With great power comes great responsibility

in #sociology6 years ago
What would you do if you were in charge? There comes a time in everyone's life when we fantasize a little. It may be about a president, premier, or even an emperor as long as we were the ones calling the shots and ruling how others would live. We have a feeling that our way of looking at things is the proper one, the correct and genuine one. All should follow our way. Hm... Objectively, that has a suspicious resemblance to dictatorship by I will let that slide for a moment. What would I do if I had the power to govern a certain country?

CC0 image, Pixabay, author: Pexels, adapted by me

@eco-alex made yet another interesting question as a weekly contemplation task in @ecotrain about the first executive orders and it served as an inspiration for this post. There is a lot to think about here, especially when you consider that presidents and prime ministers have different positions, duties, and responsibilities. They have different powers. You should also consider that most countries have other components in government and that not even being a president or a prime minister means that you can just make an order without that order passing the "ok" from other people involved in the government. It is not as simple as most people think. There is actually almost no possibility that you could make an executive order that would be immediately accepted or accepted at all. It would only be doable in a dictatorship and we do not want that. Do we?

Welcome to my mind, a place where utopian fantasies are born. Let's start by explaining some things. I would not necessarily be the ruler of my fantasy country but I would like to live there. That fantasy utopia country could be born from a democratic election where people who create it would be elected but I am not holding my breath on that. It is not because I do not believe that kind of capable people exist, I just do not believe there are enough of smart people who would vote for them.

The problem is...
Some people are stupid.

Some people are stupid and the terrible thing is that they do not even realize it. A lot of them blame the government for everything. Let me make something perfectly clear, that government was not elected by aliens, it was elected by people. The sad part is that every nation gets the government it deserves, the government it elects. You may not want it, but the people around you obviously do. Why? Because they are naive, stupid, and easily manipulated. The power is always in numbers. It is illogical to say that things can not change. They can but people do not want them to change. It is like that story with a moaning dog where the dog was lying down and moaning and when a person came and asked the owner what is up with that dog the owner said how it was lying on the nail. The person asked why doesn't the dog move and the owner responded how it does not hurt enough the dog to move but it hurts just enough for it to moan. Most people are like that. They are not ready for a change and will not give their vote away from the nail because they are addicted to moaning. That is why I am not holding my breath that people will elect someone smart, intelligent, and capable to power. It would remove the reason for moaning and honestly, improvement is too scary for most people anyway. It is much easier to moan.

Since I have my doubts about people being intelligent enough to recognize smart and capable people to vote for because they are not educated enough and manipulated with logical fallacies and fear mongering too easily, my utopia can obviously be achieved only by revolution, dictatorship or magical intervention, pick your favorite choice and we will continue.

Since I did make a pretty strong claim there about people being stupid, let me explain why that is. It is because of a little thing called emotional reasoning. It is a phenomenon where our brains cause us to believe something is true because we feel it is true with no regard to the evidence. The brain is structured so that mere repetition (no evidence needed), causes us to believe a certain claim. The more often we are exposed to that claim, the more comfortable it seems. When we hear a statement, the first thing that happens is our autopilot system of thinking that is composed of emotions and intuitions. It used to protect us in the ancestral environment against dangerous threats and drew us toward what we needed to survive such as food and shelter. Unfortunately, the autopilot is not well calibrated for the modern environment and when we hear statements that go against our current beliefs, the system perceives them as threats and causes us to feel bad about them. This is the reason why many of us get the news mainly or only from within our own "personalized social media filter bubble". That bubble excludes information that differs from our own beliefs and they are then reinforced. It seems that everyone shares the same beliefs as us. You can check the survey from 2016 by Pew Research Center and read more about what I am talking about:

News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2016 by Jeffrey Gottfriend and Elisa Shearer

What is more concerning is the study from 2018 conducted at Stanford University. Results say that over 80 percent of students, who are generally experienced social media users, did not distinguish a news story that was shared by a friend from a sponsored advertisement. They did not recognize the advertisement. Rational factors such as the credibility of the news source outlet or evidence backing the claims had almost nothing to do with their decisions. You can read the entire study here:

Wineburg, Sam and McGrew, Sarah and Breakstone, Joel and Ortega, Teresa. (2016). Evaluating Information: The Cornerstone of Civic Online Reasoning. Stanford Digital Repository. Available at: http://purl.stanford.edu/fv751yt5934

Ok, you have somehow magically landed in ZEN-utopia. The first thing you will notice that education is in the center of attention. The biggest paychecks are those from teachers. The educational system is absolutely free for everyone and every educator is of top-quality.

