Little Cherine Book 03 - BPost067

She watched and as she came to realise it was Henry, tears ran down from her eyes as he hurt my baby, as she felt and saw Cherine’s thigh bone smash. She shrank away from him and then felt my eyes on her in warning. The girls made certain she saw very clearly his body in the asylum and explained in detail what had been done to him. When the story ended Alice was sobbing her heart out and we all felt her love for him had grown.
“That was where you found me!!”

Previous Post 066


“Thanks for waiting dad. Correct, it is the void, where our souls go to when we die. I have had some help and it is now the place where we find eternal life. I would love to take you to see our Kaleidoscope World. I have repaired it, brought it back so to speak.”

“Why have you not spoken of all this to me?”

“Because I felt you hated me. Whatever I may feel about you dad, you have to always remember that I am not just Robert your son. I am the protector. I can only do what keeps my loved ones safe.”

“Your loved ones? You mean all these girls, apart from your daughters I presume.”

I could not lie so I only smiled and turned to Alice. “I see Henry was right. He took a risk that you might turn your heart away from him, but instead I sense you understand the truth and feel what he has suffered.”

“After all he did to you and that girl, Cherine(?), you call him your brother?”

“If you could love him more after what you saw him suffer, would you expect any the less of us?”

“Can I see the protector please? I’ll try not to be afraid.”

“Keep in mind, I have two forces; in a way they come from the same source within me, but they have different roles. The one is the healer, that is inside you right now, healing you. The other is the protector. Old man,” (I teased), “will you show yourself please?”

It first appeared as a form of roiling energy that must have been terrifying to those seeing it for the first time. The energy pulled itself into the shape of a man and the protector appeared as a man, the same as at the club.

“Good afternoon Alice. Robert, is she prime?”

“No. Same as all other Cherinians though.”

He smiled at Alice. “That means that if Robert hurts you I am not forced to hurt Robert. If you were prime, it would mean I have to protect you even at the cost of killing Robert.”

I smiled. “I hope you are not offended that I did not make your safety a prime order. We use the terminology as used in the three laws of robotics as set out by…”

“Isaac Asimov. You read science fiction?”

“Wow! Henry, you change your mind I want her. A girl who reads science fiction! She is a treasure.”

She smiled, but she was still fascinated by the protector. I took a better look also and realised the bastard had made himself look like me, just a more masculine Robert.

“Do I just call you protector? Don’t you have a name?”

“Just protector.”

“Since you thought of it Alice, you can name him.”

“I can’t do that!!”

“Why? Are you not good at thinking of suitable names?”

The girls tittered, though I sensed they were also jealous, even my little Cherine.

“Alice dear, may I interrupt?” Marian asked. “I think Robert is wrong. We have spent too many years thinking of it…him, as the protector. I do not think any name would be accepted by all of us easily. Robert meant to honour you, but I agree, turn him down dear.”

Surprisingly, the protector spoke. “I agree. I have had this conversation with him a number of times. He must not do anything that encourages me to become an independent entity. I must not be allowed to decide for myself, as I then would. Being the protector forces me to give him this warning, but every now and then he tries again. I think it is his need to see all life as sacred.”


My father asked, “Is that why you saved me, Robert?”

“No. I saved you because my girls forced me to find you. They saw the place you should have occupied in my heart and it was a place of darkness and pain. They hoped that if I met you and we became friends, it would rid me of the darkness. I found an old man who did not know who I am and I realised the girls were right. I could not bear the thought of living forever, but knowing you are dead.”

Meli went to him. “That was his very evasive way of telling you that he loves you. Do not be cross with him, he has not realised it himself.”

“Who are you?”

“I am Melina, they all call me Meli. It means Honey in English. You will hear my story later, but I am the daughter of Alki and Marian.”

He looked at them and was met by their curious gazes. He turned back to me. “What are you trying to do with this young woman, Alice?”

“A Cherinian, Henry, has fallen in love. Cherine checked her out and found she has a good heart and is worthy of being a Cherinian if she agrees. Hopefully we are convincing her.”

Alice asked, “How did you bring me here? Did you drug me?”

As we laughed, Claudia said, “You should introduce her to Sonja.”

