LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post098

“I can’t promise that! He is already starting to know sometimes what mummy is thinking.”

Previous Post 097


While I talked with Em-e and started to tease and cuddle her, I noticed Cherine, Sam and Laura were leaving the bedroom. I did not have any interest in finding out why, not with little Em-e undoing my belt and pulling the zip down. Anyway, they soon returned.

She would not let me take my briefs off, keeping her panties on also. As I kissed and fondled her tenderly I felt those two tiny pieces of cotton were a major nuisance. As I ran my fingers over the bump, it was as if I had never seen it before and was aching to pull them off her. The more she resisted the more single-minded I became. She wouldn’t even let me pull them to one side.

She pushed me away, made me lie back. Her fingernails traced their way lightly over my skin. As they came closer to my briefs they were scratching deeply into me, leaving a trail of pain and fire. I wanted this to carry on forever. I could not believe how keenly I felt her touch.

By the time she let me pull her panties off I was too close to spend time on further foreplay. The moment of entering her tight warmth was divine. The feeling of tearing through, being the first one ever within her, it was glorious. I pitied other men who could not feel the effect of making love to a virgin who knows she is loved, the effect on her mind that is.

Afterwards, the girls joined us and we spent the rest of the night loving her and being loved. When she finally fell asleep across me, she was holding Cherine to her and I was surprised by the feelings Cherine was emoting. She was holding and loving her friend as if she were her baby daughter.

We had to get up early for Em-e to return home before her father woke up. The girls and I had a good breakfast, but I saw they were still sleepy. I told them to get their healers to wake them up properly, else they would be late for school. Once they were gone I lay down and went to visit Solomon.


I explained fully to him, Ordinx listening also. I sensed they were both sympathetic, so I closed my sales pitch and asked Solomon would he play along so as to help Jonathan mature.

*Ordinx is correct. You are all still as children. It would be a waste of time my coming to Earth, I have already seen from your explanations that your race needs to mature, not just Jonathan. I will be taking my people far across the void and we may return to see if you have grown up in about a million of your years. Thank you for being so open and honest with us.*

Ordinx added, *I too have listened closely Robert, though I was not invited to join you. I see that Solomon is correct. I am suggesting to all our Worlds that we travel with the Sparklers, allowing our two great and mature civilisations to learn more from each other. We will carry with us your naming of them as Sparklers and our friend as Solomon, named after a wise king. They will serve to remind us through the ages of the strange race of man. Please bid my friend Samantha goodbye. If you are still as Robert and Sam in the far future when we return, I assure you we shall remember you.*

Before I could so much as stutter a protest they moved away from me, speaking to each other, I was already forgotten by them as they made their big plans. Shattered and humiliated I stayed beneath the glow of our World. I felt I had nowhere to go. How was I to tell my girls, the rest of the Cherinians, how badly I had miscalculated. They must have been humouring me all this time, laughing at my grand airs, a child thinking he is allowed to play with adults and boss them around. I cringed and my shape condensed into a tiny ball.

I sensed Cherine and the others as they came. Before they could speak I told them of the catastrophe, of how I had messed it up. I was filled with self-recriminations and despair. I felt the hurt within Cherine and told her I was not worth it.

*Robert, please stop what you are doing. Look, Ordinx and Solomon are returning. Sam and I played a trick on you. I’m so sorry my love, I did not realise you would feel this way.*

*A trick!! What trick?*

*The one you wanted to play on Jonathan, we changed it around, asked them to help us tease you. Robert?*

She felt my anger as it exploded and cringed. At the same time I recalled my desperate need to have her spirited and cunning teasing back and as I exploded I grasped them all within me and fed them my motes of love and laughter.

*I owe you big time girlie - I will find a way to pay you back for this, even if it means I have to make you stay with me for a thousand years.*

*You are not angry my friend?*

*You enjoyed that Solomon, didn’t you? I never knew you were an actor. Solomon, it was a clever trick she played on me. Far more clever than either of you realise, for it made me face things about myself. I hope you will find me a far better friend now and not so crazy.*

*Sam, Cherine, Laura, you did not warn us of this! You told us he would laugh and because we knew of his craziness we believed you. Now he threatens to take from us that which we have most treasured. His ability to see strange truths and even stranger ways of arriving at them. We do not wish to have a Robert who is like your Jonathan. As friends you have not done well. We are distressed at your thoughtlessness and the cost you are making us pay for your joke.*

My poor girls shrank within themselves and had not a word to say in self-defence. I pulled at them, bringing them closer to me again.

