Updated Rules For Slothicorn - Must Read Before You Use #slothicorn Tag

in #slothicorn7 years ago (edited)

Artwork By @elohprojects

We are excited to see so many new artists joining our community. However, we have also seen a large influx of low effort content, from people who are simply seeking easy upvotes. The primary objective of establishing this community was to incentivize the creation quality art within the crypto-currency community.

Some people have started abusing the system by just copy pasting others artwork and sharing them from their account without giving any proper credits. As a result of this, we have come up with new rules and policies effective immediately. Make sure that you read on carefully before you submit your artwork with @slothicorn tag in the future!

Vision & Mission

  • To help cryptocurrency go mainstream through cryptoart
  • To reward creative people with Steem who contribute to the cryptoart movement
  • To help and teach artists how to be Financially independent in a crypto economy
  • To support artists who want to use either Creative Commons or retain Full Rights (Explained Below)

Curation Policy

  • From now on, quality will be our primary focus and have laid some strict rules in order to make sure that only the quality creators get rewarded from this project! We will not be upvoting every post and have defined ranges for upvote %. The quality of your artwork will be the major factor for what % of vote you receive.
  • Only excellent posts will be resteemed from @slothicorn account. This is to ensure that only those artworks get maximum reach who deserve, people who are following @slothicorn get quality content on their feed and upvote those who deserve it!
  • The decision of the curators can't be challenged and you are not allowed to indulge in any kind of argument/discussion/argy-bargy with curators on why your post is given a low upvote!
  • You are welcome to join our Discord Channel and paste the link of your post in our promotion room but if you ask any of the curators for an upvote or begging for an upvote in any Discord rooms, you will be banned permanently and we will not be considering/curating your artwork in the future. Let your art speak instead of you begging for an upvote!






    Rules For Submitting A Post To Slothicorn

    • We have noticed that people are sharing art by combining sloths with other things, it's fine but @slothicorn doesn't mean that you always have to draw a sloth. You can create any Futuristic or Visionary art you wish instead of always using a sloth, It's just a small part not our vision. I am sharing some of the examples to get you guys a clear idea what kind of art you are allowed to create other than the sloth ones
    • Art By @alexandravart

      Art By @eggstraordinair

      Art By @yusaymon

    • All art genres will be acceptable except for music and photography at this time. Some possible art forms: drawing, painting, animation, video, film, cryptographic puzzles, macrame, sewing, fabric, environmental art, sculpture, street performance, graffiti, collage, food art, comics, puppetry, opera, comic video series.
    • Your first tag should be slothicorn
    • Add the Creative Commons Attribution License like this if you want let others to use your art without imposing any restrictions.

      This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

      If you want to retain the full copyrights, add this statement!

      Copyright @username - All Rights Reserved

    • At the very bottom of your post or in your artwork, you should put your Crypto wallet address.

      Example of Putting your Crypto Wallet at the bottom of your post

      Example of Putting your Crypto Wallet in your art

    • You must include every possible detail to prove that the art is created by you. This can be done by sharing pictures of your art in progress and you can see the example here. We have seen many people copying others artwork and sharing them from their account, so whoever does this again will be receiving some flags from us!
    • Every new member who wants to submit an artwork with @slothicorn tag must introduce themselves. You can share your picture, previous creative work and artwork done for @slothicorn. Please check thispost
    • by @wildempress to get an idea about introducing yourself for @slothicorn.

      Ways Your Post Will Be Flagged

    • If you steal others work and share it from your account
    • If you place a Common Creative License on an image that has already a Copyright
    • If you share any image without giving proper credit to the creator
    • If you share an art that is under Common Creative License after making some small/minor adjustments and giving an impression that the whole artwork was created by you
    • If you edit/remix a Copyright image

    • Post that was flagged by @slothicorn - Example 1

      Post that was flagged by @slothicorn - Example 2

      Creative Commons VS Copyright Artwork

      Let me first explain what and when to use Creative Commons License in detail. If you are sharing your artwork with CC license, you are allowing others to copy, share, print, edit, re-interpret, remix and use your artwork freely even for commercial purposes. Again, this doesn't mean that you can share a CC license art from your account. If you want, you can do it by giving proper credit to the original author but you will not get an upvote from @slothicorn and you won't be flagged either. Similarly, if your artwork is a combination of someone's else CC license image, you still have to give the source of where you get the art from! But if you share someone's else CC license art with an impression of you being the original artist, your post will be flagged! Read this post written by @inquiringtimes carefully if you are still unsure what Creative Commons is!