Education was, is, and
always will be the key
to every progress and change.

You must realize by now that right oriented political parties do not really encourage you to be educated, right? Educated people are harder to manipulate. If you look at statistics from any country in the world, people from rural areas and those with less education vote right for traditional values, dogmas, strong manipulative personalities, and religious propaganda while educated people and most of them from cities vote left and tend to move towards technology, science, philanthropy, improvement, and liberal standpoints with no discrimination and hate. The first thing that right oriented politics does when it comes to power is screw up the educational system and makes it harder for people to become smarter and more intelligent. In ZEN-utopia, the educational system would be perfect. That means that educators would be high-quality professionals with a background in not only their field but psychology too. They would know how to teach and be paid A LOT. Education is the MOST IMPORTANT THING in every society. Religions leaders and gurus will not change the world, scientists will. This type of quality educational system would provide more of them and not only that, it would provide knowledge to every individual making it more capable to do anything.

This kind of top level, individualistic, improved, technology empowered, quality education is expensive and you might be wondering where would the country get the money for it. How could it be free and top quality at the same time? Answers will be provided later, we need to talk about just how important education really is.

Education is not only important when it comes to knowledge, it also has other benefits. There is a major wellbeing effect that it creates. Our level of education has become an important indicator of the social status in contemporary Western societies. Salary, job status, and even health are increasingly based on the level of education. The forming of our social identity is influenced by what and how we learn and an overall well-being and positive social attitudes are formed. Our health is impacted too. Evidence shows how education positively impacts cognitive ability and how it delays the cognitive decline in later life. You can read one of the studies here:

The Continuing Benefits of Education: Adult Education and Midlife Cognitive Ability in the British 1946 Birth Cohort by Stephani L. Hatch, Leon Feinstein, Bruce G. Link, Michael E. J. Wadsworth, and Marcus Richards

Yup, that is right. Churches and banks would have to pay the highest taxes and that would bring a pretty decent amount of money. The other way of gathering some money is from punishments. Drunk drivers or abusers would have to pay A LOOOOOOT of money as a part of their punishment. When I say "a lot", I mean the amount that that car is worth, their house is worth etc.

Basic needs are cheap,
luxuries are expensive.

Anything that is considered a basic human need would have ZERO taxes. That includes food, water, basic building material, and clothes. It does not include all food and all clothes, only those that are in the certain price range so the label owners would not exploit the situation and health professionals and nutritionists would make a list of healthy and basic foods that fall into this category. It must be affordable and easy to buy things that are needed for every human being to survive and live a healthy life. Soda drinks, alcohol, and junk food are not your basic needs.

If you want luxury, pay for it.

Are doughnuts a luxury? Yes, yes they are and so is Coca-Cola, cigarets, alcohol, designer shoes, and video games. You can live a healthy life without those things. You will not have to give them up, you would just need to pay more. Culture is not a luxury so theaters, music, and art do not fall into this category since they have been proven to benefit human psychological development. Gym membership is also not a luxury. Think of it this way, if it makes you a healthy, cultural, educated individual, it is not a luxury. If it is junk food or something damaging your health, it is a luxury and it would cost A LOT. We all need those simple pleasures (a doughnut junkie over here) but they should remain pleasures and seen as treats while healthy food needs to be cheap and available to everyone.

Our health is pretty much affected with the food we put into our bodies. The right amount of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats etc. is necessary for our normal functioning. I have found a great number of studies and research that show what we eat is important so I suggest you read the following:

Research for food and health in Europe: themes, needs and proposals by Mark McCarthy, Amina Aitsi-Selmi, Diána Bánáti, Lynn Frewer, Vasant Hirani, Tim Lobstein, Brian McKenna, Zenab Mulla, Giulia Rabozzi, Raluca Sfetcu, and Rachel Newton

Nutrition research to affect food and a healthy lifespan by Sarah D. Ohlhorst Robert Russell Dennis Bier David M. Klurfeld Zhaoping Li Jonathan R. Mein John Milner A. Catharine Ross Patrick Stover Emily Konopka

Young people and healthy eating: a systematic review of research on barriers and facilitators by J Shepherd A Harden R Rees G Brunton J Garcia S Oliver A Oakley

One of the things that ZEN-utopia would have is a set maximum payment level. Illogically huge paychecks would not exist. What am I talking about? A certain (very real) soccer player has a salary of $84 M where that M stands for MILION. That is not realistic. I am well aware that some people work hard for their money and am not saying that this dude does not but that number is simply NOT realistic. Every field would have a set maximum level for salary and it would be based on how much that field is contributing to society.

