LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post160

in #sfandf-fiction7 years ago (edited)
“Do not ever say that!! I would never do that! I only take and give with love and never would hurt any of you.”
She giggled, “I know. Just testing the waters Robbie.”

Previous Post 159


She climbed off me, sitting by my hips.

I swung my legs off the bed. “Come with me love.” We went to the bathroom and I washed her under the shower. Just enough to wash off the sweat. Even as I patted her dry she did not move, letting me handle her sweet body. I picked her up and carried her to our bed and laid her down.

I stared, delighted at the soft inner pinkness, the secret shapes inside.

“God it looks so fresh and brand new. It is beautiful.”

“Your healer changed it for you.” Shaken and instantly angry I sat up and looked back at her.

“What are you talking about? What did it do?”

“You will be angry with me. It will disgust you.”

“No love, nothing about you could disgust me. Please tell me.”

“For many years I kept getting a rash there, it was so burny and itchy - but my mother told me it is how it is for most girls and did not use any cream to make it better. It also started changing into a brown colour. I hated it. Your healer fixed the itchiness and took the brown away for me.” She became even shyer. “You will think I am very bad. I took a mirror to look.” She was almost in tears.

I sighed with relief. I turned up to her face and softly kissed her. “Who taught you that it is bad to be curious about your body? At least when you examine my body you will not have to struggle with a mirror.” I gave her a huge grin and she clamped her arms around me and drew me for a hard and passionate kiss. When I pulled away for a breath I saw the tears that glistened on her lashes.

“I was feeling so shy about this. I thought you would laugh at me and think I am a baby.”

“I do not always know what my protector and healer are doing, but you should never forget that they are a part of me, of my mind. They would never do anything to harm you or make you look silly. They did not even make you pink for my sake, though pink is the sexiest colour I can imagine; all they did is renew you so that your body is at its best. People say red is sexy. This coral pink,” I touched her nipple, “that lovely deeper pink inside your flower, all those pinks are so sexy they make me want to eat you up.”

To prove it I avidly returned to loving her and she soon began to spasm. There was no relaxing or sleeping for this girl of mine. Having known how her body can feel, the pleasure my touch gives her, she was hungry for more experiences.

Soon, as she explored whichever possibilities she could imagine, another flame of fire shot through the both of us, Cherine was wildly tossing our sensations backwards and forwards until we became one in an explosion that ripped through us. I felt all the girls back at home join us with their orgasms. It seemed to carry on forever and when we finally sank back down it was into a deep exhaustion. I thought, surely now she will need to rest.

“I wish I also had a penis. I would love to feel it inside you.” The girls gasped. They had not been so forward during their first times, while still virgins.

“We can do that another time. I can project for you so that you become the man and I become your little girl.”

“No. I want you to be the man - I will always want you to be the man. It would just be nice to feel what it would be like to fill you.”

“Are you sure you were not Oscar Wilde in your previous life?” She did not know who he was.

As her fingers began to roam all over me again, for the first time ever I had to plead for a rest. We sat up against the headboard and I had some chocolate. She did not want any, but had a Pepsi.


I opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony, letting the damp cold wind cool me down. When I began to shiver I returned to our warm bed and she clasped herself to me.

“Hmm, that feels lovely, you are so nice and cool.”

I laughed. “This is the first time any kid has called me cool.” She bit my ear in revenge and I yelped. As I pulled away she pouted her lips. “Do you think your blood would be as salty?”

“It is called semen and my blood is not available for you to taste. I thought you come from Viking stock, not vampire!”

“I just feel, oh Robbie, I have never felt like this…I want to know everything about your body. I want to taste everything.”

“A girl after my own heart.”

She took hold of my hand, bringing it to her face. Feather-light, her tongue licked my fingers. After the sexual releases I had enjoyed, the feeling was less erotic than it would have been, but more enjoyable for me as I watched her face. There was a fierce childlike concentration as she savoured the taste of me. After sucking at my fingers she slowly ran her tongue up the inside of my arm. I grew self-conscious as she approached the armpit. She sensed my discomfort and stopped a second to look up at me and smile, but her eyes were distant and I was not surprised to feel her continue. Her tongue was now beginning to arouse me as it travelled to my nipples and slowly down over my stomach.

The girls had all decided, early on, to link their senses to mine and the sensations within my body were being shared by all of them. I let Claudia become part of the pooling of my feelings and this led her to becoming more adventurous, searching out each nuance of feeling she could evoke. She was very adult in her self-control, not allowing her own pressures within her body to detract from her concentration on pleasuring me. She seemed determined to bring alive every single nerve-ending.

