The Windsor Gem & Mineral Fair 2017 : The Haul (Part 2)

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)


Woohoo!!! Part 2!! Who has been looking forward to Part 2? 🖐

I really wanted to get these out yesterday but had to get those Gift Vouchers out of the way seeing that I still need to get the green light before I can print them out.

Now that that is done!

A little gem fair recap...

Morning of the first day of the gem fair wasn't the best and we got to the venue late-ish. Despite that we still managed to grab a few goodies and I did find the Brandbergs after years of searching.

Second day of the gem fair was all about the tumbled stones, after pretty much convincing Hubby he needed to go back to get the stuff he missed out on.

A couple of days ago I finally got around to posting the Specimens we bought from the fair along with short descriptions and personal notes about them.

This post is all about the tumbled stones.

This fair actually revived my fondness for tumbled stones. I started off with tumbled stones, but as I began to use crystals for work, I began to fall in love with raw natural crystals, preferring their natural beauty and the "diamond in the rough" quality they have.

Are they safe to handle?

Most crystals are ok to handle especially if they're tumbled or polished. But some, like some minerals, need to be handled with care and always make sure to wash your hands after playing with crystals.

Crystals are often worn or carried in one's pocket, but they can also be used to make crystal essence. I have made crystal essences before but never for personal physical use. It was the water I used for my Plasterites to give it an extra boost of energy.

If making an crystal essence for personal use, please refer the notes on this site to find out which crystals contain harmful materials for ingestion or external use.

Yeh they're pretty and all, but always be safe.

In alphabetical order and with a few choice points about each, let me show you some of my favourites from the Windsor Gem & Mineral Fair 2017.



Found in Australia, this stone is sometimes called Tasmanite, it is a combination of yellow green Serpentine and purple Stichtite. Found recently, it only occurs at “Stichtite Hill” a small hilltop in Zeehan, Tasmania.

Personal Note: Like many of the crystals on this page, this has been on my wish list for a while, purely for the "accessing past lives" part, in particular Atlantis.

Energetic Properties:

  • Aids in accessing and retrieving information regarding one's past lives.
  • Activates the Kundalini and opens, cleanses and aligns all of one's chakras.
  • Brings peace and tranquility to one's environment



Auralite or Auralite 23 is a crystal that contains 23 different mineral energies and is only found in Boreal Forest in Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada. It has layers of chevrons and is primarily made up of Amethyst, Citrine and Green Quartz.

Energetic Properties:

  • Balances the body and brings forth, healing and rejuvination.
  • Activates all 7 chakras plus the Earth and Soul Star chakras.
  • Heightens intuition and psychic sensitivity.



Brandberg Amethyst is a stunning and unique variety of Quartz crystal found only in Namibia, Africa - a mystic blend of Amethyst, Clear and Smoky Quartz together in one exceedingly high-vibrational crystal. Formed where powerful Earth meridians cross, this mineral is imbued with remarkable phantoms, enhydros, and other rare formations and inclusions

Personal Note: If I could only get 1 crystal that whole weekend, I would have picked a Brandberg. This is by far my favourite out of them all, in fact I have one of them on my lap as I'm writing this. Since it came into my life, I have always slept with one under my pillow and alternate them so I always have a charged piece with me.

Energetic Properties:

  • Brings forth profound unconditional love and healing to matters of the heart.
  • A great crystal for Earth healing, helping the Earth's grid be restored to a more perfect state.
  • Brings clarity, peace and joy.
  • Excellent at blocking harmful and negative energy.



Known as a Stone of Ascension, Cacoxenite is believed to raise the spiritual awareness of the human race and to provide a loving and ethereal connection between all of the universe. It encourages a conscious awareness of the significance in random events to guide us on the right path, and in sensing the essence of the Creator in the beauty of nature and the kindness of people.

Personal Note: I found this on the 2nd day of the gem fair, not knowing what it was, but drawn to the flower like formation within the crystal, I went with my gut and grabbed it. It was only later when we got home did I realise what a gem I had. (pun intended).

Energetic Properties:

  • Used to heighten effect of moon rituals.
  • Helps increase spiritual awareness and transfer healing to the Earth.
  • Aids in releasing bonds that are no longer for one's highest good.

Chrysotile & Peridot



Personal Note: When we got home on day 1 and was comparing who got what, I noticed Hubby had this crystal (not this exact one, but similar, his is bigger & better) and I was captivated by it in an instant, falling in love with it's green hues.

However, after some research, I found Chrysotile to be harmful. Actually it contains asbestos. Yep, Asbestos. To be clear, the Chrysotile is the rock looking part, not the shiny green gem looking thing - that is the Peridot.

This crystal contains properties of both Chrysotile & Peridot.

