A Blockchain Built Floating Villages and Cities- Living in a Water World!

in #steem-stem7 years ago


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The World Population now stands at 7.6 Billion, that is the total number of humans habitating the surface of the Earth presently, how accurate this data is; we do not know and to find out would be a very humongous task. Accurate or not, the United Nations has further estimates 11.2 Billion Population explosion by the year 2100.

Another fact is that, water takes 71% of the surface of the Earth which only means one thing; about 7.6 Billion people crammed together on the remaining 29% part of earth surface and it is interesting to know that out of the 29%, only 0.05% is for us humans to live on!

Source- Water on Earth

Now that i have established the facts; which is that we live in a watery planet. Scientist and Oceanographers concluded that continents were clustered together decades past but due to the many reactions and events e.g Dinosaurs Extinction, the Great Comets maybe this is why continents separated.

Source- Clustered Continents


The population of the World is increasing but habitable land and space is not, as matter of facts it is reducing due to unstoppable Human activities like industrialization, constructions and many other factors. Most deforestation and land conversions are for setting up more Factories, Companies, road and railway constructions and even Artificial waterways(Canals) etc and not for habitable spaces. As a result of this, many countries with massive population suffers from congestion and severe air pollution.


Since we all know the ration of Land to water on this planet is comparatively small, there the fringes between land and water is where everything comes together, maximizing the abundance of one to satisfy the inadequacy of the other. Cities, Towns, Villages communities could be built on this Abundant water, floating settlements on the waves is an age long dreams of futuristic engineers and architects as well as scientist.

Even Fictional Movie producers and writes also dream of this and now it is coming to reality to serve the needs of the Ever increasing World of Human. A prototype floating village is in development to be built on the Turquoise waters of a Lagoon in the largest island of the Pacific Ocean in French Polynesia called Tahiti, Oceania.

This communities/towns would serve as an experiment to implement the advance technology needed to fabricate bigger communities.

"We are going to have bungalows, apartments, research institutions, under water Restaurants and we expect this villages to thrive through combination of Eco-tourism and new aquatic industries e.g Seaweed Farming and Wave power"- Joe Quirk, President of Sea-steadying Institute.

To start the project, a startup company from Singapore; Blue Frontiers signed a Memorandum of Understanding to construct a $60 Million Floating community on the Southern side of Tahiti's main island with the French Polynesian Government, a project that kick starts by 2020. This seems like the best possible solutions to over Crowded Cities and Metropolis.



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"I want to create something for the Tahitian Lagoon that didn't look out of place"- Bart Roeffen, Project Architect Specialist in Floating Structures at Dutch Firm Blue21

The floating Tahiti's village would extend out of the Island's protected reef(Coral Reef) and would be floating in a water depth of approximately 100 feet with a distance of 0.9144 Km from the shore. About 220 to 320 people would be invited to live and work on this floating village with an interconnected walkways averaging 7,500 Sq.ft. It will be built out of recycled materials e.g coconut wood, Photovoltaic power systems etc.. At a distance, the floating community would look nothing less than a natural island but with a green "Living roof" of gardens to help filter waste water. The advance technology will be efficient in tackling rising sea water levels which might be a threat to the Community.


An ICO to raise the $60 Million initial Capital to start this project will be lunched in February, a Crowd Source Funding opened to investors all over the Globe having a stake in changing the world.

Thanks to all Music lovers, here are some of my last Posts below:


Enya and Celine Dion MashUp; The Two Women i love but can't have!(Videos)

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The Mother of all Coup d'etats- The Zimbabwean Strategy


FOLLOW-UPVOTE-RESTEEM AND MAYBE DROP A SUPPORTING OR CONTRARY COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

Badge courtesy of @jodi.pamungka Animated Footer by @rituparnaghosh


I'm preparing to go to Mars soon as the first prospective client of SpaceX. Earth is getting overpopulated and over polluted. See you guys in Mars

It is amazing to see the habitable place on Earth is that little yet here in Africa we still have vast areas populated only by animals and trees. We really need to tap into our resources which we are abundantly placed with. Imagine countries are building cities in ocean, ours just require clearing a forest to build one.
That would be an interesting ICO, but since I've weaned myself of ICOs, I'd be following the development as it unfolds. Blue Frontiers really have a great project to accomplish. I'd be watching. Thanks for sharing. Gracias.

Well, this is one of the many reasons why I am building D-City and interestingly, D-City will be built and functioning for a long time before Tahiti's village project commencement.

D-City would be less costlier than the Tahiti village project. Reason is simple, building on land requires less manpower than on land.

Well, maybe in terms of manpower, but in terms of proposed budget, D-City will be more costly than Tahiti. Looking at the fact that we plan to raise $5M-$7M to build Steem VIllage alone (the prototype)

But again, I think Tahiti is just a prototype too and something big might be evolving after that

Yeah, the scope of D-City is definitely bigger. So it's understandable if it's costlier.

Prototype that can sustain 200 to 300 people, that is a village already!

D-city, depending on the Geo-location shouldn't be that costly as per prototype

Mars gini?

Whatchu gonna be doing there?play soccer? You know you won'y be able to access Steemit from there yeah?...Just kidding

Blue Frontiers can't afford to waste money to Go build A Country on Mars, so i go to the Seastead we'd be communicating; you from Mars and i from Tahiti...Winks

You do know we have communication gadgets in Mars? Even more sophisticated than the one you guys use on earth. Sorry, we use on earth. See? I'm already feeling like I'm in Mars 😎

I think the goal should be to develop these floating cities in a completely self sufficient way, so as to need need to engage in commerce at all and be free from the corruption of the world markets.

Hard to say their economical goal, but i think it is not an isolated settlement from the World.

Interesting article. I like the idea and I can a few crypto billionaires getting together and making it happen.

I was in Singapore recently and I learned that they have reclaimed a lot of land from the sea as has Dubai, it's expensive to do but it can be done so I do not think we are running out of land.

Looking forward to seeing the ICO details.

Yes, land is still colossally available, but this really helps over population is some regions.

A picture of the world your mind has travelled too fast, you are now leaving in the future no longer in the present world

Been futuristic is the way buddie

That is something futuristic to invest in once the ICO is out, Technology is a badass mehn.

Sure thing to invest on, but i'll rather wait till they get on exchanges before buying their tokens.

very nice article. @oluwoleolaide your way of writing and presentation is superb. you raised a genuine issue. keep sharing. upvoted and resteem

1st thanks for posting steemit related..i learn your post review and gain huge khowledge about steemit@oluwoleolaide

This is a great and impressive project, many things I could learn from this project and implement in my decentralized city project.

@oluwoleolaide thanks for sharing this

Most welcome man.

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