I claimed a few accounts today: Is this something that everyone who can, should be doing?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Four, to be precise, and even though i'm not 100% sure on what I'll be doing with them, it seems this is something everyone, with the ability to do so, should be doing.

On reading @davemccoy's post the other day, and the comments that followed, I learned a few things including opinions on Resource Credits (RCs). Also, in this comment thread, some information on how Steemit inc see how things will play out in future: https://steemit.com/steemit/@whatsup/re-davemccoy-steemit-the-anti-social-network-20181007t181112798z

I don't really wish to go into 'what is the right amount of RCs' to allocate to a 'good' account to function, whilst limiting a 'bad' accounts behavior, but I guess this may happen in the comments anyway :)

Resource Credit costs

At present, there are approximately 1450 Steem blockchain accounts that can claim accounts using their Resource Credits. I estimate that to claim one account, it currently costs around 5,000,000,000,000 credits, which I also estimate to be around 2500 Steem Power.

The above estimates were done by refreshing https://steemd.com/@abh12345 after claiming an account.

NOTE: Claiming an account is different from creating an account. A claimed account 'token' can be used to create a free account.

To put the amount of RCs required for this transaction into perspective, steemd has some approximate costs listed for other transactions:

  • comments - 1,570,000,000
  • votes - 282,000,000
  • transfers/power-ups - 259,000,000

Claiming an account is the equivalent of (another 'approximately' here) 3,184 comments, or 17,730 votes. Pretty 'expensive' in comparison?

And so as stated above, this cost means that 'only' 1450 or so accounts have this privilege - 0.0012% of all Steem accounts, not many. At the time of writing, 74 of these 1450 odd accounts have claimed at least one account - about 5%. Again, not many.

I'm not sure at yet if this is a good or a bad thing, and I guess it depends on the owners plans? These claimed accounts will need RCs to power them, and I assume that in the future, RCs will be sold/hired, much like SP delegations work now. I have no idea, how much they be valued at, if anything, at least to start with.

With just over 14250 SP, I have a 'max mana' of 44,311,250,466,768 - which using the 'back of a cigarette packet' calculations above, provides me the power to comment around 27,000 times - excluding recharge time during typing (or executing code, boo). This means, that I don't see an issue with delegating loads out of these for free. We shall see how the market forms when the time comes.

Could Resource Credits (or the accounts claimed by them) be more profitable than a bid-bot delegation in time? I digress...

How to claim an account?

Use the link below by:

  1. Copying everything between the quote marks
  2. Removing the Spaces at either side of 'your_username'
  3. Inserting your username, without the @, where it says 'your_username'

WARNING! - If you have around 2500-2700 active SP (delegations to and from count here, unlike with MVESTS and witness voting), you should be able to claim 1 account but this may severely restrict what else you can do for a couple of days!

'https://steemconnect.com/sign/claim_account?creator= your_username &fee=0.000%20STEEM&extensions=[]'

You will need to use your private active key, but Steemconnect is popular and considered secure.


I realize that the above instructions are relevant to very few, considering the number of Steem accounts registered, but I would like to hear the thoughts of everyone with regards to the future of Resource Credits, and RC delegations.

Do you think I'm right in claiming a few? Should I be claiming as many as possible?

Do you think there will swiftly become a market, or if they will be issued for free to start with / for years?

Can you guess who's doing a lot of account claims at present?

accountcreators, at the bottom there :)




Awesome, thanks Asher! I claimed one, this is what it looked like before:

Screen Shot 2018-10-08 at 8.08.16 PM.png

And after:

Screen Shot 2018-10-08 at 8.11.41 PM.png

Awesome Stuff!! So exciting!!!!!!!!


I think we should be claiming what we can, if only to share the distribution out a little. Nice one! :D

Excellent to see you get in on this Lyndsay! I imagine you will find some cool people to bring along and enjoy Steemit too! Very cool :)

Good for you Lynds!!

Hopefully this can get some more of our fam over here! I gots accounts y'all hahahaha! Let me know if you got a friend who needs to be hooked up. We got this Jill!!

Haha! Yeah girl 😁❤✌💞

@lyndsaybowess I have a friend who wants to join steemit, but she's waiting for confirmation which might take up to 4 weeks, could be so kind and help create her account?

Yep. I created a couple of account for my friens, but still can't understand a two separate parts - claiming VS creating

I claimed one because of this post. Don't know if I'll bother getting more, but that was fun.

I'm glad :) A fun and painless process.

I would say it's worth you collecting some, perhaps to add to the steemmonsters 'pool', if/when it exists.

