LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post100

Ordinx likewise wanted to hold Sam when he met her. There was a definite possessive tenderness in the way he held her.

Previous Post 099


I should point out that everyone present, from Earth, was a Cherinian, so they could sense that the person they see is not the person they are talking to. There was the feeling that we are speaking to Solomon and Ordinx, despite seeing Henry and Bernie.

When the babies returned from the bedroom, now as ten year olds, they were re-introduced. Ordinx held on to the hands of Sam.

“Sam my friend, this size and age you have taken on, it is the one you choose to appeal to Robert?”

All those who were waiting to be introduced and were feeling slightly overcome by the solemnity of the occasion, burst out in laughter. Ordinx and Solomon looked up in surprise.

“That is laughter Ordinx. You have just made me look ridiculous and they laughed. It will now be said throughout our history that one of the first things our visitors said was that Robert loves little girls.” I pulled a face.

“I have caused you embarrassment my friend? I only meant it as a question. You are right, you did warn us that you are a criminal on your world.”

That brought on more laughter and the room became a much friendlier space.

“Wendy, you are our interpreter? Will I hear you with human ears?”

“Most of my singing is directly into your mind.”

“Solomon, our Wendy is a puzzle. Our ability to emote feelings is a gift that comes from Cherine. We do not find it easy to send our emotions to those who are closed to us. Wendy though sings and emotes to all.”

“So she is your interpreter for this world also.”

“That then will be her title from now on. Our singer and interpreter.”

Ordinx said, “Cherine, no disrespect was meant. As leader of the Cherinians I give you greetings from my people...”

“I am not the leader, Robert is.”

“Robert acknowledges you as the leader.”

“As do all of us my love. Ordinx is right.”


“In that case, I too give you greetings from the Thinkers of our people. Among us you are known as the warrior and protector of Robert. Your relationships are very confusing to us, for if you are the leader too and yet you allow Robert to lead and are devoted to protecting him…we do not understand.”

“It might help if you think of her as the leader, the origin and source of all our gifts. Dommi, her full name is Dominique, as the mother of our people, and myself as the administrator.”

“But it is your decisions that are accepted as final and binding on your people?”

“In certain circumstances, yes. In others, each one may argue with me - and they do. For that reason, to balance my crazy outlook on life with a more practical mind, I have as my private advisor Jonathan. You will see quite a lot of him as he will be acquainting you with the various arts of our people.”

Solomon gave a wry grin. “And what do you intend acquainting us with Robert?”

“All that we are ashamed of Solomon. All the things about man that grieve us. With that also come our dreams of what we, as Cherinians, hope to achieve. We are hoping that Ordinx will have the experiences of his own people to assist us in achieving our dreams. I do not ask that of you Solomon, for your people have never faced our problems, problems that are caused by living in worlds made of matter.

For both of you to gain a more balanced opinion of us and our world it will be good for you to get to know each of us, to talk to all and have time to listen. We have prepared some nourishment and I suggest we call an end to this formal greeting. Please ignore my girls and myself, get around and talk to the others, get to know our people. I speak for all when I offer you the right to look into our minds. Even we as Cherinians are still prone to thoughts and deeds we are not proud of. We offer all of what we are in the hope that you will understand what is important.

Where there is struggle between self-interest, fear, greed and the goals we are setting for ourselves, each time we are able to meet our goals, it is a source of pleasure and pride. Each time we succumb to our baser instincts, we accept that we are still human, we do not judge, but instead we try to learn. So accept that what is offered to you is against our way of thinking and the exposure of all that shames each of us will cause some distress.

We want you though to learn and see us as we are and maybe from there, learn to see us as we wish to become. The understanding of the hard road ahead of us may make it possible for you to assist us and be tolerant of us when we fail.”

Jonathan bravely stepped forward. “What Robert has just told you - I have caused much dissension between us. I felt it was wrong to let you see the evil within us. Amongst us humans, we only allow our closely loved ones to see our weaknesses and failures. I see Robert has brought both of you as his loved ones. As such, I too am open to you as Robert offered.”

“We have not come here for the purpose of judging you. Both our peoples have placed their existence and future within the hands of Robert. We need to understand Robert within the context of his own people and world. From what Sam has taught me of your history, it seems that you call your great visionaries crazy - until their vision has been achieved, then they are acknowledged and accepted as visionaries and wise. We wish to know, is Robert a visionary or truly crazy.”

Andrea stepped forward, shy but determined to speak.

“I cannot answer your questions, but I can illustrate with an example how he differs from us. When Robert first knew of Britta and myself,” he put his arm around her, “we had each of us done a great and evil thing to the other. According to the ways of our world I should have been punished for what I did to her. I should have been made to suffer. What he did was to make her suffer the evil I had intended for her. My punishment was to be forced to see the results of my evil. He did the same to her. I can tell you this, there is no punishment that could have been more painful. But it opened our hearts so that I wished to die rather than ever cause such pain to another again. That to me was his craziness that I will forever treasure.”

I pulled Cherine and Wendy to me. “Come girls, we’ve got to get out of here. How about we all go to get ourselves a pizza?”

