My List Of Things I'm Grateful To The Steem Blockchain For Grows Again

in #steem7 years ago

Because of this amazing place we are finally holding cryptocurrencies!

Photo on 2017-11-11 at 7.48 PM #3.jpg

It's given @hendrix22 and I a lot of hope and happiness to be able to enter the crypto world at zero risk. Without Steem we could never have had the way to invest in bitcoin, or any other coins for that matter. And even if everything were to crash tomorrow, it's not devastating to us, because all of the investments we made were from being on social media.

I spent the last 10 years of my life doing this exact thing I am doing here. Sharing my life journey, and my truths. I still rub my eyes at times with the warm reception I receive here, and that other Steemians find value in what I write and speak about. I appreciate you all so much. We are all a part of what will be a world changing technology. It puts butterflies in my stomach. Cheers to all Wayseers.

We are so grateful for this opportunity! It's really exciting times. We hope one day this may be the ticket to being able to acquire some land to steward and live the off grid lifestyle, self governing and being as self sufficient as possible. My husband works so hard, and with me being home with the kids and homestead, it's a challenge to make ends meet, never mind saving up a downpayment for land. Crypto has given us a glimmer of hope to reach this goal a bit faster. And if not, like I said before, there's no loss because we're not putting his paycheck into it.

In a perfect world...we will be able to acquire land using only crypto. Fiat currency, banks and so-called 'governments' will be a thing of the past.

Other Reasons I Am Extremely Grateful For The Steem Blockchain

If you just started following me you may not know all of the amazing things that have happened to our family so far because of being active and dedicated here.

Thanks To Steemit I Was Able To Help Our Family In A Tough Time ~ July 6th/2017

Big Thanks To The Steem Blockchain ~ A Steemit Success Story! ~ August 25/2017

We Just Paid Our HUGE (700$) Power Bill From Earnings On Steemit!!

And By Far The Greatest Thing That Has Happened, A Steem Funded Studio Session & Music Video

I am still shocked that someone believed in my song so much as to make it possible for us to professionally record it, and have a video created for it. All through the Steem blockchain, and Humble, Angelic Souls. There is still good in this world, and you can find a fair share of it right here.

Steem Powered Productions Presents - "A Perfect World" on DTube

What Am I Doing To Help Steem Succeed?

I've been talking a lot about it, to friends and family in "real life" as well as all my contacts and friends on other social media sites (you know the places we used to spend our time and never make even 1 cent while the corporate whoring CEOs raked in the profits from our creativity and content). I feel like the dam will burst soon, though a lot of the folks I got to sign up aren't using the site much yet, soon Steem will be part of the collective consciousness just as Bitcoin is now.

Friends of mine who joined that are pretty active users, and are adding excellent quality material to the blockchain, are @karenfoster and @venomnymous. SUPER users are @wwf and @phoenixwren.

My husband is also doing great work informing others about Steem and cryptocurrencies. I'm surprised at how his Father is starting to get into it now! Really brings me hope for our futures. My Mom in Law is on Steemit now too, she is almost at the comfort and knowledge level to begin blogging!

I have never powered down and I will continue to keep investing in my Steem Power. It brings me a lot of smiles to be able to upvote others, their posts and comments. I cannot wait for the day I can really treat people! For now I am just grateful that @krnel delegated me his SP while he is on vacation. The reason he lent it to me was because I'm part of the "Only Upvote Others Athon", where we only upvote others and spread that beautiful Steem around! That's another thing you can always count on me for. Zero self voting or buying votes.

I'm looking forward to a wonderful future with all of you, we are on the leading edge of the transition away from life-taking, soul-sucking social and banking systems, and are creating the new as we speak. Keep On Steeming!

Bless the Blockchain. We would have never had the opportunity to make such important investments into our futures without it.


Thank you for finding Steem and for Steemrolling the idea to our older way of thinking. :)))) However, being an excellent English Class Student and a lover of literature and the written word, I have always wondered what it would really be like to write. A few years back I was thinking on retiring and thought about how I could make a few $$$ for extra things like travel before I got to old. My daughter had suggested I blog. So now with the urging of my favorite Nova Scotian family I am going to get my wish. To finally be sort of a blogger/writer. Who will blog her interests in running, hiking, biking, travelling around every nook and cranny that I find to fullfill my wanderlust, renovating this wonderful chalet we purchased on the bay and of course Nutrition. Which is my true calling and why I sat in school for so long. Just can not wait to find new like minded bloggers.

I'm so happy you've finally decided to come aboard Mom. I wish you great success on this platform. I know you'll do great on here. You're such a great writer.

Yes...English was always my favorite subject in school. Always a lover of books, and reading stories to my offspring. Now instead of reading choose your own adventure...we are living it.

I loved that book series. :) looking forward to your first post on here as well.

Awesome 💖 love this so much!! Congratulations! And, once I get rolling on thus train LOL. Am really enjoying it. @lyndseybowes i love you! Am so happy for you too! Seriously. Hugs!!

I'm so happy seeing you here Jill! Thanks for joining and I also can't wait for you to start SteemROLLING out your first post!!

I am sooooooooooo looking forward to your first post, and watching you grow here!