I was in a 'why not' mood so I tried it, but:

Oops! Something went wrong!
Account: soyrosa has 5450961520480 RC, needs 5503870960213 RC. Please wait to transact, or power up STEEM.

I was trying this with 2699 active/undelegated SP.

I know from other posts the 'claim' price fluctuates so it might be more expensive or cheaper depending on how many people are actually claiming accounts.

EDIT: I read some of the answers already on the questions below - didn't refresh the tab before posting my comment ;-) I'm an 'open 20 tabs and start reading/commenting' kinda gal

What do you think people are planning to do with these claimed accounts? Is it to sell them like you would 'buy' a domain name in the hope someone wants that exact name? Or is it just a placeholder because for now I didn't see a way to give that account a name?

I'm super confused still but well - that's the whole fun of being an early bird :-) Something to learn every day.

I'm glad you didn't have just over the 5503870960213 required or else you would be a little stuffed for a day or so!

Thanks for testing it and showing us an error message - it's nice they show you the cost here - or the current cost I should say.

Just a placeholder for now - perhaps the final user will have the ability to name their account that they are given?

Thanks for the info!

LOL, yes, I only took the jump because I'll mostly be offline tomorrow. I wouldn't even have been able to share the results though :')

It would be awesome if we could see in advance what the 'current cost' is, like right before you submit your SteemConnect credentials. Less chance of sudden lock-outs. I hope someone develops a nice account buying tool with this handy feature built-in :-)

If it's large accounts building up a stock I can see them trying to make a profit but for the apps like actifit it makes perfect sense to stockpile them now for a time when they are getting a lot of new users trying to sign up and will be able to start them instantaneously unlike before with a two week wait.

Posted using Partiko Android

Based on this paragraph from "HF20 Update: Operations Stable"

Blockchain Subsidized Account Creation

The RC system has delivered the ability to create “blockchain subsidized” accounts, which means that it now has uncapped the scalability of the platform’s account system by introducing the possibility of account creation into the quadrillions of accounts. Prior to HF20, the hard limit of accounts was in its best case defined as the total available STEEM supply divided by the amount of STEEM spent to create an account. Now, because the rate of subsidized account creation is determined by the witnesses, Steem can admit as many people into our community as we desire, as long as the witnesses agree that it is safe to do so.

  1. uncapped - I do not know a lot about business, but when reading this in context, it does not sound good, to me it sounds like limited edition, but we get to keep making more and more as long as people want to buy. So not a collectable item for value growth.

  2. introducing the possibility of account creation into the quadrillions of accounts. That pretty much like I said kills the individual ability for growth. Who would "buy" at your price when someone with 30 times more accounts undercuts your price and are always able to undercut the price of the competitors.

  3. we desire, as long as the witnesses agree that it is safe to do so So out of the top 20 witnesses, one individual can alter the make up at whim, so we desire means diddly squat.

But like I said, I am not a businessman, just a user. Also RC's have been removed from the consensus loop, so to me that just adds more risk.

And part of the paragraph from HF20 Update: Restoring Continuity, that I still have issues with, this was put out by the steemiblog, I have been told that the we are the witnesses,

Due to the fact that many components of the RC system are non-consensus, we can continue to adjust the resource pool budgets, track trends, and adjust charges incrementally over time so that we can meet our third goal of moving us toward sustainable pricing of blockchain operations.

so currently and in the future there is no price stability guarantee for RC's. Like all taxes, once implemented they never go down. From steem.io front page:

Faster than Bitcoin and Ethereum, with no fees

Running a rewards-based decentralized social network required new advances in blockchain technology. Steem is a next-generation blockchain, uniquely designed to run real-time applications with near instant, fee-free transactions.

Steem has been battled-tested over the last 18 months, already processing more transactions per second than Bitcoin and Ethereum.

So I don't think even if I was able to I would at this point buy an account token

Thanks for collating this info @bashadow.

I'm really just claiming a few to distribute the ownership a little, and I'm not fussed that they may not hold value as such.

This morning they 'cost' 6,100,000,000,000 to claim, 10% more than when I wrote the blog...

I'm catching up on dave's anti-social post comments. A lot of info in those comments, and a lot of comments.

So what's the purpose of claiming an account? And claiming if not creating a new account, so what does a claimed account do for us?

It's basically a token which allows you to create an account for free later.

Cool. Thanks.

I guess it's a bit like buying a monster pack in June :) Not much you could do with it then, but the promise of them being valuable in the future seemed to work!

You hold the claimed account like a token, which can then be used to create an account for free.

Hehe nice analogy. So I guess I need to check, after all of today's transactions, if I can claim one lol

You can't sell the tokens. It's a little silly to treat them as a speculative asset.

But you can sell (with fuel) the account created, which i'm sure is in the minds of some.