“How about teleportation Alice? Better than drugs - no side effects.”

“You’re serious?”

“I will demonstrate it, watch me as I jump around the room. After this Alice, we all go for supper. Tomorrow we will teleport you to whichever doctor diagnosed you as having Aids. Ask for new tests. They will either say there must have been a mistake or they will say your body spontaneously cured itself. Only you and we will know the truth.”

Halfway through the meal Alice cheered up, using a Yankee drawl she began to tell jokes and became the life of the party. When she even managed to make my father smile I felt like kissing her. Alice elected to stay as our guest and there was no false modesty when Henry followed her to the bedroom, she put her arm around his waist and they disappeared.

Alki and my father sat quietly nursing a brandy while I had my usual coffee. (I wonder how many times the word ‘coffee’ is entered in my diary).

“I think you are editing the story, showing only the pieces you feel are not objectionable. Are you ever going to tell me the whole story?”

“Dad, do you know what alternate worlds are? It used to be a favourite theme for science fiction stories, but now scientists are theorising that it may actually be true. Would you like me to tell you a story about such a world? It will give you an answer of sorts.”

“I’ll listen.”

I told of the dream and how I ended up on the world of Keith and Annabelle. I then skipped forward and told of our return and of finding my alternate father and of returning to rescue that mother and sister. I did edit it a bit, not mentioning the parts to do with sex.

“I have a feeling that you would also be horrified by certain parts I edited out as he was. He was able to have his son locked up. That is not my worry, but I would hate for you to despise me.”

“So there are some parts you are ashamed of.”

“No!!!” I shot up to my feet, standing trembling with anger. Alki tried vainly to interrupt, but I paced up and down for I knew he had said the one thing I will not allow and therefore will be forced to speak of openly - and with pride.


“There is nothing at all I am ashamed of. You heard how I kept dying and Cherine chased after me and brought me back. The girls did not make clear why I kept dying. It was because I thought the same way you do. I have learnt to not only accept what was necessary, but to also see the beauty in it.

We will have a full storytelling tomorrow night. Normally when we do, every single Cherinian from all over the world comes to listen. I am restricting it to just us because I do not want you insulting me in front of all of them.” I struggled to control my anger and made my mind up suddenly. “Alki, am I good for about three hundred thousand dollars?”

“Of course, as much as you need.”

“Please arrange tomorrow for that amount to be transferred to my father. Dad, my only restriction is that you do not go back to England to live. You may visit, but keep away from those who knew you for the next twenty years. I’d even suggest you alter your face a little if you do go. The money is for you to buy a small business so that you are free to live your own life. In about thirty years we will help you change your identity and move to another country.”

“You want me to have the money before you tell me the truth. You fear I would not accept it afterwards?”

“You may not anyway. That would be foolish father, I have ways of looking after you even against your will, making it appear that whatever happens is because of your astute decisions. I would prefer not to. It would be better that you know that as a Cherinian the Cherinians staked you and what you do from there on is due to your own cleverness or hard work.

If you do well, then you may contribute to the Cherinian fund, so that others in need may also benefit. I have a feeling that a good place for you to live in might be Cyprus or South Africa. Countries where the British are welcomed and the language is spoken.”

He gave a small smile. “Since I am young again. I might prefer to have a small business on an island where I can also enjoy myself.”

“I will be pleased if you do.”

He excused himself and went to bed. Alki just stared at me sadly. “You are going to tell him everything. Even about your own daughters.”

“He has forced me to. I will not have even one of them think I am ashamed of them.”

“I realised that, we all did.”

“But you still disapprove.”

“You know I do. Even your own wives do.”

Dommi said, “I agree with Alki. Our daughters will not think you are ashamed of them. If he is truly revolted by what he hears and is incapable of seeing beyond his own emotions, he could become a very dangerous enemy.”

I was torn in two. As the protector and as Robert the father and husband. I gave in to the protector side of me. “When you tell the story, do not mention my daughters becoming my wives and lovers. Dommi, this will eat away at me forever, but I see I have to do it.”

“I have a suggestion Robert, it may help. We should do it the other way around tomorrow. First the golden circle of love and then the storytelling. He will listen with a softer heart.”

