GUILDS: Share Your Opinions

in #spt5 years ago

Now that some time has passed since the Splinterland team introduced GUILDS, I would like to hear your opinion on them.

Some talking points:

  • Have you joined one?
  • Is the DEC Bonus worth the spent DEC?
  • What Potential improvements would you like to see?
  • If you started your own guild (how easy was the set up)
  • Anything else GUILD related

I personally haven't joined any guilds yet as I plan on spending much less time in front of a screen. Currently joining a guild is counter productive to that goal but I may join one in the future or possibly even create my own at some point. Aside from that I would still like to hear your opinion on guilds below in the comment section.

Have you stumbled upon this topic and have no clue what I'm talking about???? If so this topic is referring to Steem-Monsters/Splinterlands which is a digital card game created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt. Some of the cards in this game have already sold for upwards of $3000. They (somewhat) recently introduced a guild system to complement their game.


Hello @rentmoney 😉 I'd like to share my opinion about it too. I created a guild, judt for fun players who are not too competitive on the ranked. We contribute 100 dec/week. Right now we're on Level 3 but soon level 4.

I don't think the amount of DEC we contributed so far will give more profit instantly. But I like to buy mytery potion on 1% discount. About the DEC i earned from the battle? Since my cards only common betas.. so nothing really different or profitable too.

What I want in the future about the guild is ZERO chances to fight against my own guild mates on the battlefield. So it will be fair and fun to enjoy the game without fleeing or let the guild-mates win over an unfair battle, think about this.. create a guild, put all your own accounts in there and play against each other by yourself all day long and with your novice deck.. you are on champions league.. is it fun or fair?

I wish that the guild war will soon applied but I doubt it.. the new untamed kickstarter program is on the way😂 I wish that they have a way to refund the dec I spent on the guild when I decided to left it.

Nice, a just for fun GUILD is the best way to go imo.

You bring up an interesting point about getting DEC back once you are done with your GUILD. I suppose its possible to sell a GUILD later down the road and potentially get all your DEC back.

Guild wars should be interesting.

What I want in the future about the guild is ZERO chances to fight against my own guild mates on the battlefield.

This sounds like it should be obvious!

I mainly joined a guild because I like the people who are playing with me, but to be honest I was losing motivation before that and it was just good to have something fresh, something to work for.

As this still is an investment, I like to calculate for profitability, so here are the sad numbers for my personal situation:

DEC per Win for normal game (without Guild bonus): 50 DEC
DEC per Win with maximum Bonus Guild Bonus (20%) : 60 DEC

With 10 Wins per day (50% Winrate - Usually would be a bit higher) this equates to:

700 DEC Bonus per week from the max guild bonus.

For our guild (Contest Kings) the requirements for joining and being a part of it, is 10k DEC per month for 9 months (until the Guild Hall is maxed out).

So 90k DEC just from the DEC bonus would take 128 weeks or 2,4 years.

Some thing that are not accounted for in this equation:

  • Shop discount of 10% per Orb purchase and the profits from those packs, if bought.
    -Possible future additions of guild wars and other features.

I'd say at this point (atleast from an investment standpoint), it is pretty pointless and you could use the DEC to further advance your deck/buy orbs etc.

From a social standpoint and just having fun in the game, it is a good addition and might be a profitable decision to save a place in a cool guild now :)

Thanks for sharing the calculations.

I think guilds should be focused on the social aspect instead of financial anyways. Having fun and the eventual bragging rights should be its main appeal to players (imo).

Exactly, I feel the same way! :)

By the way rent money, I never rented a card out in the market, they are listed, no takers, I blame you since your nickname is that. You're obviously to blame... gibe moni plis :P

Definetaly the DEC spent so far isn't worth it, but I have heard about the upcoming guild wars, and because of that I would like to hold my spot in a guild, just incase sh*t gets real.

Guild wars should be interesting.

I look forward to seeing what the founders have in mind for that.

Just holler if you need reinforcements, I am guild-less and since you say it isn't worth it Ill remain.

Greetings, @rentmoney

I am in a guild and it help to win more decs each fight. I think when we reach 10% bonus, we will recover all decs spend more easily... For another side, we have discont to buy itens that we use decs... like 100% legendary nd gold potions!!! Its a good way man

In some time that i dont know, we will have guilds battle with some good prizes!!!! look how good it is

thank you and have a nice day

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on guilds.

I have Joined a guild with some friends and i have given some DEC and i am happy with guilds.
Having said that i did not spend any money on the DEC I invested, so for me it is just an added bonus to the game.
Anyone who spent money on the dec and saw it as an investment they expected to get an ROI on may not feel the same way.
Guilds are defiantly a step in the right direction for Splinterlands and as i can see from the comments already posted everyone is looking towards the release of guild wars.

Thanks for posting this question,

Have an awesome day!

I'm sure Guilds will become even more popular once Guild wars are introduced. Everyone likes a little competition and some bragging rights :)

I agree that creating Guilds was a step in the right direction. SM/SP has grown fast and it will be interesting to see whats next for this game.

You have an awesome day as well !

@rentmoney, In my opinion Guilds are not quick returns for everyone and in my opinion it's more about Long Term Journey. I've joined Contest Kings Guild and i am enjoying this journey for sure. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats on joining Contest Kings Guild. You made a great choice with picking your guild !

Thank you so much and hoping for awesome journey ahead. Have a pleasant time ahead.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'v joined up to a guild. Liking it so far. We are lower in the ranking but I think we will climb up in time. So far it has been a good experience.

Nice, good luck to you and your guild :)

It feels like the DEC Bonus doesn't worth the spent DEC, but it is probably a good thing for the economy of the game..

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, there's allot of different ways to get bonus DEC. Alpha cards / Promo cards / Gold Cards and now Guild bonuses so I would have to agree with your point.

They haven't really kicked off fully yet but we are having fun with ours. We still have a couple of places left but will be running members competitions and stuff. Make it fun and when the guild wars start we can see how it goes.

Having fun with it is what matters most.

Good luck to you and your guild.

I am a member of the Team Possible guild. Membership cost is 1500 DEC per week until you reach 71,500. We also have Team Possible Diamond which costs 500 per week, or Team Possible Power for 250 per week. So far, I see 5% guild bonus for each battle, so at this point it is not worth the membership cost. However, i believe that it will be crucial to be a part of a competitive guild as the game progresses. Team Possible is more than just a guild though, we are a group of friends that share investment ideas, battle strategies, and provide profit sharing decks.

I hear guild wars are coming, but I have no clue what that entails. I'm sure it wont disappoint though. Happy battling.

Excellent Guild to be apart of.

Guild wars should take guild interest up a notch.

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