LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post148

I went into their minds and carefully opened that part for them. It had to be gentle and gradual for I did not want them to be hit by the same flash I had been hit with in Ydra. As they began to feel each other, as one they turned their attention to me and I let them share my feelings too.

Previous Post 147


“Agapi, put your finger to your nose. Klo, can you feel the finger and her nose? Now it is your turn, touch your belly button. Did you like that Agapi?”

In answer she put her finger to her little sex, cupping it and Klo gasped. Without thinking she grabbed at her own sex and Agapi gave a wide grin of joy. Klo took the initiative this time. She tentatively stretched her hand to me and touched my penis. They both yelped.

“I felt his peepee Agapi, I felt it...”

“So did I! Do it again!”

I let them experiment and get used to it. As with me, they became a little disorientated, but as children they were quicker to adjust. I shooed them into the shower and got in just as realisation hit Agapi.

“Robbie, I’ll feel it when you go into Klo to make a baby! It will be the same as if it happened to me?”

“Nearly. You will feel what she does and what I feel. It can be overpowering, so try to take it easy in the beginning. If it becomes too much, mute it a little, the way I showed you.”

“Klo, we will be able to feel mummy and daddy.” That got them giggling again and I turned the water on. Tasso and his wife had not listened to me and the girls expected to use soap. I explained to them why they should not. They could in the morning, not when they are about to make love. Agapi tried to get cunning with me.

“Then I must not use soap either.”

“Why, are you planning on making love to your wife Kleanthi?”

She stared at me in dismay. Suddenly, deep down I was angry with Tasso. Especially his wife. They had said they would love their children. I could sense or imagine what torture the kids had gone through after every dance. I decided to break the rules.

“Agapi, would you be our lover also. May I kiss and give you pleasure. I would like to teach you everything I can without actually putting my penis in you. Would you want that?”

“I want it inside me also Robbie. If it is too long and it comes out of my mouth I will lick it so that it feels nice for you.” God but this little girl sure knows how to make herself loved!

Of course the girls started killing themselves with laughter again and they projected images of my going into that tiny love hole and coming out of her mouth, with her tongue licking at it as it shot in and out. I got my revenge on them - on behalf of the two with me.

I altered my body, making my penis about four times as long as it normally is and let the two fascinated girls play with it while I horsed around. There was a hungry silence from the other end.

I turned it back to normal and concentrated on finishing our shower. I got down on my knees and washed their bodies, tenderly making sure every little fold is clean and sweet for me. I showed them how they have to pull back the skin and clean me properly. It was lovely, not only feeling their little hands, but also their emotions and joys of discovery.

I dried them and wrapped them in towels to carry to our bed. Agapi put her arms around me in the tightest hug she could give me.

“Robbie, thank you. I wish you were my daddy…or husband. I love you.” Klo echoed her sentiments and I could feel that this night is going to be one of the sweetest I have ever known. Never have any girls come to me in such total innocence, trust and love.


I hardly knew where to start first, so I lay down and placed them on my chest and rubbed their backs. After sex it is the most relaxing thing I can do, the warmth of our bodies, the comfort for them of lying on me and for me their sweet weight and the feel of their fast little hearts racing away. Before sex it has the opposite effect.

Today it was having a special effect, this was the first time they had ever felt their bodies lie alongside, skin touching the skin of a man. My hands worked their way down their backs and over their pert little buttocks. Now began the Cherinian lovemaking.

Not only could they feel the sensations they were both enjoying, but also the pleasure I derived. I asked Agapi to turn, her feet towards my face and I was able to extend the areas of their bodies being simultaneously caressed. I could feel how it was for them, the strange sensation as they shared the journey of exploration by my tongue.

I was not only being inundated by my own sensations and theirs, but also by their feelings of wonder, the strangeness of what was happening to their bodies.

Finally it was over and we all sank back into a deep and wonderful calm, interrupted only by sudden vestiges of the spasms that had rocked their bodies earlier. I decided they had already experienced more than most women will ever feel and their small bodies needed to first relax and be comforted by me. I pulled away despite their cries of dismay and turning around lay down alongside them. I placed my arms around them and kissed their faces, inhaling their sweet breaths.

They looked into each others eyes and Klo whispered softly, “Agapi I love you so much!”

I stroked and held them, murmuring endearments and thanking them for being so wonderful. By the time they fell asleep I knew I had two very happy girls. I waited until their breathing had deepened, still holding on to each other, and left the room.

I made some coffee and wished I had thought of bringing a couple of cigarettes. I sensed Claudia arrive and as I turned she handed me three cigarettes.

“We decided you deserve them. Robbie, can I sit with you for a while?”

