Little Cherine Book 03 - BPost070

He obviously went into a mental huddle with his Cherine and girls and I hid my grin as I felt how uncomfortable I’d made him feel. He then gave me a nod and all his girls grinned.

Previous Post 069


“I’ll offer you a few suggestions if you want. Robert, you and your loves should meet Natalie, but just be friendly, so that she feels she has a shoulder to cry on when she needs one. Otherwise, avoid preaching at her, as we Roberts tend to do, and let her find her own way through the mess she is in.

However, this man you say she is in love with, search through his mind to find one person he highly respects or fears, like a father, uncle, teacher…local gangster, whoever. Then you project as that person and we start to mess with his mind.” I grinned as I quickly turned to Sam and told her, “I will report myself to the council when we return home, so stay out of it this time.”

She gave me an earnest stare, almost blocking her emoting. “You don’t have the right to, if you think I’m letting you handle the bastard who would hurt my mother, you better think again.”

“Sam, neither of us should, her local family must handle it…don’t forget Natalie will know the truth once she is linked and it would be better for their relationship that she knows they stepped in so as to win her love.”

“Maybe…okay, but if they need our help, I get first chance at messing with his mind.”

I shook my head. “No, what I am planning, I am the only one who can do it.”

Cherine asked, “What? Why are you keeping it a secret?”

“You can all tease me afterwards, but for now you just step aside and watch how the master trickster handles him - what is his first name, Robert?”


We taught Robert how to project a perfect visual and ‘personality’ copy of the man Vassilis fears (his father who died during the fire-world attack). We had to take from the memories of Vassili enough for us to form a fairly good idea of his mannerisms, the way he talks, and so on. He was a very strict father and having him return from the dead to haunt Vassili will be quite scary, I imagine. I was also amazed at how similar the situation is to Gareth and his father, though I hope the end results will be entirely different.

For the first haunt, I let Robert go on his own. When we shared I found he was acting in a rather stilted manner and was acting too mild. I went with for the second and third haunts and as they had an effect on Vassilis I sensed Robert now believes in what we are trying to do and I let him handle it on his own from then onwards.

Vassili lasted all of two weeks and then did the honourable thing, as his father demanded of him and publicly admitted he does not love her and that he had only pretended so as to hurt her. He apologised - which was what stunned his group of friends.

His apology did not soften me, for we could sense he is determined to find a way to get rid of his father, even to the extreme of going to his local priest and asking for an exorcism. I asked my loves for privacy and projected while in the bedroom, playing around with the image and what I was emoting. When I opened the door and stepped out, my loves were really shocked. Then Gilli became fascinated and wanted to touch and examine me. I asked her to wait for afterwards.

By now I knew which coffee shop Vassili goes to and had seated myself close to the table he usually sits at. I emoted so as to discourage other customers from sitting at the table and as I’d expected, he arrived with his friends. I was not surprised to see him with a new girl.

She was the typical kind of Vassili victim, a nice girl who knows very little about the kind of adult life she is about to step into. I wondered how he finds them that quickly, but was also glad I will be saving her from feeling sullied and humiliated. I hope she learns from this experience, which means there will be at least some pain for her. From loving and watching over my own loves, I have learnt that pain is the best teacher, if it is not too severe.

In appearance I was demure and an innocent sweet and fragile little thing, stunningly beautiful and obviously fascinated by the sight of Vassili. He soon left his table to sit at mine, without asking, presuming I cannot refuse him. “I cannot believe there is a woman as beautiful as you in Athens and I didn’t know of you. My heart went into shock when I saw you, it is as if I have seen a vision…”


In a voice, soft and sweet, but loud enough to be heard by all the surrounding people, I cut him off, “You arrive with a girlfriend and leaving her come to sit with me so as to talk about visions? Who is it you intended insulting? Her or me - or both of us?”

He returned to his table, but by the time he was ready to leave, I saw him tell the girl he would not be seeing her again - at least, not soon. As I kept on glancing at him and my emoting was ‘calling’ to him, he also kept on glancing my way and the girl realised she is better off staying far from him.

