The Mother of all Coup d'etats- The Zimbabwean Strategy

in #anarchy7 years ago



In the history of the modernization, there had been coups d'état and coup attempts in 127 countries of the World. Now Zimbabwe can now explain what coup means with the other 39 African countries that had experienced it.

Madiba VS Mugabe

Robert Mugabe had been likened to "Madiba"(Nelson Mandela); freedom fighter, anti-colonialist, all important and all understandable leader- but went down another lane, something that was avoidable if he had not stayed in power for decade long. For almost 40 Years, he held on to power and Zimbabwe in general benefited not much from his longer rule. Here are some of his favorite quotes;

"The only white man you could trust is a dead white man"

"We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races"

The first quote had been debunked, he lost his Trust just few days ago due to excessive power. Power intoxicate humans, something that had happened repeatedly in Africa(Idi Amin Dada, Col. Gaddafi) and we have seen it again as the subject in this Blog planned to hand over mantle of leadership after 37 years to his Mrs!

Autocracy is one of the real problems of Civilization, where absolutism by an individual takes decades in turn. Democracy is the official name for most seen cases, but when a particular party/individual remains in power for decades, then it has metamorphosizes into "Tyranny". No new ideas and new road maps/ideas from new leaders in this cases and this makes such country wallow in underdevelopment. I have always seen democracy as a Despotism in Disguise!

At age 93, Robert Mugabe is the oldest world leader followed by Queen Elizabeth of England. He had been ruling for 37 years before deciding to ax his former Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa, the man backed by the Military.

A week after Mnangagwa was fired and forced to flee the country, and a day before troops moved into Harare, army chief Constantino Chiwenga issued a statement that purges of senior ZANU–PF officials like Mnangagwa had to stop.-2017 Zimbabwean coup d'état

Appreciating the civility of the Zimbabwean people, this is a coup but not a coup because the main target still performs state functions while is role is been negotiated and there was no Blood shed/loss of lives. He has not bee summarily executed but attempts are been made to ease him out of the position after close to 40 years in Office.

Props to every military leader and people who are doing their best to deal with the most difficult circumstances in the most civilized manner. Civil war is not always the way out and violent protests does more damages than the intended and craved good! Congratulations to our Zimbabwean brothers and sisters, your latter days looks better than yesterday- Africa is behind you!

Thanks for Reading to the end, here are some of my last Posts below:



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All References and sources links are embedded in the Blog

FOLLOW-UPVOTE-RESTEEM AND MAYBE DROP A SUPPORTING OR CONTRARY COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

Badge courtesy of @jodi.pamungka Animated Footer by @rituparnaghosh


hiii dear @oluwoleolaide, well written article about the current situation of country. hope for the best.

Amazing post @oluwoleolaide - we have actually spoken about how the Zimbabwe situation and cryptocurrencies are interlinked on our latest episode of Crypto Nights.

Check it out on my blog, I think it would interest you.


Oh cool, heading over

The most erudite African leader got infected by the virus that had infected many an African leader; the never-leave-power virus. In his case he is lucky he is alive, others did not get that privilege. The Mrs has a hand in what happened to him. He could've retired honorably and be given a standing ovation if not for the wife's thirst for power. A power she had under her roof for many years! I was so lost in cryptosphere that I did not get to hear the news until hours later. I hope other African leader hoping to perpetuate power had learned their lessons. Gracias.


The Never leave power virus

Such a epic name buddie, i always love your inputs

It is a dangerous virus that infects lots of African leader. After 8 years in power of any country, I still wonder why I won't step down and enjoy being a political godfather. But instead they'd be there wanting to handover to either child or in this case wife. Making sure no one unearths their atrocities while in power.

It reflects the current situation of the country. Thanks for posting

Hello boss @oluwoleolaide

You really captured it all in this post. A hero is gradually being disgraced out of power just because of his greed. I am really ashamed of these leaders who cannot take after world's greatest leader in the person of Madiba.

Just look at Gaddafi was humiliated and killed; same goes to Sadam Hussein and the rest of them...people who would have been otherwise celebrated having achieved a lot for their country. But because of power intoxication and greed, they were dealt with in the most inhumane way.

Honestly, these greedy leaders deserve worse. What break my heart most is that they are everywhere in Africa! From Togo to Cameroon to Congo! And it's not as if they're making any positive impact into life of citizens of these countries!

Just look at the South Africa that have experienced giant development under the white rule is gradually being destroyed by Zuma.

Honestly, I don't know why every bad thing is always associated with the blacks! They are so backwards!

I have to stop here all I would end up publicly abusing specific leaders!

Before I bow out, I must say kudos to the Zimbabwean Military. They are so innovative in their approach.

@eurogee and @euronation

You said it all mate, Intoxicative power and greed is a diseases; Only the strong at heart don't fall for it

Great post about historical and current conditions of Zimbabwe. Hope for the best in future is the life's living power, tomorrow will be benefited for all of us. Thanks for sharing such a valuable lessons.Wish you a very beautiful time ahead my friend.

Thanks my dear friend...

We say we pratice democracy,yet Mugabe is an epitome of monarchial commmunism

That is another way to look at it man, good awesome input.

Yeah bro @oluwoleolaide. Africa have been through enough of these tyrannies. Enough is enough. We need to make a change in our thinking. Instead of occupying the Iron throne why not give someone else a chance.

Robert Mugabe could have been a hero by now. Same with Buhari. He was sick for so long...left the country without a leader. Yet he wouldn't even consider stepping down.

They should go and borrow a leaf from the former British Prime Minister that resigned after the Brexit just because he felt it doesn't align with his vision for the country. I hope we can get to that point.

Thanks for sharing bro! Cheers!!


You are super-duper right bro, Tyrannies is their Initials!

It's as if I am reading history, I have sha missed history and this coup stories. That man sha don try, I heard he refused to eat. I loved the way you placed this article and I was busy dreaming/ trying to imagine it. Always loved government coup and the rest🙈🙈 even the film related ones. And thank God no blood was shed. Nice one captain.

He is an Old man who could have retired Honorably but like my good friend said; it's a virus, the "Never leave power virus."

Hello @oluwoleolaide

This post is loaded
The best way to know if a nation is progressing or retrogressing is by examining the historical life of such nation and compared it with current happenings. We need such in our mother country, we can keep hoping for the best.


Very true, Zimbabwe has taught us a lot in the Whole of Africa...

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