“Are you nuts!! We can’t leave now.”


“I have to. If none of you will come then I might as well jump to Paphos. I’ll have my supper at a taverna by the old harbour.”

I grabbed some cash and jumped. Cherine showed up in a while. She ordered and sat watching me.

“You are pissed off with me. You could have stayed love, it would not have upset me.”

“Why must you leave?”

“I heard Andrea. I also heard the minds of the others. They all intended speaking of my craziness. It would not be good for me to listen - though they wanted me to. Love, forget the food you ordered, I know you are dying to hear what they say. Go home. I am safe here and a bit of solitude will not hurt me. Call me when it is time for me to return.”

“They will not understand, many will be hurt by your leaving.”

“It is better this way. They would be hurt far more by my staying.”

“Robert you are not fair. There are many who have a story like Andrea, who wish to show to you their gratitude and love by telling our visitors what you did. You are stealing that from them. You say a good leader must accept criticism with grace. I say a good leader must also accept praise and love with grace.”

“It is embarrassing Cherine. Especially as they are exaggerating my good sense and intentions.”

“Then sit and be embarrassed out of love for them - Dommi said that.”

I gave up. I called the waiter back and paid for the two meals, asking that he give them to whoever needs them.

I moaned, “I was looking forward to my fish!” She gave me a hug in return.

My healer was keeping a permanent watch on the two donor bodies. This had the effect of them not feeling weariness so they stayed up late talking and getting to know many of us. The girls had all stayed out of the way as I’d asked, giving most of our guests an opportunity to meet our visitors.

Themi came to wish me goodnight. He had a look that warned me he was feeling a sort of wicked glee. “Roberto, I could not help thinking of your friend Petsas - what he would have given to be here today.”

“Two things wrong with the question you are asking yourself. One, he is not my friend, second, the question should be, what he would have given to be able to present tonight to you! That man has such a need to be acknowledged that it eclipses his interest in the paranormal.”

“When Alki first called me about you, I had doubts, but helped because of my friendship with him. My doubts died within minutes of meeting you. Robert, you and your girls, you do not realise it, maybe you are beginning to take certain things for granted, but you are miracles. I had hoped that before I die I could say I have done good, helped make at least one life better. You have helped so many and you do not think of yourselves as being special. That is your miracle.”

“Thank you Themi. My mother seems to have blossomed, you must be a very good man. Natalie? Have you had your revenge yet?”

“What revenge?”

“I thought you were going to meet your ‘friends’ and stuff yourself with cakes and pastries while casually fobbing off the attention of all the men.”

She gave a good-natured laugh. “I have no need for revenge Roberto, I have Themi and Rose. The others are of no importance anymore.”

“You do know that your eyes betray you?”

“In what way?”

“They are the gentlest and kindest brown eyes I have ever seen. Cherine tells me your gifts have been growing. You are going to make us all rich Natalie.”


“Has she told you about your mother?”

“She has not. Mother, you keeping secrets from me?”

“It is nothing special Rob. Just the Irish in me.”

I let them go - she will tell me when she is ready.

Next Post 101

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
17th November, 2018

* posted on Steemit: 17th November, 2018

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O Themis fenete na einai poli kalos fillis toy....
i Natalie to ekdikisi ithele na parei? De thimsme? Pantos twra einai poli kala me ton Themi Kai tin Rose.... Ti xarisma exei de thimame... :)))
To teleuteo de toepiasa? Pios exei mistika I manatis Natalie?


Eftases sto post 100 !!!

Pao na magirepso kai tote tha sou apantiso (oli mera den eihame revma..., molis to anapsane

Okkkkk.... Anameno!!!!

i Natalie to ekdikisi ithele na parei? De thimsme? Pantos twra einai poli kala me ton Themi Kai tin Rose.... Ti xarisma exei de thimame... :)))
To teleuteo de toepiasa? Pios exei mistika I manatis Natalie?

Otan o Robert proto-gnorise tin Natalie, syneheia tin ksehnouse kai ekeini paradehtike oti ftaiei - epeidi eitan hontri kai tin peirazan, dynamose tin psyhiki dynamo kai tous ekane na tin ksehnoun.

O Robert tis edeikse pos tha ginei (lepti) kai tis eipe otan ehei adynatisei, na kalesi tois files tis kai ohi mono tha tin zilevoun pou tha einai toso lepti, alla tha tin zilevoun kathos tin vlepoun na troei pastes kai alla glyka...osa thelei. Afti eitan i ekdikisi, alla i Natalai ehei glykia psyhi, kai mia kai eihe afta pou oneirevotan (andra kai paidi kai eitan lepti) ksahase tois kopelles tis pareas tis.

Se olous, ta harismata den ehoun ola emfanistei, oloi tous tha allaksoun me ta hronia kai tois empeiries.

I Rose einai mana tou Robert - kai gynaika tis Natalie, ohi mana tis :)

I Rose ehei kainourgio harisma, all tha to mathoume argotera - kai to psychic gift tis Rose tha allaksi tin zoi tou Robert kai ta koritsia...alla eas perimenoume na ginei prota

Ok... Ta thimithika... Kalo vradi...

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