LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post040

“Too late now kiddo! Nicko, thank you for talking about Robert that way. For not saying ‘if’.”

Previous Post 039


They found Kosta sleepy and ready to hand over to Maria for the next shift. Dommi told him to sleep on our bed. Maria took Nafsika to feed her and they all looked at me, Savva lying next to me, his arm across my chest.

“Can you call Socrati. I have to go to work.”

Cherine lightly kissed my eyelids and whispered, “We’re going to get you back my love. We will, I promise.”

As she turned from me she saw two nude girls of about seven standing watching. They were identical, almost carbon copies of Diana, but with a few features that obviously came from me. She stood there in shock. She claims she had never seen anything as lovely, almost unearthly in their beauty. As she recovered she saw that everyone had gone into shock, even Maria staring with her mouth forming a little ‘o’. Cherine stepped up to them. Her voice held the marvel and joy she felt.

“The twins.”

“I am Nicole and she is Alexis. Annabelle named us.” Their eyes were not on Cherine. They were looking at my body. They now turned to Diana, their mother. She was on her knees, crying. They went to her and put their arms around her. She fiercely hugged them.

“Mother, it is time for us to dance again.” - “Nicko must not dance with us. He nearly linked us to him.” - “We belong to daddy and you.”

“He must not see you. He fell in love with your mother and it cost him a lot to bury the love for the sake of his friend. If he sees you he will fall in love with both of you.” Dommi spoke with real fear, she knew this would cause problems. Obediently they curled into their mother and changed back into babies.

“Your problem is bigger than Nicko. Every man who sees them will fall in love.” Socrati was lying by me, but his eyes were on the babies, still wide open in disbelief, as if two angels had suddenly appeared from heaven.

Dommi grinned at Diana. “You see Diana? You have given Robert a gift that will steal him from all of us.”

Cherine answered, “Not the Robert I love. His heart is big enough to fit us all, even with the twins.” Cherine gave them her quirky little smile and demanded everybody eat first. Diana breast fed the twins while they had breakfast.

“I bet you Robert will get angry with us for not going to school.”

Dommi smiled, “If he does Tina, I give you permission to pull his ears.”

With the single-mindedness that characterises Cherine, she spent the whole day being part of and overseeing the growth of the twins. Dommi made her stop when she saw all were exhausted, pointing out it is self-defeating; if she pushes everybody beyond their limits, they will not be able to create enough new motes to gift to the twins. It is well that she was so determined in stopping her, for they spent another four days gently and carefully ‘feeding’ the twins before Solomon judged they have grown to the point where enough of my soul can be withdrawn from each, without reversing the good I had done.

The guilt of Diana had grown over this period, for she was the only one not allowed to contribute. Whenever not in the void, the twins were now with their mother, desperately trying to keep her mind off me and my predicament. She was cajoled and even bullied by all and yet there was this feeling in everyone, keeping them at the edge of panic, that she was on the point of breaking down.


“Diana, if Robert were not coming back, why did he keep his link to his body. You know that no treatment would have kept it alive if that link were broken.” That lie helped Diana a little, while it became a small darkness within Cherine that had to be kept locked up, hidden within her heart.

Once Solomon had announced the readiness of the twins, Cherine relaxed the pace, but insisted they continue for another day. Now though, she spent more time talking with Solomon and Ordinx. None of them were able to come up with a method of withdrawing my cores. If you boil two kettles and allow the steam to mix into one cloud, how do you separate them again?

Cherine was worn out. Diana was at the point of cracking. It was not healthy to be force growing the twins for such a long time, they would be changed, become more of others than of themselves. My body was wasting and could not last much longer. Dommi pointed all of this out to Cherine and demanded they do whatever it is they are going to do.

For a short time Cherine withdrew into herself, a little girl who clung to her mother and Alki, weeping at her helplessness. She looked to Dommi for support and received all that big heart has to give. Alki, as always made a chicken broth and seated her in the garden, hoping a little sunshine would help her.

Something was nagging at her, she knew that she knows something extremely important, but could not work it out. Finally in despair she called Samantha to her. She explained about this feeling she has.

“I want you and Dommi to come into me. Go through my mind and find what it is. It may be something I know about Robert from long ago, or it may even be something someone said to me during these last days. You must find it.”

They entered her and spent a long time searching. They came out and Dommi admitted she had found nothing useful. Sam looked thoughtful though.