Want more? Contribute more.

Everyone thinks that what they do is the most important and some can get pretty offended when someone disagrees with them. I am sure that if you like and enjoy what you do, there is some logic behind your reasoning that it is important too. There is nothing wrong with that BUT you have to admit that doctors benefit society more than managers, scientists help more than professional sportsmen. The number of people your work impacts and the way it impacts them would play a role in setting that salary maximum level. That means that scientific discoveries and technological advancements will make you the richest. There would still be high salaries for those that excel at anything that they do but those salaries would be more realistic. You could be the best soccer player in the world but I think that you would live just fine with earning 5 million and not 84. Five million is still more than you need and will be enough for your luxury cravings.

I did say how this was going to be a post about a utopian fantasy land, didn't I? What did you expect, of course that some things would be almost impossible to achieve. I would like to point your attention to that word "almost". I used it for a reason. As a species, we are still evolving. Our behavior is evolving as are our accomplishments. Think about how the world looked like and how people acted some 1000 years ago and compare it with today. Differences are huge. Let us just hope that we do not need another 1000 years to recognize how some things are more important than others and how quality life is a direct consequence of quality education. Would you like to live in ZEN-utopia? Help create it by using rational logical thinking and be more critical to things you hear or read. Fact check the information you come across, it will go a long way and help this utopia come true. Thank you.

Besides my fantasy ramblings, there were some RESOURCES and REFERENCES used in creating this post, check them out here:

The Best Diet: Quality Counts from harvard.edu
Identity, Socioeconomic Status and Well-Being from from cardiff.ac.uk
The Brain Science of Political Deception in the Election from psychologytoday.com

Until next time,

Image sources AND LICENCES in order of appearance:

- all images used in this post are free for commercial use, they are royalty free with the links to original images provided under them
- line divider that I use is from FREE CLIPART LIBRARY, and is here
- my bitmoji avatar was created on https://www.bitmoji.com/, visit the site to create yourown




Hey – maybe we could build it on Steemit, using SMTs! So many good ideas... hmm, maybe I'll join in with this, even though I'm not a member of ecotrain. I agree SO MUCH that many people are woefully bad at critical thinking, but I don't agree that it's because they are stupid (although they may appear to be). I think it's more complicated. I reckon it's often due to repressed anger, maybe going back to a childhood upset, and they're looking for something to hook their anger on. I have an old friend who's been doing this recently. She spouts absolute nonsense about stuff she's read online, and when you challenge her about it, she argues very intelligently and coherently. But she takes her arguments to extremist conclusions. It's quite bizarre. I've seen other people do it too. It's lazy thinking, or taking refuge in extreme notions and refusing to look at any other viewpoint. If I had the power, I would make psychotherapy free and government subsidised. Everyone could try as many different psychotherapies as they liked, until they found one that worked for them.

Yeah, one way or another, they have serious issues and I agree that proper therapy could be the cure for that ;) Thanks for such a nice feedback 💚

Researches, surveys...analyses.
This is what makes me dive into your content - the easy way you pick knowledge to support your point. The books, ah the books...
I'd love to see @youhavewings enjoying this post. Hopefully more people do.
P.S. How's that you spell dream with an "a"? ;-)

How is what? I do not get it :) It is morning and I am just drinking am first coffee, I think I will smarter later :D

No, dear :-) it's not about you. It is DreEmee, aka @dreemsteem who introduces word trends like the one to spell dream with an "e". It is very possible that this trend particularly hasn't affected you as we speak.
Smarter? Could you be smarter than that!? Aw, I'd surely stick around and enjoy the better you.

Sending hugs and kisses, garnished with love!

"The sad part is that every nation gets the government it deserves, the government it elects. You may not want it, but the people around you obviously do. Why? Because they are naive, stupid, and easily manipulated." Preach It!

