LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 03 - post053

I really should have danced first! Here I was, suddenly experiencing for the first time the motes and beauty of Jade and Cassie and it made me forget what I was doing for a few seconds. The others did not mind as this was also their first time of tasting my new girls and it felt, even though they could not move, as if they were all dancing within me.

Previous Post 052


I became aware of a change outside myself. It was Solomon, changing the kind of energy that makes him a Sparkler, adapting his energy so that it not only will not damage us, but become as one with us. I had not known he could do this and waited for him.

*Solomon, if I take you with, I will need to blind all your senses while I become the void and take you with me. It was my promise not to teach you, so if you disagree, please do not join us. Otherwise, we welcome you with love.* He did not deign to reply, or else you could say he replied by entering me and submitting to my controls.

*Dominique, is this what it feels like for your offspring while within their mothers?*

*It is similar to being within the womb, especially the feeling of being safe and protected. Robert,* she teased, *are we within your womb?*

*A fair description of where you are I suppose. For the duration of our tour I will be your mother and father.*

*Just be a good guide and let us see and experience everything.* Jonathan countered in an acerbic tone.

*This will not be exactly the same as it would have been if you were travelling with me, as Cherine did. Perhaps on the next trip I can allow you to do so.*

I blocked them all from seeing how we entered and became part of the void, lifting the block soon as I could so that they would not miss anything. First I showed them the energy fields and how I manipulate them, twisting their paths so as to bring more energy to feed the Sparklers. Once that was accomplished I took them in a partial orbit of Earth, giving them the chance to see our planet as it appears to our senses in this state. If our blue planet is beautiful in normal space it is a miracle of beauty when the flares of energy and it’s aura can be seen. We swiftly reached Venus, then Mercury and the sun now loomed in all it’s awesome majesty. We were all caught up, choked by our awe. Jonathan wondered aloud if a scientist who studies the sun were brought, how much new knowledge would he leave with.

As we dove in, there were screams of fear and excitement. I chose the moment and place so that we could meet a solar flare just beginning to streak it’s escape from the enormous gravity, letting it carry us out again. Even then it was a strain on the protector and we all felt it’s reluctance to allow us to try this again. I agreed, they had been close to the surface (in terms of it’s size) and been part of the ‘atmosphere’ of the sun, and it would have to be enough for this time. I let the flare carry us out and then shot off in the direction of Mars.

There have been too many romantic stories about Mars for me to skip it for the far more interesting gas giants so we travelled in, as low as I was prepared to go with my load of loved souls and I showed them the few interesting sights, including an ice-filled crater, before shooting off again for Jupiter.

Here is my play area. I dove in and out, let the storms carry us in dizzy spins until the protector warned me it was time to return. I was not the only one who wished to stay, many cries of protest asking for a little more time here, one more ride into the heart of another storm, tried to tempt me to stay. Gently I promised to bring them again and returned to our point of departure. For the sake of their sanity and to keep my promise to Solomon I blocked them again and returned to the ‘surface’ of the void.

I disgorged all my passengers except for Solomon and shot away till we had some privacy. I let him out.

*Was it all you hoped for Solomon?*


*You have given a gift to all of our people when I share it with them. We thought there was no beauty other than in our home the void, matter being just cold dead areas. Through your senses we have seen and will remember for all time.*

*If and whenever we do this again, I would welcome a number of Sparklers if they take the same care to blend with me as you did. Solomon, I did not know you could do that, it was as if you were one of us, a human of Earth. I am impressed by your ability to adapt.*

*It was only a matter of adapting energy.*

*You took from my mind and created a beach for us to meet and talk. Why not do the same with what you saw, leaving out the dangers of gravity or the coldness, as a space for all your people to enjoy?*

*I will try. Ordinx will regret he did not come when I describe the wonders you showed us. Robert, was this also a lesson for us?*

*Lesson? What kind?*

*A gentle show of your powers. There is no other being that could have entered the grasp of your sun and not been torn and consumed.*

*You now no longer see me as crazy and start to see motives of a baser kind in me?*

*I am puzzled. You have changed thanks to us, and yet I do not truly believe your motives are baser.*

*View this tour in any light you wish Solomon. I wished to take my own people as a gift to them. I extended my gift to you and Ordinx, for it is good to see all the aspects of creation. Perhaps you also have a lot to teach me over the length of time we will know each other. I will not ascribe base motives to your lessons, but see them as a sharing of joy in knowledge.*

“Solomon saw the trip as my way of showing off to them my powers.”

