It's dark. There's a man. There's a dog. What to do?

In the last round, the players awoke in the middle of a dark night, disturbed out of their slumber by noises nearby. As it turns out, it was a man with a dog. Needing to think quickly, the players had some choices to make. Let's see what the results of the options given were.

Not that all options get picked, but due to the Play-A-Long Pocalypse Game being run by @novaatebatman, I will be providing results for options.


OPTION 1 – Stay still and see what happens.

The players who stayed still and waited to see what happened were greeted by the man. He was out at night looking for someone in particular, and was searching with his dog. By searching at night, he was able to be more discreet and avoid detection.

The person he was looking for was a young man, but for reasons that he unwilling to reveal. Since the players who chose Option 1 were friendly enough, he enlisted their help.

This was a matter of passing information, and the more people helping the better the chance of success. Carefully, the man wrote an encrypted note and gave it to the players, instructing them that if they met a young man in the area, they were to show him the note and ask him if it meant anything to him.

The man did not offer anything for the potential help, but he thanked the players before departing to continue on his search.

The Players who chose Option 1 now have a NOTE to include in their inventory and have now progressed to the next round.

OPTION 2 – Try to shoot these two (for players with guns.)

Quickly the players grabbed their gun and shot. The first round hit the dog in the side, knocking it over because it was closest. The second round came from the man's gun, and went into the chest of the players who chose Option 2. A few more rounds were exchanged, and the man was wounded while the dog and players died. (Yes, the man even outgunned teams.)

Players who chose Option 2 are now dead and can wait until Season 7 to join back in. Thanks for playing.

OPTION 3 – Try to make friends with these two.

This effort had the same results as Option 1.

The Players who chose Option 3 now have a NOTE to include in their inventory and have now progressed to the next round.

OPTION 4 – Have one player begin shooting while the other attempts to run away in the dark. (Please specify who runs and who shoots.)

Any teams choosing this option met disaster. First, the one who tried to shoot the man had the same results as those who chose Option 2, and were shot to death after killing the dog.

To make matters even worse, those who ran away in the dark could not see where they were running, and ran right off a cliff, landing on the rocky bottom of a shallow stream. Unfortunately, the force was enough to smash their skull.

Teams who chose Option 4 are now dead and can wait until Season 7 to join back in. Thanks for playing.

OPTION 5 – Have one player begin shooting while the other attempts to run away using a flashlight for light. (Please specify who runs and who shoots.)

While the player doing the shooting died, the one who ran away with a flashlight escaped alive... and now alone.

Teams who chose Option 5 are no longer teams, as the shooter perished. The remaining teammate will continue on alone.

OPTION 6 – Try to run away in the dark.

Does anyone remember that cliff with the shallow, rocky stream at the bottom and the smashed skull? Yeah, that.

Players who chose Option 6 are now dead and can wait until Season 7 to join back in. Thanks for playing.

OPTION 7 – Try to run away using a flashlight for light.

Players who chose Option 7 have safely ran away into the woods.

The Players who chose Option 7 have now progressed to the next round.


The players are on the move as the sun rises and days breaks. As they work their way through the forest, they notice something up ahead.

Anything is possible, so the players contemplate how to proceed. Is it deserted? Is it occupied? Is the young man inside of it? Are there any resources inside? Is it a death trap? Should they investigate?


  • OPTION 1 – Try to move away from the building and go a different way.

  • OPTION 2 – Try to check out the building with a weapon drawn.

  • OPTION 3 – Try to check out the building with no weapon visible.


All players who have signed up and want to play must reply to this post with 24 hours in order to avoid elimination and continue gameplay. All players must reply to my option comment below, not to this post. I will reply to my own posts with the options each in their own comments, and the players must reply to whichever comment has the option that they wish to choose.

IMPORTANT: The Backup Food Supplies are in one ration portions, which can feed one player and keep them alive for two days. Also, if for some reason you decide to change your choice prior to the 24 hour response time cutofff, please contact @novaatebatman to make sure you are registered under the correct option.

Also, please remember to include your inventory in your reply. Example:

I have gas, a magnesium firestarter, a NOTE, a PLANT FIELD GUIDE and a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I must eat by the end of Day 8. I choose Option 3 this round.

As always, please remember that all outcomes are predetermined. In an elimination survival game, most of your are going to die eventually. Nothing personal.


The current prize pool is 525 SBD. The total prize pool amount will grow each round until the game is over.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif and the GAME OVER Gif and a very Special Thanks to @novaatebatman for all the help keeping track of this mess.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with




  • OPTION 1 – Try to move away from the building and go a different way.

Hi papa!