After they left, he returned, this time on his own. He did not automatically seat himself. He stood close to me and said, “I did not intend to insult anyone, it was a mistake and you misunderstood, the girl is just a friend of the family.”

“Sit. Use that chair, on the other side of the table, I want to see if you try to make a move.” I waited until he did and then demanded, “Tell me about yourself. What kind of work do you do - or do you own your own business?”

It is not how Greek girls behave and he was at a loss, plus my pheromones were assailing his subconscious, making him certain I am desperate for him. He probably guessed that telling me he does not work because he has a rich daddy would not appeal to me. He sat forward, staring me in the eyes as he told me his name and that his father died during the fire-world attack and he inherited his factories, but he has professionals running them for him. As I stared back at him and my emoting was going full force, he thought he has ‘hooked’ me and I am fascinated by him.

“Vassili, I run my own business, which I created, so it is unlikely I can respect any man who doesn’t know how to run his own business. Talk to me again when you grow up and know how to live your life like a man.” I then added, “I do not want you to be a part of my life, unless you first prove to me that you are a real man. I find men who are mature,’ I pointed a finger at his heart and head as I spoke, “in their heart and head, interesting - the rest, they are only toys for me to tease.

The day I let you take me to my home, you’ll know that I think you have matured and might be worth paying you some serious attention.” I got up to leave, but made him feel that I am doing so reluctantly, that I am fascinated and wish I could stay. I guess he is going to be thinking very hard tonight.

Most men know that if they want to be attractive to women, they must be seen with a beautiful woman - which always seemed very unfair of life to organise things in such a stupid way; after all, I used to think, if I have a beautiful woman, why would I care that nature has made other woman now find me attractive? As a man, I would tell myself that if a woman is with a man, it makes her less interesting, whereas an attractive woman on her own is a prime target. Now, as a woman, I felt that I must be seen with a man; I did not want Vassili to see me sitting on my own every time.

Since I had to enlist someone, I chose Cherine. Out of curiosity, I suggested she ask her healer to make her a man, but to give her the looks she would have had, if she had been born a male. She set for herself the age of about thirty years and when we arrived at the coffee shop, she had all the females turning to check her out, some of them blatantly and some discretely. I whispered to her in a nasty way that if she even looks at any of the girls, I’ll pay her back in kind.

Amused, knowing I’m playing with her, Cherine replied in a whisper, “Okay, I’ll only look at the men, but then your rat will think your escort is gay.”

I had not intended for us to look like we are in love, but with our whispered jokes and our ease with each other, it made us look like a couple. Vassili was watching and by the time Cherine left he was boiling mad. He came to me with a hard cold look on his face, probably determined to have it out with me, and everyone watched, expecting to see him humiliate me.

As Vassili arrived by me, I looked up, gave him a sweet smile and then, using ‘the voice’ I ordered him to go to the kiosk and get me the Athens News and the latest Herald Tribune. I picked up my handbag and condescendingly asked whether he needs money for paying for the newspapers. He refused my money and with amazement everyone watched as he meekly obeyed, his face red.

When he returned, in the same tone and ‘voice’ I told him to sit, but to remain quiet while I read my newspapers. He should have rebelled, but instead, he did as ordered again. Even when somebody whispered a bit too loudly and he heard the woman say that I have ‘forced both his feet into one shoe’ he controlled his temper, though now his face was white.

I folded the newspapers and left them on the table. I leant forward and lightly touched his hand. “Meet me here tomorrow morning, say about nine o’clock - not Greek time Vassili. If you are ten minutes late, I’ll be gone by the time you arrive.”


My loves demanded I tell them what I am planning and even the local Teller girls were listening, curious. I grinned (I change, killing the projection as soon as I leave Vassili), “I’m taking him to an orphanage.”

Dominique laughed. “Are you planning to change him so that he can link as a Cherinian? I don’t think I would want him as part of our Cherinians, even if he does change.”

I gave her a light smile. “You were being flippant, but you are in love with a Robert, so you must know what kind of response such a remark would elicit from me?”

