LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post039

Maria said, “In that case you better start including a lot more people. Annabelle called me to offer for both of them. I think you better release Wendy now Cherine. I will take my turn. Then Alki. Please, do you think Robert would forgive us for not helping, for putting his loves in danger?”

Previous Post 038


Within a couple of hours they had all arrived. All the adults volunteered and a list was made, the hours agreed. The girls felt upset that they were not being allowed to help me.

Keith told them, gently, “I understand why you want to keep vigil by his side. We all feel that way and none of us can love him as much as you do. You are feeling helpless and hurt that we have taken over. Do not be. We do not often get a chance to repay him a part of what we owe him. If you are feeling that you are doing nothing to help, you are very wrong. What do you think will make him fight to return. Your very existence, the love in your hearts and his love for you, they are our only help. Now go and eat something and get some sleep.”

“I could not sleep Keith.”


“Nor I.” Cherine held Wendy to her as tightly as she would have held me. “Are you okay?”

“No. He saved my life, he loved me when I looked horrible. He made me glad to be alive and gave me the gift of singing. I wanted to do something for him, why did you stop me?”

“We had to love. Think, what would we say to him when he returns. He will say, ‘where is my Wendy, my sweet baby’ and we would say, ‘we let her die’. He would also say to you, live for me, don’t die for me.”

They took her out, her torn dress hanging from her hips, the scar on her chest fading away.

No baby has ever been loved and cared for as the twins were. I’ve seen that they felt that not only were they loving the babies, they were also loving me.

Cherine wanted to be by herself and she came to the void, subconsciously in the hope she would find me. She was shocked to see our World still there, surrounded by a galaxy of green stars. Ordinx came to her.

*Are you all well?*

*We live. For how long I do not know. We must have him back.*

*It is not possible my friend Cherine. He is now no longer a being, a soul. He has fed all that he is into the two souls of his daughters.*

*You do not know Robert then. He fought death, he fought our World. He does not give up. Not if he knows we are hurting.*

*If it were possible for him to return, it would have to be by him leaving his daughters, letting them die; not their bodies, their souls. Would your Robert do that?*


*You must...*

*Why is our World still here? How can it exist still?*

*The Sparklers and we have given it the energy it needs so that it may continue to exist. We feared that if any of you die you may not be able to save them with Robert gone.*

*I must go in there.*

She did not admit she wished to return to the World so as to be in the last place she had been with me. As she drew closer she noticed something.

*Ordinx, why has our world still got that green from Robert?*

*It was given to him by the…by the, you are right! It is not possible!*

*Solomon, can you hear me?*

He appeared as a ghostly figure, the green fires shining through him.

*Can you communicate with the green motes you gave Robert? He said it was a communicator for you.*

*Your hopes are correct. There is a very small part of Robert still there. It is not aware.*

*I have to go back to get help. I need to get into my World*

*You can enter directly. Do as you do when you meld in your dances. Fly into your World.*

Dommi appeared.

*Cherine, what are you doing here alone. Why didn’t you tell me you are coming here? How can our World exist without us? What is going on?*


*There is still a part of him here Dommi. I am going in to find him. Will you come with me?*

They entered and I welcomed them. I explained I saw their reason for returning. Yes, I still have a small part of him, in addition to the part that still exists in their green isle. But, none of it came from the core of his being. The Dommi part was about to accept defeat, but the Cherine part refused. She reminded me that the shadow mind of Robert exists within her. We can use it to add to whatever is left of him. I had to explain that it was but a shadow, not of the core of him.

She spoke sternly, angrily, as only Robert has ever dared, demanding I keep the Robert part separate, that I do not dare absorb him. She demanded they be allowed to leave. I felt saddened that the Robert shadow part within has infected her with its madness and stubbornness. I let them go.

*Ordinx, there are two tiny parts of him in there. Nothing of the core of his soul. Is there a way for us to give more strength to the souls in the infants, so that we can take him back?*

He conferred with Solomon. She was told to bring the souls of the twins to the void. She did not wait for Dommi, she leapt back, spoke to the twins and got them to follow her to the void. She was then told to get my healer. That she was able to summon.

*Their souls have already grown, strengthened. We need to help them grow. Do not fear what you will see.*

A ring of yellowish Sparklers danced around the twins and the glow of the ring expanded. As it grazed the outer edges of the twins it took no motes but fed the tiny souls till they grew to twice their size.

*Send them back to their bodies. Let them return soon and we shall feed them again. Once the core of their soul has grown, we shall try.*

Samantha was furious. “I say it is not right. Diana, for god’s sake, they are your babies, stand by me.”

Dispirited, she barely answered, “They took my Robert from me.”

“You will dare to face him, to feel his heart when you tell him that?”

“Stop it Samantha. You are hurting Diana without reason. There is nothing else we can do.”

“I will not accept that my sisters must be of alien motes. We can all come dance with them. Feed them of ourselves. Not of the Sparklers!”

“She has a point Cherine. I would give as much as you need.”

“Alright then!!” She checked with the healer. It said the babies could now leave their bodies. She called to them and they all re-appeared. Not only my girls, but also our friends. The Sparklers immediately understood and hung back, watching.

The souls of the twins had shrunk, but the core seemed slightly denser. They all danced around them, giving of themselves. When Nicko came to give he would not stop giving of his core. There was a flash and the protector took hold of the twins and returned them to their bodies. It took a while for Nicko to be able to return.

“That was stupid. We are trying to get Robert back, not lose another one of us.” Dommi was furious with him. He had the common sense to keep his mouth shut. He lay down on the bed and without realising it, fell asleep.

“The healer says we cannot take the twins back for at least four hours. Maybe we all better try and sleep a bit. We have a long fight ahead of us it seems.”

To make space, those who should, returned to their baby forms and were placed in their cribs, not that there was enough space there with the arrival of the twins. They all lay down and slept.

They awoke to find Nicko staring at them with a huge grin and a mischievous look of delight in his eyes. “Wait until I tell Robert that I slept with his girls!!”


Cherine gave a sleepy yawn and stretched. “Knowing him, he will probably ask why you did not make love to any of them.” She gave him a saucy grin.

“You mean I could have?”

“Too late now kiddo! Nicko, thank you for talking about Robert that way. For not saying ‘if’.”

Next Post 040

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
20th September
* posted on Steemit: 20th September, 2018

For those who wish to be notified of sequels
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o Nicko de katalava giati na kanei erota kai me poion?

Ton 'peirazi' (tease) i Cherine. Den leme oti, gia paradeigma, koimithika mazi tis, εννοώντας oti 'kaname sex' ?

Tous pirakse o Nikos, epeidi apokoimithike sto krevvati tous (kserei ti ziliaris einai o Robert) kai i Cherine tou apintise oti ehase tin efkairia...alla to kseroun kai oi dyo oti den to theloun ta koritisia - pes oti aplos prospathise me to peiragma, i Cherine na tou deiksi oti ton agapane.

to eixa katalavei alla de imoyn kai 100% sigoyros!! :))))


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