“I agree.” Alki and Marian said in response to Cherine. I nodded my approval and went out for a walk. I needed to get this evening out of my system before lying down next to my loves.

I was walking down a dark side street when a small cloud of fireflies came dancing ahead of me. I stopped in wonder. I’d heard of seeing this in Africa, but not in Greece. When they moved towards me I lifted an arm in delight, hoping some would sit on me. They all circled my arm and then settled on it. This was pure magic to me and slowly I brought my arm closer to my face.

*Careful, we may sting you!*

“Laura! You little buggers, you really had me going there.”


*We were all tired of being big.*

“Today was the last time. You can go back to whatever age or size you want my loves. We live our lives as we want in our own home.”

I walked in fear that someone would see me. They were flying in a ring above my head, trying to make themselves look like a halo.

“You are going to force me to jump home.” When they did not answer I guessed this is what they want. I jumped straight to our bedroom and they came, laughing. I suddenly had my normal bevy of little girls and it was even more beautiful than the cloud of fireflies. They had me undressed and were all over me, so many tiny bodies, arms and legs I hardly had a chance to see who was doing what. After my second climax I sensed there was something missing. I looked up and saw Orshiir and Solace sitting by themselves on another bed.

“What’s wrong my loves? Don’t you approve of orgies?”

“They need you too much Robbie.”

“And you don’t?”

“We can wait. Remember, Sparklers,” “and Anadir” “are used to waiting.”

“You are neither Sparklers nor Anadir nor even Earth girls. You are my loves and I feel the emptiness when you are not with at a time like this.”

They came over shyly and I caressed the soft tummy of Orshiir. I decided to do it all over again, a bit more correctly this time. “Dommi, if we propose to our latest loves and they accept, what do you think would be a fitting day for us to get married?”

“Fifteenth of August. The day of our Virgin Mary - and Sam’s birthday.”

“Should we propose?”

I saw an impish look in her eyes as Dommi teased - them. “They might say no Roberto. Maybe we should wait about five years until we are sure they love us.”

“But we do!”

I asked, “All of us?”

“No.” I saw a sweet slyness under their assumed crestfallen looks.

“Oh dear. I know what it is, the part of Ashiir does not love me. I guess you girls only, will have to marry them.”

Rosie changed herself to look like a certain woman we know, she has a shop we often go to. She is very butch and makes no secret of her attraction to my girls. As Rosie had left herself nude and had to imagine what the woman looked like it was quite funny. She had given her a three inch clitoris that stood up like an aroused penis.

“Come to me you sweet little tykes, I’ll marry you.”

All the girls laughed and clowned around, Rosie happy to play the fool, but both she and I noticed that all the girls avoided touching her. She lost interest in the game very quickly after that and reverted to normal.

I reached out to the minds of Dommi and Cherine, took the hand of Aganthi and we jumped to the lounge. I imagined the clothes and told Aganthi to go announce that the prince of Booboo land is here. She was giggling as she did so and I strode into the room twirling my moustaches.

“Ahh hear there are two princesses here waiting for a prince to marry them. Is it these two delightful sweet creatures?”

Aganthi bowed, “It is my prince.”


I got on my knees in front of them. “In my country all princes have a harem. The more the merrier. Hah? So I like being very merry and need two special beauties to fill my harem. Will the two of you give me your hands, your bodies and sweet lips in marriage?”

“You want all the parts of me in marriage?” Solace asked.

As lewdly as I could I answered in my atrociously fake accent, “The more parts the merrier.”

“Okay, but then I also have to be a princess. So does Orshiir.”

“I shall so decree. The two princesses of the pink flowers.”

Not really funny or original perhaps, but the girls were giggling and my two loves were blushing with pleasure as they waited to find out if the proposal is for real or just us kidding around. I stood up and took Sam by the shoulders.

“This is a time for something official I would say. Sam, go to Ordinx and Solomon and tell them that you appear as my emissary to make an official announcement. You will say, and quote me. Your daughters have become so deeply loved by Robert and his wives that they have asked for their hands in marriage. Both have accepted and the wedding is to be on the Earth date, fifteenth of August, the name day of Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus. We all ask that you and your people celebrate this day with us on the Sparkler beach.”