She paid me back for the ‘torture’ I have inflicted on each of the girls. The lust in me was calling out for me to turn around, but my mind and heart were also entranced by the feelings of adoration she was emitting. It was as if this were a holy moment for her and I, with the textures of my body, the odours of my sexual need for her, was an ideal of manhood to be venerated and stored in her memory forever. Not even Cherine has ever shown such depth of feeling, of love for my physical body. The closest perhaps being Diana. The girls and I were spellbound by her.

When she indicated for me to turn over, I found her huge eyes staring deeply into mine. “Ohh Robbie, will you really love me like this forever?”

“No, I’m afraid not sweetheart. I already love you more now than I did yesterday, so I think that my love is just going to keep on growing.” I put my hands to either side of her face and pulled her closer. “I will love you forever.”

It was as if her eyes, her thoughts, turned inwards, absorbed in some debate deep within herself. We all sensed her reach some kind of decision. “Robbie, it might sound silly, because I am only still a little girl and you are the first man I have ever loved, but I know that it is true - you really will love me. I’ll never have to be afraid that you will change your mind, even if I do some stupid things. I wish I could see so clearly into my own heart. All I can see is how much I love you now.”

“That will do for me, my love.”

“No! I want to know that I also will love you like this forever. I’ve never loved before, how can I be sure?”

“Age doesn’t help love. Not even experience. I guess we all just live and hope.”

We all became aware of Wendy. Silently, deep within herself she was weeping. She felt our concern, but would not open to us. Remembering the way Dommi had reacted the last time something like this happened, I kept out of her mind. All I could do was try to wrap her in my love, but this seemed to make her sadness more intense. Claudia was distressed and she turned to me.

“Robbie, we must go back. We have to be with her.”


“No love. I’m glad you said that, it shows how much you love her, but we are staying.”

“I can’t make love now!”

“Dommi, Cherine, I’m trying so hard to be a little selfish, but she is right. What can we do?”

Before they could answer me, Claudia was gone - her first ever jump! I felt her arms go around Wendy.

“Wendy. Can you sing to us of what is making you cry?”

I lay on the empty bed and waited. It felt right that I stay away. As if somehow it was I who was responsible and had to leave the girls alone. This was not the time to be self-indulgent (μαλθακός); I did not allow myself to be saddened. I kept my concentration upon my little Wendy.

And Wendy sang. Oh God how she sang. And her song spoke of the love, of the ‘knowledge’ of her love for me that would last all eternity. And it sang of the ‘knowledge’ of how my love for her will fade, of how I will weary of her. It sang of the emptiness and grief that will echo for as long as time exists.

The fears were the fears of a child, of a child who has been betrayed and hurt. But the song, it was mainly the song of a woman who sees her own future. Now it was that a grief of mine, at her fear and pain, at my failure to see it before, tore into me.

I swear I did not act with any conscious thought. I do not know what role the protector played in this, if any, helping me break the rules of physics (η φυσικη), though I suspect it was I that acted and it may have, at the most, but assisted me part of the way

Next Post 161

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
24th June, 2018
- posted on Steemit 29th June, 2018

For those who wish to be notified of any sequels
If you wish to have your name added above, I would be honoured.


Amazing content....i love dat....keep it up...

καλησπέρα... πως είσαι;;;
με μπέρδεψε λίγο η Wendy... ζήλεψε;;;

Gia sou

Ohi, katholou. Oli i sizitisi gia to ean o Robert tha agapa tin Claudia gia panta, ksana fountose tous fovous tis Wendy. Thimase pou prospathise o Robert na mpi steis skepseis tis gian na mathei giati ponaei kai thimose i Dommi pavi tou. O idios fovos eitan.

I Wendy ksekinise tin zoi tis me to Robert kai tois alles (Cherine kai Dommi) meta apo polla hronia me ton patera tis pou tin vasanize - ta pio polla pou tis ekane ta esvisa apo to vivlio.

Nomizo einai fysiko to na fovatai oti to parelthon tis tha to skeftonte oi alloi kai tha arhisoun na tin sihainonte. Gia afto pistevei oti o Robert that tin varethi kai tha stamatisi na tin agapaei.

εχεις δικιο... Πολύ σωστός...
είσαι καλύτερα με τος ζαλάδες;;

Den nomizo oti tha allaksi pros to kalitero. Aisthanome san na ehei ginei monimo lelos tis zois mou.

O pateras sou einai kala tora?

Καλημέρα ναι.. μια χαρα είναι παίρνει ακόμα φάρμακα και θα παίρνει για κανα μήνα ακόμα...
μακάρι να είναι υπεραστικές οι ζαλάδες...

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