How To Boost Your Follower Numbers on Social Media.

in #socialmedia7 years ago


Building a Following on Social Media is Not Rocket Science.

You would not believe the chicanery I see on social media on a daily basis. The worst social platform for this game is Instagram. People send out bots to follow a few hundred people per day and once they achieve a follow back they quickly will turn around and unfollow the person to boost their following numbers.

The insanity of this is that most people don't like to feel played and will promptly unfollow the offender. I guess this feeds into the vanity side of the human condition. Why do humans feel the need to appear more influential than others? Over the years I have built a large following across social media but I have done it by being reciprocal.

Most social media platforms have a maximum number of people you can friend or follow.

Facebook- 5,000 friends but you can follow an unlimited amount.

Instagram- 7,500 Follows

Google Plus- 5,000 Follows

Twitter- Unlimited Follows

Pinterest- Unlimited Follows

Steemit- Unlimited Follows

Spend Time Daily Following and Unfollowing Across Social Media.

I personally focus on Twitter and Steemit since those are the two platforms I spend most of my time. I use Crowdfire for Twitter. I love it because I can target by hashtags or user accounts. For example for the @Steemit Twitter we targeted @CoinTelegraph and similar Crypto Currency accounts.

"Never follow randomly, always focus on a specific subject matter for your brand or persona accounts."

On Steemit it is a much easier task since our user base is much smaller. I follow people who are active in writing or commenting. Be generous with your Steem follows.

Be careful following too many accounts at one time on any social platform. It is a good way to get your account temporarily banned. I actually lost my first Pinterest account thanks to being over zealous. Also some traditional social media zealots don't like my tactics but at least I follow people instead of sitting on a pedestal looking down upon other users.


Some good advice... personally I tend to "curate" follows pretty tightly... unless I feel someone actually adds value to what I am doing or one of my areas of interest, I don't care. I just don't get into the whole "ego-popularity contest" thing... what's cool about that is that I can toss out a piece of content to my somewhat limited (relatively speaking) following... and get 1000+ actual reads as a thank you, often prompting "how do you DO that???" comments from peers who have 300,000 on twitter or wherever... quality over quantity, any day!

I agree quality is what matters in the end. In my game quantity is what gets peoples attention.

I created my twitter account yesterday. I'll change the picture profile, header and re-write the information later this week then begin to follow people and get more active there.

Make sure to add your website or Steemit url in the about section as well.

Instagram is the network that bugs the hell out of me the most. It was designed from its inception for the ego based, vain, materialistic driven society we live in. The 'mine is bigger, better, more badass than yours' attitude over there flat out stinks. Nice post dude!

I despise Instagram, but all the women I know absolutely love it. As soon as I hit the limit of following my growth stagnated. Some would say Unfollow people then, but that is not a game I want to play.

I despise Instagram too and stopped using it when fakebook stopped the chronological feed...

That 7,500 threshold is the do or die over there, growth just comes to a halt at that point. The only way for a non-celebrity to continue growing is the unfollow and follow/unfollow loop. Hoping that people don't see you unfollowed and do the same back. Definitely not a game worth playing, agreed.

I just follow lots of people. I believe in KARMA, so I have no religious faith as such but I treat others with dignity and respect. Personally I do not care if others follow me or not; I like to do my own thing and simply clicky clicky without a specific "game" 'plan'.
I certainly do not just seek a follower so I can just unfollow them or whatever, that sounds like more of a time waster daily chore than watching reality television.
I like to build relationships and believe cooperation and teamwork will usually achieve more than individual soloist egomaniacs. Humans are social animals and we need to feel connected to others and this seems to be lacking in todays fast paced modern world.
It is strange that people want to regain their privacy yet they build walls between themselves and others simply to try and regain some "self-time".
Thank you for your wonderful post and if you want to know about Bitcoin visit and email [email protected] Personally I am an Aussie visiting Florida long term and Panama seems more attractive as a lifestyle option every month.
My big question : Do I need to speak a non-English language :)
Frankly I am looking at getting out of this weird place real soon ;)
Thank you Veteran ; I hope you have gained the lifestyle you deserve :)
Hugz ;)

Yes, you will need basic Spanish here unless you live in a predominantly expat area. There are a few including Boquete and Coronado. If you need help we are here.

I totally agree! The follow- unfollow game just seems maddening as well as being a time waster!

Hey @hilarski I'm loving what I'm learning from you. I'll keep following and hopefully improving. I'm an Old Dog but I hope to keep learning new tricks!

I only follow based on personal preference and interests, but I have to agree with you it tends to get out of hand :D I used to spend whole days commenting and reading Steemit :)

For everyday users it gets to be a little much. I am thankful for tools.

following over 200 people gets tough, I'm at my limit at around 500, I have to rest :D and It's a time sink too, for the relative returns it's definitely not worth the time

A few days ago when I finally got actively interested in Steemit after it was mentioned in a newsletter I read, I remembered @Steemit had followed me on Twitter. I checked my Twitter followers and couldn't find @Steemit.

After reading this story, it became clear that @Steemit had done the follow-then-unfollow-after-I-follow-back insult to me. I then mentioned @Steemit in a tweet to complain and even posted a screenshot of an email notification as evidence of the follow that I then thought was nonexistent. Next, I replied to this story with the same complaint and a link to the screenshot uploaded on Twitter.

Afterwards, something told me to check my Twitter followers and I found @Steemit somewhere down the short list of 178. I sort of panicked. I didn't want my first contribution on Steemit to be a false accusation directed at the most powerful account on the steem blockchain. I quickly deleted everything related to the complaint on both Twitter and Steemit.

Now I am wondering if @Steemit saw the mention/complaint and followed me again.
Would I even know?
Would @Steemit appear at the top of my list of Twitter followers?
Twitter say email notifications are for NEW followers.

Moral of all this: we need unfollow email notifications so that we can effectively respond to follow-then-unfollow-after-I-follow-back insults and generally discourage the behaviour.

How many times can you organically mention @Steemit in a post?

Cheers @hilarski! Interesting, knowledge - providing post.

RandyHilarski Randy Hilarski tweeted @ 03 Apr 2017 - 17:47 UTC

How To Boost Your Follower Numbers on #SocialMedia. 👍🤣😀

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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