I'VE CREATED A MONSTER - dumb art dump (and concept art)
Okay so I'm brainstorming for my story, right?? And I'm debating on this scene where this horrible monster is like. Being super menacing and stuff. And tormenting one of the characters. And yeah.
So I was like, OK THATS ENOUGH BRAINSTORMING FOR NOW because tbh my brain was getting kinda blghalglfgl like all blended together and stuff, so
I was like
So I started with my memory of this weird hybrid animal that my brother showed me as a base
Said hybrid animal was a cow and a dog bred together
Apparently they can breed
And their offspring is
ANYWAY, so then I slowly added more stuff to make it more and more unsettling until I, uh
Got to about here:
And then my body just forcibly rejected the idea, like, keeping in mind, like
As I'm drawing this
Like it's just a sketch, but my brain is rendering it in like... hi def realism and whatnot,
And uh
Ok so then I took a minute, and looked back at the sketch, and was like "oh, right, it's a sketch"
And like
It doesn't have mottled fur and pus and uh
Okay yeah I'mma not describe all that stuff cuz I'll throw up
But anyway
After, uh
Collecting myself...
*Translator's note: The text at the end says "DIE"
I'm no t
I'm not use d to drawing uh
Disturbing stuff
I mean, even when I draw like, psychologically disturbing stuff, uh
I usually draw very aesthetically pleasing stuff actually lfjaklsjlfjaslfsd
So yeah, I have no idea if I'm actually gonna keep this 5-legged abomination or not but uh
That's what I did today :IIIIIII
Oh, I also made this tho lol:
Cute, huh? ❤
It's to help promote my comic contest that everybody seems determined to not enter lol
It's a button, and you click on it, and it takes you to the rules page lol
Actually, I think I should probably make a TL;DR (aka shortened) version of the rules??? Because I'm wondering if that's part of why I've like
Nobody's really talked to me much about it
Because it's too long and they don't wanna read the whole thing LOL
I kinda wanna make stamp button things for other stuff, too ❤
Like maybe the [Steemit Comic Discord Server] and like other people's contests.
I know of like, 3 weekly contests :v
Anyway, and uh
So I actually have s'more stuff to talk about, but this is already too long LMAO
So yeah ttyl, see you guys next time, pfft = u =)/"
~Previous Posts~
23-Silent Comic Contest Progress Report - 1 February 2018
22-Art Dump
21-Fluffy Feels and Flower Crowns - Speedpaint
20-Comfort - Speedpaint
19-Raindrops Today - Arble Speedpaint
Haha you bleed through your eyes... Love the button to your contest :D! Super cool
Lol I was imagining it to be more like? Tar? Or ink or something? Pfft
Ahh, thank ya :DD I love the little stamp-type icons lol. They're fun to use xD
Great drawings. I really want to pet that creature. He looks like he would lick your face if you pet him.
I'll be perfectly honest. That's kinda weird.
Also this guy is supposed to be a villain. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if by licking your face, it would make your skin melt off or something.
Seriously, it's not a pet. He's basically this big bad demon thing that skulks about in the deep dark forest.