Fantasy Football! Would you play? 🏈

in #sports6 years ago (edited)

What I'm thinking is something like:

  • $5 SBD buy-in, which goes to the prize pool. (Not a fee that goes to me for running the league or anything, it goes 100% to the prize pool.) This is basically to weed out people who would sign up but not actually be interested and maybe just ignore their team. Skin in the game.
  • Prize pool then gets bigger based on rewards from league content.

  • There's no requirement to post or interact with league content, but everyone is welcome to and it would only add to the prize pool and to the joy.

  • At least 10 teams, at most 14, or maybe 16?

  • Head-to-head would be the standard scoring format, tho personally I wouldn't mind roto (which means aggregating stats in each category throughout the season, rather than weekly matchups). So we can do either, but I assume most will want head-to-head.

It'll basically be first come first served, but with priority given to anyone who has been active on my blog before or is an active Steem person etc., and newer people and random accounts would come next.

It's possible that I may delegate some or all of my SP at some point. Not a big deal really; any rewards that increase the prize pool is just gravy. But I don't want anyone to feel robbed if they sign up assuming that I'll have my SP and be rewarding league content all season. I might, but there's no guarantee.

We'll use the prize pool to pay multiple places (1st, 2nd, 3rd place, regular season leader, whatever whatever). Will be announced when we know how many players. But it probably won't be one of those leagues where everyone wins something 😃

There are winners and losers and GOATs etc.

So sign up only if you're comfortable with that, and comfortable with risking $5 SBD!

If there's interest I'll move forward with creating the league and beginning signups etc.


I'll play but it appears I only have 0.688 SBD. does that just mean I need to post more? I could post "go birds" in your belichick thread

LOL. Ya, you need to post more.

You're all set tho @misterhorse, I'm gonna personally spot your buyin. If and when you achieve 5.000 SBD, then you can pay up.

Thanks! I'll troll your belichick thread anyway

bahaaa, solid move

Sounds exciting!
I may consider to participate. I guess you talk about American football league right?
I’m in, but let’s see how many are interested. Recently I noticed too many scammers, they definitely wouldn’t participate. Is that true there is only about 60k real people and the rest are bots and scammers with multiple accounts?

Ya, there are definitely a lot of spammers/scammers; however you want to classify them, a lot of people who don't use the platform genuinely, who just kind of spray comments and run a bunch of accounts into the contests people run.

It's funny, a few weeks ago there was this guy who thought one of the phony comments I got was a real user trying to interact with me 😆 and he was mad that I put a flag, like trying to be a hero for the troll user. Just naive and had no clue what he was looking at. But ya, phony users is a thing, and imo they're annoying.

BUT, there's really no worry about them here. Your only risk is trusting me, not to run off with the prize pool :p

I definitely just won't let people play unless they're real, established people. I won't let any of the phonies into it.

And ya, American football. 🗽🏈

Your only risk is trusting me, not to run off with the prize pool :p

That’s not a problem. You are definitely trustworthy!

milano! are you still with us?? fantasy football this year??

details here:

Alright, this could lead to something interesting. Consider me in!
Just to be clear, the initial buy in is $5 or 5SBD ? (not much of difference if we look at the prices of SBD though)

Great!! Ya it could be really good!

I think ultimately what could be cool is if someone built a fantasy sports website that incorporated Steem. Like you play right on that website, and it interfaces with the blockchain so that rewards for the league can funnel right into the league's prize pool.

But we can approximate that manually. Should be fun to play fantasy football anyways, and then if we get some rewards added to the pool, even better!!

We can start slow and if it grows than we can grow with it.... perhaps you can even look at the option of collaborating with a few techies to get our transactions directly on the Steem blockchain.

perhaps you can even look at the option of collaborating with a few techies to get our transactions directly on the Steem blockchain

😯😯 that would be cool, like make it so the league is technically viewable on the blockchain, essentially?

And ya, start slow and see what happens!!

Essentially yes. It can be something similar to steemmonsters card game. There data and transactions are all visible on the Steem Blockchain but they have a different website to play the game and buy cards.

We can always use steemconnect for the account access and direct payments to and from the steem wallets..... I know I am gettng ahead of myself, so I'll stop :-)

Haha I love it! I have a lot of hairbrained ideas in my mind, like creating a prediction market for the league on Augur and allowing people to trade shares in likelihood of teams to win the championship lol.

I think a lot of these ideas will take shape and be a reality over time. Right now it's like they're at our fingertips and we can see the possibility but takes a lot of effort and technical mumbo jumbo to make it user friendly.

We should consider whatever seems fun and worth doing. I'm open to whatever ideas.

People will gobble up all these ideas in a giffy ..... they might be that good, in terms of being successful. I think most of the good ideas that we have will be executed on the blockchain in next two years.... this thing is out of control :-)

Yaaaa.. eventually there's a tipping point where it's more user friendly and enough people using teh blockchains, and then it all works

Oh and I missed your actual question lol..

Ya, not too much difference, but great to be clear: 5 SBD.

I'll go fix the part of my post where I typed "$5"

In case you'd miss it, just want to show you that the announcement for the league is up!

Thanks for the reminder man. Commented my email on the announcement post.