Cassie cut in, her sweet face so very earnest, “Please Dominique, please apologise and tell him you were only joking, before he starts talking like Jonathan…he’ll carry on and on and it will feel like forever.”

“Cassie,” I said, “have you considered the possibility that she might need to hear what I have to say?”

Cassie nodded. “Okay, but you won’t mind if I - and anyone who wants to join me - go to New York? With the dollar crashing, I believe it’s a great time to go shopping.”

“Crashing? When, what happened?”

Robert answered, “The Chinese provoked an American destroyer which was patrolling just outside their defined by the Americans, and they shot at the Chinese. They have responded by placing one trillion dollars into the market. It caused the dollar to crash, especially as the Chinese mentioned they might dump another one or two trillion. There is talk about Chinese companies moving in and buying vast lots of land and skyscrapers in San Francisco and Los Angeles.”

*Cassie love, you don’t need to find bargains and I don’t think it would be a good idea to be anywhere in the United States right now. Please tell everyone you can’t be bothered to go.* Jade joined me, agreeing with me, so Cassie did as I asked.

Gilli asked me, “Why are you feeling sad?”

“It’s not easy for me to explain, my love. I was born in Kenya, but I never really felt I belonged to any nation. As I grew up, I found that I admired the British people for their sense of fair play and the way they tend to stand up for the underdog. I also admired the Americans, many of the reasons came from their movies, the rhetoric of their politicians and the novels I read.

Being an artist, without much of an inclination to study politics, I guess I was unbelievably naïve. For years I’ve been having arguments with people of other nationalities who claimed the Americans have a hidden agenda. I don’t think I would have argued any more passionately had I been an American myself.

Then they suddenly showed themselves to be bullies, using their financial and military might to browbeat other countries, in a sense, infringing on their sovereign rights - for instance laws of the USA apply in other countries and they can arrest anyone, wherever he is in the world and take him or her back to hidden prisons where they are legally tortured and held without having the right to defend themselves in any court.

For me, I can almost say that it makes it more heartbreaking for me that they treat their own citizens even worse. Imagine this, companies and corporations are entities created for the purpose of trading, yet they have more rights and protection by the government, than even the private American shareholders of those corporations!”

Robert spoke up and he sounded bitter. “I don’t know what I would have done if you had not returned and played your trick on everyone. If they had tried to take us to the USA, I would not have allowed it and we would have been hunted all over the world. When making their demands from the Greek government, by basically their army, not their embassy diplomats, they did not keep it a secret that they intended using torture on us.”

Jonathan surprised me. “No previous nation has ever been created with such love and respect for their own citizens, and yet it failed, becoming totally uncaring and killing their own people so as to test their weapons on them - the best known of course is when they exploded atomic bombs and kept unprotected American soldiers close by, for examining the effects of radiation on them.”


Candy told them, “Robbie says that when there are lots of Cherinians on our world, then all governments will not be able to treat their people badly.”

Dominique asked me, “By a large number, what are you thinking? A few million?”

“Even that would be better than our present position of just a handful. No Dominique, not even a few hundred million, not even if we are more than the citizens of the USA. I think we must grow to become a decent percentage within each country - especially the stronger countries.”

Robert asked me, “Do you plan to infiltrate into the army and government of your reality?”

“No. maybe I should, but it feels to me as if I will be stooping to their level. Being responsible for all Cherinians, I might be forced to change my mind, but I am hoping I don’t and when I get tempted, that Samantha will talk me out of it. We must break out of the cycle of our history.”

Robert told me, “I feel I should do something to stop all the deaths and destruction of property and food, but I keep getting a feeling that I don’t have the right to interfere in their civil wars.”

Being a hypocrite, I asked, “Ahh, so becoming a Cherinian means you are no longer part of mankind - just because nobody has opened doors in their minds? Does that also mean you are special?”

Alki paled and I sensed others of my Cherinians - and his - were upset, but they let him reply. “I did not mean to imply anything of the sort…I think I was more influenced by the way they think of us, that we are not part of them and don’t have the right to interfere.”