“Why Robert, why allow their suspicions to darken your heart? Can you not see that it is only natural for them to wonder and fear a little?”

“You are right. However, it does kill spontaneity if I have to first consider their reactions. Then they complain I am no longer as crazy as I was. They do not understand that my craziness was a kind of innocence and once that innocence is lost it can never be regained.”

Cherine looked at me with sorrow. “My love, their fear has caused you more damage than all the wars did


“I don’t know about the rest of you, but after that tour and the craziness of our dancing afterwards, I desperately need to be alone with my girls. Those of you who wish to stay, make yourselves comfortable, I’m taking my wives with me and I wish you all a good night.”

I picked up my Cherine and walked off. She put her lips to my ear. “You still are a little crazy.”

I stopped and pulled at her so as to look at her face. “You are very wrong my love. I am still a whole lot crazy…about you and all my sweet girls.”

Dommi discretely pinched my bum, making my jump. “Are you including me when you talk about your girls?”

“You think of yourself as a grown woman!?”

It was not necessary for us to get behind our bedroom door for it to become obvious what was about to happen. There were a few good-natured chuckles as we disappeared.

Soon as we were alone I put Cherine back on her feet. “I think we are all a little over-needy, we stayed too long in the void. However, I would like us all to start by giving our loving to Jade and Cassie. This will be their first time. As for the two of you, there will be no penetration so do not even try. Are we clear about this?”


They looked at each other and nodded slightly in agreement. I sighed quietly, it was obvious they do not intend obeying me, both of them have a stubborn and rebellious streak. I was not prepared to chance it, I would either have to use my healer to dampen me or else I could get carried away. I did not think it was fair to me or the other girls, my dampening would spoil it for them also.

“Cherine love, I am going to one of the smaller beds. You take these two to the main bed and with the other girls love them for me. I’ll join you once the two are ready to go to their own beds.”

That brought a howl of protests which I am certain could be heard all the way to the living room. “Cut it out! You are all aware these two did not intend cooperating, that they were going to try and trick me. I’m tired of being treated this way. Do you all want me to dampen myself so that I stay in control? I thought not.”

I walked past them, going to the shower for a quick refresh, more irritated than was justified. Jade grabbed hold of my trouser and I stopped.

“I’m sorry, it was my fault. I promise I’ll be good, so will Cassie.”

“I entered that door full of love and wanting to make every single one of you happy. Instead I ended up angry. Anger does not sit comfortably with loving or sex. The two of you have spoilt it for all of them and for me. Why should I now forgive you?”

“’Cause we said sorry?” she said it in her best ‘little girl’ way and I stared at our con artist, not knowing whether to get angry or not. I ended up laughing.

“That was supposed to work on me?” I laughed again. “Okay, it did.” She looked back up at me her eyes shining. “Come on Jade and Cassie, join me in the shower.”

I sat on the stool and looked at both of them. They stood by me demurely looking at the floor. “Damn, but the two of you are really beautiful!!” They both looked up, caught by surprise. I saw the sudden joy in their eyes, just as they saw the admiration in mine.

“Do you know why you are beautiful?” They shook their heads. “Because nature wanted to give you an advantage over the male. I happen to be the male. I am also a Cherinian so my sense of smell is very keen, your bodies smell delightfully like bodies of little girls, pure and sweet and very sexy. I know you can both see the swelling in my pants so you know your magic is working on me. What I want to know is, with that beauty, are there any brains? I do not expect you to have a developed sense of morals, you are both babies. You do have the ability to think though. Tell me, if you had tricked me tonight, how would it have affected my love for you? Did you think of that?”

Jade’s eyes went huge in surprise. “You mean you would hate us?”

“No silly, I love you and always will. But, would I like you?”

“Robbie, it was Jade who was being brave, saying it was her fault. Please do not make her feel bad, it was really my fault. I know a lot more than she does and should not have…why are you looking at me like that?”

“Cassie, Jade is me in many ways. She knows exactly who I am and how I react.”

“You never spoke to Cherine like that, even when she did trick you.”

“You would prefer I die for you also Jade?”

“No.” The word was hardly more than the sound of her breath. Suddenly she was feeling very small and afraid.

