LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 03 - post054

They let me pat them dry and then while I dried myself they left me. I saw these two mites were determined to puzzle the hell out of me and they were succeeding. I heard giggles from the other room, but kept myself out of their minds. If they have found something funny about me, I do not want to know.

Previous Post 053


All of us are aware in the background of our minds of all the others, an absence would be felt at once. I entered the bedroom and as that sense told me all were with me I did not notice the two new imps were missing. When I did, the others had fits of giggles, but did not volunteer me any information. I lay on my back and put my arm over my eyes, willing to wait them out. My poor penis was fed up of this on-off situation and was at half mast, a last drop hanging as if it sorrowed for the strange ways of my family.

I felt tiny movements on the bed and suddenly the strangest sensation I have ever felt. I felt tiny fingers, hands, grab at my penis and tiny tongues lick it. There were two of them and I gave a start and looked down.

The two of them, Jade and Cassie had changed themselves and I saw myself being fondled and licked by two tiny perfect six year old girls of about nine inches in size. They had grown themselves tails and two tiny horns that peeped out of their luxuriant hair. Cassie had also darkened her hair to be the same as Jade. They turned as one and grinned at me.

They were caught by surprise at the speed with which my half mast turned into a full hard on. My body may have reacted one way, but my mind was still puzzled. What did they expect I could do with or to them at the tiny size they’d chosen?

Dommi was also laughing, but she tried to explain. “You’ve been thinking of them as little imps so they checked and found out what it means and decided to make themselves be as you think of them. They want you to lie quietly while they treat your penis to some devilish pleasure - as they put it.”

I chuckled. “You’ll all share this? Dommi, afterwards, I’d even be scared to lick them, in case I swallow one of them by mistake.”


“Jade says you do that and she’ll give you a tummy ache.” Candy was giggling as she passed on the message.

“My little imps, may I share your minds? It must be quite strange from your point of view also.”

Dommi had a fit of laughter. “Cassie asks, would being in their minds count as being in their bodies? She says you told them that there is no way you would do that tonight.”

I did not need to answer as I felt them invite me in, their minds filled with glee at the effect they were having on all of us. I lay back, pulled Em-e who had just leaned over for a closer look into my arms and closed my eyes to concentrate on the minute sensations of their caresses.

Simultaneously I flowed out into their minds and saw with their eyes, felt with their fingers. The effect of a penis only about two inches smaller than their bodies was quite shocking. I sensed to the girls, all of them, the effect was not shocking for them, it was electrifying! A wild fantasy coming true?

They rubbed their little hands up and down, the skin hardly moving. Jade pulled Cassie away and took a jump, wrapping her arms and legs around me and used the gift of floating/flying to lift her whole body up and down. They spent the next ten minutes swapping, taking turns in riding me. I opened my eyes and let them share with me what it was doing to my mind and body. It was quickly getting too much for me. The rest of the girls were not far behind me in their climb to one of the most powerful orgasms they have felt for a long time.

My two imps made themselves heavier, and it leant over and the shock of what they were seeing made most of the girls moan with a painful lust. Urgently while I could, I called to the protector to see to it that I do not hurt either of them.

I flipped Em-e over and clamped my mouth to her, as we all called out in agony, spurt after spurt covering my imps. Valiantly, in their own throes of their orgasm they clung on, trying to give me up to the last possible sensation of pleasure. Finally exhausted they let go, falling off and lying next to each other between my legs.

I took this moment to turn Em-e around and kiss her face tenderly, suck in her lips and murmur words of endearment. Her hands that roved over me showed she had not suffered.

I sat up and looked down at my imps. They lay in a tender embrace, now looking up at me. I lay the backs of my hands on the sheet next to them. They let each other go and clambered over till they sat in my palms, their legs swinging as I raised them to my face. I spoke softly so as not to hurt their ears.

“This night will never be forgotten by any of us and I am certain will be emulated many times. It is very rare for any of my girls to pleasure me to such a fantastic degree without my being able to return the favour.” Suddenly I could not stop myself chuckling. “When you were both covered with my sperm, what would have happened if you had returned to your full size? Would the amount of my sperm have also grown? If it did there would be more of it on the two of you than I jet over a whole month with all my loves!”

That of course gave them ideas for next time. They cocked their heads at me and I chuckled again. “What now you little devils? How can I do anything to such tiny lovers?”