“If you mean, go out and trash them, then they are right. However, you cannot think of any subtler or gentler ways to calm them?”

“What do you think we should do?” his Cherine asked me.

I relaxed my face and emoting. “I am growing to love you and I desperately want all of you to be part of our family and dream, but this is your reality, your planet and your people - I mean the Normals. If you have decided on a course of action and ask me for my opinion or for my help, I will gladly do what I can. Just do not ask me to tell you what to do.”

My Cherine got her cheeky look as she asked me, “Are they allowed to ask Samantha?”

“Don’t, my love. No, they must first ask themselves. They have thousands of Cherinians and they have not discussed this with them and it is their lives which will be affected by any action taken or not taken…how would you like it if another Robert came to our reality and began to tell us how we must deal with our Normals?”

She laughed. “You’d kick his butt out of our reality.”

I grinned. “Don’t believe her, she has this fantasy of my being the godfather…”

Once the jokes ended, looking more relaxed, Robert said, “I was thinking, how would the people of America respond if I ask them to cool it and allow us to help negotiate…what?”

“Are their television stations still broadcasting?”

“Oh…it means I can’t speak to them.”

“It would be nice to talk to everyone, not that I think they would allow you - is the American embassy still staffed?”

“No, they withdrew all their diplomats a couple of days after you returned us and the riots began in their country.”

I told them, “I have a feeling it might be more practical if you try to speak to the generals in charge. If they announce that elections are to be held in a month or two, it might calm down those who are causing trouble.”

“How do we get to them?”


“You don’t, the American military base is still open? Good. Go to the American base and speak to their commanding officer. He can relay your message. Robert, I am certain they are aware of the idea of elections calming their people, so why haven’t they made such an announcement? Is it because they want to stay in power, or is it because they believe that such an announcement on its own will not pour oil on troubled water?

If I were you, I would not suggest they announce imminent elections, rather, I would pretend I am certain it is what they intend, but I would offer to lend my voice to theirs. If they allow you to announce that elections are going to take place in ‘x’ time, and that you will be monitoring the counting of votes and so on, ensuring they get the government they choose, not those the corporations want, it is more likely the people will listen.”

His Cherine had already bunched up her firsts as I talked, so I was not surprised when she cut in. “You expect Robert to walk into their base when they have already tried to kidnap him for torturing him?”

I reminded her, “He will not be in danger, you know they can’t hold him.”

“He is going to teleport out of there if they try to hold him as their prisoner?”


She shook her head. “Sometimes you are just as stupid as my Robert! Do you think they don’t know we can teleport? Were you thinking they will just tell him he is their prisoner and must be a nice man and stay while they torture him? They will chain him and strap him to something solid so that he cannot teleport without tearing himself to bits.”

I was pleased that my Cherine was not emoting any upset (well, just a tiny bit) at his Cherine speaking to me this way, as she said to me, “They don’t know how to create doppelgangers, why don’t we teach them?”

It is just as well that we needed to spend a couple of days practising so that their doppelgangers (of course his Cherine demanded she go with) move and speak naturally, instead of looking like puppets, for we came up with a number of other ideas.

I only told them what I intend doing just a few minutes before they sent their doppelgangers to the entry gate of the military base. “I will be there, but as the void. If I see things are not going to plan, I might interfere; not so as to save your doppelgangers, but so as to persuade the officers to cooperate with you.”

I went first, so as to relay to them the image of the area around the gate. I saw that the last two hundred metres had blocks, covered in razor wire and soldiers waiting with guns. Further out were a number of Greek citizens. They were not attacking, just standing there with posters demanding the Americans leave.

When Robert and Cherine materialised, I saw guns swing and instantly formed an energy shield to protect them. A couple of the soldiers were nervous and shot, but the rest only kept their weapons pointed at the two visitors. Within minutes order was restored and an officer asked Robert who he is and what do they want.

“Please inform your commanding officer that Robert and Cherine Teller wish to meet with him.”

