that we have things in common : spiritual stuff and woman entrepreneur.. and plus : I am totaly found of this platform and I really want to serve (when I will understand everything ;-)) as a tour guide here for the french community :-)
Thank you so much for the following I will do the same (not because you follow me huh! Just because I reallllly like your style :-)).
Keep in touch! (and spread this article to your friends or even on Steem if you think it worth it :-)).

I will! You may not see this, but it will definitely be shared outside of Steem, because you touched on an important point - the "outsiders" skeptical view - which we probably ALL had in the beginning, we have just all forgotten about it in the meantime. It's hard to get back in touch with that, but so important!

So nice to meet you! :)

Hi @malik.roxane !

Thanks for you post !

I'm also a french speaker from Brussels. I totally agree with your suggestions regarding the development of a french writers community here on steemit ! It would be awesome to make non-english people massively come to the incredible steemit.

I plan to write some posts in french explaining why people should come to this platform and how it works. I'll need everybody's help to spread the world on other social platforms !

But first I need to work on my #introduceyourself post in french. I hope to have it ready in the next few days ;)

Let's join our forces together to raise awarness on steemit. "L'union fait la force"

Ohhh Thank you for your answer !
If you are in Brussels, that's great : we could meet to discuss about the platform... So many friends of mine are interrested to come here but are scare of the english / the blockhain that they don't understand...
I was planning to organise a meeting with all the people from Belgium who are on Steemit to get in touch and discuss about the platform and how to join our forces to bring the FR community here :-) (I really really want to create a short video to explain steemit). What do you think ?

Hi @malik.roxane ! Great idea this meeting ! I'm totally in. We NEED to promote steemit around us. This is an exciting mission. I've a few ideas of posts to help people understand why steemit is so revolutionary ! It would be great to exchange our knowledge with all the other people involved in Steemit and that want to meet in the "real world" ! Shall we organise something in the net 2 weeks ?

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