      From now, you have the option to retain full rights of your artwork by adding the Copyright thing I explained above. It means that your artwork won't be copied, shared, printed, edited etc. without your permission! However, if someone wants to share your artwork in an article, he/she will give you a proper credit like we do here on Steemit, copying the image from Google and giving credits at the end of the post. Infact, you can go through this post where @ghulammujtaba used Christina's latest artwork she did for Cryptoart and gave them a proper credit! Again, we would like to warn you not to submit any post where you steal the artwork of any other artist and portraying it to be yours!

      If You Are Not An Artist - UBIGIF

      If you don't consider yourself an artist and not good at art but still want to contribute to @slothicorn to earn some Steem, you can start making GIFs under our UBIGIF program. You are allowed to post one GIF per day and we will give you a 2% upvote on every GIF. You don't have to use #slothicorn tag if you are sharing a GIF, instead use #UBIGIF tag in your post!
      You can contact us in the #help channel on Discord if you have any questions regarding new rules.
      GitHub: https://github.com/aslothicorn/welcometoslothicorn
      Discord: https://discord.gg/jJaMSYR
      Steemit: https://steemit.com/@slothicorn
      Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamslothicorn

O.K. !!! Thank you for this post! I have looked at the Slothicorn works for a while on and off and have been so confused about what exactly it was for. This was very helpful. Sme of the works I've seen, I really liked an some were just not my thing so I wasn't sure I would be able to contribute anything that would be fitting the project! Now I am pretty sure I can!

And I'm glad to see @ghulammujtaba is on board with this project as he's really great and has high ideals for the Steemit community and it's ability to be a tool for people to help make the world a nicer place! I have a Permaculture Project and a teenager so I am very busy and this post was most helpful in helping me to get my mind around the project without three days of studying it! Awesome!

I was told there will be a radio show this weekend with @Stellabelle and @Aggroed so I will see if I can catch that as well!

Hey team, does a Steem centric Steem game count? I've been doing all the game art myself in Photoshop, but being a game it means I post a new game turn each day. Does that get tiresome for you guys? Should I only post once?

thanks for the updates. xo

Thanks for the vote @justatouchfey! You're the best! Are you back? Are you okay?

hey! Yeah I'm doing much better thank you :3 Trying to get caught up on all the cool stuff I missed!

Awesome! I'm so glad you're better and (hopefully) all moved in and settled.
So glad you're back... if you need a summary of everything that happened on Steem while you were away let me know.

P.S) I'm kidding, I'm kidding, please don't make me do that.

Hehehehe >:3 I'll let you off the hook this one time... Keep notes next time. ;)

Hey Ciel,

My apologies for contacting you here, but you haven't posted in a while... I was wondering if you could check out my game that I'm running, and maybe list it in your CryptoGames updates if you start that up again? Also... if you'd like to play, we'd love to have you...

Hey no worries! I'd be happy to check it out. I'm going to be getting back to the updates this week. Where can I find more info about your project?

Thank you so much!
This is the rules post
Basically it's a turn-based game where players have to fight their way through Ork hordes to find the Steem. It's based on popular Games Workshop games Warhammer 40K and Space Hulk.

Thanks again! Super excited to have you have a look at it... this is the playtest, so if there are any changes you think would add value, feel free to comment...

Is it terrible I think it's great you are getting so much attention that you need to revise the standards/rules?
Can't help it...
...It's great!

From this post I know many things about slothicorn.. Really thanks to the curators.. Very Informative afterall.. I need to resteem this post.. Thank you 💜💜

Sorry to say it, but there is no must for using a tag. You may ask for it, but telling others they must may yield opposite results.

There is a convention to only use tags that are appropriate by consensus and you may get downvoted if not, but I still have to find the dictionary that says "slothicorn is only for art you made for a contest by user X".

No one used the slothicorn tag before there were upvotes offered within it. This message is for people wishing to participate in this slothicorn project, not a warning to people who use the tag but have no interest in participating with this community.

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