  • 2 Can (Back up supply)
  • Water Purification Tablets x2
    We choose option 1

I am in team with @iaso We are Fluke crew!
Fish Engagement Announcement Postcard.png

I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammo, 2 backup food supplies, water purification tablets, a plant identification guide, and a note. I need to eat by the end of day 8 to avoid starvation. I choose option 1 this round.

I don't know why, but this house puts me on edge.
Option 1


ItemAmount / Ammo
Pistol8 rounds
Plant Field Guide1
  • Hunger: Ate at end of 6/2

I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition, water purification tablets, Plant Field Guide and a Note. I need to eat by the end of day 8. I choose option 1: Try to move away from the building and go a different way.


We choose option 1

I have: A rifle with 4 rounds, 2 cans of food, firestarter, and a note
@drprepper has: A shotgun with 3 rounds, bottle of gas, flashlight, and a note

We ate some fungus and need to eat again by the end of today DAY 8

Northern Ghosts
( @em3 and @vcelier)
We choose Option 1
We have:
a rifle with 6 rounds of ammunition, a knife, a flashlight, 2 backup food supplies, a note (to give to a lucky stranger), a Plant Field Guide and water purification tablets. We don't have to eat again until the end of day 8.

Taking it safe this time. Hope all you daredevils find some good stuff in that old your step...floors probably rotted.

You won't see us coming. So be friendly, and you'll see us we move on ahead.

NorthernGhosts Button.jpg

I only have 4 rounds of ammo left in the pistol, so I'm going to choose Option 1 and try to move away from the building. I tucked the Note in my front pocket, in case I see the mysterious young man, he'll be able to see it's nothing threatening when I retrieve it. The flashlight stays in my back pocket where it's less likely to be noticed and out of my way. Am feeling a little better after the morels' toxicity is wearing off. I don't need to eat until Day 8, so for now, I'm just focused on getting far away from the city.

I decide to play it safe this round and go with Option 1.

In my inventory I have an encrypted note, a flashlight and one can of food. I must eat by the end of Day 8.

I see no reason to go into the house, im not hungry and i have a good enough inventory for now!
Option 1 for me.

1 Shotgun round
Plant Field Guide
I have to eat prior to the end of day 8.

I have gas, a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition, a flashlight, a PLANT FIELD GUIDE and a NOTE . I must eat by the end of Day 8. I choose Option 1 in this round.

Knife, Flashlight, and a Plant Field Guide. Don't have to eat until the end of day 8. I choose option 1

Option 1--I have a KNIFE, a PISTOL WITH 4 ROUNDS OF AMMO, WATER PURIFICATION TABLETS, a PLANT FIELD GUIDE, and a NOTE. I need to eat again by the end of Day 8.

I have a note, plant identification guide, and a flashlight. Choosing option 1. I need to eat before the end of day 8.

i have a pistol, 8 rounds of ammunition and i need to eat by the end of day 8. I chose to move away from the building and go a different route.

I have a backup food supply, a FIELD GUIDE, a NOTE, a magnesium fire starter, and a rifle with 6 rounds of ammo.
I must eat by the end of day 8, and I choose Option 1 this round.

I have a pistol w/8 rounds, a knife, water purification tablets, a plant field guide, and a note. I do not have to eat until the end of day 8. Everything seems to be moving to smoothly, so I will by pass the building and choose option 1.

TEAM RANDOM ( @bmwaso and @modnar ) chooses OPTION 1 – Try to move away from the building and go a different way.


  1. Pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition (from @modnar)
  2. Water purification tablets (from @modnar)
  3. Gas (from @modnar)
  4. Rifle with 6 rounds of ammunition (from @bmwaso)
  5. Flashlight (from @bmwaso)
  6. Mysterious Note

We both need to eat prior to the end of Day 8 in order to avoid starvation.  

shot gun with four rounds of ammo
"Plant Field Guide
I need to eat on end of day8
This round I choose
OPTION 1 – Try to move away from the building and go a different way.

I have a knife, a flashlight and rifle with 5 rounds of ammunition. I have to eat prior to the end of Day 8 in order to avoid starvation. I choose Option 1 this round.

Team Weaponless will go for Option 1 - Try to move away from the building and go a different way.

The building looks a bit dodgy and since we don't have any weapons to defend ourselves, rather not take a chance.

O yeah we both need to eat at the end of day 8

1x Bottle of Gasoline1x Bottle of Gasoline
1x Can of Food1x Can of Food
Water Purification Tablets1x Flashlight
Cryptic NoteCryptic Note

I have a pistol (8 ammo), 2 backup food, a flashlight, a note and I choose option 1.