People are given a choice between two idiots, and then they vote. And voilà, they still get an idiot. Then they have the nerve to bitch 4 years later.

Churches and banks pay the highest taxes... Yes!

Okay, you got me, Magical Intervention for the win. ;-) You are now elected LOL. :-) Excellent Post!

Weee, thank you, I promise I will be a nice and kind ruler :D

Well it is very serious topic and I generally keep away from politics and religion topic. But what I have observed people are too demanding they need everything but never wants to do some thing to achieve them. So along with stupidity the lazyness is also a great factor . Another important factor people are greedy and coward too....greedy..in sense that they fall in line for vote selling just for few bucks and coward in sense that they hardly try to resist . Even if they know that the candidate is not worthy but are influential because of neatness they keep voting them

Posted using Partiko Android

I keep away from those topics too. I made an exception so I can talk about how my ideal utopian zen society would look like :) Thanks for adding value to the topic with your comment and sharing of your views.

A good read is always appreciated . 👍 Loves the way you have put your perception about the filthy land of politics.....steem on

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree on both points: politics is a topic that tends to divide the audience and can easily do more harm than good, and the people who advocate the most online for political goals are also the people who do the least in actually creating lasting value for society. Not to say it's wrong to talk about politics, just that most of the stuff I see is vapid reactions to the latest current event that will be forgotten in a week.

These kinds of posts are among my favorite, though. I love reading about how people would structure a government at its very core, as it's something I think about a lot in relation to worldbuilding.

I usually avoid them because things can get heated up pretty quickly with more value put on arguing and insulting than on actual open conversation. Luckily, it has been going ok so far and all commentators are lovely no matter their opinion. 💚

I know many love to read these topics as they are the people who are more influnced by political activity...better not to get into any kind of arguments while doing discussion on these topic

Posted using Partiko Android

We elect our President/ Prime Minister and then we are not happy with them so it is so obvious the problem is with us more then them. Education is the key to any foundation and this does not mean only the book education that we get in schools, else this whole world would have been a very charismatic place. For a better place to live in everyone should contribute in their capacity which would be fair and just. As you say if you want more, pay more. But sadly in our country, it is the other way around.
You have given a fabulous response to the question Petra. It was a pleasure reading. 💖

Oh how I wish for a kind compassionate good peaceful world full of sensible kind compassionate people ..... maybe a kind compassionate benevolent peaceful dictatorships is the answer.

Maybe it is, maybe it is not but it does not hurt to dream ;)

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You just made this Monday even more awesome than it already was! Thank you for your support 💚

I know, but sometimes you just have to have a little bit of fun don't you

Yes you do! I completely agree. 💚💚💚

I so agree, education is key, and we would't be in our correct situation had our government -- unfortunately on both sides -- not spent the past 50+ years eviscerating our schools.

Posted using Partiko Android


Oh no.

I'm gonna have to be that guy... huh?

Ok... I'll try to keep this short, since I don't particularly like leaving excessively long comments. But even as an admitted Utopian fantasy, your description of society and the role of government is NOT a place I would want to live.

  • Pumping money into education has not been demonstrated as producing results. That makes sense, as paying a person more does not increase their ability to do their job. You seem to understand this concept when you propose a max salary, which makes me wonder why you don't realize it under a different context. Education is important, but I'm not of the opinion that simply giving them more money will make students perform at higher levels... and I have seen nothing that has yet changed my mind on this.
  • Video games are art, and the fact you don't consider them culturally important makes me wonder what other artistic outlets you would target with high taxes
  • You go in the exact opposite direction of religious organizations receiving special tax exemptions, and tax them heavily. Congratulations, you just drove every single religion underground, and tore a gaping hole in the societal fabric by disenfranchising massive portions of the population. (I guess you did explicitly say you were a dictator in this utopia of yours...) Oh, and banks too? Well... seems like keeping your money safe is going to get a LOT more expensive. More people will be keeping their money under their mattresses, that's for sure.
  • A max salary is an interesting idea... if you want people to stop creating new businesses or technology. Why take the risk and put in all that effort if, given you have above average IQ, you can make the max amount of money as a teacher? Just do that, let the less talented people create the cure for cancer, and make the exact same amount of money as you!