“If you are willing to cuddle up to me. I’m feeling so wonderful it does not seem right to be sitting without touching a loved one.”

As I held her to me, her soft warmth a comfort, I felt her ruminating, her mind lost in memories and a dawning wonder. “I always thought that the only sensitive men are the gays. Our home as you saw is small. When I used to lie in my bedroom I could hear the grownups talking. My mother and her friends would sit in the kitchen and talk while the men sat by the tv and got drunk and made horrible jokes about screwing women. I know you don’t like the word, but I grew up with the word fuck every day.

My mother and the women were just as bad, though at the time I thought they must be right. They talked about what pigs men are, how they only want a quick fuck and then turn over and go to sleep, snoring and farting. They talked about many things men do that show they do not really think of women as equal to them.”

I said to her, not trying to hide my anger. “She was no better than the men she described. If the women still feel they are less privileged, taken advantage of, their feelings not mattering, how can they treat another lot of people the same way. What do you think she was doing when she agreed to let that bastard destroy you and your sister. Did she think of you as human beings with feelings and rights?”

“Wow!! You are still angry about that.”

“Very! Claudia mou, as we sit here all lovey-dovey, do you know how many children all over the world are suffering, either being beaten viciously or mentally or sexually abused, or all three at the same time. There are people who chain little children, hurt them, burn them with cigarettes or in other ways even more horrible. Do you truly believe all that could be happening without their own mothers knowing or being one of the torturers. Wendy was not an exception, nor were you.

Sometimes I feel like asking Meli to get our world ready for us, to bring it into our reality so that we can go and live there; just us Cherinians. Then I think, if I do, the screams of all the children in the future will be accusations. We have to stay and suffer the brutality of humans in the hope of at least saving a few of them.


Cherine thinks I do not know, yes Cherine, I know you are listening. I’ve been waiting for you to talk to me about it. Claudia, when she went with Alki and her mother to adopt the kids, do you know what she found? A little boy who had been hired out by the orphanage, his tiny bum torn and disfigured for pictures and videos to be sold on the internet. The story is supposed to be that they do this, sacrifice one child here, another one there so as to get enough money to feed all the children. The truth is that many of those people running the orphanages are part of the deal. They steal a large part of the money they are paid or else they are partners in the business.

Cherine also found a girl who, from what I saw in her mind must have been extremely pretty. I have, I think, seen her photos on the net. She now lives totally in a world of her own, has withdrawn from this one. Last time I checked, I found out they are sending her to the local mental asylum where they expect her to die.”

I caressed her face. “I’m sorry Claudia, you started this conversation because you wanted to say something nice I think, and I took over, my anger got the better of me.”

“I was going to try and make a compliment to you. That you are more of a man than those people like my father and his friends and yet you are more sensitive than any gay man I’ve ever known.”

“Sorry I spoilt it for you my love. You are thinking of the two sleeping beauties inside?”


“I’d forgotten how sweet that kind of innocence can be. Well they are my gain and the loss is all Tasso’s. I’m even having second thoughts about Agapi. If their family is so tensed up about this, her first time with them will not be so good.”

“Robert, if you have a child with Klo, will that child be mine also?”

“Of course!”

“Then I have the right to say what I feel. I do not want my child growing up in their circle, suffering the way they did.”

“I cannot take her child away from her. Once with Natalie was bad enough. Never again.”

I saw the obstinate look settle over her face. “Then she must leave their circle and join us.”

“No!!! Do not dare to even think that!”

“You are ordering me what to think!”

I backed off, god but she could be prickly at times. “I’m sorry love. I know that if humans are capable of destroying something beautiful or perfect, they will do so, whether Normals or Cherinians. After all our great dreams, it turns out we are not that much different from them, just more powerful.”

“Now you are exaggerating, you know how different we are. No Cherinian could ever do those horrible things to children.”

“Nor can the normal human my love. They are just as sickened at what is happening as we are. There will also be the exceptions within the Cherinians I fear.”

Next Post 149

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
14th January, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 14th January, 2019

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Ekanan sex o Robert Klo kai Agapi?
Ayto me tin kskopiisi einai police sixno fenomeno still epoxi mad distixos...
An kanei paidi I Klo that einai Kai tis Agapis?

Ean eirthan ston Robert parthenes, einai akoma parthenes. Aplos ithele na tous mathi oti to sex mporei na einai omorfo ean ginete me agapi (ohi Agapi) :)

I skepsi tou Robert einai oti ean gyrisoun spiti tous kserontas ligaki pio poli, isos ginoun kai pio tolmiroi...stois apaitiseis tous.

Den tha mathoume gia kairo, epeidi ksafnika pairnei allo dromo i zoi tou Robert - kai gia ta koritsia, sta epomena posts.

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