Spam Tutorial Part 5: Be (mis)understood

in #spam6 years ago

Writing spam is not for the weak of heart. It takes a lot of perseverance, to face the lack of compassion that authors seem to have when you've informed them how great their work is. The free feedback given during the last tutorial was used extensively, and I have noticed already that many of you who try to be spammy, have really upped their game. But of course spammers are never done, and the road to be the best spammer you can be is still long.

Previous tutorials:
Part 1: The importance of staying motivated
Part 2: About the nature of spammy comments
Part 3: The importance of being positive
Part 4: Personal feedback on your spam

In this fifth tutorial, we will focus on the lack of understanding that is associated with spammers, and how spammers can use this in their own advantage.

Spam Tutorial 5.jpg

Being misunderstood

Spammers face the problem to be misunderstood. Primarily in the following two ways. First of all, a spammer's intention is questioned, and your positive comment is understood as something negative. This is a big problem, for as we have dealt with in tutorial 3, it is of vital importance to have a positive impact on the reader.

And this brings me to the second point. Spam is often misunderstood due to a lack of grammar, or interesting combinations of letters that are not just typos. This is another level of misunderstanding, one that can greatly benefit the spammer. It might even solve the first problem of not remaining positive.

Use Misunderstanding to Your Own Advantage

Just like writing good spam, it is not easy to write something that can be misunderstood. I urge all of you who are not yet professional spammers, to try this. It is not easy. Being misunderstood demands your full attention. All details count. Typos don't always work, but can help. Using Google Translate back and forth between different languages might also give you some idea of which direction to take your comment.

But before looking into how you can be misunderstood best, let us first of all see why this would even work. If your spam is obviously spam, you will be punished by it - no upvotes, and perhaps even a lecture against your own spammy nature. This is to be avoided at all costs, because you might end up on the radar of someone who will start flagging you, and then the end of your Spam Career is in sight.

So, using a distraction like being misunderstood might actually work in your own benefit. For how can someone dislike your hard work, all your effort of writing in a language that they can clearly see is not your own? Nobody would be cruel to flag something that you obviously worked hard on. This is also the reason why mere typos will not do the trick - everyone can have a typo. To be a real spammer, you need to make people think twice about what you have written, and then give you the benefit of the doubt.

Some Examples

It's always best to look at some examples. Here are a few that have a great balance between being positive and creating doubt. These spammers use the fact they are misunderstood in their own advantage.

spam do not be understood.JPG

Is it a typo? Is it an autocorrect gone wild? Hard to say. Excellent material to demand a potential upvote.

spam for 5_1.jpg

No typos, but hard to figure out what is actually going on. Upvote worthy!

spam tutorial genius.JPG
This is an excellent example of using misunderstanding to your own benefit as a spammer. Obviously a lot of effort went into writing this comment. But it's unclear what is exactly meant. There is a lot of positive vibes that I get from reading this comment, but it is also so random and generic, that it's not clear if this is a comment used often, or if it is truly someone who tried to be misunderstood. This begs an upvote.

And one last example...
spam for 5.png
This is almost bad spam, because it is perhaps just a typo. But, it's a delicious typo, because it makes the author wonder if reading the post has actually made the commentor sear... or soar.

New Offer for Feedback on Your Spam

If you would like to receive feedback on your spam, send me 1 SBD with the link of where you would like to receive professional feedback. One link per request. Please take the time to implement feedback, before you resubmit for further feedback.

Thank you for all your spammy comments. May the Spam be with you!



Miss, thanks for shaving this post.
Marry me?

Thank for beautiful photo, and love your face. Bike nice.

See my post:

very beast wridden amazening

Nice comment! Resteemd.

Perhaps, some spam may fall under absurdist literature? In which case, to define is to limit :)

Interesting approach you’re taking, @nobyeni.

Btw, there are a couple comments addressed to you underneath the post I wrote to answer your post publishing queries. (Curie are promoting it 🤓)

I love this travelUpvoted

Oh, I missed the opportunity to upvote this one by a day. But oh my, I am laughing out loud at all the hilarious "spam" comments. Look what you started.

Glad you're enjoying it! There is no time limit on spamiliciousness!

I think this series will make us all feel better. Not to mention the many tools we now have at our disposal for dealing with spam!

This is hilarious post!! I love it... you make me want to become a professional spammer now. (probably not) Yup being misunderstood is a key method of making a thought provoking comment even if it's not spam.

Do you serieously offer feedback for spam for whole 1 SBD ?!

Well, 1 SBD would not be enough, if I were to offer you feedback on this comment. You show way too much involvement with the post, to even be remotely considered a spammer. I suggest you read the other tutorials, and then decide if you want to come back for some real feedback or not.

Not everyone is born to be a spammer. Don't take it personally, though.

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