That will be awkward for anything but large numbers of accounts.

You'll either need to run your own service, or hand your active key/authority over to some service (yeah, thanks but no thanks) or run a node in an ad hoc network that facilitates account orders. Not straightforward.

You are teasing me lol. I can get 20 percent of an account. Something to look forward to, but obviously need to worry about the main account first.

At present. I wonder if the RC costs will rise in future?

Would you be claiming as many as you could if this was an option right now?

I think if I could get a couple I would. I think the cost of an RC will rise as demand increases.

That sounds bad, what you gonna do with those accounts? Already named ones, I wish you took some good names to sell it later like apple, microsoft, iphone-m (you'll need to wait 40 more years tho) :)

Can you guess who's doing a lot of account claims at present?

OFC I can guess, the guys who tries to rape the cow. It's not about milking anymore :facepalm:

I tempted to give it ago with my account and see what happens @ash12345 but I don't want to end up not being able to do anything else for a couple of days.

I'm not at 2,500 anyway so it probably won't work.

I'll be interested to hear what others have to say about this though. There seems to be a distinct lack of information about what happens next.

Check out the thread in Dave's that I linked above. I found that pretty informative.

I think you are a bit short of the required RCs, and if my rough calcs are correct, 3k SP would be 'safe' to claim and still function.

3k SP would be 'safe' to claim and still function.

OK. Thanks @abh2345.

I read Dave's article this morning and started replying but then deleted it. I tend to find those sorts of discussions pretty demotivating so decided not to take my comments any further.It was an interesting read though. I just don't like all the "fighting".

I prefer 'heated discussion' :) Plenty to learn in the comments over there if you can get through the 'fighting'.

I'm a little confused at all this. After HF20, new people are supposed to be able to create free accounts, so what is the purpose of 'claiming' an account?

What would the 'claimed' account be called? (@confusedchops)

The claimed account has no name, it is given a name on creation. So really, a claimed account is just a token you hold - the blockchain keeps count of these which can be used to call the 'create_me_an_account_using_a_claim_I_hold' function in future.

So the more accounts one claimed the more one can create freely for the sake of others? Great piece of sharing buddy.

Yeah pretty much. I don't think you can gift a claimed account, but when it is created you can hand the keys over. Maybe a tool will arrive the make this process easier. Thanks :)

You can gift the account. You get them to create their keys on their side, and only send you the public keys when you're doing the actual create_account transaction.

As Im in a position to claim, I may as well I suppose. Im still confused at what benefit this holds over a new user simply creating a new account though. If I handed the reigns of a 'claimed' account to someone, does it come with extra bells and whistles?

I don't think you can hand over a claim. In future, there should be tools to create from the claim and hand over the account that way - via a dapps or something.

The account will require Resource Credits for 'fuel' as it will start with 0 I think.

I will duly claim one later today. My RC's are always at 100% it seems. If you think it's worth doing then why not.

The claim is a credit to create an account at a later date, there is no name on it. It means that between now and mainstreaming, accounts, Dapps etc can claim discounted accounts to issue to new users when they go live. with RC delegation (coming) they will be able to power them to move without needing to provide any SP that can be abused.

One day.. the haze will clear in front of my eyes. Im under the impression nobody yet knows what the true benefit of doing this really is.

RC delegation? Is that really going to be a thing I wonder. It all seems a little elitist. Can the new guy who is just starting not get a fair chance at the whip and post and comment without all these limitations on numbers?

I'm with you on this one @slobberchops... I hope more step up and ask those questions at the end. To me "commenting without all these limitations" is the issue that's hopefully addressed and fixed sooner rather than later.

I hadn't thought about a market in claimed accounts, but it had occurred to me that I have way more RCs than I can use (even if I was channelling @janton) and so I'm expecting a delegation market of some kind ...

To interact yes, but i think with your 3k delegation out, the 2k active SP you have is not enough to claim an account.

I threw away a question in the post: Could Resource Credits (or the accounts claimed by them) be more profitable than a bid-bot delegation in time?

If this does turn out to be true, then it would pay to have at least 3000 held in your account to be able to claim an account every 4/5 days or so.

Indeed. It just keeps getting more interesting.

ok is this still the going rate? i'm going to try with the @naturalmedicine account which has 3,382 active SP (a lot of it is delegated to it)... sounds like I will try once (see if I can do it) and then see how the recharge goes. It'd be cool to have many accounts under our community's belt!

ok update... i guess it costs a lot more today??

Screen Shot 20181009 at 5.59.31 PM.png

The cost has gone up a lot! I think is around 5000 SP, or more :O

WHAT. no fair! i didn't get one ;?

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