LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 02 - post041

*I have been a child in my answers and fears. I beg you to both forgive me.*

*Friends do not beg of each other child!*

Previous Post 040


Cherine had to face her own fears, her need to hold the little of me that was left to her. She fought her own battles and gave me over to the yellow Sparklers. They did not touch, just increased the radiance of their being, until I was held within that glow. Gently they probed to awaken the Eraser.

The Eraser saw nothing to erase but itself; that it could not do. As it searched for any stray motes to erase, Solomon changed the polarity (άλλαξε την πολικότητα) of its existence, turning it around from Eraser to Painter. Solomon called for it to search out the motes it had erased and finding them to paint back into them what had been removed.

As all from Earth waited anxiously, Solomon explained.

*Every being of energy has an affinity for all parts of itself. None could take the cores of these two and say this mote belongs here or there. However, the Robert Painter can call to them, bring them out of these two souls and make them part of itself again. I foresee a problem when it becomes aware. It will think it is killing these two and try to become the Eraser again. I will need you to join me in convincing it that conditions have changed, that his daughters are no longer in danger.

Please understand that when the Painter becomes aware, it will not be Robert yet. It will be operating almost at the instinctive level. From what we understand, the lives and wellbeing of those he loves are imprinted within his soul as having supreme rights; he may not endanger any of you, even at cost to his life.

This is the first human of any race that I have seen who has been able to overwrite the instinctive reactions of self preservation programmed in by nature in every species, in favour of other souls. It is even more remarkable that it does not include one other being, but includes all of you. You, the one who is friend and father to him, you who does not belong in this universe, all of you, not just the female mates and children, you all have the same call on him - though his mates and children have a priority over you, with our friend Cherine having the strongest rights. *

Ordinx added, *Please recall that this is not the act of a mind, this has been programmed into him at instinctive level, he has no control over it.*

*How was he programmed? Did I do it?* Cherine asked fearfully.

*We do not know. It is an impossible thing he has done, but then his protector is an impossibility too. To understand him, if ever, will change the Universe.* They felt the undertones of amusement in the words Ordinx spoke.


*Could the protector have done this to him?* Tasso asked.

Solomon replied,*No. The protector is the result of the way he is, not the cause. This might actually explain the creation and existence of the protector. Having seen his life, it strikes me as being indicative that his protector mindlessly attacked him during the early part of its creation - always in what it saw as the protection of those who instinctively have supreme rights over him. The time is getting close, we must stay alert and be ready to intervene.*

They watched the Painter receiving a stream of motes from the twins, the motes dancing around it as it bathed them in a rainbow and then took them into itself. As predicted the stream faltered and the motes with a new urgency reversed direction. Solomon promptly placed a shield around the twins, not allowing the motes to pass through. The protector appeared and attacked the shield, tearing it to shreds.

Without thought, Cherine flung herself into the protector, forcing a melding. It could not attack or stop her and faltered as she established communication with it. She ordered it to obey her, not Robert. It accepted her right to do so.

Carefully she explained and invited it to enter her, see the truth deep within her. Seconds passed, all the others calling to the awareness within the Eraser/Painter, trying to help the Painter regain supremacy. The Eraser fought back with a viciousness the Painter could not match. Suddenly the protector joined the fight, attacking and overcoming the Eraser.

A cry of despair at this betrayal was felt throughout all. Even as it tore at their hearts, Wendy flung herself into the Eraser. She took it within her and sang to it. All stopped as they listened, enchanted. She sang of the twins and they were a glory that shone with a beauty none had imagined could exist. She sang of Robert and his sacrifice, of the despair of those who love him and how they found a way to save the twins and regain the man they all love. She sang until the Eraser changed itself and became another part of the Painter. She then sent it back to re-unite with the rest of itself.

Slowly I became aware of myself floating in the void. As I recalled my mission I heard the calling of Cherine and the others. I hesitated and heard the calling of my two little babies, their voices like a song filled with life and love for me. In wonder I listened and slowly became aware of the meaning of the songs. They had found a way to strengthen the twins and my sacrifice was no longer needed. I feared to believe, thinking it may be a trick to force me back to myself, abandon my babies. It soon became apparent they spoke the truth.