*Ordinx, look at my poor little girls, my loves. They deeply regret their game. If we, our race, are still as children, keep in mind that they are only children of a childish race. Isn’t it wonderful how they are growing up to think the way I do, some of my craziness must be rubbing off on them. I think it is now time for you to explain to them.*

*Your jokes last such a short time Robert. We like those that last and give us laughter for many years. Still, as you say, they are still children. My friends, when you approached us and asked we play this joke on Robert, Solomon and I considered it after you left. Our concern was that it may damage Robert. I was able to explain to Solomon what I thought his reaction would be. We considered not doing it. Then Solomon pointed out that if we played the same trick on you, it would appeal to the craziness in Robert and he would be pleased, as he said it, to see that some of his craziness is beginning to rub off on us too. We have not hurt you we hope.*


*Girls, can you imagine what Jonathan would have thought if he could have been present? Ordinx, that was smoothly done and you are right, I am delighted.*

Once we were back in our bodies I could not stop laughing. They hit me with pillows and then also dissolved into giggles. I will have to be careful and bury deeply the nightmares I know I’ll have in the future.

“You girls skipped school just to play a trick on me?”

“We had to.”

“Fine. You will not get a letter explaining your absence. You did a bunk and the school will have to punish you.”

“But they will expel us for three days!! It will go on our report!”

“Tough shit! You should have thought of that before.”

“My mother is going to be very angry with me.” Laura looked thoughtful. “Well, it was worth it.”

“We better get there now, maybe they won’t be so angry if we only missed a couple of lessons.”

Dommi had sat through our tomfoolery patiently so I now explained it to her. She told me that if she had known she would have given the girls a letter and taken them for a baked Alaska as a reward.

Jonathan was flustered to hear that Ordinx is also coming. He called Keith and after talking with him, Alki joined them.

“I think I have bitten off more than I can chew. This is serious. If I hash it up, I will have lost the only friends we Cherinians have. I still think Robert is crazy to handle this the way he wants to, but I cannot take the risk that I am wrong. He is the one who befriended them, so they must find his craziness appealing. How do I pull out of this?”

Keith spoke in his usual blunt manner. “Jonathan, the difference between you and Robert is that he is prepared to take the risk that he is wrong. If he sees he was, he finds a way to patch things up, usually by admitting he was wrong.”

Alki temporised. “Do not be so hard on him Keith. He has just done the same. Admitting he would rather have Robert handle this must have cost him.”

“It is not enough for me. Jonathan, Robert was very harsh in his criticisms of you. I have never heard him speak like that before. I am betting you thought he spoke that way because he was angry that you dared to cross him. If you think of him as crazy, remember, he loves crossing swords, having a verbal duel.

He was not angry about this visit. He is angry with you because you refuse to see that by becoming a Cherinian you must face the fact that the truths for us now are different from the truths we grew up with in England, or even here in Greece. He has shown by his anger that he has despaired of your growing to fit in with us.

As for your sense of superiority, which you never bother to at least try and hide, as a gentleman would, I ask this. All those in our society who you admire back home, why do they invite these colourful Greeks to their homes, but not you?

Because they have money? Neither of them inherited their wealth. They are invited and respected for their abilities, for their clear thinking. Money may not reflect the true value of a person, but the ability to create wealth, to come out of poverty and create such immense wealth, it does speak of the minds these men have.


These same men have given their unquestioning support to Robert. Do you think they did it lightly? Do you never feel the way they sometimes champ at the bit? They are used to giving orders - not receiving them. Yet they never question his right to do as he sees fit. They recognise in him qualities that none of us have, the qualities we need to survive the changes that are coming.

I was shocked when he threw at you that you gave your little daughter to him in marriage and yet rebelled at his way of handling situations. It upset me. Not the sort of thing a gentleman would say. I have since given much thought to his outburst. He said it to shock you, not to hurt or insult you. He was trying to force you to look at yourself clearly.

You want to know how to back out of this situation? By going to him and speaking to him as you spoke to us. Open yourself to him and you will be amazed at the wealth of love he gives.”

