Let's use STEEM and consume it, in our new Steemit SHOP!

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Steemit Shop: A concept to spend (and burn) steem for extra features


50 STEEM Buy an Avatar Choose one of the predesigned avatars
5 STEEM Change an Avatar change your avatar to a different predesigned avatar
200 STEEM Change Username (your historical usernames will be shown in the user details page
25 STEEM Promote Story (ONE HR) Appear on the "promotion feed" for an hour (Feed titles are rotated sequentially on the main steemit site too)
5 STEEM Create a poll Add voting widget to your story
75 STEEM Create twitter post notification When specified user posts an article get notified by a tweet to your twitter address
15 STEEM Extended Statistics Receive extended "user" statistics report for a month
25 STEEM Extended Editor Add extra formatting features to your online story editor
10 STEEM 50/50 Draw. Each 24 hours, a lottery is drawn. 50% of STEEM is burned.  50% is shared with 5 winners.
25 STEEM Set a proxy curator This allows another user to use your steem power to curate posts
5 STEEM Remove proxy curator Removes proxy user from using your steem power to curate posts
5 STEEM Create "About me" page A separate page on your blog where people click "About me"  (You select one previous story in your blog as the default page) These are also rotated randomly on the "About our users" page for users Reputation 60 or above
10 STEEM Image Gallery Get access to our royalty-free clipart gallery
15 STEEM Steemit T-Shirt Get an official shirt mailed to you, size S,M,L,XL-6X

Example: 25000 users choosing a founder icon for 50 STEEM is 1.25 MILLION STEEM taken out of circulation and burned. How is this not a good idea for those that want to partake?

These are some examples that can help us make use of STEEM, which ineffect burns it, which makes steem more valuable. It also grants benefits to those that buy things from the official steem store.

Those that haven't earned though steem through their stories, could always purchase steem on an exchange
to fund these purchases as well. Steemit should have steem-related virtual and real merchandise available.

Feel free to pick apart some of these ideas, or suggest new ones. What would you like to see?

** ONE REQUEST: Do not say "this should be free, and that should be free. That takes this idea out of context on how to burn steem to make it more valuable **

This post was inspired by @dantheman post today. steem dollar stability enhancements


I have a stupid idea (maybe it's imposible to be implemented on STEEM or hard/time consuming)

A free to play browser game like Tribal Wars, players start the game by optionally betting a sum of STEEM, during the game they have the option to also buy small game bonuses with STEEM.

As the game progresses players and teams are eliminated, the players of the last team(Winner Team) earn 2/3 of all the earnings proportionally to what they placed as a bet, the rest are burned or whatever.

From the above options I like most the lottery idea, maybe with a rule that don't allows people to bet more than a small percentage of their steem per day

I've never played Tribal Wars, but from people I know who do, it's an all-time best favourite.

Any idea to help burn steem has my vote. :) The 50/50 lottery idea works well with minnows. The problem is that it would have to be the same amount of steem to buy in..

I think 1 STEEM is fair as a lottery ticket. You get 2500 users participating in the 50/50 draw that 24 hour period, that's still 1,250 STEEM = 250 STEEM for 5 winners. Not bad, for a 250% payout, based on a 1 STEEM gamble. At the same time, 1,250 STEEM could be burned (the other half), which means that's 1,250 STEEM that won't be dumped on the market.

In a month, the 50/50 lottery draw would stop 37,500 steem from getting dumped every 30 days. Not bad.

Now of course, we could simple change the reward system, so we don't have to have these creative ways of burning steem. But what it does, is create user interaction with the site. It creates more user engagement. More interesting things to strive for, and less worried about how much you are getting paid for your posts as the only thing to do around here. Cultivating your user account.. becomes a sandbox concept, which makes it a little more fun too.

This way we don't all look the same, and our personality traits could come out in our user accounts.

Cool idea. It has potential to go too far and overly commercialize the site, but if done right it definitely has the potential to add value to Steem.

You said it: Done right. The idea and concept is the first step. Let @Dan & @Ned propose it in a more refined format and the community can help curate the idea to something that makes sense to everyone.

Well, no one can say you don't have a sense of humor.

Oh, no, I'm deadly serious. World of Warcraft has been trading it's in-game gold for special weapons and other things for a long time. Now that we have a community, the only thing to spend your steem on, shouldn't be just cashing out. The Sims Online, gave its founders a "founder icon" that people treasured. Virtual in-game (or in-steem rewards) by either earning it, or buying it, should be key here.

All of these things were bought and sold on eBay until eBay kept modifying it's ToS. This idea does have merit.

Anyone that has played a role playing game before, will often see you spend your gold pieces for equipment upgrades, better weapons, and other special features. It is this concept that we could factor into steem.

Fine, but 75 STEEM for Twitter notifications? That's, like, $100.

And charging people to change their avatar? Yeah, that will go over well. Granted, Steemit is not like most social networks, but if you charge $100 for things that other social networks provide for free, the only headline you'll be getting is this:


whos is going to want to spend 200 steem to change there username ? Not sure you thought that one through properly. I like the lottery idea though , sign me up .