The gate swung open and about twenty soldiers surrounded the two of them as they were escorted to the office of the officer. When they arrived, ten of the soldiers entered with Robert and Cherine. With a cold and hard face, the officer demanded their reason for the visit and Robert spoke, just as we had planned.

“Take a seat.” He waited until they were sitting and made the slightest of gestures and their arms were grabbed and they were handcuffed. Other men entered with chains, which were wound around their bodies. The two of them waited until the men were done and then de-materialised their doppelgangers and re-materialised them, with the handcuffs and chains now lying on the chairs and floor. I’d suggested they continue to sit facing the officer with a calm look, without saying a word. It unnerved them and nobody seemed to know how to handle the situation.

“I will pass on the message, but do not expect an answer.”

“Add to the message that our interest is in preventing the further loss of life and if they have any ideas they wish us to consider, we will be open to hearing them.”


I saw the reply from Washington and waited as the officer excused himself. I was angered by the generals in America and as I did not want to kill any of the soldiers, I did what I have long wanted to do. Within minutes I reduced all weapons, even knives, into scrap. Since the real Robert and Cherine were also sharing from me, they recalled their doppelgangers and they disappeared from the office.

I stood before a dejected Robert. “You tried, that is what matters. I suggest you also try with others who have taken over their countries by force. If they are willing to accept your help, good. If not, then give them time. The day will come when they will be forced to listen to reason.”

Sam said, “Robert, Cherine, make certain that the successful outcomes are made public, so that everyone knows the Cherinians want to help. Those who refuse your help, do not make their refusals public as it will incite their citizens to further violence. Let the positive feedback from your successes influence them.”

In all the countries taken over by the armies, only in one of them did they agree to help from their Robert and Cherine. As they prepared for elections, I spent most of my time watching over them, afraid that someone might try to assassinate them. As far as I know, nobody tried and the elections went ahead. Though they are a small and fairly poor country, the positive feedback and the sight of their citizens dancing in the streets made the news all over the world.

We were in the bedroom (it is actually a large storeroom in the industrial area, with the floor covered with mattresses for my loves and I) and I told them, “I think it may now be the right time to ask them whether they want a Samantha. If they agree, then we tell them of our need and plan.”

We left it to Sam to tell them.

“I cannot do it now, it is too soon after the last split, but when I can, would you like me to split for you? A cell of mine will become a foetus to be carried by Natalie and when it is time, my soul will be split and become your Natalie’s daughter.” She grinned. “There is only one condition, I will not have any Samantha who is not wife and love of her Robert, Cherine and Dominique. I also need you to find your Aganthi, she is one of the best influences on me. If you cannot find her on your world, then I will ask mine to split…mostly for my sake, until you all love her as much as my family love ours.”

The Teller family, their Cherinians too, do not go to nightclubs or have parties, for they do not wish the Normals of their world to think they can celebrate when so many are suffering and dying. Their need was so strong that we brought food, drinks and music and had the party at the same place we celebrated the sixteenth birthday of our Cherine.

Only then did we tell them about our discovery of how the Sparklers can help and of our need for cells from the alternates of this world. They found the idea exciting and then worried about the reaction of the people here. They could see that for Robert to ask might not be the best answer to the problem. We then offered them the idea of a future Samantha of this world returning to ask for help for restoring life to another reality.

“Will the Sparklers collect the cells?”

“I don’t know if they can manipulate existing matter to excise the cells, but it would be good for our Anadir to help, it will also boost their self-confidence.”

Dominique worried. “What do we tell everyone? The Normals will panic at the idea of aliens taking cells from their bodies.”

The local Cherinians are about seven thousand now, most of them living in the Athens area, so we decided to announce that Cherinians will take a cell, but because there are so many cells to be gathered, they will not be present long enough for anyone to sense them. We must be careful not to give the idea that only the local Cherinians will be collecting the cells, but we also must not let them know that nearly all of the Cherinians are aliens. We are lying by keeping the truth masked by silence, but the day will come when I return and they not only learn the truth about me, but also about who collected their cells.