Energetic Properties:

  • Chrysotile: Can assist in finding one's true self by clearing away past life baggage. It also brings forth an energy of honesty, integrity, and sincerity. It has also been used to aid in telepathic endeavors not only in sending and receiving messages but also assuring one their message has been received.

  • Peridot: Brings about necessary change to ones's life by helping remove negative patterns/behavior, taking responsibility for them and moving forward. When placed over the heart it empowers forgiveness and heals matters of the heart. It is also considered a lucky crystal and if used with the right intention, it can help one expand their ability to abundantly receive from the Universe.

Peridot is an old friend, and one that has reinforced my belief in crystals. My journey with it began with this pendant I made for myself a few years ago, it has Peridot and Green Tourmaline in it.



Also known as Luxulianite, Luxulyanite and Luxullianite (confused yet? lol), this crystal is a rare formation of pink/orange Granite with Black Tourmaline.

Energetic Properties:

  • Promotes a positivity and self confidence.
  • Encourages one to be rational and diplomatic.
  • Extremely grounding and protective.



Not Mystic Merlinite which is located in Madagascar. Merlinite, at the moment, only comes from one mine in New Mexico. It is a variety of Dendric Opal and may contain white chalcedony or white quartz.

Personal Note: This crystal right here is pretty much the sole reason why we've been on the gem fair run. Hubby has been after this one for months and it's been sitting high on his wish list since then. Me? Eh. But I get why he wants it.

Energetic Properties:

  • Attracts powerful magic and good luck in one's life.
  • Assists in contacting guides and teachers from higher realms, and access to the Akashic Records.
  • A stone of duality, it brings forth light & dark aspects and helps balance the yin & yang energies within.
  • Can stimulate clairvoyance, clairsentience and automatic writing.



Found in NSW Australia, while it has said to have been known about for a long time it's stone meanings are only now becoming more widely known.

Personal Note: Hubby gave me this from his stash. He liked them so much he bought 3. I completely overlooked it and was offered it a few times but I kept knocking it back until one day I heard it calling me and I turned to Hubby and said.. "You know what? I think I will take it after all! Thank you!

Energetic Properties:

  • Said to give the keeper a sense of invisibility. Great for those who would like to remain anonymous.
  • Known to strengthen the heart and one's general well being, it also protects and guards from harm.
  • Used to stimulate spiritual insights and foresight.



Prasiolite is the proper name for the green variety of Amethyst. Purple Amethyst are transformed into Green Amethyst by the heat within the earth.

Energetic Properties:

  • Being an Amethyst, Prasiolite contains all the properties of Amethyst, but as a green stone, it also harmonise with the Heart Chakra, linking it with the Third and Crown Chakras.
  • As a member of the Quartz family, Prasiolite has the ability to amplify other crystals used with it.
  • Strengthens one's relationship with the Divine mind.

Prehnite & Epidote


This crystal is a combination of two stones and contain both properties of each stone in this crystal.

Energetic Properties:

  • Prehnite: Known as the crystal that heals the healer, it increases the flow of life energy into body and seals the auric field making it an ideal companion during meditation. It is also a stone of prophecy, enhancing inner knowing (clairsentience) and developing precognition. It is a crystal that helps one be prepared for anything coming. Excellent for grounding.

  • Epidote: Epidote's motto should be. "The more you give, the more you get." because that is how prosperity and abundance is manifested with this crystal. The more generous you are the more blessings you receive. It aids in becoming or maintaining self awareness, and assists one in finding the courage to let go of things that no longer serve them. This crystal is a catalyst for change and has the ability to help you manifest your dreams.

Personal Note: Prehnite has been on my radar for a while, purely for it's ability to enhance precognition and made myself this lotus. I have to say she's been awesome. She did what she was meant to do, however, I didn't trust in my messages and failed the team.




The origin of this ancient, 2 billion year old Shungite stone is clouded in mystery, as how it came to occur on this planet is unclear.

Some say this stone may have been formed in ancient oceans, which were inhabited by a variety of microscopic organism that no longer lives in our oceans.

Shungite stone is one of the only known natural source of fullerenes.

Fullerenes are powerful anti-oxidants, and their presence in this stone seems to be quite unique. It has been noted that this stone has strong healing qualities, and that Shungite will help to neutralize any organism within your body that is harmful to you.

Since this stone was discovered in Russia in the 1700's, they have been recording amazing results from its use. They use shungite chips of various sizes to purify water.

Personal Note: Shungite is another crystal I have wanted for a while for it's water purifying properties but have yet to throw these babies in my water jug.

Energetic Properties:

  • Shields one from electromagnetic radiation (computers, mobiles, tvs, microwaves etc)
  • Like all black stones, it is very protective and grounding.
  • Said to infuse the auric field with light only allowing positive energy through.
  • Purifies water!!



There are a few different varieties of Topaz ranging from Blue, Pink, Golden, Purple, Clear and more, with each colour having it's own energy.