My dear @lyndsaybowes, your passion for this has helped me more than you can know. My blog is smok'n hot and I just cannot believe that in 30 days I have become a super user already with nearly 200 followers and the eye of a few dolphins and one or two whales on occasion too! I am grateful and about to pull out some CD to pay a phone bill as well. If I continue writing two blog entries a day I could EASILY support my family as our monthly needs are so small due to our off grid life style. I found a way and it was because of you. Our winters now will be a lot brighter because of your work and for that I am grateful. <3 Much love and respect to you my dear friend and spiritual sister!

Nothing makes me happier than reading words like that White Walking Feather! WOOHOOO!!!!!! Celebrating over here, doing mad happy dances!!!!!

How many people can support their family using steemit? bwahahahaha I love living off grid!

Amazing work White Walking Feather! Super cool beans! Serously, sign me up!
One step at a time. Should get more comfy blogging first LOL. Get myself more healed up. One foot infront of the next.

Good times. Yay happy successful people!

Thank you. It has taken years to manifest but I can start to see the fruits of our labour, dedication, passion and commitment to freedom, self-sufficiency and self-governance. One foot in front of the other indeed! Enjoy the journey. It is not the destination but the journey where we learn and cherish the moments. Before you know it, ten years are done and you wonder where they went. lol

Yes, and you are inspiring many others to do the same! :D Double bonus!

This is a GREAT post!
I totally understand your feelings here, because it is the same for me.
We never had spare cash to invest. But Steemit has changed that for us.
We will now be amongst the first to invest in this world-changing technology and are the early adopters. It is almost unreal to have discovered and been involved in all of this so early.

If you ever want some tips about what else to invest in, let me know in chat. There are so many exciting projects out there.

Thanks so much for resonating Linda, and you are the reason we have BitShares!! :) :) I will definitely take you up on the offer to chat more :) :) Thanks <3 <3

Thank you so much. We are so grateful for everything. We are excited to be able to take part a little bit here and there. 😁

You're an amazing Steemian Lyndsay. Your support since we have met has been amazing. It's humbling to know everything you write here is in the blockchain forever. Funny to think future generations can look at our work and hopefully learn.

You are awesome too my Tremendous Friend!! Thanks for all you have taught me in this short time we've known each other here :) xo

So glad to see you continuing to thrive on here. Let's make this thing huge and then buy a private island and build ourselves a Steemit compound!

I felt pretty slick trading back to steem when Bitcoin was up and Steem was down. You're right that trading's not so scary when you made the money on the blockchain in the first place.

I'm all for that Compound hahahaa!! Freedom land here we come, I'll be sailing there with B and the kids, see you soon :D :D xoxo

I am coming too and will open a juice bar and nothing but a moomoo all day

YAY for MooMoos!! AHHAHAA!!!!

I totally enjoy reading your posts. They always give me inspiration. Inspiration for new ideas (like Food is Free) and inspiration to keep going on steemit.

I have also found it reassuring to see someone who has been here much longer than me promoting the same 'ways of being' on steemit - not self upvoting, not using bots, answering comments etc.

These are the ways I play steemit and so many times I have felt like a wierd outsider swimming against a tide that is becoming way too strong for me.

In my head I have this comic book that I call 'The League of True Steemians'. Action heroes who are gallantly fighting to save steemit against the giants of Feudalism and the Terminator.

I rerun the battles over and over, but at the moment the dark forces seem to be winning.

I desperately need new recruits to help turn the tide so my mind can rest easier.

Would you mind if I made you an honorary member of The League of True Steemians?

Thank you.

I would be absolutely honoured to be a part of your comic! Thanks for your kind words @pennsif, and all the effort you make to connect with Steemians in "real life" as well as connecting all of the homesteaders too! You rock!!! Hugs across the pond to you!!

Thank you Lyndsay. Get to work on your super hero costume, and keep an eye for more recruits...

Wow. That's a really powerful advertisement for Steemit.... I hope that I can have as much success on here as you have...

I hope so too Dave, you definitely have the persistence!!! I love that you bring it every single day!! xoxooxoxox

Thanks. I save all my half assery for work 😁

That'sexactly the way I feel about being here. Maybe someday it will pay off big for some of us. In the mean time, it sure is a lot of fun! 🐓🐓

Sure is Mother2Chicks <3 <3 <3 <3 Dawn King sends her regards as well :) :) :) heheee

Congratulations to you and your family with your success on steemit! I'm going to post more and learn a bit more about this all while I'm out recovering over the next few weeks.

Thanks for the inspiration to continue on steemit and look to future success! And thanks for all the nice posts!

Thank you Anna for all of your heartfelt comments, I'm glad you'll have a lot of reading material for your recovery, and exciting material at that. I also look forward to seeing more posts from you. :) :) :)

You are welcome! Love your posts!

Thanks. I'll be reading and writing for the next six weeks! lol ;)

Have a wonderful day! xo

That was really nice to read. First thank u for sharing and being so real. It is awesome were getting paid to have fun 🙌 Have a splendid evening!

You have a great evening too Mr GoldenArms! Thanks for appreciating my content, loves ya!! xoxoxo :) :)

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