“Can either of you tell me why I do not want to penetrate you, have full sex that is?”

“Because you want to make it special for us?”

“Not the way you meant the word ‘us’. That word should include me also. You were not only determined to cheat yourselves, you intended cheating me of a lovely memory.” I looked at them as they apologised and tears fell. “I have to be extra careful when making love to any of you because you are children. I have to be sure you really want me to touch you, kiss you and make love. Even then I still feel a little guilt because I was brought up believing it is a terrible thing to do to a child. Apart from the pleasure I get out of it, it is for that reason I need to make your first time a special and wonderful memory. To do otherwise I would be taking advantage of your love for me. All I ask is that you in turn do not take advantage of my love for you. If you use my love as a weapon against me to get whatever it is you want, my love will shrivel up and become a pain in my heart.”


I gave them a moment to come to an understanding of my words, of the import and not just the words. I then pulled them to me and hugged them.

“Come, it is time for us to have our shower, the others must be going nuts by now. Put your arms up Jade.” I pulled her dress off over her head and did the same for Cassie. They stood in their vests and panties and they were so sweet and lovely it hurt. I stood up and removed my trousers and shirt. Jade pulled her vest off. I took over and did it for her and then for Cassie. I ran the palm of my hand over their little swollen tummies.

“God, but I could eat you both up. Would you like me to Cassie?”

She grinned, still not confident. Slowly I pulled her panty down and she stepped out of it. I turned to Jade and did the same for her. I could hardly control my need to bury my face in their sweet warm bodies, to smell and taste their childish scents. It almost felt wrong to wash the sweet taste of them away. I stood up and stripped off, standing in front of them totally nude. I got down on my knees and pulled their soft satiny tummies to my face, alternating between them as I kissed and tasted them. I knew that I was fast losing control and pulled back.

“Shower time.”

They did not need Cherinian gifts to sense how I had nearly lost control, how I had been affected by them and they happily skipped over to the shower, their self confidence fully restored. As I washed them and myself I noticed the way they kept glancing at each other with little half smiles and realised these two are bonding to each other. Surreptitiously I entered the outer layers of their minds (Dommi I had to) at a layer where I could not hear their thoughts, but could sense the general direction of their thoughts and feelings. I was right! They were bonding, becoming sisters in a close friendship. Who would have thought these two would grow so close so fast. I would have expected them to be in competition with each other, the one trying to outdo the other. Just shows how much I understand the human mind - or should I have said little girls?

They let me pat them dry and then while I dried myself they left me. I saw these two mites were determined to puzzle the hell out of me and they were succeeding. I heard giggles from the other room, but kept myself out of their minds. If they have found something funny about me, I do not want to know.

Next Post 054

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
4th September, 2019

* posted on PALNet - Steemit - WEKU - CreativeCoin: 4th September, 2019

For those who wish to be notified of sequels
If you wish to have your name added above, I would be honoured.


Θα δείξω στους εξωγήινους πώς γίνεται void?

Πάντως νομίζω συνεχίζει να περνάει όμορφα... :))))

Solomon, if I take you with, I will need to blind all your senses while I become the void and take you with me. It was my promise not to teach you, so if you disagree, please do not join us. Otherwise, we welcome you with love. He did not deign to reply, or else you could say he replied by entering me and submitting to my controls.

Σόλομον, αν σε πάρω μαζί μου, θα πρέπει να τυφλώσω όλες τις αισθήσεις σου όσο θα γίνομαι το κενό και θα σε πάρω μαζί μου. Ήταν η υπόσχεσή μου να μην σε διδάξω, οπότε αν διαφωνείς, σε παρακαλώ μην έρθεις μαζί μας. Διαφορετικά, σας καλωσορίζουμε με αγάπη. * δεν ήθελε να απαντήσει, αλλιώς θα μπορούσατε να πείτε ότι απάντησε μπαίνοντας σε μένα και υποβάλλοντας στους ελέγχους μου.

Opos vlepeis, den tou edeikse to pos ginete to void - mono otan eihe ginei to void tous afise ollous na doune ton ilio kai tous planites pou episkefthikan.

Efhome na pairnaei kala, efoson se ligo tha ypoferei...

This is a great piece of writing, I will have to work backwards to catch up on the previous ones. Thank you for the Witness vote, very much appreciated 🙏🏽

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