“You can, softly please.”

I looked at Dommi for guidance, but her face was averted, trying to hide her amusement. Gently I placed them back on the bed and crouched on my elbows and knees. I did not trust my fingers to be gentle enough and lowered my lips to their tiny bodies - no way was I going to try to kiss them on the lips!

As I brought my lips to the chest of Jade her tiny fingers grabbed me by the nostrils and pulled, forcing my face over hers. Tiny but soft lips touched mine. Her voice was a sigh, “I love you Robbie.”

“I always loved devilled kidneys, now I love two little imps, tail, horns and all.”

“Shall we keep them?”

“No thank you. I don’t need the problems that would cause.”


“Robbie please, can’t we take them to Kefalari? We could sit at the coffee shop and pretend they are dolls.”

“Laura, you may wish to flirt with trouble, but I just want some time to love you and relax. Please?”

I bent down to lick and tease their tiny bodies with my lips, but as I licked across her chest and nipple Jade cried out. I had felt the harsh rasp on her delicate skin and pulled back in apology even as I helped dampen her pain.

“Hold on love, let me fix things.” I adjusted, it felt awful having such a smooth tongue, but at least now I would not hurt them. I made certain my lips were also soft, no dry chapped skin. This time she responded to my touch with pleasure.

I recalled something a labourer in Dar showed me. He had lifted a rock and there was something that looked like a miniature wasps clay nest. He gestured to me to come closer, gave me the nest and gestured for me to break the passage off. I did, left with the bulb shaped part and saw a liquid inside it. He gestured again with a sipping motion so I tipped it over my mouth. I am a great lover of honey, but that tiny drop of liquid was so delicate it was as some kind of ambrosia from heaven. I waited for the small wasps to return so as to see what creature could have made something so delicate, ephemeral almost in it’s delicate sweetness.

As I could just insert the tip of my tongue and I sipped, it reminded me of that rare honey, something so pure and more of a suggestion of what it is than real. The scent was strong enough to excite me, but pure enough to bring a rapture to my heart. As she jerked her tiny hips in the throes of her orgasm I felt lips bringing me to me own climax, joining Jade.

I lay to the side of them and placed my imps on my chest. “Give me a little time to get my breath back Cassie.”

“I thought it was something else you needed to get back Robbie” Jade asked teasingly.

“That too.” I looked over at my other girls and I felt, for the first time, as if I faced a mountain. These two were taking it all out of me by themselves - when would I get to the others?

I was immediately flooded with their reassurances; they were intrigued by the novelty and enjoying it. I knew they had orgasmed, but also know how they need to be held and caressed. I promised them I will not leave them untouched or unsatisfied. Dommi shook her head, but did not speak.

Cassie raised her knees. She did not smile, her face and eyes looked at me with an earnestness I realised hid a vulnerability, a fear I might no longer want her. Privately I ordered my healer to flood me with energy and desire. She felt it and her eyes opened wide in wonder and she flushed with pleasure.

Tenderly I touched her sex bump that, as an imp, was smaller than it is when she is her normal baby size.

“That is a lovely bump you got there. Is the flower inside as sweet?”

She did not answer, just her eyes turning a darker colour. I looked over at Wendy and saw hers were almost a dark velvety colour. So, they are learning from each other, still choosing the characteristics they think will please me.

I turned her over and covered her body with my kisses. I turned her over again, brought my lips to her face and kissed her nose. She arched her face for my lips and softly I kissed her mouth. The nipples were so tiny it was difficult to believe they could need or feel any stimulation, but they did. I sensed her enjoyment as I licked her belly and spent extra time on turning that pleasure into little shafts of fire.

Another of the girls had timed it and saw to it that my climax was not wasted on the sheets.

I held both of them until their need for love and reassurance had turned to a sweet drowsiness. I raised them off my chest and made them revert to baby and toddler. I carried them over to another bed and stroked them softly until they’d fallen asleep. I told Cherine to place a cone of silence over them so that we can hear them if they cry out, but our sounds will be muted.

Our two imps had brought a sense of humour mixed with a combination of cockiness and tenderness and the effects lingered, affecting our lovemaking for the rest of that night and morning. Candy helped carry on the mood we were in by asking if she could play with my tail and getting the giggling fits. Matters deteriorated as far as the quality of the jokes went, but our lovemaking was a delight leaving all of us with a rosy glow and grin for the rest of the day.