Suffice it to say, I think this utopia with the stated policies would likely turn out awful. It's not full on government dystopian awful, at least not right off the bat, but I certainly don't want to live under a government which not only persecutes the religious but also squelches any demand for any products or services it deems unnecessary.

Now, I'm perfectly aware that, as I am a more politically right wing individual, you would think I'm anti education. I'm not, I have a college degree that has allowed me to get a job in that all-virtuous technology field. But there is another side to this, one that I may need to present myself in a future post. I've been planning on writing up my ideal government structure for awhile now, and just like an anarchist bad mouthing me on Minds encouraged me to finish my full dissection of Anarchy, this may be just the push I need to finish it.

  1. Education needs more money. If it got more money it would first be put to good use by educating the educators. The point is to create quality teachers who would not only know what they teach but how to teach it. Pays would be bigger but so would the responsibility. Not everyone could be a teacher but those that would need to be properly rewarded.
  2. Video games would not be banned but they would have taxes
  3. I see no reason why religion does not pay taxes, none what so over. I like what some countries already have, if you say you are a Catholic for example, a part of your salary goes to the church, if you say you are not, it does not. That is one solution but I would still tax them.

Congratulations, you just drove every single religion underground

I see no problem with that :D Faith is one thing, organized religion another. There is far too much money in religion and not enough in other more important parts of society. I am ok with people worshiping God but do they really need to worship with a golden altar? As for the banks, yeah. Taxes. If a cleaning lady, scientists, doctor, singer etc need to pay their taxes, why shouldn't the bank and the church? Is what church does more important than what doctor does so the doctor has to pay tax and church does not? I am very anti-religion person and without going into too much history and current data, religion should be taxed and taxed a lot.

4.Max salaries would prevent unrealistic salaries and even make some bigger. When someone makes 50 million a year, does he need all that money? Would he live just fine and have everything that he needs if he had 10 million?

The fact that you have a college degree does not make you pro-education, it simply means that you have an education. Thank you for "being that guy" hihi, I always appreciate it when someone can challenge my views and be open for discussion so even though I may not agree with you, your comment is very much appreciated and I would be very happy to talk to you again. I am also looking forward to reading that post of yours, I have a feeling that it will be very interesting. Maybe I will return the favor and be that guy for you. 💚

I'm not going to keep this going too long, but I'm surprised you still don't seem to see the disconnect in saying that teachers need to be payed more because it will help them perform at a higher level, but other disciplines need to be payed less and it somehow won't affect their performance. This is economic interventionism, and has been known to crash economies and cause mass starvation.

But I'll just leave some quick responses and be on my way...

  1. Yes, you would get talent in education... to the detriment of every other field. Also, because of the artificial demand, you would get better teachers by your stated criteria, not necessarily better overall education. I recommend this video to give you an idea what kind of scammers such a setup could attract.
  2. Came to agreement in another comment thread, so ignoring. :)
  3. Yes, I can see you are openly anti-religious... I guess for a dictatorship, that is pretty standard. But religious organizations are responsible for a large amount of social cohesion and community outreach(feeding the homeless, taking care of the sick, consoling the grieving). If you tax them heavily, many will simply disband and try to help their community without that organized effort, and will certainly not be able to do as much. I know, you will say that your dictatorship will certainly help the communities better, and I can't prove it won't since it's all hypothetical... but I just hope you eventually realize what you are actually doing here. You made the government the god of the people. Maybe that's your intention in this utopia of yours, but I dunno... I wouldn't really want to live under a government that demands so much from its citizenry.
  4. Ah, yes. This is called envy. You hear about someone making a lot of money, and you think they don't deserve it. If someone manages to provide a product that millions of people want, and is paid what he charges for it completely willingly, what did he do wrong? The customers aren't upset, they got what they paid for. The person selling them didn't lie, didn't scam them... heck, he gave them something that otherwise wouldn't of even existed. If corruption does occur, of course, go after that, but otherwise you are angry at a person simply because they are successful. The actual effects of targeting the rich in this way by taking large chunks of their salary is they flee to entirely separate countries where they aren't taxed into oblivion, taking their businesses with them and crashing the economy of the place they flee. This has been tried before, multiple times in all kinds of contexts, always with these same results.

Btw, I just posted that previously mentioned ideal governing structure earlier today. Feel free to offer critiques it if you wish.


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