Grumpy middle-seat flight blog

in #steem6 years ago

Warning, negative text enclosed. Please skip if seeking rainbows and unicorns.

pixabay, honest

I often wonder if people here think I'm a lazy bastard for not posting at least one piece of content a day.

What? Your sole income is via Steem and you can't even get a post or two out every 24 hours?

Yup. But it's not because I don't have time, ideas, or something to say.

Your posts average 15-20$, come on, get posting - no-one cares anymore, just shit-post.

Yeah I'm fortunate and grateful for this. Naa, not on purpose anyway. And there are some that care - some.

You see, I'm under this illusion that what I do (in not posting multiple times a day) actually helps Steem, and the inflation pool. It's bullshit though. In % terms, total bullshit, and has next to no effect whatsoever.

Check out penguinpablo's daily report from yesterday and the account with the largest power-up. Take a look at their votes, the spread, the content. Glad to have you here...

Just one example of a large account draining the pool with next to zero effort. There are many more, and it's been happening since the beginning.

Invest, wank yourself off, cash out. Grand.

How is STEEM even worth 23 cents when it's this easy to 'earn' is beyond me. $7/8 a STEEM and SBD $15 last January? Totally insane.

I'm in a shitty mood today if you cannot tell already. It's been coming, I can't be positive all the time, and have to vent a little too.

So I'm grumpy that I'm not greedy and a little more selfish. Not anyone else's problem but mine. Not my place to tell anyone what to do. As you were.

I was supposed to be posting 4 paragraphs and 4 photos as promised the other day. This, even with shit photos and multiple spelling mistakes, would still guarantee a place amongst the better content. Stay in line, keep the content coming, take what's yours, right?

Soon... like SMT-Lite.

Anyone heard if appics have given up waiting?

From a recent email:

Note - the Steem account is only needed because our blockchain protocol is still under development since we are in Beta. Once the App publicly launches early 2019, you will have a separate APPICS account with an easy log-in!


Hey did anyone get the memo that Neds livestream wasn't taking place yesterday? I think I must have missed a post from Steemitblog notifying people or something? Maybe there was a tweet I didn't see?

Nope. Nothing. Large projects can slip on delivery date, I get that and have no issue. What I do have issue with is communication, or lack of.

People worked around your schedule Ned - radio shows were rescheduled, and early trips home from work were taken to listen to you.

Let the community know next time, please? There are people here not waiting to shit on your parade at any given opportunity, and I think you owe those people a little courtesy.

I think that's about all the negativity I have collected recently, I won't thank you for letting me share it 😛

My absolute favourite thing about blogging/vlogging on Steem right now is that there is seemingly less pressure (likely price related) to stay in line and say the right things. The increase in personal, open, and honest text I like very much. Of course, it can be more uplifting than the above. Next time.

Have a wonderful day!


This is gold! Glad I stumbled upon it. Without you reminding that Ned didn’t show up, I would have forgotten already, because, who even trust his word? Maybe the camera man got ill or smth. 2 man run company, he has more important stuff to do! Haha

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is outrageous. How dare you express such opinions? ;0)

I saw that big account. It's a bit shit but it does seem that in ways it's becoming a vehicle for big investors to claim their ROI. One of the things I have always had issue with is this argument. The ROI thing, it's not as black and white as big investor types paint it. What they are making is profit as their original stake is not lost and can be powered down and sold anytime.

But it doesn't sound as good if you claim you invested to plunder unending profits on your invested stake. Lol

Anyway, you're right grumpy since turning 40 ;0)

I have been a bad lad 😏 40 and British soil did it I'm sure.

I can't fathom how the network can survive with this rent-seeking, but it has so far and so maybe I'm in a huff about nothing. Or maybe it's only cause there is 50% not voting, and some people doing a bit of sharing (and losing out).

Gah! Is it pale ale summertime yet boom?

It won't be long and then it will be pale ale summertime forever!!!

Oops that sounded a bit dark.

It's the fact that more and more people seem to be using bidbots and thinking it is normal and the only way to be seen and make money. Heck, it might be soon if everyone ties their money up in them but then as you say that way is doom. It's so short sighted. I wish they would change the reward curve so that bid bots were disadvantaged or those mysterious* big accounts that hire out delegation would stop it.

not mysterious*


Yeah it's where we are, large stakes want ROI. Hopefully other options will be forthcoming, although I've given up holding my breath.

I'm in the UK, going to seek out decent pint out tomorrow - hard work in Spain!

