in #steem-help7 years ago (edited)

Newcomers should really take advantage of this opportunity.

Since posts on steemit do not pay out until after seven days, steemians have six more days after posting to attempt to draw additional attention to their “older” posts. In essence, you can use each new post as a small add for your previous posts. By doing so, you can at least double community awareness of your previous post.

You see, when you make a post, it shows up on the new page and in the feed of all of your followers. If someone resteems it, then it’ll show up in the feed of their followers. Additionally, it will also be located somewhere in the tag pages of the tags that you used. However, if your post has not received much attention, it’ll be far, far down on the tag pages.

As a newcomer, you most likely do not have many followers. You also most likely do not get a lot of upvotes. If a whale or some dolphins find one of your posts, it is not usually very likely that they will find another one anytime soon. This means that if you want to increase your payout potential and attract more interest in your posts, you will need to put forth extra effort.


There are two ways to link a post. The first is simple and allows people to see the actual link address.

If you look at the top of the webpage, you can see the URL, which is the address of that particular web page on the world wide web. Here is an example of a URL link address.


If you click on that link, it will take you to that particular steemit post from @anri-avgustino.

To create this type of link, just right-click on the address and select copy.

When you paste that address in a post or comment, it will display the full URL address.

The second kind of link is a hyperlink. This kind of link is hidden within a word or section of text. If you happen to see a blue word in the middle of someone’s text, it is a hyperlink. By clicking on that word you will be following that hyperlink to the web page that has been hyperlinked. To hyperlink a post, place brackets [ ] at each end of the word or sentence that you are using and then paste the URL in parentheses ( ) immediately after the brackets.

You will spell out the words in the brackets and then paste the entire URL in the parentheses, but only the words will be displayed in the post or reply.


I was looking through my feed the other morning and came across a post from @anri-avgustino that I rather enjoyed, so I upvoted it and commented on it. @anri-avgustino replied to my comment, and also provided a link to the previous post on that subject matter.

I could clearly see in the title that this post was # 2, which should lead one to believe that there was a # 1 as well. However, I did not go searching for the previous post and just moved on instead. When @anri-avgustino replied with the link though, I did check it out, and upvoted that as well.

If that link was provided at the end of the post, there is a much better chance that people will find that post than if no link is provided. In the reply to my comment, I was provided with that link. However, if the link was included in the post, then everyone who viewed the post could see it.


One good example of someone using links to end their posts is @aiqabrago. Recently, I enjoyed and upvoted a post from @aiqabrago and then immediately followed a provided link to enjoy another post, which I liked even better than the first. Try following the link below or check out the image that I have provided above.


If you were to do likewise, it seems that no negative effect would occur, but the potential for positive effects would be increased. In my time here, @papa-pepper has done very well for himself. Often, I would designate the end of my new post as an advertisement for some of my previous posts. Once, I even had a whale follow the links and upvote them all, because they were part of a series that he enjoyed. Without those links, I would have gotten one upvote. If I was newer on steemit, I would make sure to be using this information to increase my potential on steemit. You’ve got to market yourself and your content, and this is a simple way to do it.


Let’s say that you post twice a day. This means that you have over ten previous posts which can still receive upvotes at any given moment. Should you link all posts that other users can still upvote? Perhaps that many links would be overwhelming. Perhaps not. The choice is yours, but I would recommend perhaps trying less links than that.

How do you pick which ones then? Let’s say that you have four posts that are awaiting their payout. The current potential post payouts are as follows: $0.05, $0.33, $1.23, and $5.30. Let’s say that you want to link two of previous posts in your new post. You may be tempted to link the two lowest paying posts. At a glance, this may seem like a good idea, but you would do well to remember that when votes combine, they gain more power.

Just to have solid data to demonstrate my point to you, I just upvoted two posts. One post went from $0.33 up to $0.42, or a 9 cent increase and the other post went from $5.30 up to $5.59, which is a 29 cent increase. In each events, my vote was the only vote added at that second and I used 100% power each time. While I could raise the lower paying post by 9 cents, I could raise the higher paying post an additional 20 cents with the same upvote. This is why I’d recommend linking recent posts with higher potential payouts. Whatever votes your link may attract will have a bigger influence on your potential payout amount.


There is a way to misuse links that some people classify as SPAM. This does not mean that they believe your post linking is a can of some sort of meat-like substance, but rather that it is a form of unsolicited messages or promotion of content.

I would highly recommend not linking your posts in the reply section of someone else’s posts. Some view this as you trying to draw attention away from their posts and towards your own. People have been downvoted and flagged for doing such, and I am hoping not to encourage anyone to get themselves in situations where they offend others.

Though some people do not mind “link-dropping” on their posts and some periodically even encourage it, unless you know how the author feels about it, I would not link-drop.


Obviously what you do with your posts is your choice. I was hoping only to share some know-how and some ideas that may help some newer users. Other users have been successful at gaining more attention and getting more votes by using this method, and so have I. If you have ever wondered what @papa-pepper would do, then this post explains one of the things that I definitely would do if I was a newer user.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with steemit.com



Thanks for the helpful post!

You're welcome. It's what I would be doing if I was newer!

Thanks for reading @team101!

wow! great post, this is really helpful for newbie like me...
just followed you, keep up the good work

Thank you for that and welcome!

Really cool, thank you. I wrote a haiku in your honor.
Haiku for papa-pepper

I wish more users would do this to their wall of text with "my bitcoin address for tipping here : 24digitsandnumberscombinedwith200morealtcoins"

Some times it feels like they don't want curators to scroll down all the way passed the spam to upvote.

Yeah a link or two can help, but some endings to posts are longer than the posts themseves. I had to shorten mine a bit back.

Great advice. I actually just made a similar kind of post but on a different aspect of steeming :D


I'm resteeming this one for sure.

Thanks for the advice

It really looks amazing on paper, but in reality, the footer of people’s "description", memo or whatever is really like a big ad and people scroll below it as soon as possible. And if you have ever worked in marketing you would know, that the old ads don’t even work anymore.
They had to upgrade, that is why the ads are on your main feed (on facebook or twitter), because your eyes are not even looking at the ads. Or they do, but your brain is not even catching it anymore.

I've seen it work, but individual results may vary.

I agree with that! :)

Trying it right now......Danke @papa-pepper

Good to hear it!

This should be automatic. The steemian should be focused on making high quality posts. Anything else should be automated.

The focus on high quality content is a must.

Wow, this was really helpful, especially for a newcomer like myself. Great advice and thank you for the post!

Honestly, it is what I would do if I was new. Hope it helps!

Thank you so much for your help; users like you are what really makes Steemit a unique community. It is by far the most positive and proactive among the media platforms. Thanks again!

I figured I can start sharing my secrets. Just kidding, I've been trying to help others all along. Papa cares.

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