I turned to Meli. “Will you do the same for Ashiir?”

I am afraid that it cost us our sleep. Not long after they returned all three joined us. They appeared as little human girls and told us that the void is a place of celebration at this moment, even the Worlds seem to be dancing. My loves asked if they could go see. I let them, but stayed behind with our friends.

“You do not wish to see Robert?”

“To me the joy of three friends is all I can handle. Billions and trillions are too much for me.”

I quickly jumped to Alki and Marian, scaring them as I woke them up. I told them to go to the void, to take their kids with, and jumped back.

“We thought you would make them wait a year.”

“We could not Solomon. There is something fey and magical about them that snatches at our hearts and we need them to be one with us.”

I had put on my dressing gown as soon as they arrived and now made to take them to the lounge. They stopped me.

“If we are to deprive you of your sleep, then at least you should be comfortable Robert. Lie on your bed and we will sit with you.”

They did not exactly sit. Ashiir did, but the other two lay next to me, all of us propped up with pillows as we talked and rejoiced. Ordinx looked at Ashiir and told her to move closer. She came, standing over us.

“Sit on him, he likes to feel the weight of little girls on him.”

I would have protested, but Ordinx caught me by surprise and by the time I could speak she had already put a leg to either side of me and sat down on my lower abdomen, her buttocks within an inch of my penis. She bent over and rested her head on my chest.

“Like this Ordinx? I like the sound of his heart.”

“Uh, Ordinx, not such a good idea. Let’s all go to the lounge.”

“Don’t be silly. What would you want three little girls in your lounge for?”

I stared at him and then at Solomon and they were both grinning.

“We have come to celebrate. You said we are family, so why are you so worried?”


It was not the two of them I worried about, it was Ashiir. She was tracing around my nipple under the gown with a soft warm finger and her eyes were closed. It felt as if she were softly purring. She squirmed and her legs came together, lying between mine. She could now feel my stiffening organ as she gave off her scent. I tried one last time.

“Ordinx, she is to be your mate, this is not right.”

“This is not her real body. Solomon and I have made love with you, let her have one time to remember as a human of your world.”

Her mind opened to me and I felt the physical confusions within her. She was trying to open her sex as she would have in her own body. The two on either side removed their clothes and then undressed Ashiir. I felt their hands as they opened my dressing gown so that it lay open to either side of me.

“God, her scent is exactly as it was from her own body.”

“Her body is made from Anadir genes also Robert.”

That did not seem right either, but I was beyond the point of being able to protest any further. The temperature of her body was higher than that of my girls and I could feel her rubbing her moist sex bump against me. I pulled her face so that it was above mine and then brought her lips to mine. She had never kissed before, but it did not take too long for her to follow my lead.

Her scent deepened and strengthened, now more musky, and Ordinx was also reacting to her, his hands all over her body as he probed and caressed her. I felt the tingles shooting through to the centre of her femininity. It felt as if her tiny flower were on fire.

Eager to taste of her body I pulled at her, bringing her tiny nipples to my lips. She cried out as I suckled at them, in turn. My lips wandered down over her soft round tummy and there was a little girl scent, like when just woken in the morning and still hot from sleeping in a cosy bed. I lifted her in the air, a soft mewling protest from her as I swung her around and brought her tiny flower to my face.

I ran my fingers over her mound and it was hot, soft and resilient, and now the scent was also directly over my face. I pulled at her hips urgently until my lips came in contact with her delicious little bump. I inhaled deeply and stuck my tongue in as my fingers pulled her open. I licked at her, tasting the wild and strange taste of her exotic little orchid.

As my tongue rasped over her clitoris it moved, also twitching and when I sucked it in it probed within my mouth. She was making little sounds, but was only concentrating on this end of herself. I felt Ordinx and Solomon move down my body and then a small hand took hold of me, the foreskin was pulled back and a hot little mouth took me in. It moved up and down and then withdrew. I felt another mouth take me in, licking first at the juices that were seeping. Then two very hot little hands grasped me and an incredibly hot mouth took me in. She could hardly fit me and yet she pressed her face down until most of my shaft was within her. She kept gagging as I hit the back of her throat and then she found out how to slide me down and into her.