Sometimes I give the appearance of not caring about someone, leaving them to flounder for a time. This has been the case with Lillian. At the time of saving her, she stayed with the parents of her Cherine for a few days, then she began to feel depressed and when her parents were told, the father took a month off work and moving to almost the other side of the U.K., they took her with them. She retreated into a shell of self-pity for about a week.

From what I’ve shared, her parents tried all they could do to help her, but then her brother, with the understandable impatience of youth, confronted her, accusing her of only thinking of herself, that he and their parents had also suffered, but all she cares about is herself. Of course their parents quickly stepped in and stopped him, but his words had already stirred her Cherinian empathy (she is linked to her own Cherine).

She tried hard to find a balance, but finally decided to ask Rob for help. Somehow he managed to hide his fear of failing her from both Lillian and Cherine. He did something I’ve never thought of doing. He went onto the internet and did a search on depression and after-near-death emotional needs.

Lillian has not been exercising her Cherinian gifts by using them in her day to day life, so it is not surprising that she did not give them a thought and sat next to Robert so as not to have to face him, for she suspected she would not be answering him honestly…if he asks certain questions.

Rob kept himself open, making himself available for her to sense him, if she needs to feel he is with her as a friend, not as the leader of the Cherinians. “I’ve just spent the whole night studying articles about the kind of experiences you’ve had to endure and their effects on the human psyche. I think I’ve started this day with less of an understanding of the many ways victims can be affected, for yesterday I thought empathy would make it possible for me to work out how we can help you.

“It doesn’t?”

“For empathy to work, I must be capable of placing myself in your shoes. How can I, when I have no experience of anything half as terrible as you have endured?”

“I thought your healer is more experienced…can’t it help?”

“You are in contact with your healer? What do you think of it, is it intelligent?”

“No…I think it is too new, that is why I was hoping yours can help.”

Rob grinned. “Too new? Lillian dear, the same healer you have now has existed in all your previous lives - whether you were a Terran or of another human species. I know what you mean when you say it is too new, for it has been dormant in the previous lives - as far as we and Prime Robert know, it is only since Cherine and Robert linked that the healers have begun to be awakened. However, it is also possible that despite being dormant, our healers, in our previous lives, were vaguely aware of us - it should be so, for mankind has a long anecdotal history of people healing by laying on of hands. If so, then they must have accumulated a lot of know-how, but are not fully aware of all they know.

We have no hint of how their intelligence will evolve - though we do know that they are quick to learn from each other all ways of healing. But, and this is an important ‘but’, they are not capable of healing minds of psychological problems. Prime Robert showed me that his healer did want to interfere a few times and he forbade it, not trusting it to heal without changing the way he thinks. I agree with him and my healer knows it. If you get tempted to hand over control, keep in mind that whatever it does will be in accordance with its abilities and knowledge, and you will stop existing as it simplifies and erases memories it thinks you should not be affected by - even if you think of those memories as having been beneficial - after all, isn’t it by our mistakes that we learn?”

“Then nothing can help me.”

“I’m sorry if I gave you that impression. A good psychologist could help you, so I do not agree that no Cherinian can. I wish our Themi were a Cherinian, he would give us the correct advice. Lillian, from what I can sense, it is as if your batteries are running low. Sometimes, going out and having fun helps.”

“I’ve tried, I even thought of jumping to Derrick and asking him to take me to a dance or party, but I know he loves me and I don’t love him, so it would not be fair to him.”

Next Post 055

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
5th September, 2019

* posted on PALNet - Steemit - WEKU - CreativeCoin: 5th September, 2019

For those who wish to be notified of sequels
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Καλοπερασε ο Ρόμπερτ....

Το υπόλοιπο με την Lillian δεν πολύ κατάλαβα....

Gia sou

Ean eheis ypomoni, tha sou apantiso argotera - i avrio.

Apo ehtes ypofero me to donti mou. To mono pou voitha einai, vazo parapano maksilaria kai prospatho na koimitho. Panta, o ponos arhizei Paraskevi vradi i to s/kyriako...


Sta epomena, i Lillian tha se mperdepsi aggelous kai dolofonies...


Eider tin apantisi mou?

Μόλις την διάβασα....

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