Although it looks similar to Quartz differs from the energy of Quartz in the way its alternating currents are linked and broadcast via the ethers to the forces of attraction and manifestation. A request to the Universe focused through this gem brings an intense clarify to one’s intention and increases the focus of one’s thoughts, energy and actions in order to manifest one’s desires into physical reality.

Personal Note: This crystal totally looked like a clear quartz, but when I picked it up, I noticed for a small crystal it's compact, solid and heavy - it had presence. Then upon further inspection, I noticed all the little rainbows inside it. It's a shame I couldn't get one to show up in the photo.

Energetic Properties:

  • Brings awareness to one's thoughts, self and deeds, gaining understanding of the big picture.
  • Helps heal the soul but releasing mental attachments and purifying emotions and intentions.
  • It is a crystal of love, good fortune, honesty, faithfulness and trust.



Its nick-name is TV stone, because of its strange characteristics. If you place the stone on top of written material, and look through the stone at the right angle it may be reflected in the top of the stone, like a TV.

Personal Note: Hubby got a big fat chunk of Ulexite a few months ago. When I first saw it, I thought it was damaged and the writing on the box bled into the crystal, but I was wrong! The crystal was opaque and acted like a magnifying glass. It was pretty cool.

Energetic Properties:

  • Great for the Third Eye chakra.
  • Helps with contact with Spirit Guides and enhanching psychic abilities.
  • A stimulator of imagination, it will help with inspiration and creative blocks.



Most of this stone is a green color, and it occurs in a number of different shades from light green through to apple green and a deeper green.

There are even some blue green stones, and less commonly it can also be white or gray, and may have brown inclusions.

Personal Note: My piece is a pale green although you cant really tell from the photo which is such a shame because that delicate shade of green is what grabbed my attention.

Energetic Properties:

  • Great for stress and anxiety as it helps one find solutions to problems and trust in the Universe.
  • Brings clarity of thought and encourages one to embrace joy in their life.
  • Could assist in Past Life recall.

Here are some of the others that didn't make the photo quality cut.


You can't even tell what colour they're meant to be.

Hopefully when I get my new phone I can re take the photos and add these to my next haul post. But maybe I'll pace myself next time and just do a post just on Jaspers.

You guys need to see the Ocean Jaspers I picked up the other week..

But that's for another day 😘 I hope you guys enjoyed looking at the crystals.

Did a particular one call out to you? Which one?!


Disclaimer: To be on the safe side, don't put minerals in the bath with you and if you're really sick please see a professional.


The Windsor Gem & Mineral Fair 2017 : The Haul (Part 1)

The Windsor Gem & Mineral Fair 2017 (Day 02)

The Windsor Gem & Mineral Fair 2017 (Day 01)

Gemkhana 2017 : The Collection (Part 2)

Gemkhana 2017 (Part 1)


Love is in the Earth by Melody


Auralite is beautiful!

Wow awww it would be nice to have one of these. Awesome post. Upvoted

Thank you Jacinta! ❤

I'm totally swooning over here! Gorgeous, gorgeous stones, and most of them (save four or five) are completely unfamiliar to me! I could stare at these pictures for hours - however, first I have to go check out the other related posts! Bright blessings to you!

Ohhh yay!!! Swoon away love. I swoon over them too. I'm glad you enjoyed them! 🙏

Hubby and I were wicked into gem collecting back in the early 90s, but then, kidlets happened. Now that they're almost all grown, maybe I'll be able to gather a few pennies and start collection again! 🙂

Do it!!! Let Steemit help with your collection! ❤ Also I think there new crystals out now.. i dunno...

Have you heard of Azeztulite?

Nope I've heard (and have some
Azurite, but not Azeztulite. However, I just did a quick Google, and it looks awesome! Thanks for the heads up, and definitely going to put my Steemit pennies towards getting some. :)

These are all very lovely! I have a couple of books on the energies of crystals and their healing properties. I really need to study them more. Thank you for all the inspiration!

Please do! They are amazing things, they truly are. My pleasure! ❤

Oh my goodness I'm in love with these. They are all so beautiful!!!

I need to send you lot some crystals ❤

Ms. Bearone, these are all soooo gorgeous it's so hard to pick one. But Luxurianite stood out for me! Huhu! Your collection is one of the prettiest I've came across with! Thanks for sharing!

P.S. Can you post mroe about Chakras? It's one of my interests! :)

Aww thank you @olaivart. I will try! 😘😘

they are beautiful

Oh my. Now a whole bunch of beautiful polished ones! You keep doing this and I might have to start collecting, they are just so pretty. Besides that, I might have to find a couple of these just to have for their energetic properties. I love looking and gems but really don't have any. I've never been a collector, but if I ever started to be one these would be right up my alley. ㄹ

Wow, those are very cool and interesting. I can really see you passion for these in your writing.

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