Some Posters Are Sucking The life Out of Me And I'm Steemed!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Some Posters Are Sucking The Life Out Of Me And I’m Steemed!

I loved (yes I used the past tense there) Steemit! The concept, the platform, the interaction, the edification and the carrot of the financial rewards. I felt that, as a child of the 60’s I had something to offer, a story to tell and an outlet for my creative side. I am, in a sense, caught between two worlds. The old black and white TV, non internet, non cell phone days and this exciting new global village, crypto currency age. I looked forward to bridging the gap and reaching success here as I have in other challenges in business and in life. My learning curve may be higher but I was stimulated by the work needed to get there. I had a new hobby and if you check my blog and posts I tried to add value to Steemit in my own small way. Was I wrong to be so enthused?

The Posts Here on Steemit Have Gone From Pretty Good, To Getting Better, To Mostly Crap!

Day after day as I log in and begin my search for good material there is a steady downward spiral! Sure there are still a good number of well written posts but they are getting drowned out by bad bots, spammers, con artists and outright thieves who are just looking to get rich quick! That’s not what this is. We are laying the foundation of something big and it needs to be built on rock and not a cesspool of fraud!

I’m Horrified! 

I’m Wasting Away!

If You Love or Loved Steem Don’t Be A Greedy Money Grabbing Conniver!

Post well thought out material, vote responsibly, add value to the system. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem!

Is all Lost?

No. For one thing there are good bots seeking out and voting down the garbage, the bad bots, the mobsters and the slime balls that I noted above. I will do my share by flagging obvious scams as I come across them. Will you help? Do you love Steemit? If Yes:

1.) Be Honest. Post, Vote and Comment Ethically and with Sincerity! 

2.)Don’t Be A Greedy Money Grabbing Conniver!

If Enough Of Us Do Maybe I’ll Love Steemit Again Too!


This is great news! I have done my best in a SMALLL way to keep the quality high here but this initiative by @dantheman goes a long way! As I explained in my blog post we all need to work together to create value. The fraudsters are also hurting themselves in the long run but perhaps their short sighted greed has blinded them. I edited the title of my post to better reflect the fact that the problem is not with Steemit but with these connivers. Some upvotes here might help to get that message accross.

Great post bro, just fix the images it didn't show up

Sorry guys this old wrangler is on a steep learning curve but I believe they are fixed!

I use for my images. Very easy to use!

Thanks for the input...much appreciated and glad that this old dog learned a new trick.

its funny ) but u need to fix the images.

Looks like he fixed them! Great post and so true!

I can see you learned how to use Apple Mac photo booth.

I'm old but not dead! It's a lotta fun! I know that people love pictures but actually the post is serious!

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