A Cherinian passed on the message to the Greek government, that Robert and his family ask for permission to appear in parliament, with television cameras recording and making the speech available to all media, all over the world. It was mentioned that something which is of great joy to the Teller family is to be announced, so the government agreed.


Cherinians had been primed so that they were ready, spread among the people on the streets, to add comments that made the news something to be excited about. First the parliament were told that a daughter of theirs, who is to be born sometime in the future, has asked permission for her to speak to the people of this world and when permission was granted, Samantha appeared by their side. She arrived as a woman of nearly twenty years old.

She gave everyone a huge smile. “The day will come when a daughter will be born to the Teller family, and when you eagerly seek to see her - to see me, you will be disappointed, for this is one of the rare occasions when I appear as an adult.” Her grin widened. “My preferred age is about twelve years old, as I am not young enough to be easily bossed around, while I am not quite old enough to be expected to behave like a responsible adult all the time. My name is Samantha Teller.

You have met Prime Robert and I want you to know, as he said about the Cherinians of this world, I too am his daughter…which brings me to an important explanation, which is needed so that you can understand the desperate need that brings me to you at this time.”

She explained about alternate realities and told them that we already know of many such realities where the Earth of those realities also have their Teller family and beloved Cherinians. She encouraged them to ask her questions and then, when she decided the timing is right, she continued with her explanation.

“In this reality you faced the horror of something we call the fire-world. Since the fire-world came here, it can be presumed that it is going to attack millions of Earths and those who have Cherinians who know about the fire-world are prepared for them now - thanks to the experience and suffering of this world. However, there are many other forms of disaster that can wipe out an entire species. This has happened in a reality I know of. Only a handful survived and thanks to Prime Robert, they have been busy rebuilding their civilisation, while also bringing back a few people from all over the planet.

I have been asked to come to you to ask for your help. Most of the people who exist in this world, have alternates who exist in the other realities. Each of you are being asked to offer just a couple of cells - usually taken from your skin. Such offering is painless and I doubt you will sense them being taken, but you will be providing your genes and DNA so that your alternates can have their own bodies, and when they have children, their children will be of their own genes - in a sense. Their children will also be your children.”

Samantha usually monitors her audience when she speaks, so as to tailor what she says for resolving their fears and doubts, while also building on their more positive reactions. She was doing so now and she carried them with her (I guess it is rare for anyone to speak in parliament without being heckled, so she might hold a record). The enthusiastic response, in parliament and those watching on television, could be sensed by us and it was a beautiful feeling for everyone.

We had agreed that everyone who agrees to donating a cell or two, will, for the entire next day, wear a small piece of paper stuck to their earlobe, or a few stalks of grass, green or dried, stuck between the top of the ear and the head.

Sparklers are not good at numbers, but the Anadir love analysing and working with numbers, and they estimated, by the end of the next day, that slightly over seventy nine percent of the people wore tokens signifying their willingness. Since there are bound to be many who did not see the broadcast or learn about it in time, I find the number taking part a huge success for all of mankind. In the main, we really are a nice species.

Before I end with this reality, I need to finish my tale about Vassili - not that it holds any lessons I want to teach about life.

Having met Vassili a number of times and having tantalised and teased while keeping him at arms length until he was obsessed with me, I was now ready to bring about the revenge I feel Natalie would want, if she could.

I was at the coffee shop at exactly nine and he was with me within three minutes. I could see he was not too happy about having to wake up this early, since it is likely he was in some nightclub until the sun came up, and, as I have done it also a number of times, I could empathise, but I was also amused.

“I’ve ordered a cappuccino for you and a toasted ham and cheese sandwich. Once you’ve started on your second cup, I will talk. For now, why don’t you tell me something about yourself, for instance, as a child, did you have any close friends - and , if so, are any still your friends?”


“I had friends at school, just like everyone else. I changed school when I was thirteen and I can’t say I considered any of the friends at the new school real friends. We just did our sports, played games and told each other stories that were mostly not true.” He glanced down at the table. “I did have one friend I was close to, but when I was nearly twelve, we climbed a tree and he fell. He broke his back and I never saw him again. I don’t know whether he lived or not. I have not thought of him for a long time.”