Whole thing seems interesting....But unfortunately I'm not a football fan.... interested in playing fantasy cricket league hehe...

haha, I'd probably play fantasy anything. I think I have a title in fantasy bass fishing. you can follow along anyways and watch the magic happen!!

Haha....I can do that 💪😂😂


I’m down to play :) I will resteem so you can get more players!

Awesome!!! Thanks so much @hendrix22, appreciated!!

Can you add me on discord

Hendrix22 #6556

I miss shit all the time. I’m in 100% I’ll just need a reminder please

I will. I barely use discord and sometimes I struggle with it lol. But either I'll message you on there or remember to reply to you on here, I'll get your attention and remind you some way or another!!

Any preference between head-to-head or Roto scoring?

Roto is better but I’ll play either way!

Sweet ya I think so too, I've actually never done Roto for football but want to. So I'm DEFINITELY pulling for Roto, if there's enough support for it.

I'll support Roto. I don't know if I've ever done it

nice, good to know mr. horse man. Great new avatar too!!

As promised, here's a reminder for the league post :)

I would be interested in playing if I don’t play in another league!

Awesome! So you're in as a maybe :p

I'll post again soon with the beginning of signups. Most likely it'll take a little or some people will be maybes etc etc, so you should have time to chill on it and see if there's a spot.

That sounds good! I was a commissioner of a league last year but idk if it’ll happen again this on Steemit.

You know you wanna do more than one league 😂

ya ikr, since when do people only play one league??

the turmoil of rooting for and against a player at the same time and losing track of what even you want to happen and all that stuff is what it's all about

😂 Absolutely. Drives my wife crazy cause she never knows what I'm cheering for. Last year I had 3 leagues, draftings, survivor, pickem, and just money on games. It was a cluster fuck but I loved it

lullll, ya, it starts reducing to weird things like you root for a running play or general trends and gameflows ,,, no way to explain what you want to happen

Haha exactly. Well worth it though. Have you tried Curious because a lot of the guys I play fantasy with hadn't, but loved it once they did. It's weekly but more about the draft rather than creating lineups with a salary like with draftkings etc. Best ball is a ton of fun too. Draft a 18 team roster and every week it automatically starts your best scorers. No substitutions, trading, or anything. Just another option to confuse you what to cheer for on Sundays 😂

I haven't.. sounds interesting, I'll check it out. I'm always up for more games and gimmicks lol, I like draftkings in theory, but seems tough, with rake and multiple lineup entries (which means sharks will flood it), seems hard to have an edge.. and then it's so topheavy, and if today's your day to win the lottery then you lose a lot to taxes.

So ya, I'd be into other formats

Salary is kind of annoying to me.. like at first it was fun, then I realized I just go back and forth in my mind rearranging all the puzzle pieces and it gets annoying lol, I'd rather just draft ya

Yea definitely give it a shot. You can do as little as a dollar but still fun. Yeaaa draftkings can be quite frustrating, haha. The same guys win the big tournaments but I saw one professional is putting like $10,000 on every Sunday, it's crazy. That's also why I like draft, the pros don't do it near as much since they can't enter 50 lineups and it takes more time to do a snake draft. So regular people have a higher chance of winning.

Hahaha ohhh for sure. I'd drive myself nuts and then always look back and beat myself up.

lullll, ya, it starts reducing to weird things like you root for a running play or general trends and gameflows ,,, no way to explain what you want to happen

Hey @full-measure is it too late to be interested? Sign me up if there's still space

not too late at all!!! sign ups haven't even officially begun. what I'll probably do is post again when it's time to sign up, and reply to people on this post so that everyone sees it, or something like that :p

btw I'm trying to upvote your comment and it's not working for some reason but I voted your blog post instead lol

ahhh got the upvote in .. the dang thing was bugging out or something :p

hey, just FYI here's the announcement for the league, if you're still interested:

If there's still a spot I'd definitely be down. Never done roto scoring but would be something different and could be a lot of fun!

still spots!! consider yourself in! I'll officially create the league and post again when signups are open, and I'll reply or whatever to make sure you and everyone replying here sees the post. keep your eyes peeled!

Whoo hoo! Sounds good to me. Curious what site you were going to use?

Probably Yahoo! Open to suggestions. Yahoo! seems like the default for most people, as far as I know, so it would probably be best for people who play in more than one league, to make it easier to keep track of.

But open to suggestions if there are good options I should know about.

Totally cool with me. I usually use ESPN but not opposed to yahoo. Did a league last year on my fantasy league and it just wasn't very user friendly. Super customizable, but we don't probably need all that and it's not free, so I was just going to vote against it, haha

haha nice. Ya I think probably Yahoo! unless there's big objection or some great alternative or something

hey boatsports…

so there's the league post! bam!

Whoo hoo! You're the man

I just read your post and I’d like to play. Hopefully I’ll have the 5SBD by the time if I get to play. I’m usually in about a half dozen leagues each season but never done one here on Steemit. So, if there is an opening when the time comes around, might keep me in mind.

sure Todd! About to post about it very soon. I'll give the details and the sign up process. I'll come thru this thread and send a reply to you so that you see it.

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