“Dommi said something to you that got me thinking. She said that force feeding the twins at this pace would alter the structure of their souls. I know Robert. He would not have allowed himself to do that to them. He would have been aware of the danger. How did he prevent it from happening. Could that…”

Cherine jumped up, her face alive again and she wildly showered kisses on Samantha. Her glee infected the others with an excitement, though none understood yet. “We have to go to our World. Please come with me.”

They returned to the I, where they belong, and I welcomed them. The Cherine part let me see their thought and demanded what did I know. I explained what the Robert part had done, how it had wiped itself out of the core.

*To do the wiping there has to remain a part that does the wiping. He could not erase all of himself. What happened to that part?*

I reminded her that I had told them I held a minuscule part of Robert. She let out such a barrage of anger it caused me to tremble with pain.

*Robert was right. You are stupid, just a baby. You ignorant stupid…whatever you are. You had the key to saving Robert and did not tell us.*

She left me and returned to the void.

*Ordinx, Solomon. I have the key. Help me find a way to use it.*

She explained what I had done and that the last part of me, which had done the erasing is still in our World. She wanted to use it, to get what had not been erased, that small concentrate of myself, to re-create Robert with the help of the shadow Robert within her and the other girls. She demanded as if it were her regal right to make such a demand, that they help her. Then she broke down, a child again in despair and cried for their help.

*We have but a trace of what your Robert calls emotions. I have learnt a lot about them from him and all of you, even from Ordinx. I see you are not in control of yourself, that you are allowing emotions of a negative kind to overcome you. Why is this? You who are the Robert of your family, your people now? Robert himself could not have fought this battle any more successfully than you have. Bring the split souls to us. Bring with you the remnant of Robert from your World. Allow us to help, be the guides.*


Cherine brought the twins and all the girls and our friends came with. She returned to our World and forced the I to give the remnants to her to bring out. The I tried to refuse as it feared losing the little it had of the Robert part. She threatened it, told the I the choice was, it gives up the Robert part or lose every single other part. They would all return to the void and give themselves over to the Sparklers, for them to hold their souls for the rest of eternity. The I knows Cherine at least as well as I do, so it wisely capitulated.

Triumphantly she carried, held deeply within herself, that small seed.

*Daughter of Robert named Samantha, Robert told us you are his arm that teaches him to deal with and understand the races. Before we help we must first see that you accept and understand. We know of your fear that races alien to you will contaminate your Robert and your split souls, including the infants you brought here. We understand the energies of the void, those you call souls, able to see and understand what your race cannot. We are here to help, not contaminate or influence. We will guide the Seed of Robert, the Eraser, to teach it and help it repair itself. We will not do this if you fear and mistrust us.*

*I do not care what you do, I just want my father back.*

*That will not do Samantha my friend. Your answer is an insult to our friend Solomon. Surely you would not believe that Solomon and I who were predator and prey would conspire against the Robert who brought us together? We too need him as he was, he would be of no use to any of us as a puppet.*

*I have been a child in my answers and fears. I beg you to both forgive me.*

*Friends do not beg of each other child!*

Next Post 041

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
21st September
* posted on Steemit: 21st September, 2018

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Hello @arthur.grafo, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you. You are a good motivator :)

An katalaba kala ferane oloi to komati tou Robert pou einan gia na ton ksana dimiourgioun me tin voiyhia twn eksegiinwn e???

Nai, alla oi eksogiinoi voithisan me to na dinoun energeia sto Painter tou Robert. To pio megalo meros apo ta kommatia pou vrikan eitan apo tois didimes.

I alitheia, gia mena, einai oti o Robert eitan vlakas (epeidi fovotan toso poli kai den edose stigmi ston eafto tou na skefti kala to ti tha kanei gia na tois sosei).

Eprepe na dosei apo tin psyhi tou, alla me metro, koitazontas to na eksasfalisi to mellon to diko tou, mazi me tois dikes tous. O rolos tou san prostatis eprepe na tou deiksi oti prepei na yparhei gia na morei ta tous prostatevei, ollous.

Siga-siga i Cherine tha arhisei na pairnei pio dynamikes αποφάσεις kai, o Robert, tha ta vri ligaki skoura otan ksana-kanei tetoies vlakies.

Θα εχει σασπέν δηλαδή!!! :)))

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