LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post099

Alki nodded. “Keith is too blunt for my liking, but I agree, go talk to him. Do not be surprised to see him do something crazy just to help you feel you have not lost face.”

Previous Post 098


Thank god the girls played their trick on me or else this all would have ended without me getting any fun out of it. Jonathan came to see me and before he could speak, I apologised.

“I spoke out of turn Jonathan. I do not take back what I said about you, but the threat I made, that was unforgivable. That I, I would threaten a child whose only mistake was in loving me, that was despicable. Your poor wife too, please tell her how much I regret it. If you came to demand an apology, I give it with all my heart.”

“Did Keith or Alki tell you I went to see them?”

“No. I think they are still shocked and angry with me.”

I felt the suspicion drain out of him, replaced with a feeling of wonder. “They were right!”

“About what?”

“Nothing, just a private conversation. Robert, I hear Ordinx wants to come.”

“Yes. That is a bit of a problem. I do not mind giving my body over to aliens, I know them both and how honourable they are. But where do I find a second body? It would not be right of me to ask anyone else. No one should be asked to do such a thing - refusing would make them feel bad.”

“Ask for volunteers.”

“I’m sorry Jonathan, I forgot. It is not up to me to ask anyone. This is now your show. Anything you need to know please ask me.”

“I have reconsidered the matter. Whether I approve or disapprove of your methodology the fact is that both of them are your friends. I am convinced they will listen to you and try to understand us. Robert, please accept my apologies and let me withdraw from this undertaking.”

“No, I am sorry I cannot. The more I have thought about this the clearer it has become to me that you spoke some truth and that to have someone like you by my side would help save me from making a total arse of myself. Together then?” I put out my hand, which he looked at for a long spell before taking.

Em-e told me the next day that he sat at home that night, drank too much, became over-sentimental and cried. I, it seems, was now relegated to that ‘dear chap’. I bet he regretted it the next morning.

Em-e confided to Cherine that she had known I would find a way to win, but she had felt it was a wonderful opportunity to force me to make up my mind and take her virginity. They have a saying about god, about men and mice making their plans - it seems they should have used it to explain women and the plans of gods, men and mice.



Chapter Eighty Three

I asked the protector and healer whether it would be possible to use our cells to make a couple of extra bodies. Mine and one of whichever girl volunteers, for our two friends to use. They replied that after the experience with Henry they think they can. But the healer worried about some possible complications.

Both being aliens to us and to each other, the sensory inputs they are used to are totally different. They might not manage to ‘fit’ in, to adjust to having a sense of balance, sight, hearing, skin sensations and so on. There are a multitude of things we take for granted about our bodies. They might even keep forgetting to breathe.

I discussed this with the family (which always includes Alki and Marian, otherwise I would say, ‘with my loves’).

“They had bodies that stood upright on Meli’s world.”

Meli explained - far better than I could have. “It is different Claudia. Ordinx had a body that was exactly as he had used long ago. For instance, he had no eyes. He will lose whatever ability he uses to see us and he may not be able to adjust, to use the part of our brains that enables us to see. As for Solomon. He chose the general shape, but his connection to it was like that of a puppeteer. He was using the power of my world to make it possible for him to use it. Ask Robert. He has been a chimp and a puppy for instance. Their brains are not the same as ours, but he had no difficulty.”

“I am more concerned about something else.” Diana was staring at me and my little girl of magic had a glint of anger in her eyes. “They come. They adjust and they see and experience our world. They return.” She sat silent, still staring at me. “What do you do with the bodies then, are you going to kill them?”

I kicked myself mentally. It is my job to think of things like that. To even ‘kill’ my own body was distasteful - never mind one of my loved ones. It occurred to me that perhaps I could keep mine, split myself at night and use both to love my girls. Cherine was the quickest to pick up on that. At first she smiled, but then it became a frown and she sent me her disapproval.

“In that case I’m stumped. I mean, we can’t go outside our group. It would not be ethical.”

Tina suggested, “I think we should rotate. That way none of us have to miss out and we all help.”

“That was along the lines of what I originally thought, but I cannot ask others to volunteer for this. They will feel pressured to agree. I have the nasty suspicion that many will think of their bodies as being ‘contaminated’.”

“I hope that was not a dig at me Robert.”

“It was not Sam. I was replying to the suggestion by Tina. The only answer I see is that we ask them to come one at a time and they use my body. I genuinely like them and do not see this in any negative way.”

Dommi said, “You can forget that! We are not going to take over the job of looking after them without you here. I also think it is important they meet and talk with you here.”

“They have seen me in Meli’s world and they can meet me there any time they want.”

“They can use my body.”