We're going to go with Option 1

Team Hootie Hoo

Brothers United


  • Shotgun ( 5 Rounds)
  • Rifle ( 5 Rounds )
  • Flashlight
  • 2X BackUp Food Supply
  • Water purification tablets

    Last Meal

    • Raw Beef ( D6R1 )
    • Need food by D8R2

I have a pistol with 8 rounds and one backup food supply left.

I choose Option 1. Let's play it safe shall we?

Team "Last minute" (@erikaflynn and @bodyinbeta) choose option 1.
Our items:
-2 pistols with 16 rounds of ammunition
-water purification tablets
-fire starter
-plant field guide
-a note
No need to eat until the end of day 8.


Was just about to text you to let you know I posted the cutoff, lol.

No problem!

  • OPTION 3 – Try to check out the building with no weapon visible.

I have a knife, A pistol without rounds, a water purification tablet, a plant field guide, a note and I must eat before the end of day 8. I choose option 3 this round.

I have knife, a flash light, and a note. I have to eat by the end of Day 8. I choose option 3.

I have a knife, a water purification tablet, a NOTE, a PLANT FIELD GUIDE and a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I must eat by the end of Day 8. I choose Option 3 this round.

I got a knife.,flashlight, plant guide and a note.. i am going to check out building and i need to eat at the end of day 8.... option 3 please

I have a pistol with 8 rounds, a back up food supply, and a flashlight. I choose option 3. "I'm so glad that man wasn't a cannibal or wanted to hurt us", I say. @Charlesarthuriii points to a building up ahead. "Should we check it out?" he asks. " That man he was searching for could be taking shelter there!" I replied. "Be ready just in case!" he says.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds, 2 cans of food, a flashlight and the note. I choose option 3.

You are dead. You have been dead for days. Please stop trying to play. Try again next season.

I have a shotgun with 5 rounds, a backup food supply, water purification tablets, and a NOTE. I need to eat by the end of day 8. @heatherlg89 and are going to choose option 3. We slowly approach with no weapons visible but they can be ready quickly.

With our weapons out of sight we walk towards the building hoping no snipers who is going to kill us. We are going for OPTION 3
We Have :

  • 2 x backup food
  • 1 x knife
  • 1 x shotgun with 3 bullets
  • 2 x water purification tabs
  • Field guide
    One NOTE
    don't have to eat till end of Day 8


Team Florida Crackers chooses option #3

We have a Field Plant Guide,2 bottles of gas, 2 flashlights, 2 pistols with 6 rounds each and an encrypted note for a young man.

I have a Shotgun(3 rounds ammo) , flashlight, encrypted note and a Plant Field Guide. I need to eat at the end of day 8 and I choose Option 3

I havs gas,a magnesium firestarter, a pistol and 8 rounds of ammunition,a plant field guide and a note for a young man. I need to eat by the end of day 8. I choose option 3 this round.

We have gas, firestarter, flashlight, knife, plant field guide, and note.
Choose option 3 andjuggling with @stinawog

And we need to eat before the end of Day 8. Let's see what we find!

I have a backup food supply, a magnesium fire starter, a rifle with 5 rounds of ammunition, a note, and "Plant Field Guide".
Option 3 for me.

I have gas, water purification tablets, a PLANT FIELD GUIDE, a NOTE, and I must eat by the end of day 8. I choose option #3 please.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds, 2 backup food supplies, water purification tablets, a Plant Field Guide, and a note. I need to eat by the end of Day 8. I choose Option 3 for this round.

I have a pistol (8 rounds), a NOTE and 2 backup food supplies. I have to eat prior to the end of Day 8 in order to avoid starvation. I choose Option 3 and explore the building without a weapon being visible.

@fronttowardenemy Inventory: gas, rifle, 5 x ammo, fire starter, Plant Field Guide, note.
@doctorcrypto Inventory: gas, rifle, 5 x ammo, water tablets, Plant Field Guide, note.
Hunger for both: Must eat by end of Day 8 (ate mushrooms).

Sharpe's Rifles chooses Option 3. The note guy could be in there and we don't want to spook him.

My inventory
1-A rifle and 6 rounds of ammunition.
2-Two cans of food
4-"Plant Field Guide."
5-a note
I need to eat on day 8 end
For this round I go with option 3

Inventories till now
Gun with 8 rounds of ammunition.
1 cans of backup food both safe.
Water Purification Tablets
got a note
And I will go with option 3 this round

I have a
2-pistol and 6 rounds of ammunition
3-water purification tablets
4-I have a note
and my choice for this round is OPTION 3

I have a knife, a pistol, 8 ammo, a flashlight a note, a plant field guide, and i choose option 3.
Have to eat till end of day 8
Edit: forgot about the plant field guide

I have a Plant Field Guide, flashlight, knife, pistol, 0 rounds of ammo and a note. I need to eat by the end of day 8. I now choose option 3 - check out building with no weapon visible.