Interesting idea. Reminds me of @modprobe's example of salt being taken out of the currency role and into the food role in his latest video. I like it in theory, but I also think it creates awkward incentives. It's hard for me to consider this without the "this should be free" dialogue.

Submitting a story is already free. The ability to earn massive amounts of steem is already free.

We don't need more free.

Granted, the prices need adjustment. But they could go up/down in relation to the past 7 days of average cost of steem.

Example: 25000 users choosing a founder icon for 50 STEEM is 1.25 MILLION STEEM taken out of circulation and burned. How is this not a good idea for those that want to partake?

Because they will compare it to other sites and feel this one is a money-grabbing scam. "I have to pay for what? That's a ridiculous attempt to create demand for their fake internet money. Screw that."

Everyone is so scared of the "they" trolls. They're a minority. It's the majority of users who do not have that pessimistic view. We to be focused.

Those that have decided to not join the party are already screaming scam. It has a null effect on the popularity of steemit thus far. Let's not cater our development into worrying what trolls think.

I'm talking about my friends who have been watching and are trying to decide what this thing is all about. They don't know anything about cryptocurrencies and very little about economics. If I recommended a site to them where they have to pay to make changes to their profile (such as an avatar), that would (rightfully, IMO) flip out.

I'm not trying to knock your idea, and I did give you my upvote for an interesting discussion. I just think there are other mechanisms in place which have to also be considered. I'm all about a marketplace for STEEM and SBD. I just want it to be truly valuable transactions, not for stuff which is free elsewhere.

Keep coming up with the creative ideas and putting them out there. That's what this place is great for, even if not everyone agrees with you.

With all due respect,intelliguy,I think it´s a bad idea. Bying self-promotion in particular will only serve to accentuate the feeling of social injustice that many users already have. And the possiblility that new users will see this as a scam should not be underestimated. I would rather suggest that we open a marketplace where people can buy and sell products that are independent of the platform. I myself for example, would like to be able to sell guitar lessons over skype( or steemit video chat if it was awailable). Others I know would like to sell arts and crafts. Or maybe an app,since we have so many programmers here. But it should be of benefit to the users,and not the owners of the platform. Give value to the users and they will come,and they will trade goods and services(through smart contracts of course) and the value of Steem will skyrocket. It is much easier to use than bitcoin after all,if you are already on the platform.In addition,opening up the possiblility to be rewarded to watch ads could be considered. It would have to be completely voluntary IMO.

Rewarding to watch ads is so "yesterday" internet these days. People have trained themselves to click the ad, have a sip of coffee, pet the dog, and wait until the ad is over. They become "ad" immune.

But it should be of benefit to the users,and not the owners of the platform

This idea gives benefit to both the users, and the owners of the platform, which is you. You are an owner of this platform. I am an an owner of this platform. Everyone who holds steem power is an owner of the platform.

When we burn steem, we help you. It also helps me. We are helping retain and grow the value of steem.

The owners of the platform,the centralised website, is Steemit,inc. This is a plain fact. Please try to explain how it is not. Any services that are offered that sells advantages on Steemit,are bying this from Steemit,inc. How could it be otherwise? I know it is open source,but legally speaking,you own the website, you own the services offered that are part of the code for the website. Right? Or do you know something that I don´t?
Please understand that I´m a strong supporter of Steemit,and want it to grow as a community. And I want it to be inclusive and democratic. Selling self promotion,which most people can´t afford,would be completely unininclusive and undemocratic,with all due respect.

You are referring to Steemit itself, the domain name and website.

I am referring to steem, the open source blockchain, that anyone can utilize, that is decentralized. It is the blockchain that could sell these items in the blockchain shop.

This is getting a little away from the topic at hand. The point is "all holders" of steem (the currency) or "steem power" (the vested balance owed to you) benefit from the online shop idea if we burn steem out of circulation. Simply because the value of steem will increase, as the token becomes a lot more rare.

Steem actually becomes less rare by powering down,as SP is not steem.
I wholeheartedly support the idea of a marketplace,I just make the simple point that the users could sell their goods and services instead.
How does the blockchain receive a payment for a product?
i´m just a newbie when it comes to crypto stuff,but it seems to me that buyers and sellers can only be persons or legal entities,and that the blockchain is not a legal entity? Please explain your idea in more detail.

It might be better to have the amount for things in SBD, and be able to pay in Steem or SBD (and maybe even SP). '5 Steem' to change your avitar may not seem expensive today, but if Steem goes up to around $1,000 - that would be a bit pricey :)

The only reason why I suggested in STEEM is that it makes an easy conversion for those on exchanges who want to buy 5 STEEM to transfer it here, to get an instant avatar change.

But the prices in the shop could fluctuate on the 7 day average and constantly adjust "automagically".

But I agree, there could be an easy conversion tool to handle it.

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