LiTTLE CHERiNE Book 01 - post159

in #sfandf-fiction6 years ago (edited)
She laughed at me. “I felt how many times you made love with the others. You are not just any man.”
“I am my love. I am just lucky that I have the healer to help me.”

Previous Post 158


This evening with Claudia was a little weird for me. It was as if we had forever and she liked to talk, ask questions and discuss everything. I could feel the arousal within her, but she seemed to have an understanding that letting us take our time would only build up the ultimate pleasure. Surely that kind of maturity only belongs to an older woman? I had to ask.

“Have you ever played with a boy this way?”

“No. Of course not. I saw what happened to Britta, I heard her crying at night. I thought it was going to be something very ugly and nasty. Anyway, no boys tried to touch me this way. Only one tried to kiss me once, but I told him he was disgusting.”

I chuckled, with my memories as a teen providing the empathy. “The poor guy, you must have shattered his ego.”

“You think so? Well, I suppose so, but I did not like him. He had horrible zits (σπυράκια) he kept picking at and he also smelt bad. I don’t think he ever brushed his teeth.”

“You sure have been unlucky in the males who wanted you.”

Her eyes actually crossed for a second as she pulled a face, but I could sense the grin inside her. “No, I think maybe your protector made sure I stayed…just for you.”

“No love, that I would never allow. You will always be free to make your own decisions.”

She tilted her head and stared at me, hiding her internal smile. “Do the others believe you when you say things like this? You first lock me in a cage until I do not want to ever leave and then you say I am free.”

“For an eleven year old girl you are exceedingly cynical.”

“Cynical? Maybe, but I think, less than I ever was before. At least now I believe in love.”

“Damn, but that was the loveliest thing you could have said.”

“I think you have talked enough. Are you going to take my virginity or not?”

“Oh, much later. Let’s see, it is nearly midnight. It will probably happen at about four o’clock.”

“Another four hours!”

“No. I was talking about four tomorrow afternoon.”

She pretended to think about it, but there were little sparkles of laughter in her eyes as she answered, “As long as we don’t spend the time till then just talking.”

“Claudia, you are one huge mess of contradictions. You can be so practical at times that you come across as hard. You are also cynical and yet, of all my loves, you are the most fun filled girl. You bring a joy to them and me that I do not experience often.”

I lay down next to her and she half climbed over me, placing her head on my chest. “You know why I can relax with you when you are about to take my virginity?”

“I have a feeling I’m not going to like the answer.”

“It is because I feel you do not want it. The boys at school, even the men, they boast about it, they are proud when they take a girl’s virginity, as if they won some kind of contest - which means the girl must have lost. With you I feel it is as if you want it, but also regret it.”

“Just what is your IQ? Did they test you at school?”

“About 142 I think, but those tests are silly.”

“For someone very intelligent it must feel like a normal human would feel if a chimp had designed the test. So, you are almost a genius!”

“I have acted so stupid since I met you, I think the test must have been wrong.” She lifted herself, straddling me as she sat on my chest. She began to play with my hair and just as the feelings she evoked relaxed me, the tips of her fingers ran over and into my ears. “Robbie, are the girls with us?”

“Yes they are. I’m sorry, I presumed you felt them, do you want them to leave?”


“What for? They are being very...what is the word?”

“Discreet?” She nodded and her fingers ran over my neck, the collarbones and onto my chest. She moved herself till she was sitting on my stomach and her fingers carried on their exploration. I usually try to avoid this as I get very ticklish, but she kept the pressure firm enough to avoid that. She pinched my nipples, wet her fingers with saliva and ran little rings around them, tweaking them a bit now and then.

“Robbie, you must tell me what to do. I do not know what you would like.”

“You’ve been doing a very good job up to now. As a rule, whatever you would find a pleasure so would I. Our pleasure spots are mostly in the same area.”

“I know the word for that, our erogenous zones.”

As she stuck her little finger into my belly button, she pulled herself a little backwards and exclaimed.

“Look, I made you wet!” She ran her finger in circles through the dampness. “It is slippery. It would be nice if I had enough to make you slippery from head to toes. Then I could slide my body all over yours.”

“I can turn you into a slug if you want. A pretty golden slug (γυμνοσάλιαγκας).”

“No, you be the slug.”

“Uh-huh, not a chance. I’ve made myself look silly for the girls too often, I don’t need to give them anything more to laugh at.”

“You don’t want to look silly even once for me?”

“I’ll make myself look silly for you a few thousand times and you will make me look silly many a thousand times more over our lifetime, but not today love - if I can avoid it.” I looked around. “I missed something just then.”


“I am so used to Cherine grabbing at opportunities of that sort. She normally would have piped up with the answer, ‘you can’t avoid it’, or something of that sort.”

She nodded. “I like her. She is more clever than me, but never tries to show it. Only with you she shows how clever she is. That memory picture I saw of Wendy in Cherine, her bum, do you also do that?”

“Claudia, Wendy is also listening in!” The dismay I felt at her words were washed away by a giggle from Wendy and her reassurance that it is okay. She said they are all fascinated, they have never seen me seduce a virgin this way before and want to know if I am intending to take her virginity with words; she asked if this is this what they mean when they say that the ‘pen-is’ mightier than the sword.

“I heard that Wendy. You must wait. I want to give my virginity with happiness, to feel how much he loves me, not just the passion.”

“Is that what you are doing love?”

“What did you think? You thought I was talking because I am afraid? Robbie, I promise you, I will never be afraid of you, ever. Even if you want to make a hole like that in my bummy too.”

“Do not ever say that!! I would never do that! I only take and give with love and never would hurt any of you.”

She giggled, “I know. Just testing the waters Robbie.”

Next Post 160

For those readers who have not understood, when they speak using telepathy, what they say is enclosed within stars, and the thoughts exchanged are in italic.
e.g *Hi, I bet you are wishing you could read thoughts.*?

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love. Yes, most of all, always of empathy and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
23rd June, 2018
* posted on Steemit 23rd June, 2018

For those who wish to be notified of any sequels
If you wish to have your name added, I would be honoured.


A Note To The Reader:

I am spending more time on exploring and learning about Claudia, for she is turning into a more complicated person than we normally think of girls as being. She also ends up provoking Robert into doing something entirely out of character, but it also opens a new 'gift' in him.

kalımera... molis to diavasa!
poy xathikes? ola kala?
ontos i Claudia einai diskolos anthropos... mexri ki emena me diskolepse.. eixa poles agnostes leksies... :)

Nomiza oti eiha valei tois dyskoles leksis sta Ellinika....

To revma esvise tin Kyriaki mesimeri kai to ksanavalane symera. To spiti ehei ασφάλεια ηλεκτρική, alla ehoume kai ena ekso -poli psila, ekai pou einai to fos gia to dromo, eiparhi kai alli ασφάλεια ηλεκτρική. Ekeino epese kai peiran 2 meres gia na erthoun na to ksanavaloun sti thesi tou.

Se ligo tha pao gia ypno, ehtes to vradi den koimithika katholou...piga sto grafeio tou filou mou, alla, gia kapoio logo den mporesa na mpo sto internet kai den eiha stroma na ksaploso....

Ta poume avrio

ok.. kalo bradi

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