I have a knife, a NOTE, and a PLANT FIELD GUIDE. I must eat by the end of Day 8. I choose Option 3 this round.

Option 3 for me please - "Try to check out the building with no weapon visible."

Checking that my pistol and knife is ready to use at a moments notice, I decided to check out the building with no weapon visible. Don't want to take a chance and spook anyone that might be inside. Also if the sun is out, it might be a good time to hide inside for a bit.

I only have to eat by day 8 round two.

1x Knife
1x Pistol (8 ammo)
1x Flashlight
1x Plant Field Guide
1x Cryptic Note
(I feel like one of those cartoon type characters, not sure where I am storing all this equipment.)

We, Team Turner ( @ironshield and @lturner ), being of an inquisitive mind, choose Option 3

  • We have 1 Knife

  • We have 1 Flashlight

  • We have 1 Firestarter

  • We have 1 Plant Field Guide

  • We have 1 Strange and Cryptic Note

  • We were able to eat cooked mushrooms (hooray firestarter!) and must now eat by Day 8, Round 2

We predict there are no snipers in the building since we are already within sight of the upper window. If there were snipers, we would be dead already. Therefore the house is either abandoned but might have some useful items in it or there is someone there who would rather remain hidden (which is why showing weapons would be most likely counterproductive). We think there is actually only a slight possibility of the young man we're hoping to meet being there since presumably the man with the dog knows this terrain and already searched the house.

There is a slight chance of getting ourselves trapped in the house, but we've jumped out a window once already and could do it again. There is also the slight possibility of getting injured, but that's kind of an ever present danger anyway. Mostly we are being conscientious about checking out things that are not a clear and present danger since that is one way to survive in a situation where all resources could be valuable.

Let's hope we survive this one!

I have gas, a flashlight, a NOTE, a PLANT FIELD GUIDE and a rifle with 6 rounds of ammunition. I must eat by the end of Day 8. I choose Option 3 this round.

Team LaughsAlot is made up of @dwells and @mprgrmmr
We choose option 3 this round. Even though in a real life apocalypse scenario I would always enter an unknown building with my gun drawn, for this game I think it's best to keep our boomsticks hidden for the time being.

We have gas, a rifle with 6 rnds of ammo, a shotgun with 5 rnds ammo, a flashlight, WPT, 2 cans of food, the Plant Field Guide and a note. We must eat by the end of day 8.

I have a knife, a flashlight, plant guide and a note and I choose option 3.

I have a knife, a flashlight, a 1 canned good, a plant Field Guide and a Note . I must eat by end of day 8 and I choose option 3 this round.

I have a pistol with 2 round of ammunition, water purification tablet, PLANT FIELD GUIDE and a NOTE. I must eat by the end of day 8. I'll choose option 3 this round

I have a note, backup food supply, magnesium fire starter, and a rifle with 3 ammunition. I choose Option 3.

I've got a Knife, a Note, a Plant Field Guide and some water purification tablets. I must eat prior to the end of day 8 and I choose option 3 please. :D

  • OPTION 2 – Try to check out the building with a weapon drawn.

Team Persevere @tbnfl4sun and @livingwaters

@tbnfl4sun has: a flashlight, a knife, and a pistol with 8 rounds.
@livingwaters has: water purification tablets and a pistol with 8 rounds.
We share a Field plant guide and a NOTE.
We must eat before the end of day 8.
We're going with Option 2 this round.

1steempacolypse (200x200).jpg

This place look's like it's been empty and abanded a long time ago,it won't be the owner we find inside!

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the second half of Aug 26. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $18.27 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Aug 26 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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Day 7 Round 1 Deaths


If anyone needs to contact me, please contact me on Discord at NovaAteBatman#8448, you can find me in my Discord server Novalord Industries where there's also a STEEM-POCALYPSE chat you're welcome to be a part of.

You may also contact me by commenting on one of my recent blog posts. Please make sure you mention that you're commenting about STEEM-POCALYPSE.

Steemit.Chat is not a reliable means of contacting me. So please don't use it. Odds are I will not see it and you will not get a reply.


What an interesting game..
How can I join?
Like.. can I join directly from this part?

No, you can't. You have to sign up ahead of time.

If you really want to learn how to play the game, and would like to play now, you can do so here. But that's the only way.

Also, if you do go to Play-Along-Pocalypse, make sure you read the entire post and read it thoroughly so you know how to play the game.

@papa-pepper is it ok if i ask you for a follow..?)
I have followed you.
By the way i think isaw you on youtube.You are so cool.

Good information brother, as always I follow all your post, a big greeting from @joserc.vzla

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