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RE: SOS Daily News : all you need to know about the State of Steem @ 17 December 2018

in #steem6 years ago

hey look @whatsup your editorial was featured like a freakin journalist, this is so cool, like a real boiler room operation of people all lkeft over ready to really get boring and businessy, i can just see us all in suits doing paperwork together for years to come

very fun to just sit here and plan videos about the steem blockchain where we have meters that show Blocktivity ratings on each episode, or just emulate CNBC and show off blockchcain actyivit and only repoort on the price when its gone up for the day lol but it would be so cool to just make a SIMPLE little CNBC style crypto show for steem and just show off steem and its blocktivity reports its transactions compared to others, and maybe after a few videos like that with a news raticle sin the scroll bar, and maybe a guest here and there, we could really make osmething crypto peopel watch LOL its NOT hard to copy CNBC ya know.... crypto world is ITCHINg for something like that ESPECIALy when we are already low and can RIDE a bull run now while we report on it, we can show off the euphroia and amplify it!


That sounds about right...

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