LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post161

I swear I did not act with any conscious thought. I do not know what role the protector played in this, if any, helping me break the rules of physics (η φυσικη), though I suspect it was I that acted and it may have, at the most, but assisted me part of the way.

Previous Post 160


I knew where Wendy had lived with her mother, I had seen it in her mind. I arrived there to find Wendy and her mother. Wendy was but an infant. I searched for the father. Richard was not there, he probably was at sea. I flickered through time, appearing again and again, totally nude and frightening her mother. Finally, with Wendy a toddler of not more than two years old, I saw him.

He stared at me as I appeared in the air before him. There was instant terror in his eyes. I summoned the protector and tried to use it to reach in, to grab his heart and kill him. It would not obey. I was left with nothing but my own physical power. I flicked over to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and returning, stabbed at him. The bastard was fast. He avoided the stab and lashed out. His blow caught me on the chest. Stunned I managed to flicker out of reach.

I tried ‘jumping’ to within inches of him and stabbed. The knife cut into him, but he deflected the blow and grabbed me. He tore the knife out of my hand while his other hand grabbed me by the throat. I am not a fighter, my reactions are too slow. While throttling me, he grabbed at the knife and plunged it into my stomach. With one final effort I flicked back to my time and landed on my bed at the hotel. The knife was still stuck deep within me and I felt the fire of agony.

Within a second all the girls were with me, including Meli and my daughters. Samantha lunged at me, ripping the knife out. I screamed with the pain and fainted.

“For god’s sake Robert, what did you do?” I barely heard Dommi.

I sat there, still shocked by the pain I had been through, for the moment locked within myself. My wounds had all healed of course, but my mind was still in shock. Both from the pain and from my failure. Cherine came to me and the others made way for her. She stared into my eyes, sparks of anger lashing at me.

“That was stupid Robert. We would have lost Wendy forever.”

“It would have been better for her.” I hung my head and let the tears flow. I had never felt such a failure before.

“Cherine, you explain to us right now. What did he try to do. Why would we have lost Wendy.”


“Don’t shout at me Dommi. He is the idiot who nearly lost us Wendy forever. Ask him.”

I tried to explain. If I could have killed him before he infected his wife, then Wendy could have grown up with her mother, a normal happy girl. She would not have suffered as she did, she would not have been scarred in her mind and body. She would have been happy. We would have been happy knowing she was happy now.

Wendy asked in a small voice, “You would have been happy to be without me?”

“No! I would have been happy to know you can be a normal little girl again. To be without you, that would have broken my heart, not just me, for all of us. But that heartbreak, that pain would have been easier to bear than the pain of seeing you suffer on and on, seemingly without end. Wendy, it would have left a big emptiness, an ugly dark hole in our lives that nothing else could ever have filled for us, but at least you would have your mother and could live a normal life, the kind of life where you could believe in love.”

“A big ugly hole(?) mean like my bum was?” I could sense she was saying it deliberately, perversely (σκόπιμα αντίθετα τρόπο) testing me because of her own pain.

“A graphic but ugly thing for you to say Wendy. The little girl you would have been, would never even have known about something like that.”

Her face looked resigned, a deep sadness that broke out in a cry of despair, “I was right! You are tired of me and all my ugly problems.”

Dommi walked up to her and I felt the struggle within her and then, before I could stop her, she slapped Wendy. They all froze in shock, though I sensed Cherine was not that shocked and actually wished she had done it.


“Shut up Robert.” She turned back to Wendy. “You are not a baby. You know how violence sickens him, two times he decides to kill and both times because of you. Then you dare to cry like a baby and claim he does not love you, knowing when you do it, that you are hurting him. How can you Wendy? Even the sheets are still fresh with his blood!”

“Excuse me Dommi - does trying to kill the same person again count as two times?”

Dommi turned on me. “You keep quiet. You will not use humour to let her off the hook…and I haven’t finished with you either.”

I stood up and looked at the mess I was, I definitely needed a shower. I gently put my hand on her shoulder.

“Dommi love, you are right to an extent. But the fears in Wendy, they are real, she is not just being childish, and she does need help. Let me have a quick shower, give you all a hug, and then you can all go jump. You are not going to spoil my weekend with Claudia. Have a go at me when I return on Monday. Okay?"

I went to Wendy, to pat her cheek before going for my shower. She jumped up and hugged me.

“Shh baby. No need to cry. Despite all your fears, I do love you and always will. I promise you, we will have some time together, alone, after I return.” I saw she was covered in my blood. “You better use cold water to wash the blood off your clothes.”

Cherine offered, “I can clean it without…”

“No, I don’t want you to!” Wendy hugged herself as if to protect the blood on her.

“Cherine, I had forgotten. Can you and Wendy use your gift to clean the sheets? Save me having to think up a story for the hotel.” I went off to the showers. While in there I felt them all leave. I barely sensed Sam, but when she realised the game is up, she let me know why she was doing it. She had managed to surreptitiously take the knife with her and was planning to give it to Wendy as a souvenir, for her to keep as a reminder of how much I love her. I was not certain it was the right thing to do, but I left it to Sam to decide. Thanks to Samantha I realised something impossible had occurred - the knife had come forward in time with me! How does time justify its absence in the past?


“Can I join you?”

I laughed. “You need to ask? Don’t you know by now that I love taking showers with tiny underage girls?”

She slipped into my arms. “I wish I was tinier just for you. Why didn’t you go back in time and get me when I was smaller?”

“I think I found you at the right time - the right time for you to be able to love me too.”

She looked up at me, with big eyes. “Robbie, we are having showers more often than we are making love.”

“What are you doing?”

“I said I wanted to taste your blood. It is salty, but doesn’t taste as nice.”

“Jesus!! That is yukky!”

“You said that nothing which is done with love is yukky.”

“Claudia, do me a favour will you?” She nodded. “It is bad enough having Cherine show me up for the dunce I am. Don’t make a habit of it also please.”

*Are you trying to make me feel guilty? *

*Cherine, this is a private conversation. Bug off!*

Next Post 162

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
29th June, 2018
- posted on Steemit 29th June, 2018

For those who wish to be notified of any sequels
If you wish to have your name added above, I would be honoured.


Γιατί ο Robert πηγε στο πατέρα της Wendy; κάπου το έχασα...

Epeidi eklaige i Wendy, o Robert aisthanthike oti oso agapi kai na tis dosi/deiksi, ekeini ehei ponesei toso poli apo ton patera tis pou den tha mporesi i Wendy na pistepsi stin agapi, kai aisthanontas tin anaggi na tin voithisi, horis na to kala skefti, epistrefi sto parelthon gia na skotosi ton patera tis prin ekeinos vasanisi tin Wendy kai tin mitera tis.

Kseri oti ean ton skotosi tha allaksi to parelthon kai i Wnedy tha megalosi me tin mitera tis, horis na ehei ypoferi, kai etsi tha mporesi na erotefti kai na pistepsi stin agapi. Tha tin hasoun apo tin oikegeneia tous, alla nomizi oti i Wendy tha einai pio eftihismeni.

I Cherine tou deihni giati afto pou pistevi einai lathos....kai oti o Protectorden ton voithise epeidi tha hanane tin Wendy kai otan erthi i imera pou tha pethani, den tha anoiki sto Kaleidoscope World (sto Void) kai tha tin hasoun gia panta.

Se ligo tha deis pos olla afta tha epeireasoun tin Wendy...

θα διαβάσω αυριο την συνέχεια... Καλό βράδυ..

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