I sucked wildly at her, my tongue probing as deep as it could until I was able to enter through the ring at the entrance. I felt the boiling within me but held on in desperation, wanting to feel her own orgasm start before I did. She squeezed it tightly as she cried out in a high note. Her whole body began to jerk, twisting and slamming into me as the ripples grew and her entire little flower seemed to spasm with her orgasm. I let go and fiercely I shot my cream. She pulled her lips up the shaft so that she could catch some of it within her mouth.

When she finally collapsed on me I was entirely worn out. Her scent must have stimulated my body to produce copious amounts of semen and I felt I had never jetted so much before.

At least I had avoided penetrating her tiny flower and felt relieved now that I had avoided harming her. She, however, did not lift herself off me and I sensed a new quality to the scent of her tiny flower. I stretched it open and looked inside and saw little beads of moisture were actually dripping out of her. I licked at it and found myself spiralling into full arousal again.

This time she only took the head into her mouth, able now to play her tongue around it. She was toying with my testicles and running her fingers all over behind them. I felt the pressure growing, a wildness in my need for her. As I sucked at her Ordinx warbled and she answered. She lifted her hips off me and I could have cried when her soft hot rubbery mound was pulled away from me. I saw Solomon and Ordinx helping her and she turned around. My arms reached out for her, but she avoided me until she was sitting astride me.


Her face was an agony of sweet passion as she lifted herself, grabbed my penis and sat. I felt it try to enter within her, the opening resisting, and then I was in. There was no hymen and I slid in faster than I wanted to as she pressed down hard. Soon as I hit the end of the hot tunnel she began to move with wild abandon, each downward thrust seeming to find a way to get more of me inside her. She felt the throbbing in me begin and she cried out, her little fingers digging into my flesh as her own orgasm began.

She slammed down hard and twisted her body about and we carried each other past what should be possible for a body and mind to feel. Soon as she felt the throbbing had ended and no more semen was being spurted she pulled off and rolled over onto the bed, curling herself up, still sobbing in an effort to get her breath back. I lay there, stunned, now seeing that all my girls were back and had been watching.

Sam and Cassie picked up Ashiir and held her feet upwards with her head on the lap of Cassie as she stroked her cheeks tenderly. Orshiir and Solace were stroking her body as they planted little kisses on her and then they moved to the bodies of Ordinx and Solomon. While I lay there totally drained, letting my healer swiftly try to bring me back to normal, I felt fingers caressing me.

As I recovered and began to react to being handled so lovingly I saw Solomon raise himself over me and place my now rigid shaft at the entrance to his tiny vagina. Before I could think whether to protest or not he had slammed himself down. He did have a hymen and it was swiftly torn as he kept on pushing, using all his weight to drive me deep within him. When my seed came boiling out it felt as if it was directly into the womb.

By now, once I had my breath back, I’d realised that Ordinx was to also mount me. My healer did all it could to bring my energy levels up quickly. Candy came and stood by me and I saw her dip her finger into honey and then put her finger in my mouth. I sucked at it as even now Ordinx was trying to arouse my softened penis. They really do not believe in giving me a moment to get my strength back, all three of them seemed to be driven by some kind of urgency. It was only once I had pumped my seed into Ordinx that I realised what this was all about and stared at all three of them with dismay.

This was no alien ceremony or just an orgy; they want to have my babies!!!

I asked my healer and it told me that my seed had not been made ‘inactive’ as I was not making love to real Terran bodies. I cursed myself for being so stupid. The truth is, I did not care so much about the two of them, but felt upset about Ashiir. The damnable thing about it was that I could not even show it or else she would lose heart again.

The grinning of my little darlings did not help either. It seems they had either known or instantly understood and helped Ashiir and the others. I think it is because my girls had also conspired with them that I gave in to a tiny streak of cruelty within me.

Without speaking to any of them in particular, I said, “You just try explaining this to my father.”

They howled with laughter, thinking I was joking. Well, I suppose there is a funny side to it - I just wish I could see it. It was time to pay them back.

“Solomon, the three of you decided you wanted my babies?”

“You had agreed Robert.”

