What If You Could Trade Lives With A Parallel Universe Version of You


There are many theories in science that try to explain the nature of our reality and while some of them make sense and are easily grasped by the common person, some of the others are real head spinners that probably only a scientist could fathom.

Anyways, I just love reading, writing and talking about these theories because it gives me an excuse to use my mind to think about all sorts of possibilities and repercussions and what not.

One such theory that I was talking about with a good friend yesterday was the theory of parallel universes, or "the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics" to be more precise.

Although a controversial one, this theory is quite interesting to think about, particularly because of the literally infinite possibilities that it allows.

Trading Lives With Another You?


So, basically what this theory says is that anything that could have happened in the past, has happened in any of the alternate universes and anything that can happen in the future, will happen in any of the alternate universes.

This would essentially mean that there are an infinite number of universes out there and everything and anything that you can think of actually exists as a reality in one of these universes. This has an interesting implication for us too.

This implies that there are an infinite number of "you" in the multiverse each leading slightly or hugely different lives, depending on the infinite number of variables that we deal with since or even before our births.

So, in theory, in one of these universes, you could be a doctor and a pirate in another! In fact, anything that you can imagine about you is a reality in one of the infinite universes. This makes you think, doesn't it? What if you could trade lives with a different you, temporarily or even permanently?

Imagine the thrill of conversing with an alternate version of you and then being able to lead a completely different life in a completely different universe. If technology advances to ridiculously advanced levels and if this becomes true in say a million year's time even, I wonder what life would be like!!


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Sometimes I have dreams of a place where my dad didn't die.
It feels different than my other dreams, and I'm pretty sure that it's an alternate reality.
In that place, my mom still has a husband, and when I talk to my dad, I'm not overly excited to see him, because he didn't die.
It's weird, because the dreams are just everyday stuff. No monsters, no running, no apocalypse... just talking to my parents.

I've been to that reality a couple of times in dreams, but I haven't figured out how to control when I go there.

I think it is possible that we have access to certain dimensions or realities in our dreams. Dreams are still not fully understood and it is possible that it could lead to all sorts of strange phenomena.

I’m quite interested in this topic and how it relates to fate and free will. If we do not live in a multiverse then fate is in fact real, and true free will does not exist. Sounds like a boring place to be but actually might not be as dull as it seems.

On the other hand, if we do live in a multiple world universe then I have a hunch that it just might be possible to influence the course you take between the parallels! I enjoy topics like this - might post about it at some stage if I get the time.

I think even if we live in a reality with only one universe, we still can have free will and fate might not exist.

Being in existence in parallel universes is something like a fantasy. And if it get true, will we be the same character in all the different universe that we exist. I don't think we will because our character gets shaped up with our experiences of life. If we are in a complete different life we will be a very different person altogether. But it would be so interesting to explore different lives at the same time.

I totally agree. It's basically a different version of the same character and everyone would be so different than us.

Perhaps we already have and this is the lesser option here now but we think it is the better one. Our better self sits back there waiting for us to return to the real business.

Everything is possible if we live in such a bizarre reality! lol

Hey, @suaravrungta.

When I was younger, I didn't mind the idea of parallel universes, and therefore parallel mes. But the older I get, the more I wonder just what that's supposed to mean. Are there really an infinite amount of decisions that anyone of us can make? And does that really mean that a version of us would really make every different decision? If they're so similar to us, then wouldn't they also have similar moral make ups that, while flexible and somewhat influenced by outside forces, wouldn't range that much?

I guess it's fun to think about, except I'm kind of happy with the life I have, and if I were to exchange with someone else, I would feel like I was living a lie, no matter how wonderful it was.

Or bad. There's always the potential for a worse life, too, in this kind of a scenario.

I think there is a finite amount of genetic material, so that's why they say there's at least one other person that might look like us, but physical appearance doesn't necessarily equate to same personalities, standards, etc. So, while looking like us, we can't say they are us.

Those things that make up our identity that aren't physically, emotionally or intellectually us—birthdate, birthplace, name, etc.—along with things that help define us—parents, siblings, extended family, friends, schooling, places we live—if any of it has changed, can we really say we're still us?

More things to think about, I guess. And aside from a nice conversational exercise, currently impossible to prove.

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