Sndbox Summer Camp ~ QUEST 1 ~ Compilation of Quest Entries ~ Is this the end or Is this the beginning of the journey?

in #sndboxsummercamp6 years ago (edited)

My final post in the quest, from the Sndbox. Message compile all parts of my participation. I hope this is the end of the quest, but the Beginning of my great journey in creative development, in improving my blog and working with Sndbox.


When I saw a few days ago a message telling about the Quest, I immediately realized that I should try to do it. Despite some difficulties that had troubled me. The most difficult thing I thought was that I did not speak English at all. I can write text by checking it in the dictionary. But it is to say - it is still quite difficult for me. So the second part of the quest with the video is of course something that made me worry. But it really reached its goal - I really left my comfort zone, standing in front of the camera.
We've never made a video for the General public before. And it was so unusual. Oh my God, maybe thousands of Steemit users are looking at me! They hear my strange speech (what language does she speak? Is that English? No, it's probably the ancient language of an unknown civilization.) Ha ha. But I did it, though. I am ready to speak boldly, defending my thoughts, dreams and creative ideas.

It was a happy and productive week. I've been working hard on my articles. All the days my head came up with headlines and phrases, new recipes were born in my brain, filled with inspiration. Indeed, when a person gets motivated, he becomes capable of many things. And even if I don't participate in the summer camp Sndbox, I have a lot of ideas and recipes ahead of me, which I will tell about in my blog. And they were born thanks to participation in this stunning quest. I am very grateful to the organizers for this incentive to create.

So, my first entry Quest is my story the relationship with food in my life. In fact, it was only recently that I fell in love with food and the process of making it. And this was largely due to the acceptance of oneself, the acceptance of one's body, and the finding of harmony between one's Self and the outside world.

Sndbox Summer Camp ~ QUEST 1 ~ My journey in the world of cooking

The second part of my entry in the Quest. Video clip about my aspirations and the sense of my participation in the summer camp. Unfortunately, I was unable to download the video with subtitles through the DTube. I got confused with its format and editing. So I uploaded an extra clip through YouTube. I hope that one of them will be clearer.

Sndbox Summer Camp ~ QUEST 1 ~ Part two ~ Why would I want to join SNDBOX

The third part of my participation in quest. Review beautiful @Gringalicious blog. Here I'm talking about how I see her work and how my blog will be different from her. What's new I want to bring to foodbloggers.

Sndbox Summer Camp ~ QUEST 1 ~ Part three ~ @Gringalicious blog analysis

Thank you for reading! Thank you to all who follow me, who believe in me, thank you to those who write me words of approval and support. I really appreciate it! And I am happy to be here with you, in this wonderful community filled with creativity, great aspirations and dreams. Success to all! Judges will have a difficult job. It won't be easy to pick the best. Friends, you all did great! Believe in yourself no matter what. The journey is just beginning.@Anna-Mi.


Thank you for sharing the information

Dear @anna-mi! Thank you for your support, and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor!

Many thanks!

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