“Not for Ashiir. Not that it matters. You should have asked my wives, they would have warned you, I keep my seed inactive so that none of them can trick me into getting them with child. I have to decide I want a child for it to happen. You should have warned me.” I grinned. “At least it was great fun trying.”

All three of them sat up in dismay. Ashiir began to cry.

“What are you crying for Ashiir? We can try again.”

“I can’t.” she sobbed.

I looked at Ordinx for an explanation. He was so upset he could hardly speak, not for him, but for Ashiir.


“It is tradition that the female may have sex once with a male not to be her husband, someone who was very close to her as a child. If that male was deeply loved, it is hoped it will result in a child being born. It happens rarely and only, as I said, if there was a male she also loved as a child.”

I asked my healer to make certain it happens, before I asked, “Ashiir, how long would it take you to know if you are pregnant?”

“Two or three days.”

“Are all three of you going to wait here until the babies are born?”

“What do you mean. You mean we may be pregnant?”

“Promise none of you will hit me? Yes, it seems you may be. My healer thought these were not real bodies and did not do its…” The two of them are picking up too many bad habits from my girls. I think it is very undignified of them, leaders or representatives of their species, to be floundering around on the bed in the nude hitting me with pillows. At least I had a good laugh out of it.

Ashiir warbled or sang something to Ordinx and he laughed. She looked very smug as he translated. “Ashiir says you were right. It would have been impossible for you to have married her. An Anadir female needs a mature male as husband, not a child.”

I remember from my childhood that my father was always an early riser. Comes from the days of running a coffee farm. Hey, it just struck me, could my love for coffee be a nostalgia for those early days? I still recall vividly the scent of coffee beans being dried and roasted. He was in the lounge when we trooped in. He looked at all the girls, now mostly between seven to ten, with only Candy and Jade looking younger and Dommi looking slightly older.

He seemed in a good mood and said, “Good morning girls.” and they all answered, “Good morning father.”

“There seem to be more of you today.”

“We have three visitors. Don’t let their odd names worry you for the moment. You’ll understand tonight. Solomon, Ordinx and Ashiir, may I introduce my father to you?”

“The soul you brought through the void?”

“Yes Solomon. My father died and I brought him back.”

“Is it good to bring back the elderly, Robert?” Ordinx asked.

“He was not elderly Ordinx, just ill.”

“Yes. We will have to look into that. It has been so long since any of us were ill, I hope our healers still recall how to help us.”

His good humour seemed to have evaporated and he was withdrawn again.

“What is it dad?”


I flared. “I have to struggle for everything with you. Just tell me what has upset you.”

“She mentioned the void. How does she know? Is she another soul you brought back to life?”

“No father, I did not. These are just friends. They live in the void since you want to know.”


“They are aliens dad.”

I thought to myself, there goes my chance of getting him to agree to come there with me. He glared at me and I hoped he was thinking I lied.

“This I have to see. You say it is safe to go there with you?”


“The girls all went there without me today. All the Cherinians do.”

Alice and Henry had come in, both looking bright and cheerful.

“All of you have your breakfast and then I’ll take you to the void. Solomon, have they stopped celebrating? Is it safe to go now?”

“For them, yes. For you, I’m not so sure.” He replied grinning.

“I proposed to their daughters last night dad. That is why he says it is not safe for me. I tend to go into hiding when they want to show me their joy.”

“You are marrying aliens?”

“Two of the loveliest girls you could imagine. Orshiir and Solace, let him see you.”

His lips went thin with disapproval. “More children I see.”

“Yes dad. Apart from Dommi, I only marry children.” He had seen how they can change their age at will and my dry answer actually convinced him that they are not children. I stared at my girls helplessly and they grinned back at me.

He did not have a problem coming and recognised me.

*Can you feel how the void does not feel as if it is biting you? It only does that if you have died. The green stars you see, they are not stars; we call them Sparklers and they are the people of Solomon.* I called and a small group of them swooped down on us. They danced around me with joy. One of them brushed against me and I felt a sensation of welcome and caring. So they have changed themselves again. It pleased me.