Aw man, you should be spoiled for choice! Its all craft this and craft that over here these days... Don;t worry though, you can still get some old shit in most places :OD

Thanks to your gift I should be able to get a pint of craft, cheers!

Nice you can still rant and get payed to it, thats atleast something for a travel day like yours...

good look turning pale there, looking forward to seeing casper-the-friendly-asher (you will find your positivity back soon dude)

I'm pale already but I did walk around the Xmas market, and almost cracked a smile 😏

So many people and much food. Daughter day tomorrow, that will help ------>

You are the first one, to write about neds missing livestream..
And I was wondering, why I did miss it this time.
Again, he didn't deliver.
Maybe he had some guitar lessons.

Steem seems to be proove, that humans will always go for bigger government, while stating, that they are against government.
(unrelated rant topic;)

I suspect others have too, just they got buried in the pile.

Maybe he had some guitar lessons.

😊 You didn't appreciate the tooth-picking? Come on man, that was talent right there!

I don't watch vlogs, I just enjoy the drama later

none of the other >my rank, witnesses, ( all witnesses) and followed by me, did post about it, just some shill postings from the usual suspects

I'll shill when I hear/see/believe good things.

This is just bad manners. Are we not worth: 'sorry, livestream cancelled today'. ?

steemitblog have been much better this year too. Bah!

I guess, he fired his complete "marketing/PR" department ;)

UGH, thank you for this grumpy post. I hate the fact @ned does not respect our time or see the value that he still gets a few dozen people to watch what he has to say even after quite a few disappointments this past year...

Anyway. I hate myself for not being more greedy either. I've seen some 'new forms of greed' I hadn't seen before happening the past few days and it makes me sad.

Enjoy the elbows on your left and right Asher! LOL! My day has just become a bit better, I was able to do some complaining here plus I now appreciate I'm sitting at home on my couch. Thanks :P

I almost used a gif like this!

It's pretty accurate :')

Haha, spread out on your couch!

A girl and a woman, a foot shorter and less broad than me - why is the armrest theirs? And why do I get elbowed 7/8/9 times? F&@@#%$¥€!

New forms of greed? Tell tell tell!

LOL! Yes, WHY?! Oh, I feel so sorry for you :') I'm spreading out! Using ALLLL of my couch!

As for the greed: what do you think of a post that earns 35 STEEM (through self and auto votes collected over time from the community) just to point you to 'the full post' on a different platform where you have to pay FIAT to read 'the full text'?

Or one of our witnesses self-voting 20-30 comments from themselves on their alt-account every day? :-(


Not really a fan of either of those by the sounds of it. I take it the fiat isn't coming into Steem?

Witnesses self-voting comments, that sounds like some of the spam-fighting teams.


Are you sure you got it all out Asher? That seemed pretty mild in words but the sense I got when I read the first few words was much more charged! Regardless, glad you spoke your mind. There's no excuse really for this blatant disrespect. Let's take it for what it is and carry on. No need to hate, wine, bitch, moan or complain. It is what it is! Now, what will be interesting is how we go forward from here? When ppl show us who they are it's ok to believe them! Hugs! Hopefully the sun shines today so you can get some warmth on your skin ✌😊🥦

Hmm, good spot. I edited it at the last moment. Soo, maybe it's not all out...

Sun? I don't think so. Not until Monday when I land back in Mallorca. England is grumpy grey, my train was delayed, and the coffee is weak sauce.

Thanks for stopping by though! 🌈🌈

This post has been added to today's SOS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

ahahahaha I love your second tag LOL. You're funny when you're grumpy!!! Anyways I was here spying for your guilty pleasures post. I hope you'll cheer up soon, sending you lots of unicorns and rainbows =)

PS: Steemit says I'm not following you but that's total BS, I am following you...probably a glitch...

Yeah maybe that 2nd tag should be #bitching, oops!

I'll have to go see the comments on that post, got a bit overwhelmed with the number of comments!

The followed/not following link lies a lot, I'm following you too, and el-cr of course!

Dude I feel ya. I mean I guess I have been a kool-aid drinker for too long. Ned's no-show is just one more big middle finger to the community!

Right. I'm not impressed, mainly cause I think it's bad manners. I still have hope for the chain, just a bit irritated with this latest lack of comms.

You live off steem? Jesus.
Ned hasn't been around in the last 6 days, want to bet he took off?

Not anymore! I have a pooch and a red cup.

Gambling isn't my thing anymore, but 1 STEEM says he'll be back 'soon'.

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