I nodded. “Okay, you wondered why you had never seen me before. I spent my childhood years at school in England. You’ve told me your father died, what of your mother?”

“She is also dead.”

“Vassili, I get the impression that your father was not a loving parent, that he expected more from you than you could or were willing to give. I am right?” He nodded.

“It is a known fact that children who grow up without feeling they are loved, treat their children in the same way. If I find anyone who tries to be nasty to me, I can take care of myself, so that is not what worries me. What I am not prepared to do, is allow myself to become interested in a man who would not love my children.

I am not looking to get married, I’m too young and full of life for that; I want to enjoy myself first. But, I cannot know which man might be the one who wins my heart, so I stay away from any man who might, if I sense he is the wrong kind of man - I have seen too many couples live together with anger and pain filling their lives and I don’t want that for me.

I asked you to meet me today so that I can make a suggestion. Will you come with me to one of the homes for orphans? When we meet the children, you will be amazed to see how desperate they are to be loved. Choose to be a big brother to one or more children and slowly open your heart to them.

Feel how they are suffering in the way you did as a child. Try to be the opposite of your father and allow at least one child to enter your heart. Show me and yourself that you can someday be a good father and then maybe you will be worth being loved. Hurting innocent girls only shows you are still a child striking out, but you are hitting the weak. Show me that I am wrong…as you think I am, be strong enough to give love to a child and I’ll believe you.”

Of course my idea was stupid and if he were free to decide for himself, he would have told me to get lost. However, I was using my gifts to make what I asked of him seem to be exactly what he wanted - with the additional feeling that he might win my heart. At the moment, this was something he was desperate to own.

We arrived at the orphanage with bags of sweets and chocolates and we were given permission to distribute them to the children. I pointed out one of the boys of about seven. “Vassili, he will not come near us because of you, even though he also wants some sweets. I found out some of his background. He was brought to the orphanage because the court sent him here. His father used to beat him for no reason and then he finally hit him so badly the boy had to be taken to hospital. They managed to save his life, but they do not have the time or love to heal his heart and he still lives with constant nightmares.

At his age he has already suffered broken bones and he is half deaf in his one ear from a blow by the fist of his father. I am going to bring him to us and though he fears all men, he might let you be close to him if he is in my arms. I want to see whether you can discover enough compassion to be gentle and caring so that he loses his fear of you. Vassili, be an adult and dare to trust a child with your heart, or else you will never know love.”

I met Vassili another five times and by then the boy trusted him enough to sit by his side, though he still flinched whenever Vassili made a sudden movement. Just as the boy is growing to trust and maybe love once again, so is Vassili. During my last visits I messed around with the inner heart of Vassili so that he slowly lost interest in me, while the boy took over his thoughts and emotions. My sweet Natalie, I hope the manner in which I chose to avenge you eases your heart.

* * * * *

I asked the girls whether they would enjoy a picnic on Mt Olympus. The list of kids grew as the children of Tasso were invited and then those of Socrati and Lua. The next thing I knew the mountain was going to be covered by Cherinians. This is a first for the three aliens, plus all the Gillians, being on an Earth mountain of this height, and they enjoyed being taught the mythologies of the ancient Greeks.


There was food to feed any army, drinks to satisfy all, even fresh milk for my Gilli and her parents. We arrived there at about ten in the morning and I think the grownups were a little shocked when the kids all decided to tan evenly and ran around in the nude.

It was not something I could do, but I loved watching them - I know, this does seem to be a departure from my usual prudish small-mindedness, but with all the kids doing as my girls, I could not allow myself to be so petty. Because nobody was self-conscious, among the kids, and none of the adults were emoting any prurient feelings, I let myself go and enjoyed watching them have fun. They made it look as if the days of ancient Greece have returned and they are the children of Zeus.

As we doled out food on paper plates, two young men appeared. All the kids instantly dressed, using their gifts for speed. The newcomers stared at us, their elation at having reached the summit made to seem silly by the sight of so many of us. When they saw even five year old kids, it deflated them. The one was scowling.