*That is our World - we tend to call it a Kaleidoscope World, for the obvious reason. The others close by are of other Cherinians. The ones you see in the distance are the Anadir, the people of Ordinx and Ashiir. Can you see how they differ from ours? Dad, there are a number of Anadir souls here to greet me. Let me get this over with.*

I met them and they expressed their joy at our wedding. I thanked them and asked, *I thought all of you had assumed bodies on your Worlds.*

*Not all Robert. On each of our Worlds a small number have stayed as souls. It is also easy for us to return to being souls when we wish to greet friends in the void*

*I suppose I should say that it is prudent. Is the freeing of souls from the Sparklers proceeding well?*

They confirmed it is and I thanked them for coming to greet me and returned to my father who had ‘heard’ all that was said.

*How is it they all speak English?*

*We are hearing thoughts father. If you were Greek you would have heard them in Greek, if you were Chinese, then you’d hear them in Chinese. Even back at home, some of what the girls said was in Greek, Russian and maybe even Swedish. Father, Alice, would you please come to our World? That way, should either of you die, by accident for instance, on arriving here our World would call you in and save you from the void. Henry, come with.*

Adam welcomed them and we went to the emerald island. I introduced them to Jo.

“So, you are his father. You must be very proud of your son.”

“For what? The powers he has depend on that girl Cherine. I am supposed to be proud he marries children?”

For the first time ever I saw her lost for words and I chuckled. She turned on me in a fury. “What have you done Robert! How have you presented yourself to your father?” She took his arm. “You let that idiot son of yours look after the others. You and I need to talk.”


We showed Alice around and she met the dolphin people. She was enchanted by them, having always believed that the dolphins on Earth are intelligent. That made me decide to check soon. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jo, she was obviously talking very earnestly and passionately. I don’t know what he answered, but I laughed when I saw her wag her finger right in his face. Who would have thought he would stand for that. I don’t think he would take too kindly to me trying it.

Back in the void we all danced and we slowly brought Alice and my father in so that we can exchange kiss. Alice soon learnt to do so and gave as good as she got. My father accepted, but did not give. I could have wrung his neck if he’d had one.

As soon as we returned to our bodies, I snapped at my father, “They all gave you parts of their soul so as to show you their love, couldn’t you have at least responded a little?”

Dommi stopped me. “Leave him alone Roberto. It was not the right time for him yet.”

My father ignored the byplay, as if he had not heard us. “Robert, that woman, Jo. Who is she?”

“A soul from our planet who died. She is waiting in our World until it is the right time for her to return to Earth to be re-born.”

“She must have been quite an impressive woman when alive.”

“She was and is. She has a gift which she uses to help children. She helped show me how to stop my body from dying on me. She is a very good person to have as a friend.”

“Yes. She left me in no doubt that she admires you and thinks you are special.”

“We know better dad.” I laughed and he actually answered me with a smile.

Alice was totally different. I was grateful she had happened at just this time. Her enthusiasm and excitement helped me put up with my father.

“Father, in a little while the guests will begin to arrive. I’m afraid you are in for a shock again.”

“I doubt you have much more you can shock me with.”

I grinned. “Okay, then I won’t tell you. We’ll see.”

“Before they come - why did you come for me Robert. The girls could not have made you come if you really did not want to.”

“I think it is about time you try to work it out for yourself.”

“I thought, up to last night, that it was your way of giving me the finger; of saying look who I am. I am rich, I am powerful, what did you do with your life? Even having so many women I saw as a deliberate rebuke or your way of laughing at me for not being able to hold the one I had.”

“Oh god!” I collapsed onto the sofa.

“One thing more. Why did you make the protector look like me? Was that your way of telling me you do not need me now?”

I think a couple of years ago I would have been weeping - at least out of frustration. What crossed my mind now was a wonder at how differently people can see something so plain and obvious and it reminded me of Jason. As I stared at my father, that damn empathy came to help him and I saw how he could have misunderstood. Suddenly he wagged his finger at me.

“You think you are so different from me. Robert why is it that their joy and adulation makes you so uncomfortable you have to flee? Maybe there is a little of me in you after all.”

The girls were delighted. I could have spanked each and every little bum when they clapped, if not for the fear that the protector might attack me. When he heard them and saw their laughter he knew he had scored a point and sat back well satisfied with himself.

Next [Book 03] - Post 068

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
20th September, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 20th September, 2019

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