“Henry, after all you have been through, I don’t want to make you suffer again. You would not enjoy waiting in the void.”

“It does not matter. I want to.”

“Against my better judgement I’ll accept. Thank you.”

Nicole said, “They can have one of us at a time. We can share the other body.”


“You can do that!”

“Of course, we’ve tried it.”

“One twin, Henry and myself. We’re getting there.”

“No. I offered instead of you.”

“Henry…shit, I really don’t know how to answer that.” I sent him my feelings of love.

“We can all share except for Aganthi. We cannot risk the baby.”

“I agree about Aganthi, Dommi - we cannot offer on behalf of the girls.”

“They are all offering - even Cherine.”

I asked, “Is twenty four hours each too much?


“I think they should experience both day and night, though it will be awkward having them with us at night if we want to have sex.”

“The first multi-dimensional, and multi-species sex show. We are making history.”

“Don’t even joke about it Rosie. They sleep in the guest room.”

“You mean I do not get to fuck one of your girls, even as an alien?”

“Henry, not fuck - make love. And yes, you are right…you were making a joke!?”

Meli said, “I’m going to spend my time on our emerald island.”

“If you can stand it, you are welcome. Now it is time for supper. We can arrange for the first visit to be tomorrow night. That will give everyone time to get here. I do not think anyone will want to miss their arrival.”

As I had predicted, everyone came. Maria and Kosta took on the job of monitoring the bodies. I insisted everyone be present at their real ages. The girls had Henry draw slips of papers with their names from inside a packet. First was Bernie. She assumed the age of eighteen and lying down she and Henry went to the void. I went with to make sure they are alright. They greeted our two friends and went straight to our island.

I opened my eyes and quickly got up to welcome our guests. Bernie (Ordinx) was the first to stir and then Henry (Solomon). Nicko had a video camera and Alki was taking photos (I can imagine what we would have been offered if we could have asked the television companies to tender for an exclusive). We let them sit up before greeting them. I nudged Jonathan.

“Welcome to Earth. This is a great moment for us, you are the first visitors we have ever had from another world…that we know of. The people gathered here to welcome you are all Cherinians. My name is Jonathan and this man beside me, as you may recall, is your friend Robert. We all hope you will enjoy your stay.”

I stepped forward and put my hand on each of them. “Please stay relaxed. You will need some time to adjust to the bodies. If you are having problems in speaking, do not worry, you will soon learn how to. If you keep your minds open you can communicate directly to our minds, letting us know what problems you are having.”

“Ahh khan spik.”

“Try it again.”

“Ahi can spiik.”

“Ordinx that was much better. At least we can understand you. I can speak.”


“I can speak. This is good.”

“Ahi… I can speak… thank you for allowing us to come, we are honoured. I too am the first Sparkler to ever take on a material body and visit a world of matter. It is good you prepared us for this by taking us to the world of Meli. Which one is she that can create such a wonder and is to be the saviour of a million races?”

Marian stepped forward, holding our Meli in her arms. “This is Meli my daughter. Her full name is Melina.”

“Her size shows she is an infant?”

“That is correct. Robert insisted you must first see everyone at their real ages. I think that all the babies, the infants, are not happy about this. Would you like to meet them all so that they can go and change to greet you properly?”

Solomon put out his hands for Meli. Without hesitation Marian handed her over. He looked into her eyes and grimaced (smiled).

“It is indeed the Meli I met. Ordinx my friend, you were right, this is indeed a race of wonders. Infants who create worlds!”

Ordinx likewise wanted to hold Sam when he met her. There was a definite possessive tenderness in the way he held her.

Next Post 100

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
21st November, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 21st November, 2018

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Hello @arthur.grafo, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you, seeing your message always uplifts my spirits

O Jonathan nomize oti theloun na toy paroyn to soma giayto ta ekane oka auya?
Aaaa... Thanks pigenoun enslaks me kliro se poia somsta mpenoun oi eksogioinoi?

Opos tous pio polloi apo emas, o Jonathan kserei to na katigorei allous kai na vriskei lathos me to oti kai na kanoun, alla, apo tin stigmi pou tou edose tin efthini gia tin episkepsi ton Solomon kai Ordinx, arhise na fovate oti tha kanei kapoio lathos kai tha ftaiei ekeinos pou tha tous hasoun san filous. Thelei na perasei tin efthini piso ston Robert, alla, san kalos arhigos, o Robert den dehete, alla prosferei na moirastoune tois efthines.

Nai, gia tora tha pairnoun seira, alla tha vroun ali lisi argotera.

So - tora eisai kai esei me to Q. Sou efhome kala kerdei...

Eyxaristo para poli.... Episis file...

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