How to become a better spammer?

in #scam6 years ago (edited)

There are many posts about how to write for Steemit, how to earn more money, how to create value. Some great posts like @Gmuxx's post on 'How to Steem' are especially worth mentioning. And yes, some people can write about value and simply earn money like that. But there are hardly any posts about how to be a good spammer.

And this surprises me. As there are so many spammers, people or bots (I don't want to assume anything here) who try to make ends meet by focusing on quantity instead of quality. Who have done the maths, and realize that a lot of cents also make up a dollar. And they are absolutely right!

Spirit of Sacrifize

Of course, their life is made difficult. Some people do not appreciate their hard work, their dedication, their spirit of sacrifice. So I just want to let all you spammers out there: I know. It is hard work. And extremely strenuous. Just like other repetitive work, it is important not to let it get to you. To keep up your work ethic, not let yourself be depressed.

Pro-tip for scammers: Treat yourself to some nice dessert every now and then! This particular dessert was eaten by me in Providence, Rhode Island, in autumn 2016.

One of the first sacrifices that will be required, is your reputation. Some people work very hard to keep their reputation high, but it is a rough world, and not everybody is as understanding. Please arm yourself, be aware that it is not personal. You simply do the best you can. Don't be afraid of putting that unremarkable comment under a post, in search of simple rewards. It's your choice, and even if nobody answers it, know that you have hold on to your own values.

Know that you are noticed!

Take care, and don't be fooled. Know that you are noticed. Anyone writing an original post, will immediately notice the amount of effort that has gone into your scammy comment. Your efforts are not in vain, they do hit their mark. Even when you do not earn as much with it as you had hoped, you will have influenced the person you are commenting on. The recipient of your scam may have feelings of annoyance, of anger, of frustration. And those may be directed towards you. This is all part of the life of a scammer, they are a sign you have truly hit your mark.

So no matter what happens, stay true to your real desire.

To scam or not to be, that is your question. ~ @nobyeni



Sometimes a story comes to life when you view it through the eyes of the antagonist.

That's so true! And it gets the reader a bit more sympathetic, doesn't it? Therefore increasing the effect if/when he is eventually defeated. 😃

Yes, very true. And this was a wonderful twisting of the usual outcry (which I understand). A change of perspective can work wonders.

Thank you for your nice comment. I will follow you! ;)

And thank you for your just as nice reply :)

VERY funny. I love your tongue-in-cheek sense of humor. Now if the spammers would just read your post and think, hey, wait a minute... that wasn't what I was going for... and stop spamming. But, no. Sadly, I don't think they spend a lot of time thinking about whether or not they add value or earn the scorn of the posters they spam. Do they know? Do they care? Do they have souls? And all that was heard was an echo where moral fiber should have been.

With enough echos like that, something might someday happen. And until then, we have humor to conquer them!

Thank goodness for that! Ha, some days I would take some spam over the dull thud of nothingness heard sometimes after I push Post. I’ll eat my words soon enough, I’m sure.

Nice post.
Eating your words yet? :'D

Yes! And that made me laugh out loud. Thank you.

LOL - so funny and true! What bugs me even more are the comment spammers. Because some of them are really good and it is hard to identify them.

Thank you for your nice comment. ;)

sure thing. also i made a typo. I meant the "comment" spammers, not "content" spammers. the worst kind are the once who put ad images for their channel in your comments ;)

It's about time somebody stood up for the poor hardworking spammer.

Making this comment just to say I did read every word of your post. :) Spam comment? Scam? Is Steemit just a ponzi scheme? Nah because original content ftw. OKay good work here.

Yup... they truly hit their mark! And I'm quite surprised there aren't a dozen 'nice post' comments under this title 😅

Yes, I had also expected that! I guess they don't spam posts with keyword 'spam'??

Yeah, guess so. Must have them feeling a bit of guilt!

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