Bitcoin Keeps Bouncing Off Moore's Law Support

in #speculation5 years ago


When Bitcoin crashed down to $3200 I got very suspicious that its base value may be doubling every year, quite consistently.

The bears keep telling us the price needs a new bottom, but the bottom seems to continue bouncing off this invisible line that no one but me is talking about. Am I taking crazy pills?



On February 8th the price of Bitcoin was $3400. Everyone was calling for further losses. According to this Moore's Law theory, the base value should have been around $3700. The next day the price bounced to $3660.

On March 4th and March 26 the price took a slight dip and everyone panicked. The next day further gains were made.

I'm calling it. The bottom is in. Once technical analysis confirms this a lot of the bears are about to turn very bullish.


Traders are waiting for this scary-Larry resistance line to get broken.
I am not. Breakout incoming.

The block reward halfening gets closer every day.

I think in April the price will spike to $6k, then there will be a bear trap down to $5k,
with huge gains to be made in the summer time ($12k).

A bull can hope.

Financial advice blah blah blah.


I have seen you mention this before. While it was obvious to me before entering crytpo that the huge bull run that saw Bitcoin hit 19K was a manipulation, this bottom you have noticed screams manipulation as well. One that they want noticed since it is hitting the same doubling every year. I haven't posted it yet, nor finished research, but I discovered some documents showing they wanted us using crypto long before crypto was a thing. I suspected as much before understanding, and have only had my suspicions grow stronger the longer I am around it. They can't track their fiat, but the crypto can never be hidden. All they have to do is be patient and wait for a mistake that reveals who owns what.

Private coins or mechanisms and organizing ur wallets is key (dont use one wallet for everything)

Posted using Partiko Android

The tech is spiraling out of control.
Privacy features are making incredible gains.
Even if this was "their" doing, this project is spiraling out of "their" control.
Open source has a way of doing that, especially when it gets monetized.

What happens when crypto city-states are more prominent and you never have to have an identity to begin with? You can have a reputation connected to a wallet and abandon that identity and start a new one whenever you want.

Maybe this is wishful thinking considering how locked down technology has become.
Maybe not.

So many ways they are tracking us. I don't believe it is possible, despite the consensus that it isn't happening, that our ISP companies don't see everything transmitting on their lines. Then there is crap like this

I suspect that there are back doors built into most computers. I also believe the Microsoft programs are spying on Everything we do as well. Then there is where we come into play.

Our programs on the computer leak information that VPNs don't always mask, which is how Amazon and other large companies know it is someone trying to be sneaky. Add to that, perhaps somehow someone is smart enough to somehow mitigate all of that, but all it takes is one dumbass close to them to be careless somehow and things get marked, put on the lists.

Then one has to look at how one is going to replace fiat with crypto. How are you cashing out to fiat? I have no doubt government supercomputers are tracking all blockchain activities and recording wallet transfers and such. Did the wallet send to a known wallet? Can they apply pressure on the known wallet owner if they want to? Do you plan on buying real goods with the crypto, and if so, how do you plan on having them delivered in a way that doesn't identify you?

I could go on, but not seeing the likelihood of much anonymity.

I'm saying eventually people won't need an identity to begin with.

No more social security numbers.

No more backdoors on hardware and software because everything is open source.

When you buy something your name won't be tagged to it.

You can live at a residence and be completely anonymous.

Hard to imagine, but these crypto city-states will be popping up like wildfire over the next decade or two.

This assumes that those who insist on owning and exploiting us won't pass more laws and send their willing gunslinger armies in to enforce their theft and demands for obedience. They have no issues doing this with countries all the way to any groups in their own borders (Ruby Ridge, Waco, Bundy ranch, etc).

Of course, but as the decentralized movement spreads across the entire planet it will become harder and harder to stomp on. The elite doesn't control everything, and the opinion of the people matters; which is why they go to such great lengths and spend such obscene amounts of resources manipulating public perception.

The military is made of up brainwashed people as well. You can't do things like demonize and dehumanize Al-Qaeda and then start forcing your troops to work with these terrorist organizations later. This has already happened, and it sowed massive discontent through the ranks of the military.

Grunts get brainwashed into thinking they are protecting freedom and bringing democracy. Shatter that illusion and see what happens.

The elite has woven this web of lies, and some actions are off limits. DLT will continue to slowly unravel the web of deception and bring more transparency.

Given how police love to set people up (cointelpro among many ways) I wouldn't be surprised if the government was behind the program. Nothing easier than people they can steal from and send to for profit prisons coming to them and identifying themselves and their activities.

I suspect the bankers (and their constituents) since they can create as much fiat as they wish to buy. Their magic paper is the barometer that is used to measure the value. The government has had an interest in our using crypto more than a decade before Bitcoin was invented for the purposes of enticing us to use the internet for commerce. Without writing the future post I have planned, it seems obvious to me that those with money play with the value being attached to the crypto field.

Everyone is trying to guess the bottom. I'm just buying until the bottom. 😃
If I get rich, the next time I'll hire a medium to tell me what the bottom will be!


Youre really making me a hard time

Posted using Partiko Android

I read this differently at first. :P

Tell me more

Posted using Partiko Android

That you got very excited about him calling the bottom.

Actually the opposite cuz everyone around me is FOMOing and Im waiting since months for a good entry point cuz ima poor student who quit school

While everyone around me is going nuts, I feel like a Zen Master.

But edicted is really testing me.
I value his opinion.


Weren't you from europe/germany? you'll be fine with no money for a while :D become a steem entrepreneur, daytime you're sleeping on the edge of being homeless, nighttime you're revolutionizing the internet!

Yea my parents will love you

But I would be pretty happy. As long as I have a tent, no snow again and enough steem income to fuel my Yamaha XT 500 :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Make it run on steam power.

I'd go more all in if i could.

I would be very interested in which are your favorite coins

Posted using Partiko Android

Was thinking of making a post about that, maybe some trading as well once I find the time. Maybe on my alt account.

Youre really making me a hard.

It was supposed to be unspoken.
You ruined it.
No wait i ruined it.

Ash on your head

Posted using Partiko Android

So hard good.

The genius of Moore's Law was that everyone just thought it was true... so they kept pushing because they thought they'd be left behind it they couldn't figure it out. It's definitely one of those things that because everyone believed it, it became true... so I don't see any reason why this can't happen to Bitcoin as well. I'm going to buy some more tomorrow just in case...

don't blame me when it crashes to $2000 :D

Seriously though these things are impossible to time. The bull spikes happen a lot faster than the crashes back down.

Coins can go x20 in a week... it's crazy.

Regardless, I think major action in either direction is the most likely outcome.

Hahaha, I wouldn't dream of it... I seriously wouldn't mind if it crashed to $2000 at all... that'd just give me more time to accumulate. I can only buy a small amount every 2 weeks, so y'know, the longer until it rockets... the better.

Same here lol I would love 2k! I’d finally own a whole bitcoin.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I hope you're right. Sounds pretty convincing.

It is definitely getting to a tipping point where we will ultimately see two things: first, the next trend for the cryptocurrency market and second, who is really behind the selling pressure as it could be seen that the supply of bitcoin available to sell are coming down quickly.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64689.90
ETH 3450.92
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50