Alki nodded. “Keith is too blunt for my liking, but I agree, go talk to him. Do not be surprised to see him do something crazy just to help you feel you have not lost face.”

Next Post 099

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
20th November, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 20th November, 2018

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Έκαναν σεξ τελικά δεν κατάλαβα ή απλά ήταν σε φάση απλά αγάπης?
Χα χα τα κορίτσια έκαναν πλάκα στον Ρομπέρτ ε??
Φαντάζομαι τι τα περιμένει.... :))) Δεν νομίζω να τη βγάλουμε μόνομε μία αποβολή από το σχολείο....
Ξέρεις τι δεν έπιασα εκεί που ο , Robert τους πείραξε για να τους κάνει πλάκα εκεί χάθηκα λίγο...

Solomon, it was a clever trick she played on me. Far more clever than either of you realise, for it made me face things about myself. I hope you will find me a far better friend now and not so crazy.*

Iksere o Robert oti prepei na kathisihasi ton Solomon, gia na min ahei agonia oti ekane kako ston Robert. Afto to ekane, alla tora eprepe na kanei kati gia ekdikisi (ekdikisi me to kalo to noima, ohi gia na tous kanei zimia). Eipe "I hope you will find me a far better friend now and not so crazy" kserontas pos tha antidrasei o Solomon, kanontas ta koritsia na aisthanthoun agonia oti kanane zimia horis na to theloun.

Opos vlepies, o Solomon antedrase opos ithele o Robert, legontas sta koritsia oti otan mas zitisate na sas voieithisoume na kanete plaka ston Robert, den mas proieidopoiisate oti tha allaksi ton Robert kai tha hasoume ton filo pou einai opos ton theloume kai ton hreiazomaste. Den eitan kalo afto pou kanate, giati den theloume enan Robert pou einai san to Jonathan:

Sam, Cherine, Laura, you did not warn us of this! You told us he would laugh and because we knew of his craziness we believed you. Now he threatens to take from us that which we have most treasured. His ability to see strange truths and even stranger ways of arriving at them. We do not wish to have a Robert who is like your Jonathan. As friends you have not done well. We are distressed at your thoughtlessness and the cost you are making us pay for your joke.

Efoson ta 3 koritsia tin pathane kai eide o Robert oti ehoun anhos oti o Solomon pragmatika tous vriskei ypefthinous gia tin allagi ston Robert (esto kai ean ta koritisa kseroun oti den tha alaksi o Robert, ehoun anhos oti stenahoresane ton Solomon kai ton Ordinx.

Tote o Robert mazepse tois psyhes tous stin aggalia tou kai eksigise ston Solomon oti den ftain ta koritsia, oti tou arese to kolpo tous.

My poor girls shrank within themselves and had not a word to say in self-defence. I pulled at them, bringing them closer to me again.

Meta, o Solomon kai o Ordinx paraponethikan oti oi anthropoi apo tin Gi, ta asteia tous teleionoun poli grigora, tous aresoun ta asteia pou antehoun gia hronia....

Ksehasa - nai kanane...paei i kaimeni i Em-E, den einai pia parthena - gia liges ores i imeres

Vlepo eisai schedon 62. Mpravo!!!

Eyxaristo.... Euyixos pou mou kaneis epeksigisi...
Gia na doume ti ginei me to steem... Se ligo oute $0.0.1de that dinoyme...

Ehoune ksana-horisei tois pliromes sta tria - SP Steem kai SBD

Simera plirosa gia upvote. Pira merika votes, alla horis aksia kai mou gyrisan ena megalo meros apo ta lefta mou. Molis tous esteila erotisi, ta lefta pou kratisan, eitan gia ti pragma? Gia votes horis dynami (aksia)? Gia na doume ti tha mou apantisoun.

Dystihos, ean den lavo kali eksigisi, stamatao...ospou na ksana-anevei to Steem.

Tora pao na synehiso to epomeno post tou LC. Pas kala, ean skefteis oti ediavases sto Vivlio 01 gyro stois 700 selides, kai se afto, to Vivlio 02 schedon 250 selides.

Aplos elpizo na se voeitha me ta Agglika sou - kai na se efharistei i istoria tis Cherine kai tou Robert.

Ναι βοήθησες πάρα πολύ!!!
Καλό βράδυ...

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