My I ♥ Journey – Meet My First Love

in #sndbox7 years ago (edited)

Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things. ― Winna Efendi, The Journeys

Fairytales, Castles and Ever After


My passion for travel and adventure started back when I was a kid. My parents bought me a set of Fairytale books, like Cinderella, Rumplestiltskin, Beauty and the Beast and many more. These stories showed beautiful castles, lovely sceneries, fairies, witches, princesses and handsome knights and other colorful things.

Then my reading broadened when they bought us a book about the world. It was a huge world book where there were photos of castles, pyramids, mountains and waterfalls. I learnt then that stunning castles on those story books that I was reading, the flowers and the beautiful fields are actually true and that they actually exist in real-life. It made me want to go and come see those places face-to-face.

Whenever I was asked what I want to do when I get older, I’ve always said and wrote “Travel around the world.”



Apparently, at a young age I came to realize that happily ever after isn’t true after all. The company where my father works, went bankrupt, he became someone whose job was on and off and worse he got a stroke and he also got paralyzed for quite awhile. Then my mom became the breadwinner of the family.

Reality has strongly sinked in that life is not a bed of roses and I’m not some princess, who has a fairy or a genie to give me a wish and save me from my family’s dilemma. My “travel around the world” belief came to an end.

I had to work hard with everything. I needed to keep up with grades so I could get a scholarship. I eventually had to quit college for a while because I had to help the family, sent my brother to school and help the household. My love for traveling was buried at the back of my mind.

This may sound pretty boring and such but I do have happy days, I always try to make every situation as light and stress-free as possible. I do go out with friends but never have I thought that traveling would be a possibility for me.

My Sanctuary

Scribbles #9 - Closure

Going home to my late grandma’s hometown was a big stress reliever from the city’s fast-paced life. This all started when I visited her for her 71st birthday. Aside from being with family, I’ve come to see how beautiful our hometown is.

The first year of my visit I was able to climb a hill, on one of Bohol’s iconic chocolate hills and then went on a bumpy road trip to visit a cold spring.

Eventually, my grandma’s place became my haven. It has been my annual tradition to go home there every summer. This is where my ♥ is. My passion for traveling came back to life because of this place.

I fell in love with the sunsets, the beach, the sceneries and the simple way of living. My spark for adventure started here. My passion to explore and learn new things was all routed here. It made me believe it was possible, traveling is possible. I get to see these places without going out of the country.

I ♥ Travel around the Philippines

So far, I only have one out of the country trip. Not to worry. I don’t have to go far away. My country has around 7,107 islands (or more depending if it’s high or low tide).

Because of my country’s diverseness, I’ve come to learn about the different cultures and beliefs. My love for my country has also deepened with each and every experience. Check this i ♥ Philippines - Why Visit my Country

I ♥ Photography – Sailing in the Sky

My passion for trying out new things expanded. I’ve come to overcome some of my fears. I’m a scardy cat my frets (truly!) and at the end of each adventure, I’m quite astounded on how much courage I’ve showed and put in.

I’m not required to do it but the thought of the what ifs and what could’ve beens won’t allow me to take down a challenge (with caution of course). I feel like I’m a new person each and every time I go from one of my trips.

The Lady Behind the Camera

Photo by Felipe P. Lima Rizo on Unsplash

My love for travel, made me love a new hobby, photography. My photos are my treasure. They are the bits and pieces of me. I want to share what I’ve seen and what I’ve come to love on the places I visited.

Almost 100% of the time, I am the person that you usually see holding the camera. I’ve only got a few photos of myself because I was too busy taking shots of everyone and everything.

My I ♥ Journey on Steemit


I’ve had tons of failed attempts of writing a blog. However, being part of a lovely community made me stick around and writing here on Steemit. This ignited my passion to share my travel adventures, my love for nature and my love for writing.

Every place you get to you get to learn their story, just like my post on I ♥ Travel – A Husband’s Undying Love.

With traveling, it also has been an educational experience just like my posts on:

  • Travel 101 – Luggage Tags Tips and Tricks
  • Travel Trivia #8 – Ice Caves

    For those people who say that it’s not possible, I want to show them that it is possible. You don’t have to really spend tons of money to experience such things.

    You get to appreciate the little things that surround you, from the colors of twilights and dusks, the clear blue skies and many more. Along the way, you get to learn and embrace yourself more. You’ll be amazed of the gift of friendship that traveling can give you and the joy of the little things that you’ve overcome and achieved.

    My life is not a fairy tale but that doesn’t stop me from having the “happily ever after” feels. It’s not bad to dream. Dream with your eyes wide open. One step at a time, one place at a time.

    This is one of the four requirements for the #sndbxquest

    Thumbnail is from Unsplash



    This is a really nice read. I finally got to know why you write the traveling posts. A great view on your personal part.
    What you did to help you family, know that not many people would do that. It shows how true of a person you are and what is most important to you. Family is all we have and its to be cherished. Im glad that you do just that <3 xx

    Thanks Foxy. Family is truly important to me. They give me life, they give tons of ♥.

    Thanks for sharing this part of your life, it's always nice to put a story behind the passages we read.

    Thanks my friend. :) ♥

    Reminded me to be grateful with what we have. Ur writing is so lovelyy 💕💕💕 ☺️

    I'm glad you like it. Thanks for dropping by @kymio

    Lovely Dawn♡ You do take beautiful photographs.
    Great post, good luck on this quest and beyond xoxo

    Goodluck to both of us Amy! Thanks for the compliment. You're one more to go and done. I wish us the best! ♥

    Amazing post, very well conveyed thoughts. I loved reading it and I felt like I was immersed in your passions meanwhile. Thank you for sharing this with us. <3

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Thank you for being my extra eyes! ♥

    over 7000 islands?! the philipines look so incredible and i really hope to visit there someday. there is a lot of truth in what you said - the places where we are from offer so much value - traveling is not about how far you go, but the excitement and appreciation you get from the journey of exploration. there is so much to see all around us! you just have to give it the time of day to look :) loved your post dawnsheree <3

    Thank you @itinerantartist! I definitely agree with you. Thanks for dropping me a note and your kind words Tintin!

    You should come and visit too. :) ♥

    of course of course! and i will let you know if i ever do! you always have a place to visit in the US (or the UK if I'm there!) if you ever decide to come this way! my home is your home <3

    This is really sweet of you. :) I'll definitely grab that invite when I do get there. ^^

    My home is not much but you are totally free to come here. :)

    That's lovely Dawn. I'm sorry you've had to put your dreams on hold to help your family through their problems. And it's great that you still have fun with friends and travel and photography.

    You work so hard and deserve all the good rewards that will go along with it.

    Sincere best wishes to you and yours.
    Anj xx

    Sweet Anj.

    I may have a few things that I got really disappointed and must've said pretty bad things but looking back, if I just moved on and do my own and not care it'll hurt even more. ^^

    If that situation come I'll still do it over again. :)

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