Aware of the multitude around me I focussed on Cherine, who for some reason had melded with my protector. *Cherry baby. What have you done? Why have you melded?*

*Robert!! You spoke to me!*

*Any reason I was not supposed to? Were you angry with me?*

Her laughter was joined with laughter from all the others and then I felt the joy and love they were sending me. This was another moment for me to savour and save in my heart.

I saw myself as the others saw me, as the Painter. I saw what I was doing. I let the process continue until I felt that but a sliver of myself remained within my babies. I stopped. I loved the idea of part of myself remaining within them. Now they will truly be a part of myself and I a part of them.

Our alien friends seeing their task accomplished departed, not waiting for our expressions of gratitude.

I lay on the bed unable to move. I felt the changes the healer was making; the withdrawal from the heart of Nicko, the beat of my own, faltering, but slowly taking over again. The healer showed me the almost total ruin my body has become. Furiously it worked, repairing. It was a relief when I could breathe on my own again and the mask and tubes were removed. Maria remained watching over me, her eyes anxiously staring into mine.

“Can you move Robert? Can you talk?”

I blinked to show I could react and waited to grow stronger. The strength slowly came and I found I could speak.

“I have looked into Cherine and seen the love and pain you have all felt. I do not know what to say.”


Nicko said, “There are two very effective words you could use. Thank you.”

I grinned back at Nicko. “Thank you. And another few effective words. I love you all.”

“That is your problem. You must stop loving us so much.”

“You really would want that Claudia?”

“Yes.” She was echoed by the others.

“You mean that the first thing I will do on returning is disappoint all of you? Where are the twins?”

They were held over me and I stared up at them, seeing their little faces smiling back at me. Little Alexis drooled, a drop of spit falling on my face. A hand reached to wipe it off.

“Leave it. Diana, where are you? Why are you hiding in the back?”

She came to me, still as a twenty year old. I drank in her loveliness and sent a part of me into her, to soothe the pain and fear and guilt that still tortured her.

“When I took myself back from our daughters I left a tiny sliver of myself in them. They will now always be a part of me and I a part of them. You have created such a magic that it will take the rest of my life to show you how grateful I am my love.”

“I will never have more children. Never again.”

I grew angry. She pulled back as my eyes flashed in warning. “You dare to threaten me! You would dare to deny life to those who belong with us?”

“They will kill you Robert.”

“Utter nonsense! Now we know the problem and the answer. You have a cheek, I never realised you were so selfish. Who gave you the right to assume guilt for what I do. I do not give a fuck about being modern and fair. You listen to me girl, I will be obeyed. You are mine, not the other way around. You do not make decisions without asking me. Do you understand!”

She answered meekly, “Yes.”

“You are my slave, my property and will leave the thinking to me.”

She bowed her head, “Yes Robert.”

I turned in despair to Cherine and saw the shocked faces around me. “Oh Cherine, what do I do? Where is the fire in her? I wanted to see even just a glint of resentment. There was nothing, just a meek submission. This is not my Diana.” I let tears flow out of my eyes. “Oh god girl, you are hurting me.”

That broke the dam and her tears came flowing out.

I cried out to her in anguish, “You were not there, you did not come with the others to save me. You have stopped loving me.” My little brat sent me a message not to lay it on too thick, she was feeling bad enough.

I warned Dommi to catch her and I left my body, despite my healer screaming its protest, and went into Diana. I called and she came. I dashed away from her and huddled, trembling. I went through the whole Wendy/puppy scenario until she had forgotten herself and was running after me, a child again. I let her catch and cradle me tenderly.

*You forgive me for saying those horrible words to you? You know that it is I who am your slave?*

*No, Robbie please do not say that.*

*I am the slave of the love I feel for you. If you truly love me then you too are a slave.* I ended in a childish tone.

Next Post 042

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
22nd September
* posted on Steemit: 22nd September, 2018

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An katalava kala oloi edwsan ena komati tous gia na epistepsei. E? Mai boiyhise kai to tragoydi tis Wendy e?
O Nicko de katalava ti edwse?
Giati de tha mporoyn na kanoun paidia?


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