“How did you get all this up here?”

“We used a helicopter. I imagine after that climb you must be thirsty. Come and join us.” Socrati genially offered.

“We did not hear a helicopter.” His eyes were suspicious.

“You must have been on the wrong side of the mountain. You are British?”

The other chap, obviously far more friendly and easygoing replied. “Yes, I am. We wanted to tell our friends we have stood where the ancient gods lived. We will have to tell them that the children of the gods still live there and they won’t believe us.”

He has ‘laughing’ eyes and the kids all took to him. They made him sit with them and he soon had them playing games while he used little conjuring tricks to tease them, pulling coins out of their ears and other easy magic tricks. The surly one sat with us for a while.

“How did you get the children up here?”

“They climbed. They are all tough little blighters, don’t let their frail looks deceive you,” my father replied.

“I can’t believe it.”

“I’ll give you a challenge.” I replied. I pointed. “That steep slope. Choose the weakest of them and have a race with them, starting from the bottom and going all the way to the top, by that tree that is leaning over.”

“That would take over an hour for an adult to climb. They could not do it.”

“I dare you. If you or your friend win I offer you a week, all expenses paid, anywhere in Greece.” Alki offered.

The two of them were obviously students, travelling with backpacks and the offer too tempting and easy to win for him to refuse. He called his friend Andrew and explained. Andrew laughed, delighted.

“You do it Carl. You are fitter than me. I’ll sit here and cheer you on. Just be careful, they might beat you,” he added laughing. He turned to us. “Carl is actually from Iceland and does a lot of climbing.”

“Choose the girls you think are the weakest.” He would not and chose Aganthi, Claude, Klo and Tina. I added Candy to their list.

“But she is too small!”

“You have to be beaten by all of them or else you win Carl. Off you go now.”

Alki was obviously amused and this irritated Carl. Not out of kindness, but as a way of showing his contempt he turned to Candy. “Come, I’ll carry you down. It is too dangerous for you.”

“No thank you.” Having been polite, she began to run downhill. She scared me and I reminded the protector to watch over them.


“Alki, do you really think they can beat him?”

“No. I thought it could be a good way to test the girls without one of us having to do the hard work. Those born to us should come very close. What made you include Candy?”

“She wanted to go.”

I think Carl was very upset to find he was the last one to get to their starting point. Being Normal, he had to climb down carefully while the girls just ran down, knowing their feet will land firmly.

In the beginning he led the way. Three quarters up the hill they caught up with him. I think he could have wept when Candy passed him twenty metres from the top. What must have been even more humiliating was that he was panting while the girls were still fresh.

“They are not normal little girls.” Andrew remarked, his eyes serious now.

“No, they are not. They have been trained from birth.”

The girls pulled at his hand and he walked off with them. Carl gathered his things, called to his friend and then left, climbing back down. Andrew wanted to tell the girls about the gods, but they told him all they know and he was amazed. Tina, looking wilder than ever, her mind emoting mischievous intent, spoke. “Did you know that at certain times, if you look carefully, you can actually see the home of the gods? It is nearly time now.”

The girls taking their cue from her all faced in the same direction so Andrew joined them, a smile on his lips. The air began to shimmer and in the haze columns of white marble could be seen. For a second it seemed to become clearer and a building could be seen and then it vanished. Andrew stood there stunned, unable to believe it while the girls acted as if nothing special had happened. Cherine came over to us.

“Robert. He should be a Cherinian.”

“Your choice love, go for it.” She walked away, her back very straight, proud that she is to be allowed to handle the bringing of Andrew into our group. I called out to her, “Cherine, be careful of his friend. He must never tell him, that Carl is not a nice person.”

There was now great excitement among the children and they made way for Cherine to sit in front of Andrew. Not one adult spoke a word, all of us watching and listening through the kids as the first ever Cherinian is brought in by only the young ones.

Next [Book 04] - Post 001

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Written: 19th September 2001 / 9th February 2002
Robert & Samantha Teller
Ghost writer : Arthur

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
21st September, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 21st September, 2019

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